I actually became a god eater

Chapter 247: Cheng Yaojin

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Under Li Feng's calm command and the cooperation of everyone, the fragile coordination of the two teams has gradually become firmer.

Although he still complained about Li Feng's commanding attitude of "following offense" from time to time, from the action point of view, Ding Ning was still very willing to obey the command of this junior in the case of defeating the gods.

Even Ding Ning, who doesn't like to follow instructions on weekdays, would not resist Li Feng's instructions, and Xiao Wu and Nangong Xueyan would naturally not do anything against Li Feng's instructions.

For a while, with the cooperation of Ding Ning and the three of them, Li Feng and the others restricted Suan's activities to the not-so-large area in the square.

Although sometimes Sui will jump out of the encirclement and try to attack Lu Erxi or Zhongyuan Ying who are providing remote support.

But every time Suan did this, there would always be a person who quickly approached Suan so that it had to choose to avoid the attack and give up raiding both of them.

As the battle continued, Suan became more and more passive, and the entire combination of Li Feng's tactics and the almost flawless combination of the people brought them into the rhythm of the God Eaters.

"Sister Ning, this guy wants to attack Sister Xue Yan!"

Just when Sui Su used the oracle bomb to force Li Feng, who had been holding him back, based on its preparations, Li Feng accurately judged its intention: "Sister Xueyan, take the distance! You are at it. Within the scope of the bite!"

"I got it!"

As soon as Li Feng’s reminder came out, Ding Ning quickly stepped forward to block the position between Suan and Nangong Xueyan, and at the same time the left hand glove also became a long-range form: "This bastard dared to jump up, and the old lady would blow it up. Belly!"

"We.... I know."

After being reminded, Nangong Xueyan, as the second medical soldier, quickly moved away and switched to the mace form to make a defensive action in front of him: "We... won't give it a chance!"

Seeing that someone had predicted his actions and made preparations, Suan gave up the idea of ​​jumping on Nangong Xueyan. Under the intense firepower, it jumped quickly while avoiding the attack and shifted its position.

After beating several times in a row, Sudden's eyes suddenly glowed, as if he had noticed something.

"Sister Wu, it may want to break through from your side!"

However, this tiny movement still did not escape the eyes of the nearest Li Feng: "Pay attention to its jumping! Sakura, predict its leap forward route and landing point, and prepare to say hello!"

"I understand!"

Hearing Li Feng's reminder, Xiao Wu hurriedly gave up what he had originally wanted to do to fight , and then stepped back and left Su's side to switch the long stick into a sniper rifle form: "Give me a chance to open it!"

"Got it!"

After Li Feng's reminder arrived, Zhongyuan Ying immediately stared at Suan's movements with her eyes, and the radiation gun in her hand was also pointed in the direction Suan's face: "As long as it jumps up, I won't give it good fruit! "

Seeing that his intention was seen through again, the light in Suan's eyes weakened again.

After hesitating for a while against the attack, Suan bent his four legs, seeming to want to do something.

"It's now! Xiao Yu, Lao Lu!"

However, Suan hadn't made any moves yet, and Li Feng's instructions once again issued: "Tap behind him!"

Without waiting for Su to make any response, the bursts of pain from behind it made it utter an angry roar.

It turned out that since just now, Lu Erxi and Tang Yu have maintained a state of not attacking much according to Li Feng's instructions.

When Suan relaxed his vigilance after attacking, Tang Yu and Lu Erxi, who were instructed by Li Feng, launched a surprise attack behind Suan.

Not to mention, this trick is really useful!

Because Suan's intention was seen through twice in a row and prepared in advance, Suan did indeed relax his vigilance against the two guys behind him who hardly attacked him.

That is to say, this time slackened, Tang Yu made a very deep cut in the joints of the two hind legs with the big axe in his hand.

If it was just those two holes that caused Suan's pain, then the oracle bullet that Lu Erxi hit at its huge butt would be the icing on the cake!

Under this double attack, Suan roared and wanted to jump away, but the injured legs did not move, but instead let it sit on the ground temporarily unable to move.

All this seemed to be within Li Feng's expectation.

"It's now, Sister Ning!"

While Susu was struggling to stand up, Li Feng, who had already rushed to Susu's left front leg, shouted to Ding Ning on the other side: "Tack on its right front leg! Try to weaken its mobility!"

"Do you still need to say it?"

In fact, even if Li Feng didn't say anything, seeing Suan's flaws, Ding Ning had already determined Li Feng's movements and rushed to Suan's right front leg: "My mother has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

At almost the same time, before Su Su could struggle to get up, the axe blade in Li Feng's hand and Ding Ning's glove were both firmly hit on its two front legs!


With the hit of the attack, Suan immediately raised his eyes to the sky and let out a painful roar.

After the roar, Suan, who was injured in his limbs and lost too much oracle cells, fell to the ground with a "boom".

"That's it!"

While Sui fell to the ground revealing the flaws that could not fight back, Li Feng quickly stopped the power he had cast on the divine machine, and then leaped high on the suspicious front paws in front of him, with the divine axe in his hand. The blade form is also emitting a deafening roar: "Solve you before you are violent!"

"Go with peace of mind!"

On the opposite side of Li Feng, Ding Ning had also jumped up, the glove of his left hand aimed at the top of Suan's head, and he shouted almost the same lines as Li Feng: "You can find King Yan for me! "

However, just as the two of them almost succeeded, there was a sudden violent cracking sound in their ears.

Before Li Feng and Ding Ning could react, they slammed into the two of them without knowing what, knocking them out several meters at the same time.

Without waiting for other people to respond to this sudden situation, almost at the same time, a powerful force suddenly hit everyone, and everyone on the scene was beaten up several meters like Li Feng and others.

"Oh, it turns out that it's you guys who don't know good or bad?"

As soon as everyone fell to the ground, a familiar and hateful voice rang: "I also said what kind of guy with no eyesight is actually besieging my pet!"

Hearing this hateful voice, Li Feng, who had just been knocked into the air, quickly got up from the ground and held their magical machine to focus their attention on the suddenly killed Cheng Yaojin--Lelena’s. Body.

"Ouch, it's pathetic."

Despite being stared at by the angry eyes of the seven people, Lelena walked slowly to the side of Suan who fell on the ground immobile like a okay person, stretched out her hand to stroke Suan's head, and asked softly. It: "Is it painful?"

Although Suan's eyes were closed and unable to move at this time, she still heard Lelena's voice.


After answering with two heavy gasps, Suan slowly opened its golden eyes and looked at Lelena, who was stroking her cheeks with pity, with pleading eyes.

"These people are too cruel to you."

After Lelena saw the sly eyes, she looked up at the hurt stubbornly with a heartache on her face: "These people actually hurt you like this! It's really unforgivable!"

When Gu Zi was talking to Su Yu, Lelena completely ignored Li Feng and the others who were staring at her.

"Fuck you X's!"

Maybe it's because of Lelena's ignorance of herself, maybe because of the old hatred before, Ding Ning was unable to suppress her anger at this time, raised her fist and rushed towards Lelena: "You bitch, how dare you Appear in front of my old lady!"

Before Li Feng could stop, Ding Ning came to a position less than ten meters beside Leilena at a very fast speed.

However, at the moment when Ding Ning’s gloves were about to hit Lelena, she only felt that a dark figure suddenly ran between her and Lelena, who didn’t know where, and then her sight was covered by more than ten black lines. Occupied by sharp tentacles.


As expected of Ding Ning, in the face of this sudden attack, she quickly retracted her fist and put her hands in front of her.

Ding Ning was knocked out by the attack several meters away after hearing only a few impacts.

Fortunately, Ding Ning reacted fast enough, these tentacles just hit her shield-opening gloves, and did not cause any real harm to her.

Despite this, Ding Ning's feet stopped on the ground still made two scratches several meters long on the ground because of the impact.

"Asshole! Who is it?"

After stabilizing his body, Ding Ning put away the shield and spread his arms and scolded: "Which bastard dare to stop the old lady?"

To Ding Ning's scolding, the "person" who was suddenly killed did not answer, but opened more than ten black long tentacles and a pair of bone wings to block Ding Ning's front.

It was after such a pause that Li Feng and the others could see who the guy suddenly killed!

It turned out that this "human" who suddenly rushed out from the side was another human-shaped desolate god who had been struggling to find a trace in the Southern Region!

At this time, she was wearing a set of tattered and already blackened clothes, and opened her arms between Lelena and Ding Ning.

As Ding Ning and her movements stopped, a pungent fishy smell also spread to Ding Ning's nasal cavity.

"This guy, it doesn't look good to deal with."

After smelling the stench, Ding Ning's expression distorted by anger became cold and serious: "This stench is bloody. It seems that the color of her torn clothes is not black, but blackened. Blood stained!"

After realizing the smell of blood on the opponent's body, Ding Ning hurriedly stepped back and kept a certain distance from the opponent in a posture of war.

Seeing Ding Ning retreat, Li Feng and the others hurriedly came to Ding Ning with their own magic, their eyes were all staring at the desolate girl in front of them.

"Oh, it turned out that you, a rude wild woman, did it."

After the Desolate Girl appeared and blocked Ding Ning, Leilina said while helping Suan to heal her: "I'll just say, who is so capable of hurting this child."

"Lelena! You dead bitch!"

Seeing Lelena's words, Ding Ning turned his attention to her again: "What do you want to do, this stinky girl?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Leilina helped Suan's treatment with one hand, and turned her body sideways to face everyone with a smirk: "Can't you see? I'm treating my pet!"

"How can you succeed!"

After seeing the shining golden light in Leilina's hand, Ding Ning rushed to her again with an anger: "The old lady has finally beaten the disabled guy, how can you be cured!"

However, Ding Ning had not been able to run a few steps yet, and the attack from the Desolate God girl once again forced Ding Ning back.

After pushing back Ding Ning, the Desolate God girl flapped her bone wings and rushed to the front of Li's cover, waved her hand with sharp nails and caught Li Feng's facade.

Although the movement of the Desolate God Girl was very fast, Li Feng still reacted.

I saw that Li Feng quickly relied on the steps to open the distance and easily escaped her attack.

After being attacked by Li Feng, the Desolate God Girl obviously didn't intend to give up so much. She immediately stared at Zhongyuan Sakura, the nearest to Li Feng, and swung her claws towards her.

In order to avoid the attack of the desolate god girl, Zhongyuan Sakura had to step back.

In this way, under the successive attacks of the Desolate God Girl, Li Feng and the others were forced to retreat to an area about 20 meters away from Suan.

After pushing everyone back, the Desolate God Girl did not continue to attack, but she still kept the posture of spreading her bone wings and waving her tentacles, staring at everyone in front of her with murderous eyes.

"If you want to kill them, kill them."

Just as the Desolate God girl was confronting the crowd, Lelena, who was helping Suan, turned her head and glanced at the Desolate God girl, and then said something frightening: "If you want, dig out their hearts and eat them. Anyway."

Although Lelena was so clear, the Desolate God Girl did not take any action. She just opened her mouth in a threatening posture, revealing two sharp tiger teeth threatening everyone.

"Huh? Why didn't you act?"

Maybe it was because she didn't hear the sound of the fight, Lelena asked without looking back: "What's the matter? Are you hungry? Or do you think these guys are unpalatable?"

Perhaps because of her inability to speak, the Desolate God girl still did not speak.

After making a hoarse roar at the crowd, she actually put away her open bone wings and tentacles, turned her back to the crowd and walked back to Lelena.

"Huh? You don't want to fight them?"

I don't know how Lelena knew. When the Desolate God girl walked to her side, she looked at her with suspicious eyes and asked: "Why? Don't you like killing very much?"

Although Lelena's words made Li Feng and the others heard clearly, Li Feng and the others did not hear any sound from the Desolate God Girl.

"Hmm... So that's how it is."

Still didn't hear the Desolate God girl speaking, but Lelena looked at the crowd with a thoughtful expression: "Since this is the case, then I won't force you. If you don't want to, let it go."

And when Lelena was talking, she staggered to her feet, which had already been treated initially.

"Good luck for you today, my pet is not dead."

After Suan stood up, Lelena leaped up to Susu's neck, and rode Susu with her fingers to Li Feng and the others: "Moreover, I have something to do, I can't waste time with you! So, today I Let you go first!"

After saying this, Lelena gently clamped Suan's neck with her legs, and Suan turned around like a well-trained horse.

"Do you want to escape?"

Seeing Lelena and Suan's movements, Ding Ning instinctively wanted to rush forward: "Stop for my mother!"

However, before Ding Ning opened his legs, Li Feng grabbed her shoulder and stopped her impulsive behavior.

It was Li Feng's catch, Ding Ning stopped her footsteps.

In fact, even if Li Feng did not stop Ding Ning, after noticing the red eyes of the Desolate God Girl, Ding Ning did not dare to rush forward to stop Lelena easily.

"If you guys want to fight my pet that way, then I'll make arrangements."

After glancing at Ding Ning with a contemptuous look, Lelena turned and left while riding Suan, and said: "In three days, Suan will appear outside the oracle forest, and take the desolate group to attack your last satellite. stronghold."

Having said that, Lelena suddenly patted her stubborn head to stop it.

"Remember, after three days. And she will go too!"

Lelena turned around and looked at the crowd, with a mocking expression pointing to the Desolate God girl who was still standing there and glaring at the crowd: "If you are not afraid of death, stop us in three days."

After dropping these words, Lelena let out a harsh laugh and rode Suan to the distance.

After Lelena walked away, the desolate girl let out a roar at the crowd and then turned and chased after her...

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