I actually became a god eater

Chapter 248 Extra Story: Shadow

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Shadow, in terms of optical phenomena, is a darker area formed by objects that block the propagation of light and cannot pass through opaque objects.

However, it can also be regarded as a black strange thing that can be seen but not touched.

In the army, there are also troops called shadows.

If the soldiers standing at the border, wearing military uniforms and holding steel guns to defend the country are the shield of light standing in front of the people.

Then the shadow is a dark shield that abandons all light and voluntarily lives in the darkness to protect the country and people.

Shadows never reveal their identities, and even their existence is almost unknown in the entire country.

They act secretively, come and go, and work exclusively in the dark.

They will always be on the front line for anything that threatens national security and people's lives.

In order to protect the country and the people, the shadow does not care about his own personal life or death.

As a shadow, in addition to having unparalleled loyalty to the country and the people, the most important thing is to abandon all honor!

Abandoning honor is simple to say, but how many people can do it?

Abandoning honor and loyalty is only one of the conditions for becoming a shadow.

The most important thing is to become the shadow, you must become the elite among the elite, the strongest among the strong!

Because of this, the number of shadows has been very scarce.

Despite this, the shadows are all worthy of one hundred, against the mighty powerful!

As a shadow, every action must be strictly confidential.

Even if the action ends, there is no clue that can point to his own existence.

Therefore, as a powerful and mysterious force, the Shadow has always been active on the front line of defending the country.

The protagonist of our work, Li Feng, was once a soldier who served in the "Ghost Wolf" squad of this unit.

That night, in a virgin forest in the southern part of the motherland.

Darkness enveloped the entire forest. Except for the animal chirping from time to time, only the sound of the breeze blowing between the branches was left in the forest.

"Grina, is the information accurate?"

In a hidden area deep in the dense forest, in a headquarters covered with a lot of camouflage, a burly man asked the blond woman next to him: "Wolf King, did they reply?"

"No, Colonel."

Greena took off the earphones and shook her head helplessly: "The Lion King, the Tiger King, and the Leopard King did not find the monkey invading troops."

"Te mother, these guys won't be persuaded anymore?"

The colonel slammed a fist on the pillar in front of him angrily: "Or, what did the monkey find out, and then gave up the action?"

"I am afraid of our existence."

In the face of the colonel’s anger, Greena tilted her head with her cute smile: “Although we act cautiously, our existence is already known to the outside world. Isn’t it true?”

"Hey, that's why I said I hate those shit clerical idiots."

Hearing these words from Greena, the colonel showed a disdainful expression to his side and "spit": "This group of idiots is easy to do or not, and they have to expose our existence. Well now, knowing that we exist, it is difficult to act. That's a lot."

"This is also good."

Greena closed her eyes and shook her head: "Because of knowing our existence, those sneaky fools also dare not continue to behave because of our reputation?"

"Hmph, it really made us less busy to some extent."

Perhaps he was persuaded by Greena, the colonel waved his hand, and then looked in one direction: "Ambush area or something, have they all set up the Wolf King? Don't let the monkeys go around in the end!"

"Relax, Colonel."

Greena smiled confidently and looked in the same direction: "Our Lord Wolf King has all led the team personally. Is there any prey that can escape?"

When Greena was talking with the colonel, in the direction they were looking at, there was a sniper position in the dense forest that did not know when.

In the two sniper positions in the position, apart from a sniper and an observer in the secondary sniper position, there are no snipers and observers in the main sniper position.

On the contrary, two people wearing camouflage metal exoskeletons are sitting at the back of the position.

As a breeze blew by, and after carefully recognizing the sound, one of them took off his helmet with a visor and placed it next to him, then grabbed a piece of chocolate from the side.

While tearing open the chocolate packaging, the man pulled off his headgear.

"I said Doctor."

After biting off a piece of chocolate, the man handed him another unopened piece of chocolate: "Are you hungry? Do you want chocolate?"

"Thank you."

The man called the doctor took the chocolate, and after thanking him, he also took off his helmet: "Wh, I have spent several days in this dense forest where the birds don’t shit. Those boring monkeys to the end Is it coming yet? Hey, ghost."

"Who he X knows."

The man called the ghost was lying on the secondary sniper position. While looking into the distance with the telescope in his hand, he said in an uncomfortable tone: "These monkeys are never on time. According to the boss, they have never been on time. . Now, explosives."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we just need to do our own thing."

The man called dynamite looked at the sight of the sniper rifle intently, and he kept moving the muzzle to find the target: "Fuck, Terminator. Just eat your mother, can you turn off the wheat and eat it again? It's so noisy!"

"Sorry, sorry."

The man called the Terminator lowered his voice while he was eating while apologizing: "Speaking of doctor, why don't you help the boss be an observer?"

"Be an observer of your mother."

The doctor pointed chocolate at the empty main sniper position: "Do you think the old man is lying in that ghost place?"

"Huh? Where's the boss? Why did he leave without authorization?"

Under the guidance of the doctor, the Terminator discovered that although the sniper rifle in the main sniper position was lying quietly, the sniper was missing: "Fuck, boss won't..."

"The addiction is committed."

Before the Terminator could say his thoughts, the doctor raised his left hand and stretched out his fingers to make a smoking gesture: "He's hiding in the mouse hole and getting a good shot!"

"This uneasy boss."

After seeing the doctor's movements through the starlight in the dark, the Terminator couldn't help but laughed out: "He can't bear it anymore? What if the monkey just passes by and smells the smell?"

"Speak down your special mother!"

Before the doctor could answer, the angry voice of Dynamite came through the earphones: "Laughing at your sister? Your laughter had alarmed them before the monkeys could smell it! Fool!"

Reprimanded by explosives, the Terminator hurriedly covered his mouth and cast a look at the doctor beside him.

After noticing the Terminator's eyes, the doctor showed him a smirking smile and then changed his posture, lowered his body towards the main sniper position and crawled over.

"There is a situation!"

Before the doctor climbed to the main sniper position, a low-voiced dynamite voice came from the headset: "At one o'clock, it seems that someone is moving!"


Hearing the explosive alarm, the doctor hurriedly climbed to his position and picked up the telescope placed on the ground to observe carefully at one o'clock: "Terminator, call the boss! Hurry up!"

Under the instructions of the doctor, the Terminator hurriedly stuffed the unfinished chocolate into his arms, then quickly crawled out of the evacuation port behind the position, and then crawled toward the back of the position at an extremely fast speed.

Within a few seconds, the Terminator climbed to a hole that sloped downward.

"Boss, there is a situation!"

After climbing to the entrance of the cave, the Terminator cautiously looked around with the assault rifle in his hand, and whispered into the cave: "Dynamite said someone was moving."

"I know."

As soon as the Terminator’s words were shouted, a man who was wrapped in an exoskeleton, holding the same helmet as the Terminator in his hand, and covering his entire face with a headgear, appeared near the entrance of the cave: "Are they the monkeys?"

"I don't know, boss."

When the man walked out of the hole slowly, the Terminator pointed in the direction of the position and said, "Boss, you should go and take a look."


After nodding to the Terminator, the man put his helmet back on, then bent down: "Go, go back to the battlefield!"

After crawling back to the position with the Terminator, the man gave the Terminator a word, and then quickly came to the main sniper position to re-set up the sniper rifle.

"Boss, it's a monkey."

The man had just set up his sniper rifle, and the doctor beside him said without looking back: "At two o'clock, at a distance of one thousand three o'clock, he is slowly advancing towards three o'clock while alerting."

"How about the quantity?"

The man adjusted the scope on the sniper rifle, then quickly pulled the bolt to load the bullet: "Have you notified other ambush points?"

"The number is about thirty. The other ambush points have been notified."

Before the doctor had time to answer, the ghost on the other side as an observer spoke first: "They have semi-automatic weapons and a grenade hanging from their waists, but no exoskeleton is seen, just body armor and helmets."

"It doesn't seem to be the regular army of monkeys."

After determining the location of those people through the scope, the man asked while looking for something, "Where is the one in the intelligence? Did you find it?"


This time, the doctor, dynamite, and the ghost said in unison almost at the same time: "No matter what they have on their hands or on their bodies, they didn't find anything in the shape of a jar. Nor did they find that they had enough backpacks to hold the jar."

"Strange, it shouldn't be."

Hearing this answer, the man frowned: "Is there a mistake in the intelligence? Why is there not?"

"Could it be carried by the human body?"

While the man was thinking about it alone, Grinn's voice came from the headset: "That kind of thing doesn't need a special container. As long as the human body carries it, it's fine."

"Grina, this is a bit too much!"

Hearing Grianna's voice, the man gave a wry smile: "Why are you still free to listen to the conversation between us?"

"Who overheard? Haven't you been connected to the communication network?"

Greena’s voice sounded as if she was pouting, and some strange noise came over: "Also! Not only yours, I can hear the communications of other groups very clearly, okay? Can you be more serious? ?"

"Who is the least serious one?"

Regarding Greena’s request for serious remarks, the man gave a helpless smile. The crosshair in the scope kept pointing to the target that was walking forward: “You can’t make your eating sound so weaker than the Terminator. ?"

"You can control it!"

It seems that because of being revealed, Greena's tone has improved a lot: "Well, you guys quickly figure out what is going on with these monkeys! The colonel said that no monkey is allowed to enter our country!"

"The colonel seems to be very sick!"

Hearing the command of the colonel, the man not only didn't answer "received", but mocked disdainfully: "How can we recycle that stuff if the group of silly monkeys are done in their country? At least we can't get the sample, okay?

"Then let them in and clean up."

This time, Greena seemed to give up on herself. She deliberately increased her eating voice: "Anyway, I'm just a clerk and don't understand this. You can figure it out. The colonel is not here anyway."

"I see, we will deal with it depending on the situation."

The man smiled helplessly, and pointed the muzzle in his hand at the opponent who was about to step into this country: "This is the wolf king, pay attention! The monkeys are about to enter our country! Don't shoot! Repeat it, don't shoot!"

Following the man's order, a reply of "received" soon came from the headset.

Although on this side, under the instructions of the Wolf King, there are a lot of shadows ambushing near the border, but the enemies who are about to sneak into the border seem to be completely unaware.

But out of caution, the group of people stopped before entering the border, and quickly dispersed among the grasses on the border, seeming to be waiting for something.

"Lock the monkeys individually."

Seeing the enemies scattered and hidden, the man pointed his muzzle at a guy hiding behind a tree: "Remember, no one can attack without my order! Let the monkey come in a little bit!"

In the dark and silent forest, the enemy who intended to sneak into the border seemed to be waiting for something, but refused to cross the thunder pond for half a step.

And because they did not cross the border, the man never gave instructions to attack.

In this way, the tense atmosphere has been maintained in the forest.

After waiting for a while, the man knew what the enemy was waiting for.

It turned out that in the forest not far away, several beams of light emitted from a strong flashlight were shining continuously under the shelter of the tree canopy.

"It turned out to be the Border Patrol!"

After seeing the light of the flashlight, the man finally figured out the enemy's intention: "It seems that they are planning to wait for the Border Patrol to pass by before crossing the border!"

But the man had just finished talking to himself when a terrible thought flashed in his mind.

"Wait, the patrol time of the Border Patrol should be strictly confidential!"

After the thought flashed, the man screamed in his mind: "They can actually master the patrol time? Is it possible..."

Thinking of this, the man frowned again.

But the situation in front of him did not give the man more time to think.

As the flashlights of the Border Patrol moved further and further away from the locations where the enemies were lurking, the guys hiding in the dark walked out of the bunker and gathered again.

"Brothers, the monkey is coming in!"

After noticing this change, the man once again raised his gun and aimed at the enemy: "Remember, I don't want to fire without an order!"

In the forest at night, the bright moonlight and the stars are scattered on the tree canopy and grass.

All this was originally so peaceful and beautiful.

But when the group of enemies crosses the border, this tranquility will be completely shattered...

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