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After receiving the task for a day, Li Feng and Zhongyuan cherry have launched a one-week wild hunting with Ethalon.

Although this week's hunting can return to the division in the evening, it must perform the task at other times, but because of the forgotten waste, it is not high, so it is difficult to perform difficulty or low.

When the task is executed, some places really have the same as Li Feng expect.

The so-called forgotten abolition will take the battle, in fact, it is a magnificent!

In this week, don't say that there is a generalized general soldier, and even the carrier is basically not left in the South Division!

However, it is sure!

That is in this week, the southern part of the South Division is in addition to the need to stay behind the part of the division, and other teams are crazy to hunt in the southern domain.

Not only that, even in the southern domain division is not as usual.

Because each of the orders received by the gods are different, the smoke bomb is also excellent.

Under the role of these smoke bombs, a large number of refugees and Erka have collusion, and they have exposed and arrested.

After a week of treatment, the internal response of Erika in the South Division is basically handled clean, even if there is a small part, they are hard to pick up anything.

On the last day of the task, Li Feng did they learned that the original Li Bo has been burnned before the contact of Qinli believers, is that Qinli believers are intended to launch a terrorist attack in the South Division. data!

According to the information, support ministers and Li Ye who brought back by Li Bo, the decision to publish a lot of fictional tasks to all the teams to interfere with Erika sight.

And after this week of interference, another exciting news also came.

"Yesterday, everyone a week of smoke bomb operations have been over."

In the command room, in addition to the second forces and reconnaissance teams, all the gods sat in the ladder seat listening to Li Wei's speech: "By these huge smoke bombs, we have basically put in the South Division The locust cleaned us! "

With the export of Li Wei, almost everyone sent a happy laughter, some people still discuss it.

"But, the threat to our threat has not been ended!"

After tapping the podium, let everyone quietly, Li Wei clearly said: "Erica and Relina and their claws are still moving in the dark, ready to give us a fatal blow!"

I heard Li Yuli said this sentence, the crowd that I just filled with excitement was quiet, and the entire command room was also filled with an uncomfortable atmosphere.

"However, the fight is not just that smoke bombs are so simple!"

At the same time, Li Wei Liu Shiqian waved softly, a huge electronic map appeared on the big screen: "Thank you, we have finally locked the place where Ai Ruka hide!"

Li Yun said that a big red mark appeared on the map.

Looking at that tag, everyone exposed a surprised look.

It turns out that the position of the mark is not a deep mountain forest, but it is in the center of forgotten!

But everyone refused to think that because the forgotten abuse is a large area and is relatively strong, so it has been forbidden to investigate and hunting.

Because I don't have any painful or any survivors will approach this area, I can say that Iryka hide in this area can say that it is hard to discover!

It's just that everything is exception!

In this week, because other teams have taken almost crazy hunting for the wilderness inside and outside the forgotten waste, therefore, the wilderness of the disadvantage is also reduced.

Taking advantage of the wilderness of the center, the courageous reconnaissance team can be investigated in the area without alarming anyone.

Original reconnaissance team is intended to focus on the quantity and population division of the center of the center.

But I don't want to, the reconnaissance team actually hits the scene of the poor and .

Because these two rupthen spirits belong to the same kind, theoretically, they will not be a group, but they are living alone.

However, this time, the poor and actually appeared in the range of mutual field of view, this has to surprise the reconnaissance team.

Make the reconnaissance team, I am afraid it is to find each other, but I don't have the competition of the wild, but I have a left side of the big hole to the ground. !

From these two abnormal behaviors, it is mentioned that Le Lyna said that Le Lyna said that he said to his love pet, so the reconnaissance team judged that this big hole to underground is probably hidden with something. .

I have not worried about people, after two days, the reconnaissance team saw Relina from the hole, then riding, after a while, and then came back and walked into the scene.

After mastering this situation, the rest of the reconnaissance team has not left the investigation point.

After squatting, the reconnaissance team determined that Lisina and Ai Ruka's whereabouts, this is completely reported.

"Although we have not proved the situation of underground space."

After the surprises of everyone passed a little over, Li Wei will continue to say: "But it is almost certain, the underground of this position is the place where Erika hides!"

"Great! I finally caught her fox tail!"

"Ha, we will finally go to attack!"

I heard Li Wei's summary, the sacred people have opened: "If you are so passive, we are tired!"

"Since I explore the hiding of Irika, then we can't continue to let her go!"

Another time I showed that after the quiet, Li Wei turned his head to stand the head of the standing behind him: "Now, please ask the Minister to announce the next battle policy!"

"Thank you, Li Yushang."

After retreating from the head before the headquarters, Li Wei went to the head of the head. He said: "Everyone, I know that you have been passively defending very sad since this time. However, now we have mastered the key to counterattack. ! "

Speaking here, the branch is emotionally accused of displaying the red logo on the big screen: "Here! It is the source of the southern division threat! Just annihilate the enemy here, we can ensure that the Southern Division is not short-term Will encounter the same huge threat or even crisis! "

"Before announcement, I still have something to apologize."

After the end of the way of retreating, the branch heads exposed the difficult look, hesitated several times to open again: "Although there is no relationship with the battle. But before fighting, I still have a good time."

I heard that the Minister has something to hit everyone, everyone exposed the surprised expression to start the small emotion.

"In fact, some people will know."

After that everyone is quiet, the support of the Minister has smiled and said something surprisingly: "Ai Ruka and me, once a pair of lovers!"

This matter is said by the minister, and everyone is surprised, and the extent is completely unspeakable to hear the people's wildness!

"That is all about the things before I know my wife."

The reactions of everyone were completely expected, and the support of the Minister smiled: "But I can guarantee that since breaking up, I really have no relationship with her, no matter which aspect, we are completely disconnected. "

I heard that the head leader said these things, the surprised crowd did not respond, and the entire command room was almost no sound in addition to the breathing.

"So here, I hope everyone can trust me."

After a short silence, the support of the Minister was a difficult way: "Although this requirement is very much, everyone living in the South Division and the branch, I hope everyone can trust me as before."

Listening to the requirements of the forefront, although everyone came from shocking, they did not have a man's statement, but in the seat.

"Lao Li, this is the same as our information."

Taking everyone is talking about it, Luke's low voice is said to Li Feng: "What should I do now? We have to believe in the party or ....."

"What do you think?"

I didn't expect Li Han, but I asked Lu'erch: "Do you think that the head of the present is trustworthy?"

"Really, I don't know."

Lu Xi shook his head: "No matter if there is any contact, this is the word of the part of the minister. Even if he really contacts, he will not tell us truthfully?"

"That is!"

Lu Xi Xuedi just finished, Tang Yu has also opened: "If the support is really talking about the old woman, we will turn it again, isn't it just the ?"

In the face of the state of the two, Li Feng did not speak, but smiled toward them, then turned to see the Central Sakura sitting next to him.

"I feel that the minister believes."

After Li Han, Li Feng said, Zhongyuan Sakura smiled and said: "In my opinion, I am willing to believe in the support of the Minister."


Listening to Zhongyuan Sakura, I would like to believe in this kind of saying, Tang Yu and big eyes asked: "Sakura sister, are you crazy?"

"In fact, I also believe in the minister."

Zhongyuan Sakuo has not answered yet, Li Feng smiled and said: "Although there are many other possibilities, but now, I still choose to believe the party."

"Can you say the reason?"

Lu Xi first frowned, hesitated for a while, he asked Li Feng: "Lao Li, if you can't say something, I will not give it easy!"

In fact, Lu Xi and Tang Yu's reaction, Li Feng early is expected.

After laughing, Li Feng said slowly told two reasons.

After listening to Li Feng, Lu Xi and Tang Yu are low to silent, and it is obviously the words that Li Feng said.

"Lao Li you said."

After thinking about thinking, Luhu sighed: "Well, since you feel that the Minister can believe, then I believe you!"

After paid a while, Luhe came again to look at Li Feng: "I declare it first, I am not believed to believe, but I am trust in you!"

"Well, I also believe in the party."

After thinking about three, Tang Yu also made a statement: "I am like Lu Ji, not to believe in the minister, but choose to believe you."

After listening to the expressions of the two, Li Feng did not speak, but a little bit of a smiling two people.

After about ten minutes of private discussion, it is not only Li Feng, even other teams choose to believe in the minister.


If the minister is interested in concealing this matter, then he just keeps concealing.

After all, this time is too long. As long as the minister and the insider do not say, no one will know.

Even if Li Feng, I got the letter from Ai Ruka, but they only had not public, then there would be no too many people know this.

But on this bones, the support of the Minister said that he and Ai Ruka have said it is a lovers.

The intersection of the branch is willing to frank the courage of this black history, and he has got everyone's trust, let alone so many years, the minister has always made everyone respect.

After confirming that everyone continued to trust themselves, the support of the Minister first expressed apologies and gratitude, and then conveyed the plan of the entire attack Ai Ruka and the task of each forces to everyone.

"Hao, this is really a heroic and crazy plan!"

Listening to the forefront of the forefront, Li Bo smiled and pointed out the sign of the high screen.

"Is it an alone?"

Su Qingzhen looked at the big screen and shook his head: "The probability of success is very low. Even if it succeeds in evilting Ai Ruka and Relina, there is a lot of casualties."

"But there are a lot more than being attacked."

Liu Jian, who has been staring at the big screen, and then said: "If we continue to be so passive defense, it is difficult to ensure that it can be better than you will be better."

"And, this is directly gambling the fate of the entire humanity."

Liu Jian said just finished, Lin Ting took the words: "Once failed, it is not just the southern domain division, but even the entire human beings can be swallowed at the end of the end."

"But I like this dangerous battle."

When all people have finished, Li Bo will put a signless face, put a chewing gum into the mouth: "Anyway, this is going to play sooner or later, it is better to play late, isn't it?"

Listening to Li Bo said that Su Qingzhen, they all revealed that they would not talk.

After the discussion, no one announced that the entire combat will be discounted to the entire combat, and Li Wei announced that this is the same as the sound: "Now, please prepare to smash the ambition of Erica!"

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