I actually became a god eater

Chapter 283 Final Battle! (One)

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Ai Ruka is out of the battle before the start of the battle ....

Everyone is ready, everyone is very clear, this game can only win!

Once they fail, then the soon will come, not only the southern domain segment is destroyed once this kind of little thing, but the entire human beings will be completely swallowed by the end!

Because it is important, even Li Bo has lost his attitude towards the hippie smile in the past, and all the people around the surroundings will take the equipment around you.

That is, Li Feng has first seen the legendary reconnaissance team and mysterious second troops.

The reconnaissance team consists of three ages and Li Feng, and the three people have been practicing short hair, wearing a unified Finrier uniform.

Although they are young, and they are not very good at fighting with the wonders, their strength of the investigation is that the entire southern domain segment is inextristic.

On the place where the reconnaissance team is not far away, six grow almost the same, girls who have shaped shawl are checking their own gods and equipment to be carried.

Needless to say, these six people are definitely the second troops in rumors.

Although their age seems to be almost the same, from rumors, they seem to be a number of second gods.

"They are the second troops!"

Looking at the busy second troops from the distance, Luke couldn't help but lamented: "From their slender figure, there is a delicate appearance, completely seeing that they are also the god of the body."

"Do you want to take a look?"

I heard Lu Xi said that I was squatting on the side of Tang Yu, I didn't look at him. "Ask if they are single, what?"

"What do you say? Light rain."

Two sentences were pulled by Tang Yu, Lu Xi's face was red into a monkey butter: "I just think they are not as good as the gods in the War War?"

"But they are very like each other."

In fact, Tang Yu is just to adjust the tight atmosphere, see Lu Hao, she smiled slightly: "If they grow like this, will it be a six-cycle?"

"This is not what we should pay attention to."

Didn't wait for the Lu Xiqian, Li Feng took the face to interrupt the conversation between the two: "About the second troops, wait until the end of the matter, discuss it again. Now, we must focus on things in front of you."

Have Li Han interrupted the dialogue, Tang Yu and Lu Xi had to make a face of each other and continue to be busy.

One hour before the start of the battle ...

Although there is another time from the operation, in addition to the reconnaissance team of the left-behind South Division, everyone came to the front line of the periphery of the forgotten waste.

Because the war is approaching, everyone is serious or sitting or standing or walking, using various ways to eliminate their tension.

At this time, some of you have some Gege is that Li Feng in the camp tent.

After Li Feng came to this front line, he not only did not have the face of other people. It didn't think of the nervous emotions in the heart, but directly moved a chair to sit down to the tent. I didn't sleep!

"Central Plains, is he not sleeping last night?"

I saw Li Feng alone in the tent, Su Qingzhen worriedly asked Zhongyuan Sakura: "How did he fall asleep here? If it is too tired, is it to apply for him to go back to stay?"

"Don't worry, Qing Dynasty."

Although the Central Plains cherry does not understand why Li Feng is so, she still smiled and said: "The seal is in the event. Maybe, this is his unique relaxation method."

Listening to Zhongyuan Sakai, this is likely to be a unique way of Li Han, Su Qingzhen is frowning.

After careful thinking, Su Qingzhen took the shoulder of the Cao Planous cherry, and then turned to Li Bo.

For this behavior of Li Feng, don't say Su Qingyi and Li Bo, all people who see him are worried about him.

However, this time, Li Feng has appeared in the Temple of Weier Daddy.

"Hey, female nerve, are you there?"

Standing in the temple in the air, Li Hao said is a bit impatient: "If you hurry out! Time is urgent, you have to play hide and hide, you have time!"

"Come here! What shouting?"

Li Feng said, Wei Dandi came out of the temple as a side of the temple: "Today, the sun raises from the west? How do you take the initiative to come to me?"

"You should know what happened there?"

Looking at Wei Bud Tie did not panic, Li Feng has some angry: "When are you? Do you still run around?"

"What is it ran everywhere?"

Perhaps the attitude of Li Han did make Weier Dandi's anger. She smashed the drops on the hair after the hair: "The goddess is going to take a bath? The world looks? "

"Okay, I am looking for you not to quarrel with you."

Li Feng, who was swaying his hand, and then pointed to the gate of the temple: "We are about to start the final battle of the end of the end of the life, do you understand?"

"Oh, of course, I know."

Wei Budani exposed a part of the expression of the genus, gently wiped the water dripping on his own bare shoulders with a towel: "Then? You want to come to me to help you or ....."

"I know that you can't interfere with too much, I don't ask."

Li Feng did not wait for Weier Dandi to interrupt her. "I have a few questions. If you don't bother, I hope you can tell me."

"Just ask."

The first time I saw that Li Feng put out a serious expression, Wei Shudandi was surprised to stop the movement: "But I don't necessarily answer. After all, Odin is not allowed to say too much."

"Do we have a win?"

Li Feng and why don't know the hardship of Wei's Dandi, he is smirk and asked: "What is our winning? Can you disclose a little bit."

"Half and half."

I thought that Wei Dandi didn't say this, but she said unrespending: "However, if you fight, maybe the chance will improve some. But ..."

When it is said that Wei Shudandi closed his mouth and gently swayed his head and no longer continued.

Needless to say, she deliberately avoids the part that she can't say.

"Can we win Erica?"

After the attitude of Drum Daddy, Li Feng saw her incomprehensible, and did not continue to ask the previous question, but throw another question: "If we collect our power to ...."

"The collection is not."

Li Feng said yet, Wei Datti suddenly shook his head: "You should know? You are in that area, there is activity restriction! If you step slowly, then you have no time. Handed over with Erica. "

Listening to Wei Shi Dandi said so, Li Feng's heart is cold and half.

"what do you mean...."

After slightly thinking about, Li Feng's tough opening: "We can only disperse the force ... and attack Ai Ruka with a few people?"

"Yes it is."

In fact, it is not only that Li Feng felt that this is very difficult. Even Weier Dandi felt hard to hear: "Although I don't want to say this, you can finally reach Ai Ruka, only five people."

"What about the rest?"

I heard that only five people in front of Erika, Li Feng immediately anxious: "Are they ....."

"I can't say this."

Weier Dandie has been apparently expected to ask Li Shu will ask this question. She keeps a rock: "Although I am in charge of the future, I don't allow me to steal this, so I am. No way to answer you. "

"Well, I am not difficult for you."

Seeing Wei Shi Dandi is difficult to temporary, Li Feng has only sigh: "Can you tell me, do you have five people, have there any way to defeat Erica?"

This problem obviously has touched Weier Dandi to know how the category that cannot be said.

That is because, in this way, Weier Dandi stopped and shook his head, and his eyes were homiting Li Feng, but he did not say it.

"It turned out to be like this."

Although Weier Dandi is not saying, Li Han also knows what her silence means: "I still have the last question."

"Just ask."

Although Weier Dandi is very clear about Li Han's last question, but she chooses to let Li Feng said: "I still have a word, as long as I can answer, I know that there is no unnecessary."

"Is there a way ...."

Hesitating for a while, Li Feng took the fist and biting his teeth: "Just ..."

After listening to Li Feng, Wei Shidandi revealed a few steps after a surprised expression.

But looked at Li Feng, the firm look, I didn't want to say that Wei Dandi hesitated.

"Do you really want to know?"

Hesitating for a while, Wei Dang Tie was difficult to open: "I can answer this question, but if you do this ....."

"You don't have to say anything."

Weier Dandie has not finished, Li Feng raises his hand to stop her continued: "You just need to tell me how to do it, and others are handled."

"Are you sure?"

Although Li Han's firm expression and the eyes did not take a shit, Weier Dandi once again persuaded Li Feng: "Maybe there is other way, do not have to do this."

"How to do it by me."

Wei Shudandi's persuasion obviously also in Li Feng's expectations, he shook his head again: "You have to do it, let me tell me how to do it! Other all by my own, I understand? ? Weier Datti! "

I didn't expect that Li Shu will suddenly call his name rather than the female nerve, Wei Daddy is once again.

After another hesitated, Weier Dandi finally said that Li Feng wants to know.

"Thank you, Weier Dandi."

After getting the answer you want, Li Feng got a serious expression, and Zhao Wei Dangdi smiled: "If I can successfully complete the task, I will later come back to see you."

Throw this sentence, Li Feng did not return to the gate of the temple.

"I also hope to see you again."

Looking at the back of Li Feng, Wei Dangti became blurred. Two lines of tears were smooth, and their beautiful face slipped: "Come on! Use your hands to open up your own future."

"Sealing, sealed?"

Just came out from the Temple of Weier Dandi, Li Feng's ear came from Zhongyuan Sakura gentle shout: "Sealing, there is, the time is almost!"

"Well? Is it almost?"

After being awakened by the Sakura Sakura, Li Feng opened his eyes and looked at the partners around you: "How long does it start?"

"There are twenty minutes."

Lu Xi looked at the watch of the wrist, and then pointed to Li Bo standing outside the tent. They said: "Bogo said that you want to mobilize us before, you still hurry up."

I heard Li Bo gathered everyone, Li Fengli jumped from the chair and followed the Central Plains to come to the tent.

"Rookie, are you okay?"

After seeing Li Feng came out, he hired in the chest to ask: "Do you want me to apply to let you go back to defend?"

"Don't worry, Bogo."

In the face of Li Bo deliberately, Li Feng is only slight smile: "I am fine."

"Since everyone is all, then I will say two words."

See Li Feng, Zhongyuan Sakuo, Lu Xi and Tang Yu have come over, Li Bo will improve the voice and say: "The previous support for the minister and colonel have already spent a lot, I don't want Roli to repeat them to repeat them. "

After the end of the way, Li Bo received a smile, and a serious look at his players: "In spell, I will reach a directive to you before action."

"Everyone must refuel."

After taking a sigh of breath, Li Bo said with a calm voice: "Everyone in the branch is looking forward to us win. So, my order is: Everyone must live, together Turn off the part! "

I didn't expect Li Bo to say this, Li Feng, several of them obsessively surprised.

But after surprise, Li Feng has a smile in Li Bolo.

"It's time to eat, drink it."

After seeing Li Feng, after the smile, Li Bo recovered the expression of his hanging gentleman, and the Su Qingyi beside him: "I didn't come, everyone was full, and I will have a pain and three smells. go with!"

After throwing this sentence, Li Bo has turned around.

"Remember my command."

I didn't get a few steps, Li Bo's back to Li Feng and they opened again: "I don't care what you think, but I have given me a command! All members must live back! Otherwise, I will punish you. "

After Li Feng, after this sentence, Li Bo did not return to the cherry blossom and logistics person who won the food to everyone.

Looking at the back of Li Bo, looked up and looked up to the direction in which I Rika hiding, Li Feng's heart was bullish.

But soon, he once again firmly firmly of his heart.

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