I actually became a god eater

Chapter 287 Spiral Ground: Destroy God

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After convince the Central Plains, Li Fengyou took the first person to fly in the channel.

Because there is no absurd God, it is necessary to take more than ten minutes, and a group is going to go through the above layer without five minutes.

After entering this layer, it is a stone chamber of a Ma Pingchuan.

This stone room is as spacious as the two layers below, but there is no god column or other god cell products, and even a little shield is not.

Not only that, on the ceiling of the stone room, there is a lot of gods of the cells in floating, and the golden rays that the god cells yourself exist are like lighting, and the entire stone room will be as bright as white.

"Ha, I will not wait here for so long."

When Li Feng, I still launched the singular scenery in this layer, Ai Ruka's voice came from the center of the stone room: "Sure enough, Li Bo will stay in the lower layer."

As soon as I heard the voice of Ai Ruka, everyone hurriedly cleared the gods and moved to the direction of the sound.

I saw the positive central position of the stone room, Ai Ruka worn on a white cheongsam, hands with hands in the chest, a proud standing at that looked at Li Feng them.

See Alika again, Li Feng, although they really want to rush to the knife directly.

But watching her proud of the ocean and the expressions of Cheng Zhu, everyone see me, I see you, I don't dare to act rashly.

"What's wrong? Do you really want to smash my corpse?"

I didn't dare to go forward. Ai Ruka opened the arms to start stimulating them: "I am standing here now, I don't hide, if you think, you can go straight to kill me."

Listening to Airaka said that I want to rush forward.

But I don't want her to have not stepped away, Li Feng reached out on her shoulders.

"Do not impulse!"

After holding on El Carlo, Li Feng was smashing the sound and said: "You pay attention to the expression of Ai Ruka, she is sure to set the trap here!"

Li Feng, reminded that I noticed the weak expression of Ai Ruka's face.

It turned out that in the instant that I was stimulated by Carlo, I slipped over a smile of a smile.

But as Carlo was held by Li Holder and did not press it, her face was anger.

Although these expressions have passed, they are captured by Li Fengmui.

"Ah ~ really is not interesting."

Although the impulsive of Raolo is very uncomfortable by Li Feng, she still restores the original smile, and I will walk together: "Do you have time to be very urgent? Why do you still have to stand allanguane? ? "

Ai Ruka mentioned the time, not only Alie, but even Lu Xi and Tang Yu are a little ready to move.

"Give me a stable!"

Notice that the companions are in some press, Li Feng is busy and whispering: "If you have a trap here, then the chance of the Bogo will give us a chance to make us!"

Perhaps Li Feng mentioned the partners who left the next level to giving them time, although they were still angry, but Alie, they finally defeated the impulse.

In fact, in the heart of Li Feng, he didn't want to directly rush to the god of the army to cut the Ai Ruka.

But as a soldier who has hidden in the dark, he is clear that in the case of time, it must be kept calm and normal.

Especially now, as long as they go wrong, they will cause irreparable disasters, so Li Feng as the captain of the tailor, but he needs to stay calm.

"I didn't expect it."

See Li Feng once again drinking the impulse behavior, Ai Ruiki will not work hard, smile disappears from her face in an instant: "You are so small, but you can make your companions so convincing. .Not bad!"

"you flatter me."

In order to sprit the intention of Ai Ruka, Li Feng hesitated and decided to pick up her words: "It seems not to spirally the highest level? Why will you wait for us here?"

"This question is very good!"

Ai Ruka is also an old-fledged guy. How can she guess Li Feng's intention: "Do you want to set me? Relieve really, if you want the set, then I advise you still give up."

Speaking of this, Ai Ruka stopped and putting his own white right legs from the cheongsam, putting a sultry posture.

"However, if you are willing to join me, I can tell you!"

Lightly slide over your own thigh with your own hand, Erika is induced by Li Feng and Lu Xi: "Come, join me, so I can not only tell you the plan, you can also make you do anything to me. !anything!"

When I said the last time, I was a word, and I went out of the two.

"Collapse your head, this set is useless."

I didn't expect Ai Ruka that faced like the world, but Li Feng was cold and cold. "There is the idle manager to use this set to lure us, it is better to light up!"

"You really haven't changed it."

Looking at the cold expression of Li Feng, I Ruika collapsed the set of , once again, the arms are in front of everyone: "Even your tone is as haired as the year!"

Speaking of this, Ai Ruka used a disgusting eyes and then looked at Li, and then he looked at the Central Plains.

"Although I don't know why."

After the evilness staring after the Zhongyuan Sakura, I would like to swallow the expression of Zhongyuan Sakuo. "But I didn't expect this little man. I didn't know what you said."

"what are you talking about?"

In the face of the words of Ai Ruka suddenly bullied out of the mouth, it is not just Li Feng, even the Central Plains cherry feels inexplicable: "Listen to your saying, it seems that you know us?"

"Schneider Caroli, Llan Pos."

For the doubt of Central Plains, Iron's face is slightly smoked, and the teeth are said: "You have a very disgusting face, even if it is, even if it is asged, I recognize it!"

I didn't expect Erika to clearly say the original name of Central Plains, Li Feng exposed the surprised expression.

"And you! Li Feng!"

Since I have begun, Erica simply refers to Li Feng loudly: "Do you know how many good things have you been as bad?"

In the face of Ai Ruka's accusation, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura face each other, completely can't understand what she said.

"Originally, your country is enough to deal with it."

Regardless of Li Feng, I don't understand, I'm going to say: "There is no belief in one by one, even if you use the Qinli sect, you can't completely control your country! It is a group of unhautable guys!"

"Your shadow is even more embarrassment of the brain into fossil!"

After a short pause, Ai Ruka pointed to Li Feng, the voice was again improved: "In order to remove these shadows, how much do you know how much? It is more intuitive, that is, you are actually protected by the department!"

Hearing here, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakai finally understood.

It turned out that Ai Ruka said is not Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura, but the other two people living in this order.

"There is also your exterior, and your pair of children!"

It's all whispering my eyes, I'm still said: "Even if I don't easily remove you, the three still stop every plan!"

Speaking of this, Erica's expression is getting more, her anger has reached the realm of breaking outbreak.

"I spent so many years, but I have repeatedly destroyed by you or your loved ones."

The more I said, the more angry Ai Ruka suddenly opened his arms, and his eyes made a burst of red: "Now, you will turn it again to my face to stop me, it is too deceived!"

When Ai Ruka came out, "deceived too much" four words shouted out, the gods in the stone chamber suddenly started to gather behind her.

At the same time of gratitude, a huge god of dazzling red suddenly flew out from the passage behind Erika, and the position behind her was quietly floating in the air.

With the emergence of this gods, those gods that are gathering are flying like some kind of perception, and began to rotate around the gods in a certain force.

"Maybe I should thank you for your reincarnation to come to me again."

While God's cells were condensed outside the gods of the gods, Erica showed the smile of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura: "Although I can't kill you and your children, but now, I can kill you. ! "

Ai Ruka just turned, he only heard a sudden sound of "", the gods that were being condensed quickly formed, and a huge watertime body that had not been completed, but it was already in her shape.

"Let it play with you."

After the wild shadow appeared, Erika smiled in the people, then turned around to walk around him, walking towards the upper level: "Although I want to blame you, but I have a person who kills you, I still have more Important things must be done. "

See Airaka turned away, Li Feng, although they want to catch up, but no one step.

"You catch up."

Just Li Feng hesitated, if I didn't want to chase Ai Ruka, Eli suddenly walked in front of Li Feng and the wilderness: "This guy is what I said, Ai Ruka has cultivated powerful wreath: destruction God. "

"This guy can only deal with I and I can't pay it."

I just finished it, Ali, who has just standing next to the Central Plains Sakura, and stands together to stand side by side: "You hurry up with Ai Ruka, here to handle it."


Looking at that is already quite prototype but still in absorption of god cells, Li Han couldn't help but ask: "Since it is given the name of the god, then its strength should not be weak? Not as good ..."

"You stay in turn is cumbersome!"

Li Feng's words have not been finished, I'm saying that I'm suddenly opened with a crisp and sweet voice: "You won't realize it? When you fight with us, we are always bundled unable to let go."

"Icalo .... What do you talk?"

Although this sound and Ikaro usually introduced into the mind gap are not big, it is said that it is said that the Caolo said, the Central Plains is still surprised: "When are you ..."

"These things will be asked later."

It was laughed in the Central Plains, and then became her wreath gesture: "You hurry up, don't let this bad woman ran!"

"okay then!"

When I saw the firm look of Erlo and Ali, Li Feng hesitate to take a step after a moment: "But you have to promise me, live it, then go back."

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to die."

After Li Feng, after the waved hand, I was smiling and greeted with Ally to gradually forming a roar: "I still have a lot of things to learn with you."

"me too."

After Elli took a few steps, she stopped and turned his head toward Li. She exposed a sweet smile: "You have a lot of people. I have no more understanding of your human beings."

Looking at the two of the wreath girls and the gentle expression and destites, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Cheroid their heavy Dynasty Carlo also nodded, and then ran into the entrance of the channel.

"Dad, Mom, Be careful!"

Li Feng, just ran to the entrance of the channel, suddenly came back in the voice of Ikaro: "I promised Id Carlo, you will be with my daughter to watch the sunrise."

I heard that Erlo was suddenly called Dad and fucking, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura were surprised to stop the footsteps to look at the direction of Carlo.

"My name is you, Dad, Mom."

Although it is back to Li Feng and Central Plains, but the movement of the monarchy from the trend of the gods to their actions: "Do you want to know why? The reason is very simple! Because you just raise my father and mom!"

I heard that Ico said this, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura's inner heart can not be described in surprise.

"There is not much time, Dad, Mom."

Seeing that the destruction god is getting complete, and the expression of Carlo is changed, and it has begun to urge: "Go! Let's give your daughter!"

Although there are still many questions in your heart, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura finally turned to run into the channel.

"Your parents are really Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura."

After Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakae left, Alie was smiling and said to Yi Carlo: "I doubt what you said is that they are two people. I didn't expect them to be them."

"Hey, is it not performed by you?"

It's a smile on your face, and you hang a happy smile: "When did you start your parents?"

"A long time ago!"

Ai Li is a smile, the right hand becomes a god machine: "Who told you to see their eyes every time, I will see these differences."

"It seems that I have to learn how to hide my feelings with my father."

I absorbed the gods in the armed yourself on the side of Kaolo and said: "Before we, we must go hand in hand to deal with this shit!"

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