I actually became a god eater

Chapter 288 Spiral Temple: Top

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After leaving Elli and Ikaro in the next layer, I learned that Al Khalo is not a taste in Li Feng and the CHS Sakura, who is a loyal reason.

Why does Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakai feel not a taste?

In fact, it is also very simple.

The parents in Ikaro are indeed Li Feng and the CHS Sakura.

However, now Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakuo are two other people from another world, but not the two people living in this world.

It is not that they do, and Li Feng and Central Plains that live in this world are indeed exactly the same as their experience.

So when I heard the Iko said that when they were parents, Li Fenghe Zhongyuan Sakura always felt some weird.

However, no matter what I thought in my heart, it was just to solve the problem before the limit arrived.

At that time, the limited half hour was left, Li Feng, Zhongyuan Sakura, Lu Xi and Tang Yu generally rushed to the top of the spiral land.

Enter the top, Li Feng, I feel that I seem to cross another time and space.

At this layer, there is no thing that makes a cellular cell, and there is no wildness.

Instead, it is a warm sunshine sprinkled from the voids of the head and ... full of flowers red willow green.

"This .... this is ..."

Looking at the sight of your eyes, smelling a flower, Tang Yu is unbelievable: "Why is there so many plants here?"

"And still pure natural!"

In the shocked Central Plains, the small grass and flowers of the foot: "These flowers .... is not a plant or illusion via god cells, it is true, natural green plants!"

"How is this possible!"

Listening to Zhongyuan Sakura said that these flowers and trees are actually natural, and the surprise in Li Feng is unmarkable: "How can there be natural plants in the spiral land?"

"Isn't these things are not in front of you?"

Others have not come and open, and Erqi will slowly walk from a thick tree: "These flowers and trees are naturally growing after my experiment. It is not the illusion I use."

While saying this, I Ruika lifted the bark of the big tree, and her face hangs.

"Experiment ...."

I heard Erika admitted that he had done an experiment, Li Feng's look immediately became hostile: "That is to say, you have already thought that it has been induced once to prey, right?"

"That's it?"

Ai Ruka heard his words to see Li Feng, smiled: "Do you think with these no brains, can I build such a huge spiral palace?"

"But do you eventually fail?"

Li Feng did not intend to answer the problem of Ai Ruka, but a laughter and a direct speaking point to Erica: "Although you trigger the final prey, but because the scale is too small, the amount is also created here. Spiral Ground. "

Speaking of this, Li Hanjing looked down at the god machine in his hand.

Confirming the indicator light of the gods is still on, Li Feng immediately throwing an eye to the Central Plains.

"It seems that this is not a zero area."

After paying that Li Feng's eyes, Zhongyuan Sakura also saw his own gods still running: "The god machine is still working, there is also a god cell in floating, it seems that Eric's final prey is because of some kind Halfway is terminated for a long time. "

"You are right, the end of the end of the end of the end is too small."

After looked at Li Feng, after Ai Ruka, I was a sigh, and then showed a smile: "If I triggered the scale, do you think you can still stand in front of me?"

"How did you do it?"

Like who speaks, Luke shouted: "Without Alie and Irano, how can you trigger a final prey?"

"Because you don't need them."

Ai Ruka slowly moved to the center of this layer, showing a strange smile on his face: "I was too tangled in the natural node before, and Ignored the existence of non-natural nodes."

For the non-natural nodes in the Ai Rika, Lu Xi and Tang Yu show a puzzled look.

Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakhen heard this word, but they showed a "troubled" expression.

For Lu Xi and Tang Yu, they believe that only Ai Li and Iranian's natural people are nodes, and only their two have the ability to trigger the final predation.

But for Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura, because I saw a non-natural node, I saw the non-natural node, so they clearly clear the meaning of Erika.

That is, the two feel that the current situation is buddy.

"Oh, it seems that your two know what I am talking about."

After appreciating Li Feng, I made the hand in front of the mouth: "Since you know what I am talking about, you should know that the two gimmicks are now there is already completely useless. Oh!"

"Is it that the destruction God is the non-natural node you said?"

Listening to Airaka said she no longer needs Eli and Ikaro, Li Fengxin, I'll be angry: "Is it a bad thing!"

When I think this situation, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakami were very surprised, and they turned back to run back.

"Don't worry, the node is not that toy."

Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura have just turned around, and Erika will make a spendant: "And it is still far away! Even if it is swallowing the two gimmicks, it will not be a node!"

Listening to Airaka said that Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura stopped, and the heart that happened was slightly.

When the two have just worried about some, another possibility is almost simultaneously to make the hearts of the two again.

Because of this possibility, the two also look at Erika at the same time, revealing an incredible expression.

"Ah, it seems that you guessed."

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakan's expression change, Ai Ruka seems to have not intended to continue to conceal, she opened her arms to absorb the gods: "Yes! The non-natural node is not someone, but I am!"

Absorbed the surrounding god cells, the expression of the Ai Ruka's face: "Open white also said almost! Now, it is time to choose! Join me, or dead?"

"Sorry, I don't want to choose."

Ai Ruka's question just throws out, Li Feng switches the craftsmanship into an ax in front of the shape, and the eyes look straight to the Ai Ruka: "In fact, I have the third choice. That is, slaughter you, then bring Everyone left this! "

"I don't want to be Wu, I don't want to die here."

Li Han has finished his behalf, and the Central Plains sakura is divided into a slap in the hands: "I am like a seal, choose to slaughter you!"

"Although you are quite tempting."

Zhongyuan Sakura just finished, Luke immediately stepped forward: "But I must protect my family, can't let them be threatened! So, I also choose to slaughter you."

"Although I don't have a family."

When I turned to Tang Yu, her face showed a sad look, but it turned into a flash of sparkling eyes: "But everyone in the southern domain is like family. So, I want to protect them, can't threaten you they!"

"The cosmocated guy!"

Heat resistant child heard the state of the people, Erica immediately wandered his face, and the voice became thick: "Since you choose to be right with me, then you will go to die!"

At the same time, while the right hand of Ai Ruka, the god of the black smoke, gathered in the air and flew toward everyone.

When I saw this speed, I was not fast, and Li Feng immediately scattered, and it was easy to escape this no threatening attack.

However, when they escaped the gods, when they wanted to attack Ai Ruka, the scene in front of them made them shocked.

It turned out that Li Feng slammed the empty block of the previous god, Alika has already gained countless gods with a football-like size.

"Do you think this is it?"

Move these gods to float around, Ai Ruka dedicated to Li, Li Feng, said: "Then just appetizing! Now is the real start!"

With the words of Ai Ruka, those who floated the gods were like got orders, and they were tacted.

Although these gods are not too fast, because of the large quantity, Li Feng also has almost no space!

In the face of such an intensive attack, Li Feng did not dare to make a big, he quickly opened the monarch shield and smash the body to make a defense.

And the Central Plains cherry, although it is not Li Feng that tower shield, it is impossible to block the whole body, but they are still enough to defend the intensive attack from a single direction as possible.

As bursts of explosion sound, Li Feng's trees next to them were blindly impacted by the dramatic impact to coke.

"This attack is not yet killed you!"

Although the dust of the explosion is not scattered, the entire top of the top is not too good, but Ai Ruka speaks against the smoke: "Don't hide, you should be very clear? Even if I can't see, I can notice Yours....."

Ai Ruka has not come back yet, and a god will fly from her.

Although the god bomb is aimed at the head of the Ai Ruka, and it is emitted from the dead end, but Ai Ruka just gently biased the migraine, it is easy to escape.

"It's useless."

After escaping the gods, I Ruika smiled, Li Feng, who hid in the smoke, said: "No matter where you start attack, I can feel it! Sneak attack this set is useless to me!"

"It seems that your ability is not attenuated with the final prey, but it is stronger."

In fact, Li Han also knew that the sneak attack was invalid to Erqa. He opened the smoke with a hand fan, and he slowly went to her: "To be honest, don't say it is us. Even if it is coming, I am afraid that it is not necessarily you. The opponent! "

"If you do all the people together, I don't put it in my eyes."

Although the Central Plains cherry did not walk out of the smoke, Ai Ruka looked at Li Shu: "To know that I am now the most close to God! You don't care how many people go together, why can't I ! "

"is it?"

Li Feng smiled slightly, then pointed at the ground under the foot: "Why do you have to break up one by one? Don't you think that we have a threat to you?"

"I just don't want to trouble."

Ai Ruka said while using God's cell aware of the activities of others, saying: "It is more than yours so many people who are besieged by you, I want a slowly torture you!"

"I see that you are just afraid!"

Li Han has not opened it, and Zhongyuan Sakuo came out from the smoke of Irika. "After all, the number of blood skills, once there is more, even if it is strong, it is not necessarily an opponent! "

"Although the blood skills will greatly consume our physical fitness."

Zhongyuan Sakura Just finished, Luke came out from the smoke of Iranka: "But once you use blood skills, you and the gap between us will be greatly shortened, isn't it?"

Lu Xi said, although I didn't admit it on the Ai Ruka, but her slightly fused expression revealed her heart.

"It seems that we have said it."

Although the expression is still open, Li Feng caught sharply: "I am strange, why do you have to set an obstacle to disperse our skills, it's because you don't want to face us so much? Skills. "

"Hey, it is smart."

After Li Han directly broke his worried things, Ai Ruka admitted: "Yes! Although you are not my opponent, but if you are all also use blood skills, for me It is not so easy to solve it. "

"But you don't seem to notice one thing?"

Seeing Aika pro-acknowledging this matter, Li Feng looked out a smile: "Do you want to count how many people we have?"

When Li Feng's words were exported, Ai Ruka immediately noticed that he missed a person!

Recovered that Tang Yu did not walk out of the smoke, Erika hurriedly turned to see.

However, she has not yet come and turn, only listening to the sound of the wind, Tang Yuaxi's axless ax has already been smashed.

"how is this possible!"

Although I feel late, I Ruka is still a sneak attack of Tang Yu, and she is full of smart Tang Yu: "Why didn't I perceive your existence?"

"Because my blood skills!"

Tang Yu smiled and put the gods on the shoulder, then retired: "I can use it after awakening, even if I haven't upload my blood skills in the Finrier terminal!"

Tang Yu is talking behind him, her figure disappears in front of Erka.

"This is .... hidden?"

Seeing Tang Yu, there is no trace, even the flow of gods did not disturb the flow of gods, Ai Ruka was surprised: "How can this legendary blood skills ....."

"You have a thousand counts, or it is still."

Looking at the shocked Ai Ruka, Li Feng they took the god machine close to her: "Your biggest life is too much to believe in the number of idiots and Finrier terminals in Qin!"

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