You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Facing Li Bo's aggressive questioning and the murderous eyes of Liu Jian and Su Qingyun, Li Feng chose to remain silent at first.

"Say it!"

The angry Li Bo hit the ground with a heavy hammer: "I will give you one last chance! If I don't say it, I will really do it!"

After hesitating again and again, Li Feng turned his head to look at Zhongyuan Ying.

Seeing Li Feng's eyes for help, Zhongyuan Ying could only shook her head, and then let out a helpless sigh.


After seeing Zhongyuan Ying’s attitude, Li Feng sighed: “Seriously, I also expected to confess our identity with you one day, but I didn’t expect it to be so early.”

"Who are you guys anyway?"

Liu Jian's tone was as cold as his eyes: "I suspected you a long time ago."

"Speaking out will make you feel unbelievable."

On the contrary, Li Feng smiled relievedly at this time: "Boge, Brother Jian, Sister Qingyun, and Lao Lu. What I want to say next will completely subvert your worldview, will you believe it?"

"Believe it or not is our business."

Li Bo guarded Ellie behind him. He took out a cigarette and lit it on himself: "It's your business if you don't tell the truth!"

When saying this, Li Feng saw through the smoke rising from the cigarette that Li Bo's eyes were indeed full of murderous aura.

"Well, it's actually very simple."

Li Feng put down the magic machine and spread his hands and said: "My body and Ying are indeed people here, but our souls come from another world."


Hearing these words from Li Feng's mouth, Lu Erxi couldn't believe that this happened before his eyes: ""

However, this answer seemed to satisfy Li Bo. After taking a deep breath, he only said two words: "Continue."

"Strictly speaking, we are from your past time and space, but your time and space is one of the multiple futures of mine."

After carefully organizing his own language, Li Feng went on to say: "Before, I found the home I lived in since I was a child, and also found everything I put inside in the remaining desk in my room."

Speaking of this, Li Feng turned his head to look at Lu Erxi: "Do you remember Lao Lu? The residential area I rushed to was the one that met Suan."

"Ah, I remember."

Lu Erxi recalled carefully for a moment and then said: "That is the beginning, your relationship with Zhongyuan Ying has become very good."

"Because I'm from there too."

Zhongyuan Ying snorted, and then said: "I didn't confirm that Li Feng was the Li Feng I knew, so I never dared to recognize each other. Until I saw his room and his performance, I didn't know that he was me. The person you are looking for."

"my room?"

As soon as Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Li Feng immediately turned his head and asked with confusion: "How do you know my room? I don't remember having invited you to my house, right?"

"Idiot, your personal homepage."

Nakahara Sakura smiled helplessly and said: "Aren't all your photos on your homepage basically in the room? I can't tell the furnishings and layouts?"

Hearing that Zhongyuan Ying was still paying attention to her homepage secretly, Li Feng's heart suddenly moved.

"Ahem, digress."

Just as the two looked at each other with affection, Li Bo coughed awkwardly: "Go on."

"I have lived in that house for more than 20 years."

After being interrupted by Li Bo, Li Feng retracted his gaze and continued: "It was after discovering my home and my things that I inferred that the timeline in this world occurred after the timeline between me and Ying."

After Li Feng said these words, Li Bo suddenly raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

After taking a few more breaths of cigarettes, Li Bo slowly asked: "I don't understand all of these, so just tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here? Is it to destroy our Southern Branch? Or..."

"Prevent terminal predation."

Although Li Bo's eyes and attitude eased, Li Feng's eyes fixed on Ellie who was hiding behind him: "My task is to prevent the final predation and find the second new star, which is the final The last prey node."

"and then?"

Li Bo continued to ask dubiously: "What happens after I find it?"

"If she can communicate, protect her."

When he said this, Li Feng's eyes softened, but he quickly recovered his murderous aura: "If she can't communicate, get rid of her! Anyway, we must stop predation at the end!"

"That's what he said."

After hearing what Li Feng said, Li Bo turned his head and asked Ellie, who had been hiding behind him shivering with fear, "What do you think? Ellie."


Ellie grabbed Li Bo's arm with both hands, and she couldn't stop shaking and said, "No...lied..."

After hearing Ellie say that Li Feng had not lied, Li Bo closed his eyes and let out a laugh.

After hearing the laughter, Liu Jian and Su Qingyun put away their magic.

"this is...."

Seeing that the two stopped threatening himself, Li Feng felt a little strange: "Could you guys..."

"I believe it for the time being."

Li Bo threw most of the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out: "Although Ellie is a wild god, she can perceive people's hearts. Since she said you didn't lie, I can only choose to believe her."

Speaking of this, Li Bo stretched out his right hand to Li Feng: "Anyway, I would like to ask you a lot of advice in the future, brother from another world."

"Where and where."

Li Feng embarrassedly shook Li Bo's hand: "We are not hiding it from you. I hope I can show you more in the future, Boge."

After shaking hands, Li Bo smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head again and said, "That...actually. I hope you can understand what we did just now, after all..."

"We know."

Zhongyuan Ying came to Li Bo with a magic machine and said: "We don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend, and we don't know the purpose. If it were us two, we would do the same thing."

Zhongyuan Ying just said this, except for Liu Jian's expressionless face, Su Qingyun and Li Bo both laughed embarrassedly.

Lu Erxi finally breathed a sigh of relief when everyone was relieved.

"She is the second node, right?"

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly looked at Ellie with a cautious expression and asked: "She is now..."

"She doesn't hurt people."

Su Qingyun gently took Ellie by the hand, led her away from behind Li Bo and said: "She is called Ellie, and it is the second node you two are looking for, that is, the second new star.

"Really?" Kuaiyan123

Looking at Ellie with fearful eyes, Li Feng seemed a little hesitant: "This node has actually evolved into the posture of a desolate girl..."

"Bo, is he... a friend?"

When Li Feng hesitated, Allie asked timidly: "The enemy?"

"are friends."

Li Bo smiled gently and explained to Ellie: "The two of them are also here to protect Ellie's friends."


I heard that Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura are also friends. Allie jumped three feet high: "Allie, there are again, friends!"

Faced with such an innocent girl like a child, Ai Li, Li Feng and Zhong Yuan Ying had to sigh helplessly after looking at each other.

"Sorry to interrupt your warm and happy time."

Just as the group was preparing to discuss the next itinerary, an enchanting voice came from not far away: "However, I seem to have come at the right time~"

Hearing the sound, everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

In a few seconds, a woman wearing a white professional attire, wearing white high heels, and with long flowing black hair walked out of the shadow of the building.

After coming close, Li Feng discovered that she was actually a sexy woman who looked about 27 to 28 years old, had an excellent figure, fair skin like snow, and an unusually beautiful appearance.

Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi hadn't made any response yet, but Li Bo and the others had set up a fighting posture and kept Allie tightly behind them.

"Dr. Erica."

Li Bo stared at this woman, his eyes were full of vigilance: "How are you..."

"Why am I not dead yet, am I?"

Erica took out a slender cigarette from the inner pocket of her chest, and then held it with her plump lips. While fiddling with her slender fingers, she said, "I'm sorry, I'm not that way. The kind of people who die easily."

After lighting the cigarette, she retracted the lighter into her pocket with one hand, held the cigarette in the other and blew out the smoke ring gracefully and said: "But the three of you are actually able to survive Zhu Rong's attack. This makes me feel very surprised. Surprised!"

When she said this, Erica took another cigarette and looked at Liu Jian who was standing beside Li Bo with a provocative look.

"Oh, Xiao Liu Jian is so handsome now?"

After taking a look at Liu Jian, she asked in a frivolous and provocative tone: "Where is your beloved Xiao Lin Ting? Why isn't she with you?"

"what did you say?"

Hearing Erica mentioning Lin Ting, Liu Jian's face showed an angry look for the first time: "Do you still have the face to mention her?"

"Oh, I almost forgot."

She seemed to be very proud of her success in angering Liu Jian. She kept a frivolous smile and continued to say in a mocking tone: "If I remember correctly, she seems to be dead, right? Just when Zhu Rong invaded..."

"You close your dog's mouth for me!"

When she said this, Liu Jian, who was furious, yelled at her: "It is an insult to Tingting to say something about Tingting from your mouth!"

"Don't get excited."

Seeing Liu Jian about to rush forward, Li Bo blocked him with his shoulders and said in a low voice: "She is deliberately irritating you, don't be fooled!"

"Huh? Did you stop your teammates?"

Seeing Li Bo’s small movements, Erica pointed the finger at him: "You still seem to care about the people around you! But, I don’t know how much Lin Ting’s death will hit you? I remember if I was right, Lin Ting has a good relationship with you, right?"

"Don't waste your lips and provoke me!"

Obviously Li Bo did not have Erica's plan. He calmly asked in a loud voice, "Back then, you attracted a large number of wild gods to attack the Southern Territory Branch, which killed many people, including Lin Ting! Now you are here again. , What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing."

Erica smoked while looking at the three Li Fengs standing behind Li Bo and the others: "Oh, you have another newcomer joined? It's two handsome boys and a little sister."

When they said this, Li Feng and the others found that Erica's eyes suddenly flashed with strange red lights.

Immediately afterwards, the three felt a little unconscious.

"Two handsome boys."

Erica put on a very sultry pose, and showed her white thighs and said: "Are you interested in having fun with your sister? Sister, I really like you, novice god-eaters like you!"

"Don't look at her eyes!"

Just when Li Feng and Lu Erxi were unconscious and trying to answer, Li Bo suddenly shouted: "Dr. Erica is proficient in hypnotism. If you stare at her, you will be hypnotized!"

It was Li Bo's loud shout, and Li Feng and Lu Erxi, who were still a little confused just now, suddenly woke up.

"What about you little sister?"

Erica saw that Li Bo had ruined her good deeds. She was not angry. Instead, she licked her lower lip and teased Nakahara Sakura: "Little sister, are you going to have fun with your sister?"

"I bother!"

Nakahara Sakura, who originally thought she had also been hypnotized, heard this, she uttered a mouthful to the ground: "Auntie, would you like to shame? My old lady is not Lily!"

Seeing that her hypnotism had failed, Erica first showed an angry face, but then returned to her teasing smile.

"Don't waste your effort, Dr. Erica."

Erica just opened her mouth and wanted to say something, Li Bo immediately interrupted her roughly: "The three of us will not be fooled by your hypnotism! Say, what on earth are you doing?"

"Well, I'm here to do business with you."

Erica threw half of her cigarette aside, her eyes immediately fixed on Ellie who was hiding behind Li Bo: "Hand over the goddess girl behind you, and I will let you go. How about? This is a good deal. Right?"

"Only you?"

Li Popi smiled and asked without a smile: "You are alone, able to..."

However, before Li Bo finished speaking, a huge golden figure jumped up from a distance and fell behind Erica.

"Golden Hannibal?"

As soon as the golden figure landed, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying exclaimed in unison: "Why does this guy suddenly appear?"

"Of course I am not alone."

Erica slowly backed up to the golden Hannibal's side. She stroked the golden Hannibal's neck and said, "You should have seen this kid? If it stopped you, can you still escape? "

Originally, Li Bo planned to have a fight with Erica, but when he saw that the golden Hannibal's eyes were fierce, he still swallowed the words abruptly.

"Don't forget another thing."

After Erica stroked the golden Hannibal, her eyes also showed a fierce light: "I was the one who attracted Zhu Rong back then! Now even if Zhu Rong is not here, I invite other wild gods to attack you. Hard thing!"

With the fall of Erica's words, various gods suddenly appeared from all directions and surrounded the group of people.

"Well, now you have to choose!"

Erica easily jumped to the top of a collapsed building behind Golden Hannibal, and opened her arms and asked loudly, "Is the Desolate God girl handed over to me, or is it to die here?"

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