You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Looking at the desolate gods that besieged him and the golden Hannibal who kept groaning in front of him, Su Qingyun asked in a low voice, "Bobo, do you have any ideas?"

"It's a pity, no."

Although he said this, Li Bo still had a smile on his face: "Really, even if we break through, someone must hold this golden Hannibal."

Speaking of this, Li Bo looked around and said: "It doesn't matter if you are surrounded by small and medium-sized wild gods. As long as we contain the golden Hannibal, we have the possibility of killing."

"The question is what Erica is this."

At this time, Li Feng finally figured out the situation. He walked to Li Bo and said: "These wild gods were all recruited by her, right? Even if we want to kill them, she might direct the wild gods to attack us."

"Hey, this dead woman."

Hearing what Li Feng said, Li Bo looked at Erica who was standing on the top of the building triumphantly: "It seems that we were chased by the Desolate God just now, and this dead lady is nearby!"


Hearing this incident, although Li Feng stared at Erica, he asked, "What happened before?"

"I'll talk about that later."

Li Bo shook his head helplessly: "The top priority now is to find a way to get out! Nothing else matters."

"Are you discussing how to escape?"

Seeing everyone making no answer, but seeing them whispering to each other, Erica sneered: "Well, I'll give you ten minutes to discuss it! After ten minutes, I won't be polite."

Hearing Erica's words, Li Bo smiled bitterly and asked, "Hey, rookie. Do you have any good ideas?"

"To be honest, no."

Li Feng also showed a wry smile: "If we don't have this Erica, we might be able to fight. Now that this bastard is commanding the gods, the probability of our breakthrough is almost zero."


The smile on Li Bo's face turned into excitement at this time: "It seems that we can only play the trick of breaking the net with the fish?"

When he said this, Li Bo's eyes staring at Erica became very sharp.

"Although there is another way."

Su Qingyun's face was very ugly. She glanced at Ellie, then pursed her lips: "But this method is too jerk, I don't want to say it."

"Then don't say it."

Liu Jian's face was as good as he could not see where it went: "It's meaningless."

In fact, even if Su Qingyun didn't say it, everyone in the room knew what the method Su Qingyun wanted to say.

At the time of the stalemate, Ellie frowned and asked in a low voice, "Bo. Bad guy, yes, Ellie?"

"Ah, yes."

Li Bo didn't intend to hide from Ellie, he simply said: "This bad woman is going to catch Ellie to do bad things. If she takes Ellie away, we will all die."

"Allie, don't."

Allie shook her head bitterly: "Allie, I like it, everyone. No, die."

"Yes, no one can die."

Li Bo licked his lips and said, "But in the current situation, it is really not easy to do this."

"Allie, way."

Seeing Li Bo's expression, Ellie said as if made up her mind: "Ellie, bait. Everyone, run away."

"No way!"

Li Bo immediately rejected Ellie's proposal: "We just don't want you to be the bait so that we are not here to make a decision! I absolutely disagree!"

"Allie, it's okay."

Although Li Bo rejected Ellie’s proposal, Ellie smiled sweetly and said to Li Bo: "Ellie, I'm not dead. Everyone, go out."

"Don't think about it!"

Su Qingyun leaned against Ellie and said in a stern tone: "Go together, Ellie, don't think of sacrificing yourself!"

"She, pain."

However, Ellie seemed to have not heard, and pointed at the golden Hannibal in front of her and said, "You, companions, pain. She wants to die."


Hearing Ellie say this, Li Bo and the three of them stared at Golden Hannibal with wide eyes: "You said it is our companion? It is painful and wants to die?"


Allie nodded and slowly put down her hand: "She, think, end. You, save her."

"What do you mean?"

Listening to Allie's way of speaking during this meal, Li Feng began to worry: "Why don't I understand?"

"Knowing, happy."

At this moment, Ellie turned to look at the three of them, Li Feng standing behind her: "Allie, happy. You guys, live!"

Immediately afterwards, Allie opened her arms and hugged Su Qingyun: "Yun, Allie, I like it."

"Ellie, what are you doing?"

Being hugged by Allie, Su Qingyun immediately asked nervously: "Don't do stupid things!"

However, after releasing Su Qingyun, Allie separated everyone and walked forward.


Su Qingyun grabbed Ellie's arm: "What are you going to do?"

"Yun, it's okay."

Allie smiled comfortingly while gently pushing away Su Qingyun's hand and holding her own: "Allie, immortal. Together, go home."


Although Su Qingyun clutched her tightly, she was moved by Ellie's gentle smile and firm eyes and let go of her: "Ellie, you must not die! We are waiting for you to go home together!"


Allie responded and came to the front while smiling at everyone.

"It seems I can save a little effort."

Seeing Ellie leaving the crowd, Erica, who was standing on the top of the building, showed a wicked smile: "As long as you get the second node, the final predation will be soon... Fuck!"

Before Erica had time to be proud, Allie rushed to the golden Hannibal in a thunderous manner.

Only two "swishes" were heard, and the golden Hannibal was attacked by Ellie.

After attacking the golden Hannibal, Ellie quickly jumped to the side and chopped down several wild gods.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, not to mention Erica, even the golden Hannibal screamed after feeling the pain before he knew that he had been attacked.

Without waiting for any movement from the Desolate Gods, Ellie had already shot a path of blood and rushed out of the encirclement.

As she left, she turned her head and glanced at everyone with a look full of dismay.

"X's, little hairy girl!"

Seeing Ellie rushing out of the siege and fleeing into the distance, Erica pointed at Ellie's back and cursed at the golden Hannibal: "What are you doing with this trash? Why don't you chase?"

At Erica's order, the golden Hannibal shook his head, then glanced at Li Bo with the same complicated eyes, and they leaped high to chase Ellie.

"As for you."

After Golden Hannibal left, Erica looked down at the crowd with a wicked smile and said, "You will become the prey of these wild gods!" Seven Realms Novel Network

After throwing this sentence to everyone, Erica blew a kiss at them and jumped off the top of the building to chase the golden Hannibal.

As soon as Erica left, the wild gods who were already ready to move made roars and moved closer to everyone.

Facing the desolate gods who lost the golden Hannibal and Erica, Li Bo's mouth suddenly raised: "Although there are many in number, are you sure?"

After the question went out, no one answered, but stared at the wild god in front of him.

Without hearing the answer, Li Bo smiled happily: "Now that everyone is ready, let's give these bastards a taste of color!"


After responding, everyone immediately scattered towards the Desolate God Group...

Put aside the six people who are fighting fiercely with the wild gods.

After escaping from the encirclement, Ellie used her whole body's strength to quickly run into the distance.

What she thought in her heart was to draw away some of the enemies, and the farther away from Li Bo and them, the better!

Because of this, Ellie didn't escape very quickly.

But when Ellie realized that only a golden Hannibal and the woman named Erica were chasing behind her, she suddenly accelerated and escaped into the intricate underground cave where the geological disaster appeared.

"Hey, this little girl has a good head."

After seeing Ellie dodge into the underground cavern, Erica and Golden Hannibal stopped in front of the cave entrance: "Now you can't fight in this form, I'll help you restore your original appearance."

After speaking, Erica once again placed her hand on the golden Hannibal's neck and released bursts of black air.

After the black air dissipated, a woman wearing torn red clothes and long golden hair appeared.

"You chase it down, I'm blocking it."

After the woman appeared, Erica folded her hands on her chest and ordered her: "Don't kill me when you see her, I want her to live, you know?"

Although she didn't speak, the blonde woman nodded and said "understand" to Erica.

"Then get out."

Erica held her head very arrogantly and ordered to the blonde woman: "Hurry up, don't let her escape!"

The blonde woman still didn't answer, she went straight into the underground cave.

Coming to the underground cavern, although the environment is intricate, the blonde woman quickly locked the location where Ellie had walked.

About twenty minutes later, the blonde woman blocked Ellie in a hot and wide cave surrounded by lava pools.

After being blocked by the blonde woman, Ellie was a little alarmed at first, but she quickly calmed down and walked to the tumbling lava pool beside the cave.

"do not move."

Saw the blonde woman walking into the cave.Allie took a step back and shouted with a distorted expression: "I can jump!"

Hearing Ellie's cry, the blonde woman stopped her pace.

After carefully observing the surrounding situation, the blonde woman's eyes, which were covered by her hair, emitted bursts of red light.

Seeing that the blonde woman did not move, Allie bit her lip first, and then said timidly, "You are, Bo, companion, right?"

Hearing Ellie's question, the red light in the blonde woman's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"I know."

Allie's originally distorted expression due to tension was softened by this subtle change: "You, pain, right?"

The blonde woman did not answer, but her red eyes showed a sad look.

"Come back home."

Although Ellie couldn't see the blonde woman's expression, she felt the psychological change of the other person, so she took a bold step forward: "Go home with me."

While speaking, Ellie stretched out her hand to the blonde woman.

However, it was the movement of Ellie moving forward and reaching out, and the blonde woman's eyes suddenly became red again and quickly jumped back.

As soon as she landed, the blonde woman's right hand was suddenly surrounded by a burst of purple flames.

Seeing the purple flames appear, Allie once again withdrew her hand outstretched with a scared expression.

After a moment of confrontation, the blonde woman felt that Ellie had no intention of attacking herself, but she put away the flame and resumed her normal standing posture.

After a silent confrontation, the blonde woman raised her arms and two spears made of purple flames appeared in her hands.

"Make a move."

After posing, the blonde woman suddenly said in a hoarse and low voice: "Defeat me, you can leave."

"No, Ellie, don't."

Ellie put her hands on her chest, shook her head and backed away: "Ellie, I don't want to."

"Do it!"

The blonde woman shouted: "Don't beat me, don't want to leave here!"

"Do not!"

Allie resolutely rejected her request: "Allie, I know, what do you think. Allie, no!"

"Hey, it's just a wild god!"

Although the blonde woman covered her face with her hair, tears suddenly appeared in her eyes at this moment: "You dare to say that you know what I think? Are you laughing at me?"

Ellie did not answer her question, but shook her head and took a step back.

Looking at Ellie who still chose to give in, the blonde woman spoke again: "Do you...know Liu Jian?"


Ellie nodded: "Sword, good person! Gentle and kind. Ellie, I like it."

"He is indeed a gentle, kind, and good person."

When the blond woman heard Ellie's comment on Liu Jian, her eyes flowed with blood-red tears: "I too...I thought of being by his side forever. However, I can't do it now."

"Allie, help."

Seeing the heartbroken eyes of the blonde woman, Ellie couldn't help taking a step forward: "Let's go home. Ellie, help, you."

"Can not go back."

The blonde woman closed her eyes and shook her head and said, "Only Erica can prevent me from becoming completely deified. By the way, can you promise me one thing?"


Before the blonde woman asked her, Ellie promised her: "Ellie, yes, tell, sword."

"That's good."

The blonde woman opened her eyes again and said after a short silence: "Please tell him for me that Lin Ting can no longer watch the sunrise and sunset with him. Never...return to him again."

After saying this, the blond woman's eyes lit up with murderous red light again: "Now, if you don't make a move, you must make a move!"

When the words fell silent, the blonde woman stepped forward and raised the flame sword in her hand and rushed towards Ellie.

However, Ellie didn't mean to fight at all, she kept dodge the attack of the blonde woman.

It's a pity that Ellie's blind retreat did not make the blonde woman restrain.

On the contrary, the blonde woman was completely irritated by Ellie's series of actions.

As her eyes became more blood red, the speed of swinging the spear in her hand became faster and faster, and the accuracy became higher.

Although she did not attack Ellie's deadly position, the fierce offensive still made Ellie a lot of color.

After feeling the blonde woman's strong killing intent, Allie had to turn her hands into a magical form to fight her...

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