You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Although there were 10,000 reluctances in her heart, in the face of the blond woman's aggressive posture, Ellie could only do with her.

However, despite the many injuries on her body, Allie still only turned her hand into a shield to defend and dodge.

It's a pity that Ellie's repeated tolerance did not make the blonde woman restrain, but instead made her eyes redder and the attack more and more fierce.


Facing the fierce and fierce attack from the blonde woman, Allie exclaimed with a frown: "Allie, I don't want to fight. You, good man."

"To shut up!"

The blond woman used one spear to push away Ellie’s shield in front of her, while holding the spear in the other hand to stab Ellie: "You are just a wild god who was born less than one year ago! Don't pretend to be in front of me. You know everything!"

"Allie, I know."

Although one hand was pushed away, Ellie immediately used the other hand to fend off the blonde woman's attack: "You, pain. I want to go home. You, love, sword."

"so what?"

The attack was continuously resolved by Ellie. The blonde woman jumped back first, and then combined the two spears into one: "I am the same as you now! I am just a god! It is impossible for me to return to the Southern Division, nor is it possible. Stay with him again."

After saying this, the blonde woman thrust her spear into the ground fiercely, and then looked up at the top of the cave: "You know what? I love him very much. I hope to be with him for the rest of my life."

"No, fight."

After the blonde woman stopped the attack, although her hands were still blocking her, Ellie persuaded the other party with a sad expression: "Let's go home. Sword, miss you."

"How do I go back?"

When the blonde woman heard these words, blood-red tears shed again in her eyes: "If I leave Erica, I will immediately change back to Hannibal who doesn't know how to speak but only knows how to eat."

"Everyone, help."

Seeing the tears of the blonde woman, the expression on Ellie's face became even more sad: "Definitely, way. Ellie, believe it."

"Do you know? Actually I should have died a long time ago."

The blond woman whose face was stained red with tears was full of pain, and her eyes were full of sadness looking at Ellie: "As early as more than a year ago, I should have died in the battle against Zhu Rong. However, I am not dead."

Speaking of this, the blonde woman’s face was filled with gentleness: “I actually don’t want to die at all. But at that time, if I don’t stop Zhu Rong, it must be the sword. With his stinky character, he will definitely die. Do the same stupid thing as me."

But in a blink of an eye, her expression became very sad again: "But, I am not dead. Do you know why?"

Allie did not speak, but shook her head slightly to indicate that she did not know.

"Because Zhu Rong didn't even want to kill me."

The expression of the blonde woman became very sordid at this time: "That guy just kept humiliating me! That's right! All my attacks have no effect on it, but it has been playing like a fly. Teasing me, humiliating me!"

After a pause, the blonde woman lowered her head, and her face was covered with hair because of this: "It's just teasing me, it just knocks me down and hurts me again and again, but it delays killing me. . Seriously, I’m also wondering why this happens."

Hearing what happened to the blonde woman, Ellie had a sad expression on her face, and her eyes were full of sympathy.

"Until I can't stand up anymore."

The blonde woman obviously didn't notice the change in Ellie's expression. She still said to herself: "It actually chopped off my right arm! With its proud flame blade!"

When she said this, she gently stroked her white right arm holding the purple flame spear with her left hand.

"Do you know what it means for the God Eater to lose his right arm?"

The blond woman suddenly raised her head, looked at Ellie with a sad expression, and asked, "What happens to the God Eater who loses her right arm, do you know?"

Allie still didn't speak, but shook her head sadly.

"If you lose the control of the bracelet, the partial eclipse factor in the God Eater will run away."

The blond woman put down her left arm, her eyes were completely focused on her right wrist: "Although the partial eclipse factor will give the God Eater extremely strong self-healing ability and even regeneration ability. However, if it is out of the control of the bracelet, the partial eclipse Factors will also cost the God Eater!"

After saying this, the blonde woman raised her left hand again, and gathered a group of purple flames in her palm with her palm up: "This is the power I possess after becoming a wild god."

"Ha ha."

Immediately afterwards, the blonde woman let out a painful and desperate laugh: "If it weren't for Erica, I guess I would never be able to change back to the way I am now, and will always be the appearance of the god of anger I hate the most."

"She, bad guy."

Hearing Erica's name, Ellie showed a look of disgust on her face: "Think, kill, everyone. Bad guys!"

"Ah, yeah, she is a heinous bastard."

Hearing Ellie scolding Erica, although the blond woman agreed, her tone was helpless: "But, what can I do? Kill her? Seriously, I am not her opponent now. "

"Everyone together."

Seeing that the blonde woman kept talking, but didn't do it anymore, Ellie felt that her persuasion seemed to be effective, and she started to take it one step further: "Bo, Jian, Yun. Everyone, together, bad guys, run away."

"It can't be done."

The blonde woman shook her head painfully: "If I hadn't been found by Erica and saved by her, I would have lost my human consciousness and become a wild god."

After saying this, the blonde woman drew out the spear that was inserted on the ground just now, and held it in both hands, with the tip of the spear pointed directly at Ellie’s chest: "So, I have to obey him, just to keep... I have this little awareness."

"You, resist."

Seeing the change of the other party, Ellie once again tried her best to persuade: "Believe in yourself, resist, bad guys."

"It can't be done."

The blonde woman's expression became savage again: "I said, I will immediately turn back to the god of wildness and lose my current consciousness without her. Okay, that's all for chatting!"

"Ellie, don't want to."

Seeing the expression and movements of the blonde woman, Ellie still shook her head and stepped back: "You, will die. Ellie, can't, don't want to."

"You can beat me again!"

With a loud roar, the blonde woman rushed forward: "Don’t forget that the spear in my hand is also made up of oracle cells! Even if I can’t kill you, I will disperse the oracle cells in your body. It’s okay for you to lose combat power!"

When she came to Ellie, the blonde woman first shot Ellie in the abdomen, and then stepped forward and approached Ellie again while she was back.

As soon as she approached Ellie, the blonde woman tilted her spear to the left and shot her right arm against Ellie's exposed space.

Facing the spear that screamed, Ellie subconsciously raised her left hand and blocked it.

Unexpectedly, this move of the blonde woman is very powerful!

With such a gear, Ellie was hit by a few meters and hit the ground heavily.

"I won't be merciful anymore."

After hitting Ellie, the blonde woman stood up and pointed her spear at Ellie: "If you really don't want to fight back, then I will hit you until you can't stand up again and then catch you back!"

As soon as Allie, who fell to the ground, stood up, she found that a large number of black oracle cells were dissipating in her left arm.

Taking advantage of the time when the blonde woman did not launch an attack, Ellie immediately concentrated on stabilizing her oracle cells.

"See it?"

Seeing Ellie stabilizing her oracle cells, the blonde woman spoke again: "I used to be a god eater, and I know very well the principle that your gods' bodies rely on oracle cells to operate."

Speaking of this, the blond woman raised her mouth: "As long as you don’t destroy your core and break up the oracle cells in your body, soon the oracle cells in your body will not be enough to support your body’s activities. , You should be very clear?"

As a wild god, how could Ellie not know what her body relies on to act.

Because of this, Ellie has been taking direct contact actions such as dodge rather than block.

But despite this, the two-handed shields that were hit from time to time and the wounds on her body from time to time have greatly consumed Ellie's oracle cells.

Now Ellie, let alone resisting, can't stop the shaking of her legs even if she keeps standing.

"Aren't you going to fight back?"

The blonde woman noticed that Ellie's legs trembling slightly after she finally got up, she said in a mocking tone: "You are hungry now, and you don't have much strength anymore, do you want the oracle cells? Do you want the core? ? Then do it here!"

When she said this, the blonde woman smiled and freed her left finger to point to her heart: "Come on, knock me down and you can leave here! The oracle cells and core you want are also here! Of course, you You can choose to continue this way."

Faced with the provocation of the blonde woman, although Ellie did need to add, she still showed hesitation.

After seeing Ellie's hesitation, the blonde woman sneered and attacked again.

Indeed, as the blonde woman said, after losing a large number of oracle cells, Ellie's dodge gradually became unable to do so.120 novels

The movement is getting slower and slower, and the dodge distance is getting shorter and shorter.

Even some very dangerous attacks, Ellie chose to dodge rather than resist with a shield.

"Almost there?"

Seeing Ellie's changes, the blond woman smiled triumphantly: "The remaining oracle cells in your body are running out. If you are injured by me again, you really can't hold it!"

Although Ellie knew this problem well, the almost uninterrupted offensive of the blonde woman made her unable to reverse the situation for a while.


Just as Ellie was thinking about how to break through, because of her loss of consciousness, the spear in the blond woman's hand rubbed her left thigh.

After being injured, Allie jumped back hard.

Unexpectedly, with this jump, Ellie actually shook her body after landing, and then immediately lost her balance and sat down on the ground.

"You have reached your limit."

Seeing that the number of oracle cells flying away from Ellie's wound was far less than before, the blonde woman stopped attacking again: "Go back with me obediently, it will be good for you and me."

"Do not!"

Allie resisted the severe pain and propped up her body: "Allie, go home! Allie, yes, Yun, together!"

"Still supporting it?"

The blonde woman once again posed an attacking posture: "If you insist on so persistently, then no one can blame me!"

After saying this, the blond woman rushed towards Ellie.

Facing the blonde woman's attack, Ellie gritted her teeth and barely avoided again.

It was this attack that a gap appeared behind the blond woman who had been blocking Ellie.

Pinching this gap, Allie struggling to jump past the blonde woman immediately after landing and ran to the only exit.

But before Ellie ran to the exit, Ellie heard a gust of wind behind her.

After hearing the sound of the wind, Ellie didn't dare to hold it up and immediately jumped aside.


As a purple flame hit the ground and exploded, thin beads of sweat flowed out of Allie's forehead.

"Don't think about running away!"

The blonde woman held a spear in her right hand and opened her left hand to Ai Li and said, "Unless you beat me, you don't want to leave here!"


Allie knelt on one knee, her breathing was already messed up, her face was full of sweat: "I, go home. No, stop."

"Do you think you can go back if you escape this place?"

The blonde woman walked towards Ellie and said in a mocking tone: "You forgot Erica? She is waiting at the hole where you came in now! Even if you can escape me, do you think you can escape her? I advise you to give up!"

"I do not!"

Ellie gritted her teeth and stood up, and then turned her hands into weapons: "Ellie, go home! No, stop! Me, fight!"

"Oh? Are you finally willing to fight back?"

Seeing Ellie finally turning her hand into a weapon, the blonde woman showed a triumphant look on her face: "That's true!"

As soon as the words fell, the blonde woman leaped her legs, and the spear in her hand attacked Allie again.

After deciding to fight back, Ellie no longer hesitated.

Although Ellie's fighting method is still dodging, the difference is that Ellie is now looking at the blonde woman's neutral position to counterattack.

However, after a few minutes of fighting, what Ellie saw once again made her hesitate.

It turned out that as the battle continued, Allie did indeed use the space to injure the blonde woman and absorbed her oracle cells.

But then Ellie discovered that the place where the blonde woman was injured is actually the same as that of a human!

Not only is there no oracle cell dissipating with the air, but there are wounds that are bleeding continuously.

But the blonde woman obviously didn't take her pain to heart.

The more injured, the more violent the blonde woman's attack.

As a last resort, Ellie had to put away her kind heart and decided to knock down the blond woman in front of her.

However, after being evaded by Ellie in a sweep, the blonde woman unexpectedly revealed a very big flaw.

With this flaw, Ellie immediately danced the knife in her right hand and stabbed the blonde woman.

Maybe it was Ellie's movements too fast, or maybe the blonde woman was lost because of her attack being avoided, she didn't respond to Ellie's attack.

Just when the tip of the knife was a short distance from the blond woman's heart, Allie suddenly noticed an expression on the blond woman's face that she had never seen before.

"No way!"

After Ellie saw that expression, she had no time to take back the knife she stabbed: "Danger!"


As Ellie's knife pierced the blonde woman's body, hot and red blood spurted from the wound.

"Why are you?"

Grabbing Ellie's arm that pierced her body, the blond woman had blood hanging from the corners of her mouth, and her face showed a puzzled look: "Why are you turning the knife down?"

"You are bad."

Although it was too late to regain her strength, Ellie shifted the knife down a bit. The knife only pierced the blonde woman's abdomen without hurting her heart: "You, lie to me."

"What am I... lie to you...?"

The blonde woman gritted her teeth and asked, "Why... don't... kill me..."

"You, deliberately."

Allie shook her head painfully: "You, can't, die. Sword, waiting for you."

"But... I'm already... can't go back... Um"

The blonde woman vomited another gulp of blood: "'m fed up...this kind"

"Allie, don't."

Ellie gritted her teeth, turned the knife back into her hand cruelly and pulled it out of the blonde woman's body: "Sword, love you. You, live!"

"It's really... kind... of... Desolate God..."

After Ellie took away her hand, the blonde woman fell forward when her legs were soft: "Too... innocent..."

Seeing the blonde woman falling down, Ellie stepped forward and hugged her without hesitation.

"I, Huangshen, don't understand."

Holding the blonde woman, Ellie said softly, "But, Ellie, I don't want to, sword, you, sad."

" the end...but it was...Arabic God...said to me...this kind of thing..."

The blonde woman who fell in Ellie’s arms closed her eyes, and said intermittently, "Tell...Sword...Lin "


Ellie put the blonde woman on the ground, and then pressed her hands on her wound: "I, tell, sword. I don't understand!"

"It's stupid..."

The blonde woman closed her eyes peacefully and said, ""

Before the words could be finished, the blonde woman's head tilted to the side.

Although the blonde woman lost consciousness, Ellie, who was a god of wildness, felt that she was not dead.

After hesitating again and again, Ellie finally left the blond woman in place, and walked out of the cave...

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