I actually became a god eater

Chapter 51 The Pre-War Meeting

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After bringing Ellie back to the Southern Territory Branch for protection and shielding her signal, Li Feng and the others began to prepare to meet Zhu Rong again.

After nearly a week of preparations, with the help of Li Bo and the others, Li Feng's trio successfully upgraded to R3 and improved their fire resistance to the extent that they could withstand the flames of Zhu Rong.

"It should be almost done."

Looking at the well-maintained Li Feng and their magical machine, Li Bochang breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, their magical machine has caught up with the schedule.

"Why not upgrade to R4?"

Li Feng looked at his new face and asked curiously: "Boge, wouldn't it be better to upgrade to R4?"

"Nonsense, of course better."

Li Bo reluctantly dangled his cigarette and said: "The problem is to upgrade the materials for R4 to find those wild gods with ice attributes in the frozen area in the north. Do you think we have this free time now?"

Speaking of this, Li Bo turned his head and looked at the big countdown card on the attack gate.

On the countdown card, "20:17:57" was displayed.

"Look for yourself."

Li Bo pointed to the countdown card and said, "How long will it be until Zhu Rong is expected to reach the attack range?"

"20 hours."

Seeing the constantly changing numbers on the countdown card, Li Feng frowned: "Where are we going to meet it?"

"I don't know yet."

Li Bo took out the lighter from his pocket and just planned to light the cigarette, but stopped his hand: "Now those three guys are tracking Zhu Rong. We must decide where to attack based on their intelligence."


Li Feng suddenly noticed a problem in Li Bo's words: "Boge, you mean them? Who are they?"

"Oh, you haven't seen it."

Li Bo shook his head and inserted the cigarette back into the cigarette case, then scratched his head and said, "Women's investigation team, should you remember? Our Southern Division originally only had 27 God Eaters, but now we have 3 more. The three of them are little girls."

"Little girl?"

Li Feng tilted his head and asked, "Are three newcomers?"


Li Bo led Li Feng to the elevator and said, "In addition to our first unit, there are Lin Dong's first defense team and Sun Chenyue's second defense team. You haven't seen other teams, right?"


Li Feng shook his head helplessly: "The second unit always set off before we came back. We only came back after we set off. We never met. As for the three little girls you mentioned and..."

"Special Operations Squad."

After pressing the elevator button, Li Bo said: "The other six people form two teams. One is a reconnaissance team composed of three little girls, and the other is a special operations team."

As soon as the elevator opened, Li Bo took Li Feng into the elevator.

After pressing the button on the lounge floor, Li Bocai said, "The reconnaissance team is made up of three rookies like you. Although they lack combat experience, their ability to grease the soles of their feet is unsurpassed in the Southern Division. of."

"Foot....oil the soles of your feet..."

Hearing this word, Li Feng's face was full of black lines, and the expression on his face was also a little helpless: "That's why they were allowed to form an investigation team?"

"Ah, just run if you can't beat it, no problem."

Li Bo took out the cigarette that had just been put back in his mouth and said, "Anyway, their current task is to rotate with the special combat troops to observe Zhu Rong's direction and speed, and then give feedback to my old sister."

"That's it."

When Li Feng heard this, he realized that Li Lan's dispatching ability was so excellent. No wonder she was able to become a commander like Tsubaki Amemiya at such a young age: "In other words, Zhu Rong is being monitored by us all the way now? Is it conspicuous?"

"It's so conspicuous."

Although Li Bo caught the cigarette, he kept playing with the lighter without lighting: "That guy looks pretty human in appearance, except for his four damn arms. Of course, the more than ten-meter-high man made him too. It's hard to hide yourself."

Hearing what Li Bo said, Li Feng suddenly saw the hideous face of a huge wild god with four arms more than ten meters high.

"Wow. It feels disgusting to hear."

Li Feng's face was full of black lines and he wanted to vomit and said, "Although it doesn't have its appearance in the database, this ghostly appearance is not only very oppressive, but also disgusting."

"It's disgusting."

Li Bo said with a look of disgust, "I feel very upset when I think of its ugly face."

While saying this, Li Feng noticed that Li Bo's left hand, which had been stuck in his pocket, trembled slightly.

"It seems that he is also brooding about Lin Ting."

From Li Bo’s unhappy and angry expression and his slightly trembling body, Li Feng saw some clues: "Lin Ting is a good friend of him and Su Qingyun, and also a good friend’s fiancee. He must be hating himself. I can get there sooner."

When he came to the lounge, looking at the lounge with only general soldiers and logistics personnel, Li Bo frowned: "What's the matter? Why does it seem that my wife and Jian and two rookies have not come back?"

"No way?"

After scanning the rest room, Li Feng said: "No, I think their magic has been put back. They should all be back, right?"

"Ah, Captain Li Bo, are you back?"

Just when the two were inexplicable, a young girl dressed in the same clothes as Liu Shiqian ran beside them: "You just came back from the attack, right?"

"Ah, yeah."

Although Li Feng had never seen this girl, Li Bo scratched his head as if he knew her well and greeted her: "I said, what about my wife and them? Didn't it make an appointment to meet here?"

"You mean Sister Qingyun and Brother Jian, right?"

The girl smiled and said, "Three minutes ago, the four of them were still there. But sister Shiqian came to call them away just now, as if it was Lieutenant Colonel Lan looking for your first unit."

"Hey, it's my old sister again."

Li Bo closed his eyes with a cigarette in his mouth and kept scratching his head: "Why is my old sister so long-winded! Can't I enjoy the two-person world with my favorite wife?"

"Of course there is you."

The girl smiled cutely and said to Li Bo: "Lieutenant Colonel Lan said, if you see you and Li Feng come to the lounge, you will immediately report to the command room!"

"I know."

Originally thought that Li Bo was going to be poor again, but he did not expect that he put down his scratching hand and said to Li Feng with a serious face: "Let's go, rookie. It seems that the pre-war meeting is about to be held."

Coming to the command room, including the branch minister and Long Xue, all the members of the first unit were already sitting in the command room.

Seeing Li Bo and Li Feng coming in, Li Lan immediately pointed to the rows of seats and said: "Sit down, your team is left without tasks."

As soon as Li Bo and Li Feng sat down, Li Lan immediately displayed a map on the big screen.

In addition to Zhu Rong, which is marked with a large triangle symbol, there are also a large number of gods marked by small triangles on the map.

"This is the situation now."

Li Lan picked up a long pointer and tapped on the big screen and said, "Zhu Rong's forward speed has remained the same. The pioneer of the wild gods group he led has now arrived here."

When saying this, Li Lan used his pointer to point at a position close to the attack circle.

"Now the second unit has been ambushing here." Qishu www.qishuw.com

When Li Lan spoke, Liu Shiqian's timely operation of the computer marked out symbols: "Their task is to lure the Vanguard troops here, and then lead the Vanguard Vanguard to this place."

Li Lan moved the pointer to point at a wide plain area, and then knocked twice again.

"According to past experience, even if the Wild God Group is induced, Zhu Rong's moving direction will not change."

Li Lan pointed to the line marked with a dotted line and said: "Although this is the case, the Huangshen group next to Zhu Rong is still very tricky! Therefore, I decided on this tactic after discussing with the branch director."

As soon as Li Lan finished speaking, Liu Shiqian immediately marked a circle on a dotted line, and then fully presented the schematic diagram in front of everyone.

"This...this is..."

Seeing the schematic diagram, Su Qingyun opened her eyes first and said: "Induced segmentation tactics?"


Li Lan nodded, and then pointed to the schematic diagram and said: "The battle is divided into several stages. The first stage is the second unit is responsible for inducing and dividing the pioneers of the wild gods. The second stage is here for the second division."

While Li Lan was speaking, Liu Shiqian presented the predicted situation on the big screen.

"The mission of the defense team is here."

Li Lan used the pointer to signal the two sides of the Huangshen Group: "The defense team will pretend to attack the Huangshen Group from both sides, and then try to attract the Huangshen Group to leave Zhu Rong's side as much as possible, so as to reduce the troubles around Zhu Rong."

"Next is the investigation team."

Li Lan pointed to several signs behind the Desolate God Group and said: "The reconnaissance team will launch an attack on the back of the Desolate God Group at this time to reduce the number of Desolate Gods as much as possible."

"Zhu Rong won't stop, right?"

Li Bo, who had been looking at the schematic diagram in silence, said at this moment: "Even if there are three troops to contain the Desolate Gods group, and the reconnaissance team helps to divide it, there won't be too few Desolate Gods around Zhu Rong, right?"

"Yes, but this is just the preliminary stage."

Li Lan pointed at the big screen with the pointer again: "These series of actions are just to reduce the number of wild gods. The ultimate goal is to reduce your obstacles before Zhu Rong reaches the decisive battle position."

Speaking of this, Liu Shiqian displayed the final schematic diagram on the big screen.

This is a low-lying map, surrounded by high-lying areas, only the middle is a depression.

"Here is the final battle position."

Li Lan tapped the screen again and said: "The mission of your first unit is to ambush Zhu Rong here, and then kill it here as much as possible!"

"It's pretty light to say it."

Li Bo put his hands on his chest and looked at the big screen with a serious face: "How to kill? Not to mention that it was Qingyun's luck that hurt it last time and finally got rid of it. What are we going to do this time? ?"

"About this, we have asked Professor Steiner from the Eastern European Division to explain to us."

Regarding Li Bo's question, Li Lan did not answer, but stretched out his left hand to signal to a person sitting in the corner: "Professor Steiner, please explain about the killing of Zhu Rong."

When Li Lan stretched out his hand, Li Feng and the others noticed that Steiner had been sitting in the corner of the command room.

Hearing Li Lan mentioning himself, Steiner slowly got up from the corner and walked to the podium.

After the Minister of the Korean Party Branch and Li Lan nodded, Steiner immediately signaled Liu Shiqian to display the appearance of a wild god on the big screen.

Although the Aragami on the big screen has only one silhouette, it can be seen that it has a huge body, thick legs and four arms.

"Regarding the god Zhu Rong, I think the information from the Eastern European branch can help you."

Steiner took Li Lan’s pointer and pointed to Huangshen’s leg on the big screen and said, “About half a year ago, Zhu Rong attacked a satellite stronghold in Eastern Europe. This is the attack. The God Eater of our Eastern European branch. I accidentally discovered its weakness."

"Eastern Europe? Half a year ago?"

Hearing this location and time, Li Bo widened his eyes and asked: "You mean it was in Eastern Europe half a year ago, and it only took half a year to move to a place far away here?"

"Definitely not this one Zhu Rong."

Steiner smiled and said, "The Zhu Rong who attacked Eastern Europe has been killed by our God Eater, so it should have nothing to do with this one here."

"Has the unique god of the Southern Territories begin to globalize?"

Hearing Steiner's explanation, Li Bo frowned and put his left hand on his chin and said in a low voice: "If this is the case, Xuanwu and that guy will probably also be globalized, so it will be a big trouble."

Steiner obviously didn’t hear Li Bo’s murmur. He pointed at Zhu Rong’s legs and continued: “Here are its legs. Our God Eater tried to deal with both legs whether it’s cutting off attributes or crushing attributes. Invalid. But! Another attribute is valid."

"Pervasive attributes?"

Su Qingyun interrupted at the right time: "That is, can the penetrating attribute of the charged spear I use cause damage to its legs?"


Steiner nodded in agreement with Su Qingyun's words, and then continued: "Its legs are very afraid of penetrating attributes, that is to say, the charged spear, the bullets of the sniper rifle and..."

Speaking of this, Steiner looked at Nakahara Sakura: "Carolly, the radiation from your blasting gun is also effective on her legs."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Li Bo suddenly realized: "It's no wonder that no matter how we attacked back then, it was invalid. It turned out that its legs were only afraid of penetrating attributes!"

"Next is the arm."

Steiner smiled at Li Bo and pointed to the four arms and said: "When you hurt its legs to a certain extent, it will fall. This is the time to cut off the attributes."

When Steiner spoke, the two arms above Zhu Rong on the diagram were cut off.

"According to our Eastern European God Eater accidentally discovered that its upper two arms can be severed."

Steiner pointed to the position of the severed arm and said: "If it loses the top two arms, its attack ability will be greatly weakened. If it wants to regenerate, it will consume a lot of its own oracle cells. As for this How is it? I don’t need to say that you must be very clear.

Speaking of this, there are two red dots on Zhu Rong's diagram showing his head and chest.

"This is the core of it."

Steiner pointed to the two red dots and said: "You must eliminate both cores at the same time before Zhu Rong can be completely defeated. If you only eliminate one of them, Zhu Rong can still maintain at least 70% of his combat ability."


Hearing Steiner's words, almost everyone was lost in thought.

"Of course, it is dangerous if it is delayed too long."

Steiner looked at the people in thought, and he continued to add: "The time for Zhu Rong to regenerate a core is about 35 minutes. If you destroy one of the cores and fail to destroy the second one within 35 minutes... "

At this point, Steiner's face became serious, but he stopped talking.

"Thank you Dr. Steiner."

Facing Steiner's words, when everyone looked solemnly silent, Li Lan took the lead: "We all know what you mean. Next, please leave it to me."

After Li Lan spoke, Steiner nodded to the branch minister and Li Lan again before returning to his position.

Then, after Li Lan explained some other issues, the pre-war meeting came to an end.

"10 hours later?"

After leaving the command room, Li Bo mumbled to himself, "Time is tight."

"so what?"

On the contrary, it was Su Qingyun, with an excited expression on her face: "Anyway, I can finally avenge the revenge of the year!"

Update preview, second time: unexpected

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