I actually became a god eater

Chapter 52: Unexpected

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Zhu Rong expects to arrive at the battle site in 4 hours...

According to Li Lan's plan, the second unit had already guided the vanguard of the Desolate God Group to the plain area and launched a fierce battle at the designated location.

The first defensive force and the second defensive force have also entered the ambush area on Zhu Rong's only way at this time, just waiting for Zhu Rong to appear with the Desolate Group.

At the same time, the first unit scheduled to engage with Zhurong has set up the trap Steiner explained in the expected war zone and entered the alert mode.


Li Bo stretched out and yawned while sitting in the tent: "Sleep really soundly."

"Surely sleep well."

Su Qingyun, who got up earlier than Li Bo, combed her hair and said, "Although I came to this place 10 hours earlier, it has really been a long time since I slept so comfortably."

"How long is it?"

Li Feng walked to the side of the technician who was operating the computer in the tent to observe the situation: "Has Zhu Rong not entered the ambush?"

"It's still early."

The technician pointed to the Zhu Rong sign on the computer screen and said: "Look, now the second unit is trying its best to induce and annihilate the wild gods around Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong will have about two hours before entering the ambush area of ​​the defense unit."

"In other words, there are still 4 hours to the scheduled battle zone?"

Li Feng looked at the map and asked, "It's too slow, right?"

"This is no way."

Li Bo stood up and scratched his head and said: "Zhu Rong is the second largest among the wild gods we know. This kind of big man moves so slowly that it is frightening."

"Do not talk nonsense."

As soon as Li Bo finished speaking, Liu Jian, who had been playing with his magical machine, spoke: "Four hours, prepare quickly."

Hearing Liu Jian's words, everyone including Li Bo hurried to the terminal to check everything needed for combat.

Zhu Rong arrived 2 hours before the combat area...

After repeatedly checking the Shenji and carrying items and supplementing the partial eclipse factor, Li Feng and the others sat down to eat and drink to make a little supplement.

"The Wild God Group has entered the second ambush area."

At this moment, the technician spoke: "The defense forces have entered the ambush according to the original plan."

"How's it going?"

Li Bo took the can and stood up and came to the technician's side: "Aren't Vanguard Vanguard still fighting the second unit?"

"The Vanguard troops are all destroyed."

The technician pointed to the map on the screen and said: "The second unit has now entered the pursuit state, and it should be able to induce the wild gods group beside Zhu Rong to the maximum."


Li Bo put the contents of the can into his mouth with a spoon: "If we can greatly reduce the troublesome ghosts beside Zhu Rong, our odds of winning will be even greater."


After eating something, Li Bo suddenly remembered something: "How is the situation of the reconnaissance team and the special operations team now?"

"All in their respective positions."

The technician immediately replied: "The southeast pass of the reconnaissance team is on guard to prevent the invasion of the gods. The special operations team is preparing for the battle in another camp."

"Everything is proceeding step by step."

Li Bo took the opportunity to glance at the other busy staff outside the tent, and then smiled badly and said, "In other words, we are the only ones who are idle now."

"You can't say idle, right?"

The technician smiled and looked back at Li Bo, who was leaning back in his chair: "Captain Li Bo, your first unit is the key to defeating Zhu Rong. Rejuvenating your energy is the top priority."

"It will flatter you."

Li Bo scolded the technician with a smile, and lightly slapped him on the shoulder: "Your kid is glib, did you lie to another girl?"


The technician pretended to be very painful and rubbed the shoulder that was hit by Li Bo: "I'm a good man with a single focus, I'm not a lie!"

Seeing Li Bo and the technician still in the mood to fight, suddenly the depressed atmosphere in the entire tent was slightly relieved.

Just as everyone was making the final preparations, the technician suddenly changed his face, and then quickly operated the computer.

"Captain Li Bo!"

The technician suddenly turned back and called Li Bo, while his hand was still on the headset: "Liu Shiqian reported that there are four Aranian teams approaching the battle zone now!"


Hearing this news, Li Bo, who had just left beside the technician, strode to him again: "Where?"


The technician pointed to a few bright spots on the map and said: "A team of wild gods is approaching the southeast pass, and the reconnaissance team is resisting. The other three are approaching quickly from the west, the south and the northeast."

"Hey! Really terrible."

Li Bo put on the communication headset and immediately contacted the command headquarters: "Lieutenant Colonel, what should we do now? Should we be divided into three groups to meet?"

"No need to."

Li Lan seemed to have expected Li Bo to ask herself for instructions, and she replied very firmly and simply: "I have sent a special combat team to the northeast."

"What about the West and the South?"

Li Bo frowned and asked, "There should be no team to resist now, right?"

"You need to be divided into three groups."

Li Lan hesitated for a moment and said, "Except for Su Qingyun and Zhongyuan Ying who continue to stay in the position, the other four of you will go to meet the other two Desolate God teams."

"Hey, hey, isn't it?"

Li Bo complained with an ugly expression: "Why should you leave the two of them?"

"Because Zhu Rong's speed has accelerated."

Li Lan raised his voice and said, "Zhu Rong will arrive in the combat area in about 90 minutes. If no one stays behind, it will be very troublesome to break through it! The only thing that can slow it down is the two of them."


Li Bo frowned and thought for a moment and asked, "I know, but what kind of shit made up those two wild gods?"

"In the West, it is the Yasha King with two Yashas."

Li Lan was silent for a moment, and seemed to wait for Liu Shiqian to reply before saying: "There are five Valzhelas in the south."

"Roger that!"

After knowing the configuration of the gods, Li Bo smiled slightly: "I will assign staff now!"

After cutting off the communication, Li Bo looked at the others and said loudly: "You all heard the command of the lieutenant colonel just now! Apart from Qing Yun and Zhongyuan Ying staying at the position, our four big men will go out to meet the invading god.


Hearing Li Bo's order, Li Feng and the three immediately put down what they were holding and stood up: "Please order the captain."

"Um~~ If you are in groups~"

After scanning the three people who stood up, Li Bo pondered for a moment and said: "Lu rookie, you and I will go to meet Valzheluo. As for the sword, you will take another rookie to meet the king of Yasha!"

"Got it."

Liu Jian nodded towards Li Bo, then came to a special box and turned around and said to Li Feng: "The helicopter is waiting for me."

When leaving the tent with the magic machine, Li Feng suddenly caught a glimpse of Liu Jian solemnly patting the box and the staff beside him seemed to be saying something.

Although he had no impression of this box and was very curious, Li Feng remembered that Li Bo once said that Liu Jian liked to invent something to fight against the gods.

"Probably something invented." Wu Jiu Literature www.wujiuwenxue.com

Li Feng smiled and shrugged and said, "I don't know what's going on in this strange box."

A few minutes later, Li Bo led Ershi to board a helicopter and went straight to the south.

But Li Feng honestly followed Liu Jian on the helicopter and flew westward.

When Li Feng and Liu Jian arrived near the location of the King of Yasha, it was already 15 minutes later.

"Time is pressing."

Liu Jian crouched on the side of the helicopter with the magic machine and looked down and said, "Rookie, look for it!"

Actually, without Liu Jian, Li Feng had already started looking for the traces of the King of Yasha on the other side with the magic machine.

Although it is in the air and the weather is very good, the view is very wide.

But this place is still within the scope of forgotten and abandoned capital after all!

It is not easy to find the King of Yasha in a large area of ​​ruins.

Just when Li Feng's eyes were about to bloom, he finally saw several red figures jumping from the shadow of the building in a ruin in the distance.

"Over there!"

After seeing those figures, Li Feng hurriedly pointed at the location with the magic machine and shouted to the pilot: "2 o'clock direction, found the gods! The distance is 1200."

"Roger that."

Hearing Li Feng's instructions, the pilot turned the helicopter while looking in the direction Li Feng pointed out: "Fly right away."

Not long after, the helicopter flew in disguise and flew onto the route of the Yasha King's expected advance.

After the plane hovered, Liu Jian and Li Feng jumped out of the cabin and came to the ground.

"There is one hour left."

After landing, Liu Jian glanced at the watch on his left wrist: "It will be solved in 30 minutes, there is a problem?"

"no problem."

Li Feng mentioned his heavy rounds and said: "20 minutes may be enough."

After getting Li Feng's answer, Liu Jian seemed to feel very satisfied. With a slightly raised corner of his mouth, he led Li Feng to quickly move closer to Yasha according to the pilot's instructions.

After arriving near Yasha, it was the first time that Li Feng really saw this enemy he had abused countless times in the game.

The ordinary Yasha body is mainly yellow, with shoulder armor, arm frame and leg armor, it looks like a strange thing in red and yellow.

While evolving to a height of about 3 meters, it evolved into a huge gun with its right hand, and its unique horn on the head.

Of course, since it is called a Yasha, it has nothing to do with its hideous looks and fangs.

The king of Yasha looks more scary than Yasha!

The king of Yasha is about 4 meters tall, his body is a circle larger than Yasha, and the color of his body is purple, the shoulder armor, leg armor and the gun on his right hand are red.

The biggest difference between the king of Yasha and the king of Yasha is that the king of Yasha does not have a single horn on his head, but two strange things like horns protruding from both sides of his mouth straight into the sky.

Not only that, but the king of Yasha also grew two more claws on his shoulders, and the ends of the claws were huge claws as sharp as a knife.

In addition, its leg armor covers a larger area than ordinary Yasha, almost completely covering both legs.

"I hold the king of Yasha."

After seeing the gods, Liu Jian's eyes immediately fixed on the king of Yasha walking in the middle: "You get rid of the two offal."

"no problem."

Li Feng turned the heavy rounds into the bombardment form, with a confident smile on his face: "How to fight?"

Liu Jian did not answer Li Feng, but took a coma grenade from his belt and removed the safety plug with one hand.

Seeing Liu Jian's movements, Li Feng also took out a paralyzing trap from his arms and waved at Liu Jian.

After receiving a signal from Li Feng, Liu Jian nodded at him and immediately rushed out towards King Yasha.

While rushing out, Liu Jian threw the unconscious grenade into the face of King Yasha.

Suddenly they were raided, and Yasha King and Yasha were almost unresponsive by the stunned grenade flashes.

While the three wild gods were covering their eyes and screaming in place, Li Feng threw a paralyzing trap at one of them and rushed towards the other.

Perhaps because of the sound of footsteps, the Yasha that Li Feng approached suddenly raised the cannon in his right hand and fired indiscriminately in front of him.

However, this kind of meaningless attack does not pose any threat to Li Feng.

After the shells hiding in the night fork came to a close position, Li Fengzhao hit Yasha's leg armor first.

After feeling the attack, Yasha, who was still unable to open his eyes, hurriedly waved his right and left hands to shine in front of him.

This is exactly what Li Feng wanted!

Taking advantage of Yasha's mischief, Li Feng quickly came behind it and turned the heavy moon wheel into an axe blade shape.

"Pour it to me!"

Following Li Feng's roar, the huge axe blade in his hand swept over Yasha's legs directly from the part that was not protected by the leg armor.


At the same time as the axe blade swept, the Yasha had not had time to figure out what had happened before it was cut off with its legs and fell to the ground.

However, Li Feng's attack did not stop because of Yasha's fall!

I saw him quickly activate the oracle cells on the divine machine, wielding the axe blade and used one of the unique tricks in the form of the heavy moon axe blade: heavy moon storm!

As the axe blade fluttered again and again, the poor Yasha soon fell into a pool of blood all over his body.

"It's not over yet!"

With the power of waving, Li Feng leaped high and lifted the magic machine above his head with both hands: "Go to hell, ugly!"

At the same time as Li Feng shouted, the axe blade in his hand also slashed fiercely on the head of the Yasha who had no power to fight back.

With the heavy magic machine and the huge impact, this poor Yaksha was instantly split in half from the beginning.

This is the second trick of the heavy moon: heavy moon strike!

Seeing that Li Feng had solved a Yasha in such a short time through the gap that contained the king of Yasha, Liu Jian's face was not only surprised, but also happy.

"Smelly boy."

Liu Jian entangled the king of Yasha with a smile on his face and whispered: "It's really like a tiger with wings."

After solving one Yasha, Li Feng hurriedly ran to the other Yasha who had just escaped the paralysis trap.....

A few minutes later, the king of Yasha and the remaining Yasha also fell to the ground.

"The mission is over."

After knocking down the king of Yasha and his attendants, Liu Jian pressed the headset to contact the helicopter hovering not far away: "Respond."


Just as Liu Jian was looking for a place for the helicopter to land, Li Feng's shout came from behind him: "Brother Jian! Behind!"


Hearing Li Feng's shout, Liu Jian hurriedly turned around and wanted to jump away: "Happened...ah!"

It's a pity that Liu Jian was still a step too late, and an unbiased oracle bomb shot him out of ten meters away.

It turned out that the downed King Yasha didn't die completely.

It took advantage of the time when neither of them noticed itself, it got up from the ground and fired an oracle bullet at Liu Jian with his back to it.

Seeing that Liu Jian was knocked down, Li Feng hurriedly rushed to the king of Yasha and cleaned it up completely.

After getting the Queen of Yasha, Li Feng hurried to Liu Jian's side.


After carefully confirming Liu Jian's situation, Li Feng called the helicopter while looking at Liu Jian who was lying unconscious on the ground: "Brother Jian is probably going to be absent from this battle..."

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