You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After Su Qingyun finished charging, she relied on the special jet engine that Longxue installed on her god machine and used a charged spear dedicated to charge Zhu Rong.

However, just when the tip of her spear was about to pierce Zhu Rong's right calf, the hand that she held the magic machine actually slightly deflected to the left and lifted it slightly upwards.

Just like this, when he lifted it, the charged spear in Su Qingyun's hand just slashed the Achilles tendon of Zhu Rong's right foot and then took Su Qingyun into the air.

After her body was vacated, Su Qingyun held the magic machine in both hands and turned beautifully in the air and turned off the jet engine.

Su Qingyun aimed at Zhu Rong's left Achilles again while her body was still flying into the air under the action of inertia.

The sound of the jet engine sounded again, and Su Qingyun changed the trajectory in the air and stabbed Zhu Rong's Achilles tendon in his left leg with a spear.

With this thorn, Su Qingyun never adjusted the position and direction of the charged spear's attack.


The moment the charged spear pierced Zhu Rong's Achilles tendon in his left leg, a stream of hot turbid blood poured out from the wound like a fountain.


Seeing the blood that was hot like magma, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly yelled, knowing they were wrong, "Sister Qingyun!"

But as soon as they yelled out, Su Qingyun had already rolled over in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Su Qingyun stood up and pointed the charged spear at Zhu Rong again: "Don't be stupid one by one! Take advantage of this opportunity to kill this bastard..."

Before Su Qingyun finished speaking, Zhu Rong let out an earth-shaking roar.

While it roared, let alone Su Qingyun, who was standing closer, even Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying felt that the temperature around them began to rise rapidly.

"Back, open the shield!"

Su Qingyun greeted Li Feng and the others while jumping back: "Zhu Rong is going to set fire!"


The three of them had just jumped a distance and opened the shield, when Zhu Rong's body suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the soaring flames immediately rushed from Zhu Rong's body to the surroundings, swallowing everything within tens of meters around Zhu Rong.

The scene that followed was unforgettable for Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying.

The flames soaring to the sky began to revolve around Zhu Rong, and gradually formed a huge flame tornado straight through the sky.

As the flame tornado rolled up, a fiery gust of wind whistled across the area.

"Don't patronize!"

Noting that Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura were in a daze watching the tornado, Su Qingyun opened the shield and said, "Press down and open the shield to resist the impact!"

The two who were still in a daze heard Su Qingyun's yelling and hurriedly lowered their bodies and opened their shields again.

Just after getting ready, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying suddenly felt that the squally wind that was still whistling had stopped.

The two hadn't figured out what was going on, and suddenly there was another heat wave in Zhu Rong's direction.

At the same time as the heat wave hit, Li Feng faintly felt something was wrong, so he lightly probed out of the shield while keeping as much as possible.

It doesn't matter whether you look at it, it really scared him when he looked forward.

I saw that the flame tornado that was still spinning at a fast speed was gradually slowing down at this time, and it no longer took the form of twisting like a snake.

As the rotation slowed down or even stopped, the huge flame tornado began to collapse from the top.

Because of the collapse of the flame tornado, the flames that were engulfed in the sky suddenly lost control and immediately rushed to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Li Feng immediately retracted his head behind the shield: "This Nima is too exaggerated! Huh?"

After complaining, Li Feng found that he was squatting Su Qingyun on his left hand, and Zhongyuan Ying on his right hand.

At this moment, they all leaned against Li Feng and turned the shield of the magic machine in their hands to the outside.

"What's the situation?"

Looking at the two beauties beside him, Li Feng's face immediately blushed: "What are you doing?"

"Nonsense! Don't you all want to die?"

Zhongyuan Yingchao Li Feng's body got closer: "Did you hear what Qingyun said just now?"

"What did you say?"

Li Feng turned his head to look at Su Qingyun again, but because of the fireproof suit, he could not see Su Qingyun's current expression at all: "Sister Qingyun?"

"You are the tower shield in charge of the front."

Su Qingyun stepped up and said: "Me and the Zhongyuan girl's medium-sized shields are responsible for covering both sides. If we don't get together, this trick can cook both of us!"

Su Qingyun had just finished speaking, and only heard a whistling sound that made her eardrum painful. The overwhelming flames and a powerful impact immediately swept the entire battle area.

Although Li Feng had already tilted his center of gravity forward and his whole body's strength had withstood the magic, the impact still made Li Feng feel a little unsupported.

But fortunately, the magic machine will not swallow each other!

Feeling Li Feng's body trembling a little and began to recede gradually, Su Qingyun immediately asked Zhongyuan Ying and herself to form a support behind Li Feng's divine machine.

Because the magic and strength of two people were helping to support them, the three of them finally held up this round of flame attacks.

When the three of them dispersed and stood up again, the scene in front of them immediately made Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying feel the power of Zhu Rong.

Just now, there were still scattered ruins everywhere in this area, but now, it appears to be flat.

Not to mention the slightly larger stones, even the houses that have not completely collapsed have been blown by the flame just now.

In addition to everything on the ground that seemed to have been attacked by a nuclear bomb and disappeared without a trace, the flames everywhere also turned the entire battlefield into red.

"This is... Zhu Rong's power..."

Seeing the blood red in front of him and Zhu Rong who was gradually standing up, Li Feng's eyes were almost out of his sockets: "This kind of destructive power...I'm afraid it is not inferior to any nuclear weapons, right?"

"too frightening..."

Nakahara Sakura's expression has also been distorted because of surprise: "This is simply..."

"Lieutenant Colonel, are you ready?"

When the two were still sighing Zhu Rong's strength, Su Qingyun had already moved her body and contacted the headquarters: "Zhu Rong's fire tornado has been released, and those things can be activated!"

"Got it."

Li Lan's voice came from the headset: "It will take 15 minutes to complete the startup. The three of you must hold on!"

"I try my best!"

While answering Li Lan, Su Qingyun called to the two who were still in a daze: "Why are you stupid? Keep attacking if you don't want to die! Remember, keep moving!"

As soon as Li Feng and the others moved, Zhu Rong, who was half kneeling on the ground, stared at them with his remaining eye.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong's legs and one eye are now damaged, and his attack accuracy and reaction speed are greatly reduced.

But it didn't take long for Zhu Rong to seem to realize that if he continued this way, he might be killed by these little bugs.

Ever since, Zhu Rong first released a burst of flames from his body to force them back, and then immediately knelt on the ground and spit out flames to build a wall of fire beside him.90 look at the novel

While building a wall of fire to block Su Qingyun and the three of them, Zhu Rong grabbed with both hands beside him, both hands kept accumulating fireballs and throwing them around.

However, such random attacks were of no use to the three.

No matter how Zhu Rong drove away, the three of them could still take advantage of the number of people to steal Zhu Rong from time to time to gradually reduce the oracle cells contained in its body.

After discovering that this tactic was ineffective, Zhu Rong changed his tactics again.

It first used two consecutive rounds of flames to repel the three of them, and then suddenly its huge body leaped and stood upside down with its four arms supporting the body.

"Damn, there is this kind of operation?"

Looking at Zhu Rong, who turned his body upside down with his hands as his legs, Li Feng attacked him with a smile: "It seems that Huangshen is not a decoration sometimes!"


Seeing Zhu Rong's transformation into this form, Sakura Zhongyuan couldn't help but laughed out: "Isn't this just like the legless ghost in X Ghost Biography?"

Although Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were smiling, Su Qingyun frowned when she saw Zhu Rong's gesture.

"Something's wrong."

Su Qingyun shot Zhu Rong's head again and thought in her heart: "It must have its purpose when it suddenly stands upside down!"

Sure enough, after standing upside down, with the help of his strong arms as support, Zhu Rong not only got rid of the predicament of losing his mobility due to his leg injury, but also freed up his hands to attack the enemy in front of him such as scratching, beating, and slap.

If it was just a physical attack with his hands, Zhu Rong was able to spit out a continuous flame from his mouth at this time and attack the three of them.

"What does it want to do?"

Seeing Zhu Rong spinning himself constantly and attacking with flame jets, Su Qingyun always felt a strange lingering feeling in her heart: "I always feel like it wants to do something."

It didn't take long before Zhu Rong saw a circle of flame barriers several meters wide and several meters high. Su Qingyun finally understood this guy's intention.

"Damn, we are in the middle!"

Su Qingyun yelled out after understanding it: "It uses flames to separate us from it. It intends to use the gap between us to break through the wall of fire to regenerate!"

"Do you want to shoot?"

Nakahara Sakura switched the magic machine into a radiating gun and asked: "I can shoot it at this position!"

"Don't waste bullets!"

Su Qingyun waved her hand to signal Zhongyuan Ying and Li Feng not to fire: "In this environment, the trajectory will change. Even if the trajectory does not change, the power of the ice-attributed bullet will be greatly reduced after passing through the wall of fire, and it will be meaningless to hit!"

When Su Qingyun stopped them, Zhu Rong had already turned over and knelt on the ground again and began to absorb the oracle cells in the air.

"What should we do now?"

Seeing the oracle cells floating in the air moving closer to Zhu Rong, Zhongyuan Ying yelled anxiously: "Sister Qingyun, or I will use a radiation gun to open a way in?"

"It's not necessary."

Su Qingyun smiled triumphantly and stared at Zhu Rong, who closed his eyes and was struggling to regenerate: "We have already prepared, right? Lieutenant Colonel!"

"Preparation is complete, you can start."

As soon as Su Qingyun finished speaking, Li Lan's voice came from the earphones: "You haven't entered the state of liberation, right?"


The corner of Su Qingyun's mouth raised, and the expression on her face was even more triumphant: "Lieutenant Colonel, we can start!"

Hearing Su Qingyun's words, Li Lan, who was far away in the command building, stretched out his finger to Liu Shiqian who had been staring at him.

As Liu Shiqian pressed a special forehead button in front of him, a strange sound of electric current and the sound of machine activation sounded around Li Feng and them.

"What's this sound?"

Hearing this strange sound, Li Feng couldn't help but start looking around: "What happened?"


While Li Feng was still looking for the source of the sound, Zhongyuan Ying suddenly pointed to Zhu Rong and shouted: "The oracle cell!"

Following Zhongyuan Ying's fingers, Li Feng was surprised to find that the oracle cell that had just floated towards Zhu Rong suddenly turned around and began to float around and dived into the ground.

"The oracle cell attraction device finally came in handy!"

Seeing this scene, Su Qingyun's expression eased a lot: "In order to deal with you bastard and other big guys who will summon wild gods, Long Jie's team has spent nearly a year developing this thing!"

"The oracle cell... Attraction device?"

Hearing this term, Li Feng turned his head and looked at Su Qingyun: "Sister Qingyun, what is this?"

"I'll explain to you later!"

Su Qingyun once again took hold of the magic machine and made an attack: "Attention, these flames will be extinguished soon!"

"how is this possible!"

With the radiation gun in her hand, Sakura finally extinguished a small part of the flames in front of her: "My radiation gun has full power..."

Before I finished speaking, I only heard a series of cannon-like sounds around me, and then countless strange things shining with white light rushed into the sky from all directions.

When those strange things reached a certain height, they exploded in the air one by one.

As it exploded, some colored particles visible to the naked eye began to drift around the battlefield with the wind.

When the particles fell, something that surprised Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying suddenly happened!

With the falling of the particles, the fire wall, which was several meters high just now, gradually became shorter, and then it went out like this.

Not only the wall of fire, but also the flames that were ignited by Zhu Rong and have been burning until now are all extinguished as the colored particles fall.

"Don't froze!"

Su Qingyun waited until the wall of fire was extinguished, and she ignored the bursts of heat from the soles of her feet and rushed towards Zhu Rong: "Kill it now!"

Seeing Su Qingyun launching an attack, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying also picked up the magic machine and rushed towards Zhu Rong.

"Successful, Long Jie!"

Through the drone, everyone in the command room saw this scene, and Liu Shiqian exclaimed happily: "You extinguishing particles have extinguished all the flames on the entire battlefield!"


Standing in front of the podium, Long Xue looked at the big screen, although there was still heavy smoke on the battlefield, but there were no signs of half-ignition, and smiled and said: "This thing can come in handy."

Speaking of this, Long Xue suddenly frowned again: "Now, I am worried about another thing."

"Another thing?"

Liu Shiqian tilted her head in confusion and asked, "What are you worried about?"

"The oracle cell attraction device!"

Long Xue's eyes showed a worried look at this time, and her brows frowned: "This thing can be described as a double-edged sword! Because there are no oracle cells floating in the atmosphere, the desolate gods can't absorb it. On the contrary, the god eaters can't get from the god machine. Get the absorbed oracle cell."

"Wh... what?"

Hearing this, Liu Shiqian's eyes widened immediately: "Doesn't that mean that the self-healing ability of God Eater will also decrease?"

"It would be great if it was just like this."

Long Xue shook his head painfully: "Once their divine machine is liberated or injured, then the oracle cells in the body and in the divine machine will also be attracted by these things. In other words, the next thing is to consume more than whose oracle cells are consumed. almost!"

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