You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!"Don't liberate the magic machine!"

Just when Li Fengzheng was about to pass the Desolate Bullet to Zhongyuan Ying, Li Lan's voice came from the headset: "Fight carefully to reduce the incidence of trauma!"


Li Feng stopped his actions and asked, "Lieutenant Colonel, why can't I be liberated? Isn't this more efficient?"

"Divine Machine Liberation will release oracle cells outward."

Li Lan explained as briefly as possible: "Once the cells are released, the oracle cell attraction device will not recognize you!"

Hearing what Li Lan said, Li Feng hurriedly turned his divine mechanism back into a heavy moon wheel.

"Huh, it's the same without liberation!"

Li Feng ran to Zhu Rong who was struggling to stand up: "Anyway, the victory is set now!"

"Don't be too careless!"

Su Qingyun evaded the fireball thrown by Zhu Rong, and counterattacked and said: "Although Zhu Rong has completely lost his mobility now, the power of its wide-range attacks and flame attacks has not diminished!"

"Do you want to kill it?"

Zhongyuan Ying used a radiation gun to limit Zhu Rong's actions and asked: "Even if it is in this posture, we seem to be unable to capture or destroy its core in one fell swoop."

"So I can only fight a war of attrition!"

After finally approaching Zhu Rong and smashing the guy with a shot in the back, Su Qingyun immediately pulled away with her recoil: "Remember, don't get hurt, the oracle cells will float away from the wound!"

"It's too simple~"

Zhongyuan Sakura effortlessly escaped Zhu Rong's mouth and jumped to the side with ease, and then attacked its abdomen with radiation: "We are unscathed now, it is all wounded, how can it be considered that it will die first, right? "

When the three focused their firepower on Zhu Rong, Li Feng suddenly noticed that Zhu Rong seemed a little strange.

Because he found that he could not gather the oracle cells in the air to regenerate, and the power in his body was also losing along the wounds made by these little flies, Zhu Rong looked a little flustered.

While throwing or spitting fireballs indiscriminately around to drive away the flies, it spit out flames from its mouth from time to time to try to re-ignite the ground to stop the opponent.

However, no matter how Zhu Rong tried to create flames, there was no wall of fire as it thought.

"This guy is completely wasting his oracle cells."

Seeing the pits on the ground that were blown out by fireballs, but there was no ignition, Su Qingyun was secretly happy: "Sister Long’s fire extinguishing particles are really good! Not only does it extinguish the fire, it can also prevent Zhu Rong from re-igniting!"

Faced with this situation, not only Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, but Su Qingyun also let go of their hands and feet to attack Zhu Rong more violently.

But at this moment, Zhu Rong suddenly roared and stood up again.


After Zhu Rong stood up, Su Qingyun, who was just behind it, discovered that Zhu Rong's calf wound had completely healed: "We just didn't let it regenerate eyes, but we forgot to keep attacking its legs!"

After Su Qingyun shouted out, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying only remembered.

It turned out that after pushing Zhu Rong into a disadvantage just now, the three of them were a little bit overwhelmed, only attacking its head to end the battle, ignoring that its kneeling legs were always outside their controllable range!

With such an omission, Zhu Rong regained his ability to stand up.


Seeing Zhu Rong stand up, Zhongyuan Ying was just about to attack her feet, but Shenji issued an alarm.

"Damn! It's all done!"

Hearing the alarm, Zhongyuan Ying jumped several times and pulled the distance away before looking down at the magic machine: "Hey, have you run out again?"

Taking off the spent oracle cell storage tank, Chu Yuan Sakura hurriedly touched her waist.

But with this touch, Zhongyuan Ying was immediately confused.

It turned out that during the battle just now, the storage tanks that Zhongyuan Ying was carrying had already been used up, and there was no storage tank around her waist now!

"Feng, there are no bullets!"

Throwing away the empty storage tank, Zhongyuan Ying immediately shouted to Li Feng: "Do you still have it there?"

"It's already used up!"

Li Feng used a shield to block the fireball thrown by Zhu Rong and responded: "I am also trying my best to grab the oracle cells from that guy to open fire!"

"Sister Qingyun, how about you?"

As soon as Zhongyuan Ying asked, she discovered that Su Qingyun was also attacking Zhu Rong with a charged spear at this time: "You don't know how..."

"It's gone!"

Su Qingyun, who successfully stabbed Zhu Rong's calf and jumped away, exclaimed without looking back, "I didn't bring a lot!"

"no solution anymore!"

Zhongyuan Ying turned the divine machine into a bite double knife, and then rushed to Zhu Rong: "We can only grab the oracle cell!"

It is said to grab the oracle cell, but how can it be so easy?

Under normal circumstances, it is easy to capture the oracle cells of the desolate god by predation.

But once it preys on opponents who are still reacting to the gods, the gods will naturally enter a state of liberation.

When the oracle cell attraction device is still operating, it is obviously very foolish and unwise to perform this behavior.

Therefore, Zhongyuan Ying could only seize its oracle cells by attacking Zhu Rong like others.

But here is the problem!

Steiner explained before that Zhu Rong's legs would only be injured by weapons that penetrate the attributes, and he is immune to cutting off attributes!

Because of this, apart from Su Qingyun's ability to capture more oracle cells from Zhu Rong's legs, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying could only capture the pitiful few oracle cells that formed Zhu Rong's leg skin.

It's okay to say that it's just that, but Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying have forgotten another more terrible question.

That is: physical fitness.

After several hours of continuous combat, even Su Qingyun, who had been waiting for the opportunity in the early stage, began to gasp, and his steps and movements were slightly delayed.

Even Su Qingyun, a veteran player, had weaknesses because of his physical decline, not to mention the two novices, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying.

On the other hand, Zhu Rong, although Su Qingyun would injure his leg from time to time, he could regenerate the wound site before the loss of Oracle cells to prevent further loss of Oracle cells.

Not only that, it also deliberately used oracle cells to condense into a layer of skin to cover the injured eyes.

Doing so can prevent the oracle cells from being attracted away from the wound, and secondly, it can prevent Su Qingyun, who was precisely marked by marksmanship, from causing secondary damage.

In this case, the gap between the God of Desolation and the God Eater gradually manifested.

Because physical energy consumption slowed down and the flaws increased, Zhu Rong's attacks hit more and more times.

And because there was no supply of oracle cells, the three attacked Zhu Rong's head less and less, and the threat naturally decreased.

Before long, the three of them were surprised to find that Zhu Rong had completely regenerated his blinded eyes!

After regenerating his eyes, Zhu Rong showed a triumphant expression and roared to the sky.


Seeing this scene, Su Qingyun shouted repeatedly: "Its eyes are regenerated, and the accuracy of the attack will be restored! You must be careful!"

"Hey, you can't go on like this!"

After Zhu Rong's eyes were reborn, it immediately spit out flames at Li Feng. Li Feng blocked it with a shield and said, "I have consumed too much physical energy, and I can't bear it any longer!"

"me too!"

Seeing that Li Feng was in a defensive state, Zhongyuan Ying attacked Zhu Rong's leg in vain while shouting: "If this continues, I may not be able to wave...Oh..."

Before Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Zhu Rong hit her with a palm, and immediately shot her out a few meters away.

Fortunately, Zhongyuan Sakura reacted quickly and opened her shield to resist, otherwise she would break a few bones if she hit her body with this palm.

After turning to the ground, Zhongyuan Ying collected her shield and avoided the fireball thrown by Zhu Rong while saying: "Sister Qingyun, can you do anything?"

"Not to say no!"

Su Qingyun changed the magic machine back to a sniper rifle, and then pressed the button to switch bullets: "But I only have this editing bullet left. I must make sure to hit Zhu Rong hard!"

"Where to attack?"

Hearing that there is only one chance, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but become nervous: "Let's find a way together."

"Mouth!" Jiujiu Chinese

Su Qingyun opened the distance with Zhu Rong again, her eyes fixed on Zhu Rong's mouth: "It would be best if you can get in your stomach!"

"Hey, it's impossible!"

Looking at Zhu Rong's high blood bowl mouth, Li Feng's head was big: "Even if you can hit it from this angle, I'm afraid..."

"Where is its belly?"

Just when Li Feng and Su Qingyun were embarrassed, Zhongyuan Ying looked at Zhu Rong's abdomen and asked, "Sister Qingyun, can your charged spear pierce its abdomen?"


As soon as Zhongyuan Ying said the word, Su Qingyun's mind flashed: "Yes! I know how to do it! You two contain it!"

Upon hearing the instructions, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly came to Zhu Rong to contain them.

While the two were holding Zhu Rong in check, Su Qingyun quickly came to Zhu Rong's back and quickly approached him.

After arriving at Zhu Rong, Su Qingyun first spotted her position, and then jumped on her body.

When she jumped to Zhu Rong's waist, Su Qingyun raised her hand to grab a bump on his waist, then turned over and jumped to another bump.

In this way, although it was very difficult, Su Qingyun quickly came to Zhu Rong's shoulders.

Because all the attention was focused on Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, Su Qingyun came to her shoulder, Zhu Rong still didn't notice.

"Hey, idiot!"

After getting ready, Su Qingyun stood on Zhu Rong's shoulder and shouted to it: "Look where I am?"

Hearing Su Qingyun's voice, Zhu Rong noticed that he didn't know when there was a person standing on his shoulder!

After discovering Su Qingyun, Zhu Rong hurriedly twisted his body and grabbed Su Qingyun with his hands.

These actions were within Su Qingyun's expectations!

Facing Zhu Rong's hand, Su Qingyun jumped up and stepped on it and continued to jump up.

After jumping several times in a row, Su Qingyun vacated above Zhu Rong's head.

"She's crazy?"

Seeing Su Qingyun jumping on Zhu Rong's head, Li Feng's eyes widened, "Isn't it impossible to dodge this way?"

Looking at Su Qingyun on her head, Zhu Rong seemed to show a smug expression and then raised her head and opened her mouth to Su Qingyun.

The moment his mouth opened, a ball of fire flew towards Su Qingyun who could not dodge in the air.

Unfortunately, this action was completely within Su Qingyun's expectations!

Seeing the fireball flying towards her, Su Qingyun immediately opened her shield to block the fireball.


When the fireball hit the shield, a ball of flame exploded in the air.

Before Zhu Rong was happy, there was a gunshot in the flames, and a sniper shell ripped the flames and flew towards Zhu Rong's big mouth.

All this happened between the electric light and flint. Zhu Rong, let alone avoiding, even before closing his mouth, the sniper shell flew through its mouth and into its abdomen.

After the sniper bomb flew into Zhu Rong's belly, Zhu Rong suddenly felt a cold in his belly, and immediately afterwards, his hands and feet began to disobey.

After a twitch, Zhu Rong first knelt on the ground, and then his upper body also fell.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Su Qingyun ignored that she was falling down and shouted: "You two, attack the arms above it to weaken it! It will only be paralyzed for 15 seconds at most!"

Hearing Su Qingyun's order, Li Feng and Su Qingyun immediately changed the magic machine back to the melee state in three steps and rushed to Zhu Rong's back in two steps.


Coming to Zhu Rong's back, Li Feng immediately turned the heavy moon into the axe shape and activated the oracle cell: "Break me!"


As the axe slashed Zhu Rong's arm, the sound of a chainsaw sawing meat came out.

On the other side, Nakahara Sakura also turned the magic machine into a naginata shape and slashed with the arm on the other side.


With the sound of blood pouring out, Li Feng took the lead in cutting off one of Zhu Rong's arms.

"There are still 6 seconds!"

Li Feng didn't put away the axe blade but ran over to Zhongyuan Sakura while shouting: "Sakura, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm not your kind of magic machine!"

Although Zhongyuan Ying had already exerted all his strength, Zhu Rong's arm was tightly injured slightly: "Keep cutting!"

"I come!"

At this time, Li Feng ran to the side of Zhongyuan Ying and aimed at the wound that Zhongyuan Ying had cut: "Break it for me!"


There was another sound of blood pouring, and Zhu Rong's other arm was also chopped off by Li Feng.

"Quickly jump down!"

At this time, Su Qingyun had landed, she jumped up to Zhu Rong again and shouted: "It will stand up soon!"

Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying just jumped off Zhu Rong's back, and Su Qingyun's charged spear also pierced into the center of Zhu Rong's back waist...

About thirty minutes later, Zhu Rong, who had lost his arms, lost a lot of oracle cells and could not be replenished. Finally, his legs fell to the ground.


Seeing that Su Qingyun removed Zhu Rong's core, Zhongyuan Ying, who was already exhausted, sat on the ground at this moment: "My God, I'm almost exhausted!"

"is not that right?"

Although Li Feng didn't sit down, he was so tired that he supported his body with a magical machine and kept breathing heavily: "Why is this guy so patience?"

"You guys did a great job."

After recovering the core and confirming that Zhu Rong was completely dead, Su Qingyun returned to the two of them: "This time you two did a great job! I will report your performance in full afterwards."

"It doesn't matter whether it is reported or not."

Zhongyuan Ying stood up and waved her hands under Li Feng's support and said, "I am exhausted. I just want to go back and take off this clothes and have a nice meal and take a bath."

"Okay, please go back."

Looking at the two people who were exhausted but still full of energy, Su Qingyun smiled and patted Zhongyuan Ying on the shoulder: "I promise to make you full!"

"It's a good job. I actually defeated Zhu Rong, who had made you suffer."

Just as the three were immersed in the joy of victory, a strange female voice suddenly came from behind: "It seems that I underestimated you. But maybe this is your current full strength?"

"who is it?"

Hearing the sound, the three of them all looked in the direction of the sound. At this time, a vague female figure was standing at the slowly dissipating Zhu Rong corpse: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Although she couldn't see the other person's body and appearance, her blood-red eyes exuded a strange light: "You only need to know that I am angry now!"

"Wha... Um!"

Before Su Qingyun had time to ask the other party, she vomited blood in the mask.

It turned out that a pillar of meat that looked like an oracle cell protruded from the back of the figure, which directly pierced Su Qingyun's stomach into a big hole.

"You... uh!"

As soon as Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were about to start their hands, they also felt a pain in their abdomen, and a mouthful of blood came out of their mouths.

"Hmm, this is just a warning!"

Taking the released flesh pillar back behind him, the figure sneered: "I urge you to hand over the Desolate God girl named Ellie as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only Zhu Rong, but also other Desolate Gods will target the Southern Territory branch. Oh!"

After saying this, the figure turned and walked away.

"Hmph, just think about it."

When the eyes of the three of them gradually blurred, the voice of the figure came again: "Can you survive this time, can you survive the next time? Seriously, I still look forward to it~"

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