You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After the head of branch left the command room with Liu Jian, Li Fengcai couldn't help but ask: "That... Boge, can you ask a question?"

"what happened?"

After taking back his surprised expression, Li Bo sorted out his thoughts for a while: "What's the question?"

Li Feng first glanced at Zhongyuan Ying and found that after Zhongyuan Ying showed the same curious eyes as himself, Li Feng looked at Lu Erxi again, and finally turned his gaze to look at Li Lan.

Seeing Li Feng hesitating to say something and stopping, Li Lan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

After an embarrassing silence, Li Lan opened his eyes and slowly said, "Li Feng, don't care about me. Now I am not your boss, but your friend. If you have any questions, just speak up. "

"In fact, it's not a big deal."

After confirming his eyes with Sakura Zhongyuan again, Li Fengcai asked a little bit twistedly: "Well, I saw you all showing surprise expressions before. I just want to ask, is there any problem with this mission?"

"There is nothing wrong with the mission."

Li Bo shook his head helplessly, his face full of uncomfortable writing: "The problem is that the person who proposed this task is actually the Minister Branch himself. Seriously, if it is the Lieutenant Colonel or Sister Long, we might not be so surprised. ."


Hearing this reply, Zhongyuan Ying's appetite was completely hooked: "Why would you be surprised if Minister Partial Branch said it?"

"You three must have not carefully read the entry about Lin Ting in the terminal, right?"

Su Qingyun closed her eyes, her face covered with black lines with one hand on her face: "I'm sorry to trouble you, can you read more about the specific conditions of each god-eater under the entry about the Southern Territory branch? At least, You need to take a look at your relatives."

"Residents...what's the situation..."

Su Qingyun said that, Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying, and Lu Erxi seemed to have a glimmer of impressions in their minds: "Speaking of which, it seems that there are several Lin in the Southern Division..."

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Li Bo took a cigarette and played with the lighter in his hand and said, "The branch director is named Lin Junhao, the biological father of Lin Dong and Lin Ting! You three idiots!"

"What the hell???"

Upon hearing this news, Li Feng and the three of them snarled almost at the same time: "The branch director is the father of Captain Lin Dong and Sister Lin Ting?"

"I can't stand you guys!"

Although Su Qingyun was covering her face with her hand, she could still be seen from the gap between her fingers that she was helpless and speechless to the extreme: "Bobo, why do we have such three idiot-like teammates?"

"Who knows?"

Li Bo stood up calmly and walked towards the door of the command room: "In short, the branch director issued this order to prove that he has considered it. As for the other..."

When he walked to the door, Li Booyi turned his head and pointed his eyes with a smirk: "Don't any of you notice that Minister Zhi's eyes are so dark as some kind of animal?"

After saying this, Li Bo waved his hand to everyone and left the command room without looking back.

"You wait for me!"

Hearing the sound of the automatic door closing in the command room, Su Qingyun hurriedly jumped up and yelled while chasing out: "Damn it, Bobo, please wait for me! You owe me the lemon juice!"

After the two of them left, Li Lan showed a sad look in front of Li Feng for the first time.

"Seriously, I couldn't think of it."

Li Lan shook his head painfully and said, "The branch director must have been worrying about this for a long time and can't sleep well. After all, the pampering of Lin Ting by the branch director far exceeds Lin Dong."

"In this case..."

Li Feng hesitated for a moment before he said, "Lieutenant Colonel, should we try to capture Sister Lin Ting or the golden Hannibal back?"

"Easy to say."

There were teardrops in Li Lan's eyes at this time: "How to capture it alive? Even if it comes back alive, how to imprison it? Even if this can be resolved, do you think we can treat her? How do Minister Branch and Lin Dong face Lin Ting? Liu Jian What?"

Facing Li Lan's series of questions, both Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying bowed their heads not knowing how to answer them.

"You go back first."

After Li Lan finished talking about this series of problems, she closed her eyes and waved to the three of them: "Start to act in three hours. You can take advantage of your magic now. That's it."

After leaving the command room, Li Lan's series of questions just now lingered in Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying's mind.

On the other side, after the head of the branch left the command room, Liu Jian was taken to the head of the branch.

"sit down."

As soon as the door was closed, the director of the branch pointed to the sofa in front of the coffee table and said, "I'll make you a cup of tea."

Although it is not very clear what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, Liu Jian still sat on the sofa in a nervous mood.

"You can't think of it, right?"

Minister Zhi was busy standing on the tea table on the other side. Liu Jian couldn't see his expression, but he could hear that he was feeling very heavy at the moment: "I will actually give you and the two newcomers this order. "


After thinking a little bit, Liu Jian said, "I really didn't expect this order to be delivered by you."

"I don't want it either."

Hearing the sound of the utensil hitting the tea table, Director Zhi stopped his movements: "Since I learned from your report and Ellie's conversation that Tingting is not dead and has turned into a desolation, I did think a lot."

When the Minister Branch spoke, a busy voice came from him: "To be honest, Tingting is not dead, I feel very happy. But now she is manipulated by Erica, and she is deified. This... ."

Speaking of this, the action of Minister Branch stopped again.

"Distressed, so do I."

Although Liu Jian's face was expressionless, there was a trace of melancholy in his tone: "Although I am convinced that she is not dead. But I didn't expect...I will meet her again, actually in the form of her as a desolate god."

"Who is not."

Hearing Liu Jian's words, Minister Zhi's hand moved again: "I also told Dongdong about this. He said that he could not accept that his most beloved sister had become a wild god."

"Neither can I."

Liu Jian still stared blankly at the back of Minister Branch: "Although you have been opposed to the matter between Tingting and I. However, I cannot accept that Tingting, whom I love, is now a wild god controlled by Erica. !"

"Indeed, I have been against you all the time."

With the sound of pouring water, Minister Zhi's tone also became melancholy: "I still disagree with this matter. Although you are childhood sweethearts, I also know your parents. But I always feel that you don't Should be together."

As the sound of the lid of the ceramic teapot sounded, the Minister Branch spoke again: "But ah, my daughter has been spoiled by me, your aunt, and Dongdong since childhood. What is the use of my objection? She still wants With you, even on the battlefield."

While saying these words, the Minister Branch raised his head and looked at the wall thoughtfully.

"I was opposed to it."

While Minister Zhi was silent, Liu Jian's eyes changed, and his tone was not so cold: "When she said that she wanted to become a God Eater, I actually opposed it all the time. But in the end you agreed to her. "

"Can I not agree?"

There was a hint of helplessness in the director branch's tone: "You don't know Tingting's temper. She tried to force me to death, what can I do?"

"Hmph, it really is her style."

Hearing that Lin Ting actually dared to threaten Minister Branch with death, Liu Jian closed his eyes and laughed: "To me, she was useless with this trick. However, you should know how she used to persuade me."

"Don't even think about it."

Although Minister Branch laughed softly, Liu Jian heard it: "She must have threatened you with a breakup or something else, so you agreed to it, right?"


Liu Jian's smile was very helpless, but with a warm look: "Tingting always threatens me with endless methods to agree to her request. Although she has never been unreasonable, it does give me some headaches."

After Liu Jian said this, Minister Zhi came to the coffee table with a pot of tea and two teacups on a tray.168 novel

After pouring the tea into the teacup, a strong black tea fragrance spread throughout the branch office.

"Black tea...?"

Smelling the scent, Liu Jian recovered from the memory and opened his eyes: "Why is there black tea at this time?"

"I have always treasured it."

Minister Zhi handed the cup full of black tea to Liu Jian, and poured black tea into the other cup: "This is Tingting's favorite Ceylon black tea, and I still have to keep it and still can't bear to drink it."

While Minister Zhi poured the tea, Liu Jian kept staring at the bright and round tea in the cup in a daze.

"Two slices of lemon."

At this moment, Minister Branch suddenly used tweezers to sandwich two slices of lemon into Liu Jian's teacup: "Your habit of drinking black tea is to add two slices of lemon to a cup, right?"

" come?"

Seeing the lemon slices that Minister Branch put in the teacup, Liu Jian stared at Minister Branch with wide eyes: "This is only..."

"Because Tingting told me."

Although Minister Zhi tried his best to keep his expression calm, his eyes were full of sadness at this time: "Tingting is talking about some of your habits and hobbies in my ear all day long. Before I know it, I can't forget even if I want to forget it. Up."

When he said these words, Minister Zhi's eyes were filled with helplessness, but there was a touch of warmth in his eyes.

"Why don't you drink it?"

Seeing Liu Jian still staring at the teacup in a daze, Minister Zhi picked up the teacup in front of him and asked, "It's not Tingting, don't you drink it?"


Liu Jian desperately held back the tears he wanted to shed and picked up the teacup, his voice trembled: "It's just...I remembered something..."

However, when the mellow black tea entered the mouth with the unique aroma of lemon, all the memories of the past resurfaced in my mind.

At this time, Liu Jian couldn't help it anymore.


With tears coming from his eyes, Liu Jian gently put down his teacup and lowered his head, his body trembling constantly.

"I'm sorry, kid."

Seeing that Liu Jian became like this, Minister Zhi raised his hand apologetically and gently placed it on his shoulder: "Can you forgive uncle?"


Liu Jian raised his tearful face and looked at the kindly face of Director Branch blankly: "Where does this start?"

"I shouldn't oppose you."

Minister Branch's expression became extremely painful at this time: "Sometimes I will deliberately embarrass you, and I will find your trouble when I find an opportunity. Don't you hate me?"

"No, I never hated you."

Liu Jian raised his arm and wiped away his tears and said: "I know very well that you are doing it for Tingting's good. Tingting will follow me and there will be no happiness. So you want me to leave by myself, but I can't do it."

"Tingting can't do it either."

Seeing Liu Jian's expression when he answered him, he sighed for a long time: "I have used various methods to force Tingting to leave you countless times, but she has become more and more alienated from me. He even said, if If I force her to leave you again, she will cut off relations with me."

Perhaps it was the first time I heard that Lin Ting actually threatened the branch minister so much behind his back, Liu Jian was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Seriously, I felt really stupid at that time."

After taking another sip of the tea, the Minister Branch stared at the tea in the cup and said, “Since Tingting’s accident, you have changed from cheerful to taciturn, and you often take on some dangerous tasks. Looking at all this, I know How much did Tingting’s incident hit you."

"You... all know?"

Hearing these words from Minister Branch, Liu Jian was even more surprised: "My every move..."

"Yes, I see it all."

Minister Zhi smiled embarrassedly and said: "Actually, after I discovered that you were deliberately performing difficult tasks, I specifically asked Li Lan to set thresholds for those tasks, but I didn't want you to have an accident."


Hearing this, Liu Jian couldn't understand: "You...don't blame me?"

"Why do you blame you?"

Director Branch shook his head with a bitter expression: "I was mentally prepared for Tingting's matter. And, do you know what she told me before she left that mission?"

Although Liu Jian didn't speak, from the lightly shaking his head, the Minister Branch knew what he meant.

"She said that she doesn't care if she will die or not, whether the god is strong or not."

Although a bit bitter, the head of the branch still looked at the ceiling with a kind smile: "She said that for her, the real happiness is to be able to fight shoulder to shoulder with you, not just hiding in the branch and praying all day. For you to return safely."

Perhaps it was the first time I heard this statement, and Liu Jian didn't know what to say again.

"Do you remember?"

The Minister Branch continued: "When she had not reached the age of 15 and became a God Eater, what would she say to you every time you went on a mission?"

"Wuyun is prosperous."

Liu Jian said the answer to this question without hesitation: "Every time she uses this widely used term in the Far East to send me off."


Director Zhi retracted his gaze and nodded: "Do you know why she only said this sentence and never said anything else? For example, you must come back or come back alive."

"do not know."

Liu Jian shook his head and said, "I asked her, but she never told me."

"She told me."

The Minister Branch drank the tea in the teacup: "She said that only by saying this, will she not fight as hard as you can because you are worried about her. Only in this way can she be cruel and send you away."

Hearing this explanation, tears that could not be stopped fell from Liu Jian's eyes again.

"Okay, one last question."

Minister Zhi stretched out his hand to beckon Liu Jian not to leave the precious black tea, and asked, "I know this task is very difficult for you. After all, you want to do it with your own hands. But you know why I didn't let Li Bo or Su Qingyun. Is it executed?"

"They definitely can't make it."

Liu Jian drank the black tea and gently put down the teacup: "Xiao Lu is not as capable. Only Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying can do this. But why me?"

"Because I think this is what she wants."

Minister Zhi put the finished cup back on the tray, then stood up and said: "Please, your favorite person, please let her free yourself."

After speaking these last words, Minister Zhi stood up holding a tray and turned his back to Liu Jian and asked, "Can it be done?"

"I do not know."

Liu Jian also stood up at this time and walked to the door of the branch minister's office: "However, the two of them must be able to do it."

"I hope you can do it."

Minister Zhi put down the tray on the tea table, he stopped his action: "I know this is cruel to you, but I think if you come to do it, at least Tingting her..."

"I will not give up hope."

Liu Jian walked out of the branch office and said without looking back: "Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I must bring Tingting back! I said that I will never give up!"

After Liu Jian walked out the door, a few drops of tears suddenly dripped on the tea counter: "Smelly boy, you are exactly the same as your father back then."

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