You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Three hours later, in the Shenji vault...

When Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were making their final preparations before the attack, an abnormal event caught their attention.

Not to mention that Liu Jian actually put on his own cap in this attack.

He was actually standing in front of the God's Rack at this time, and was talking to Long Xue.

Although he couldn't see Liu Jian's expression clearly, from the gap in his hat, Li Feng still felt that Liu Jian was very serious and determined when he said these things.

After listening to Liu Jian's words, Long Xue first showed a look of surprise, then she lowered her head and began to meditate.

After a moment of contemplation, Long Xue lowered her voice with a serious face as if she had said something to Liu Jian.

After Long Xue finished speaking, Liu Jian shook his head, and then opened his mouth again.

After listening to Liu Jian's words again, Long Xue was thinking again, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Please, Sister Long."

After seeing Long Xue's expression, Liu Jian suddenly bowed to Long Xue and raised his voice: "Please agree to my request."

"I really can't agree."

Long Xue was embarrassed. She hesitated and said, "This fact is too dangerous! If one is not careful, you are in danger if you don't say anything else, do you know?"

"I know the consequences of doing this."

Liu Jian raised his head and glanced at the neatly organized god frame and said: "Since I have proposed it to you, I have made corresponding psychological preparations."

"Are you crazy?"

Long Xue's expression became serious and she began to reprimand Liu Jian loudly: "You want to do such dangerous things, are you crazy or stupid? If I promise you, if something goes wrong with you, how can I talk to Secretary of the branch account?"

"Please look at this first."

After Long Xue mentioned Minister Branch, Liu Jian took out a note from his pants pocket and handed it to her: "You'll know after reading it."

After taking the note and opening it, Long Xue's eyes immediately widened.

After a while, Long Xue uttered a long sigh and tore the note into pieces: "Well, since the branch minister has allowed it, I will reluctantly agree to you!"

"thank you very much!"

Just as Long Xue let go, Liu Jian immediately bowed to her respectfully again: "Please finish quickly."


Although Liu Jian solemnly thanked him and bowed, Long Xue still had a stern face: "I will confirm again. Do you really know what you are going to do? Is it worth it?"


Liu Jian answered without hesitation: "I also know what I'm doing. No matter what the outcome is, I don't regret it!"

"Never mind."

Seeing Liu Jian's resolute attitude, Long Xue finally sighed helplessly: "Since this is the case, then I have nothing to say. It takes about six hours to do these things. Then you come to me by yourself."

After saying this, Long Xue shook his head step by step and returned to his laboratory.

After Long Xue left, Li Feng walked up to Liu Jian with his magic machine: "Brother Jian."

"Are you ready?"

After Li Feng walked over, Liu Jian put away his expression just now and returned to his unchanging poker face: "Have you checked?"


Zhongyuan Sakura raised the biting double-edged blade in her hand and said, "You can go now."

"Then go."

Liu Jian picked up his death sickle from the god frame: "Go early and return early."

After leaving from the attack gate, Liu Jian took the two to board the helicopter that had been waiting.

On the helicopter, Liu Jian noticed that Li Feng always looked at him like he wanted to talk.

From time to time, Li Feng whispered to Zhongyuan Ying, but the two of them always looked at themselves.

"what you want to say?"

Unable to bear this look and feeling, Liu Jian stared at Li Feng with cold eyes and asked, "Is there anything on my face?"


Li Feng shook his head, then lowered his head: "Nothing."

"Say if you have anything."

Liu Jianzui couldn't see this kind of non-talking attitude, he said in a slightly angry tone: "Don't hold back like constipation."


From Liu Jian's expression and tone, Li Feng knew that he was a little upset before he said: "We are curious why you suddenly wore a cap."

"Want to wear it."

Liu Jian deliberately tilted his head to one side and moved his eyes out of the cabin: "No?"

"Actually, there is another thing."

After hesitating for a while, Li Feng took a deep breath and asked, "Brother Jian, what were you talking about with Sister Long just now? What is dangerous is..."

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Seeing Li Feng asked about this, Liu Jian suddenly stared at his eyes with a fierce look, and his tone became very unfriendly: "Nosy is a little limited! Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask!"

Seeing Liu Jian's eyes and hearing his near-threatening words, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying had no choice but to shut their mouths and stop asking even if they had great doubts.

Just when there was an awkward and dull silence in the helicopter cabin, a scream broke the atmosphere.

"What happened?"

Hearing the cry, Li Feng immediately stood up and came to the co-pilot: "Is it a human scream just now?"


The co-pilot pointed to a stream not far away and said, "Look, there are two people below."

Following the co-pilot's fingers, Li Feng and the others noticed that a man, a woman, and two children were surrounded by several ghost-faced giant tails in a stream not far away.

"Hey, survivor?"

Seeing that the human beings were surrounded by the desolate gods, Li Feng held the handrail on the helicopter with one hand while leaning out to look out: "Brother Jian, what should I do now?"

"Do you still need to ask?"

At this time, Liu Jian had picked up his magic machine and was standing at the other side of the hatch: "You two go down to save people, I am responsible for cutting off the follow-up of the gods."

After saying these words, Liu Jian immediately jumped out of the cabin without looking back.

As he jumped out, his voice came from the headphones: "Drive the helicopter over the two children!"

Put aside the three people who are rushing to rescue.

At this time on the creek, a girl who looked about fourteen or five years old was holding a sharp knife in her hand.

But the little boy, who seemed to be about ten years old, stood in front of the girl holding a wooden stick about the thickness of his arm.

"what are you doing?"

The girl caught the little boy behind her and stared at the ghost face giant tails in front of her, "Quickly go! Sister can hold on for a while! How fast and fast you escape!"

"I do not want!"

After the little boy got rid of the girl's hand, he came to her again with the wooden stick and held the wooden stick in both hands, staring firmly at the ghost face giant tail in front of him: "I will defeat the gods! I want to protect my sister!"

"Stop it!"

Seeing the stupid behavior of the little boy, the girl stretched out her hand and tried to drag him: "You go! My sister didn't..."

Before the girl had finished speaking, a ghost-faced giant tail rushed towards the two with a roar.

Seeing the ghost face and giant tail rushing up, although his feet were shaking with fear, the little boy still yelled and raised his hand with a useless wooden stick to greet him.

"Come back soon!" 186 Chinese website

Seeing the little boy's brave behavior, the girl hurriedly stepped forward to catch him: "Danger!"

Just as the ghost face giant tail was about to bite the little boy, a huge axe suddenly fell from the sky.


With the loud noise, a male God Eater wearing a Fenrir uniform with a black bracelet in both hands and a giant axe was about to bite the little boy's ghostly tail and chopped it down.


With the sound of a girl's cry, another ghost face giant tail was also chopped down by a female God Eater wearing a Fenrir uniform holding a pair of knives, also wearing a black bracelet with both hands.

"Stay back!"

After cutting down the ghost face giant tail, the male God Eater turned the giant axe into a heavy moon wheel and waved at the two of them: "Stay away, don't hurt it!"

"Down with... Desolate God..."

Maybe he was frightened by the blood splattered all over himself, or maybe he was frightened by the two people who suddenly appeared. The little boy stood there and stared at what was happening in front of him: "They...can defeat the gods... ..."

Three minutes later, a few ghost-faced giant tails fell into the stream, and the blood from them stained the stream red.

"How is your situation?"

The two had just dealt with these ghost-faced giant tails, and the other man with a huge death sickle, wearing a long coat and covering his face with a hoodie came over from a short distance: "I've solved it over there."

"no problem."

The male God Eater gave the opponent a thumbs up: "It's just a few ghost-faced giant tails, and it's solved in three or two."

"Yeah~ Dirty!"

Unlike the proud look of the male god-eater, the female god-eater hurriedly jumped ashore and kept shaking her feet: "These are my new boots, which are soiled by the blood of the gods!"

"No problem."

Later people looked at the two children: "You guys, are you okay?"


The girl held the little boy who hadn’t reacted in her arms. She pointed at the three of them with a knife in one hand, her eyes full of fear: "You are..."

"Bite of God."

The male God Eater wearing only one bracelet put his huge scythe on his shoulder and replied: "We are Fenrir's God Eater."

"Bite of God...."

Hearing this novel term, the little boy's eyes flashed with bursts of light: "A person who can... devour God..."

"You are optimistic about them."

Liu Jian first glanced at the two children in front of him, and then said to Li Feng: "Let me ask how to deal with this matter."

After saying this, Liu Jian pressed his earphones and walked aside.

"Children, are you okay?"

Li Feng put the magic machine aside, walked to the little boy and squatted down and asked, "Is there any injury? My brother made a heavy hand just now. Didn't he accidentally hurt you? Or was it scared you?"

"No no!"

Knowing that these three people in front of him would not hurt him, the little boy hurriedly ran out from behind the girl: "Brother and sister, you are amazing! You can actually defeat the gods!"

"What is this?"

Li Feng turned his head to look at the ghost face giant tail that was dissipating, with a bitter smile on his face: "If you defeat this most worthless god of desolation, it would be awesome, then Boge would be Superman?"


Hearing the name, the little boy tilted his head with a curious expression and asked, "Who is that?"

"Hey, you will know later."

Li Feng stood up and touched the boy's head, then turned to ask the girl, "Are you okay?"


The girl looked at the handsome Li Feng in front of her. She didn't seem to be relieved from the shock just now: "You...really won't hurt us?"


After washing the blood on the boots with stream water, Sakura Zhongyuan stepped forward and smiled kindly: "We are the god-eaters who protect humans. Why do we harm humans?"

Seeing Nakahara Sakura, who was about his age, the girl's expression distorted by fear gradually unfolded.

"Got instructions."

Just after asking about the situation of the two, Liu Jian walked over: "The lieutenant colonel said that the mission should be suspended first. Let us escort them to the nearest satellite base for refuge by helicopter."

"Satellite base?"

Upon hearing this word, the girl showed a puzzled look: "What is that?"

"You don't know?"

Seeing the expression of the girl in front of him, Zhongyuan Ying asked in disbelief: "Are you not from the satellite base?"


The girl pointed to the distant mountain area and said, "We live in the gathering point in that mountain area."

"No matter where you live."

Liu Jian took out a chimney and twisted it away, then threw it to the nearest flat area and said, "When you get on the plane, you will show the way and we will send you back."

After getting on the plane, the girl was so frightened that the little boy hid deep in the cabin and did not dare to move.

On the contrary, it was a little boy. He looked outside the open hatch from time to time, with surprise and excitement in his eyes.

After sitting down, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying had time to look at the two children carefully.

The clothes worn by the two children are very old and tattered, and their bodies are not very strong, but rather thin.

Perhaps because he had escaped before, the little boy had only his left foot in shoes and his right foot was barefoot.

It was with this look that Li Feng noticed that the girl in front of him was about the same age as him and looked pretty.


After noticing that the girl was a stranger and she was pretty, Li Feng blushed and turned his head to the side.

After discovering Li Feng's embarrassment, Zhongyuan Ying secretly covered her mouth and laughed.

After the plane landed, Liu Jian let the plane go back for supplies, and walked ahead in the direction pointed by the girl.

"Why did you go there?"

When she was walking on the road, Zhongyuan Ying asked, "It's quite far in your residence."

"Well, we are looking for something."

Holding the boy's hand, the girl replied a little shyly: "There are some adults with us, but they are all..."

Having said this, both of them bowed their heads and did not want to say anything.


Zhongyuan Ying looked back at the place where she met them just now: "There seems to be no food in that place, right?"

"It's medicine."

The girl raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Pneumonia is beginning to spread in our residential area. Dad said, if there is no medicine, we will be finished. So we went out today to find medicine."

When he heard that it was an epidemic of pneumonia, Li Feng had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Indeed, if in normal times, pneumonia only requires antibiotic treatment, it will be cured soon.

However, now the gods are raging, and for these people who are not scattered under the shelter, once one person contracts pneumonia, it will quickly destroy the entire gathering area.

Hearing this news, everyone including Zhongyuan Ying chose to be silent.

After climbing over a mountain, the girl pointed to a house by a lake in the col and said, "Look, this is where we live."

In today’s updated chapter, I think some readers may find that I have borrowed from the plots in anime.Of course, this is just the current part.Please be patient and watch the development of the next thing~:)

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