You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Standing on the top of the mountain, Li Feng felt a strong sense of disobedience when looking at the col below.

In fact, not only Li Feng, but also Liu Jian and Zhongyuan Ying were surprised by everything that came into view.

It turned out that in this small mountain col, in addition to a small river that runs through the entire col, there is also a large lake formed in the center of the col.

There are still a few leaf boats floating on the sparkling water, and people can still be seen fishing on the boats.

Except for the housing area by the lake, the entire mountain col is actually a large area of ​​lush woods and farmland with obvious traces of artificial excavation!

Where is this hiding place or refuge?

Everything in the col is a beautiful paradise!

Walking into the housing area, a stronger sense of disharmony immediately attacked the three!

In this small-scale housing area, houses with a rural atmosphere have been built on the original destroyed foundations and wreckage.

In addition to the people working in the fields, you can also see groups of women walking towards the lake with clothes in groups from time to time.

What's more exaggerated is that in a clearing between the house area and the lake, there are about a dozen or so children about the same age playing.


Walking on the streets of the housing complex, looking at everything along the way, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying almost couldn't feel that they are now in the apocalyptic raging gods: "What the hell is this paradise?"

In contrast to Li Feng and the others, Liu Jian kept scrutinizing everything in front of him with a serious face.

When they came to the home of the two children, Li Feng and the others met their parents.

The father of the two is a thin middle-aged man with glasses and an old shirt.

Their mother is a very thin middle-aged woman who looks sick.

After learning that the three of Li Feng and the others were from the Southern Territory Branch, their parents both showed extremely surprised expressions.

After the surprise, the father of the two told their mother to take the two back home, and he took the three to a larger house in the center of the housing complex.

Entering the house, the man politely asked the three to sit down, and then he said: "For the three who saved the little girl and the little dog, I would like to express my gratitude to the three on behalf of my wife."

"Stop talking politely."

Before Li Feng could speak, Liu Jian first asked: "Please come here, there must be something else?"


The man was stunned by Liu Jian's question. Then he smiled and said, "I will invite the person in charge of the village. You three, please sit down for a while."

After watching the man leave, Li Feng couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Jian, have you noticed the sense of disharmony in this village?"

"When am I stupid?"

Liu Jian choked on Li Feng's sentence and then glanced sharply at the house where they were staying: "This place should have been a residential area, but it seems that it has been attacked by the gods."

"Well, it should be."

Li Feng stood up and walked to the corner of the house and gently twisted a handful of soil in the corner of the wall with his hands: "They used the original debris to build the current house, and the connection was made of mud mixed with other materials."

"This is not surprising."

Liu Jian also stood up, his eyes never leaving the ceiling: "This kind of technology can be completed with some civil engineering. But... I'm surprised that there is another thing."

Having said that, Liu Jian's gaze moved outside the door.

"You mean the strange gaze that has been walking around us?"

Seeing Liu Jian's gaze pointing outside the door, Zhong Yuan Ying sat on a chair and said, "Since we entered this village, people have looked at us with strange eyes from time to time, as if..."

"It seems that I have never seen a God Eater."

Before Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Liu Jian continued: "Judging from the scale of this place, it was not formed in one or two years. I estimate that the people here have lived in seclusion here for at least 5 years."

"5 years?"

Hearing this inference, Li Feng slowly stood up and walked to Liu Jian's side: "Brother Jian, you mean that in the past five years, I am afraid that no gods have attacked this place, right?"


Liu Jian nodded, but his gaze kept looking at the distant woods: "Besides, do you still feel something wrong?"

"It's probably the woods, right?"

After noticing Liu Jian's gaze, Li Feng closed his eyes and laughed: "This large area of ​​woods and even flowers and plants are natural, and they have not been injected into the oracle cells."

"and then?"

Liu Jian turned his gaze back and stared at Li Feng: "You just..."

"This is impossible."

Although he did not open his eyes, Li Feng also felt Liu Jian's gaze: "The reason why natural plants can be left in the oracle forest is that in addition to the outer oracle cell pillars, there are also a large number of oracle cells injected into it. Trees, right?"

Without hearing Liu Jian's words, Li Feng opened his eyes and looked at the woods and continued, "Because of the existence of oracle cells, the wild gods composed of partial eclipse factors are naturally reluctant to invade the oracle forest. This is different."

When Li Feng spoke, a breeze blew, and the floral wind suddenly made the two of them vigilant.

"Is this a floral fragrance?"

Nakahara Sakura also came to the two of them at this time: "The fragrance of this flower is really strong."

"One more doubt."

After smelling the fragrance of flowers, Li Feng and Liu Jian said these words almost at the same time: "It seems that this village is full of doubts."

Just when Li Feng was about to exchange views with Liu Jian, the middle-aged man rushed over from a distance with four or five men of the same age.

"Sorry, sorry."

After arriving in front of the three, the middle-aged man said embarrassedly: "Because everyone is working in the fields at this time, it took a lot of time to find them all."

"It's not convenient to talk here."

Another middle-aged man patted him, then stepped forward and pointed his finger at the chair where the three of them had sat: "Come here, sit down and talk."

After sitting back in the chairs, the few introduced themselves.

Only then did Li Feng and the others know that the two siblings they had saved just now were named Zhang.

After the self-introduction, the village chief surnamed Zhou asked: "Brother Liu Jian, are you really the god-eaters of the Southern Territory Branch?"

"if not?"

Liu Jian frowned and asked, "Do you think there is a Fenrir branch nearby besides the Southern Territory branch?"

"It shouldn't be!"

As soon as Liu Jian finished speaking, everyone, including Lao Zhang, began to whisper: "How can the Southern Division still exist?"

"Who said that the Southern Region branch no longer exists?"

Hearing these words, Zhongyuan Sakura folded her unhappy hands on her chest and said: "Aren't we all holding magic machines and wearing bracelets? If the Southern Branch is not there, why do we have to come here so far? "

Hearing the words of Nakahara Sakura, everyone started talking in low voices.

"Please be quiet."

Seeing that the situation was a little messy, Chief Zhou coughed slightly to stop their whispering: "That, brother Liu Jian. Why are you here this time?"

"On the way."

Liu Jian looked at the village chief coldly and replied, "Saved Lao Zhang's children and escorted them back along the way."

Hearing that Liu Jian and the others rescued Lao Zhang's child, Village Chief Zhou glanced at Lao Zhang.

"That's what the children said."

Lao Zhang nodded and said everything the child had told him: "This is how things are..."

After listening to what Lao Zhang said, Chief Zhou thought for a while before asking: "Then, little brother Liu Jian. Can you agree to an unsympathetic request?"

"What is it?"

Liu Jian was taken aback when he heard these words, and then returned to his cold expression: "What do you want?" Please see the novel website

"You saw it too."

Village Chief Zhou pointed to the chandelier on the ceiling embarrassedly: "We have run out of fuel here and there is not enough medicine. They left the village today to find these. But..."

Speaking of this, Village Chief Zhou looked at Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang cleared his throat and took the slurs: "We sent two teams, one team brought back only a small amount of diesel. You should already know the team to find medicine."


Liu Jian coldly looked at the village chief Zhou and Lao Zhang in front of him: "Go on."

"We want to ask you to be guards."

Lao Zhang first glanced at Village Chief Zhou and found that after he signaled to him to make the request, Mr. Zhou slowly said the request: "Can you three protect us to find medicine?"

"very sorry."

After hearing the request, Liu Jian almost refused the request without even thinking: "Forgive me to refuse."


Seeing Liu Jian refused the request, Village Chief Zhou stood up impatiently: "Don't you want to help us?"

"Because there is no order."

Liu Jian replied, neither arrogant nor humble: "We have a mission when we come out, so we can't accept your request or commission."

Facing Liu Jian's reply, Chief Zhou and the others had nothing to say for a while.


Liu Jian scanned the people in front of him with his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Even if we promised, you wouldn't be able to transport medicines on a large scale, would you?"


When Liu Jian said this, the village chief Zhou's face suddenly turned blue and red: "How did you know?"

"There is no comment."

Liu Jian smiled triumphantly and leaned his body on the back of his chair: "If we need to use manpower to forget the abandoned city and here, it will take at least three to five days. The partial eclipse factor in our bracelet can't last so long."

Then Liu Jian stood up again: "Well, if there is nothing else, we will leave."

After dropping this sentence, Liu Jian cast a look at Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying and left the house.

After leaving the village, a shout suddenly came from the three of them.

Turning back, he found that Lao Zhang and his children were chasing after them panting.

"Any thing else?"

Seeing Lao Zhang catching up, Liu Jian looked at him indifferently: "I remember I said everything I should say."


Lao Zhang walked to Liu Jian and lowered his voice: "Actually..."

The next words were too low, so Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying did not hear them.

"I know."

After listening to what Lao Zhang said, Liu Jian nodded: "If I can, I will."

"Thank you first, then."

Lao Zhang's face was full of gratitude: "Little brother Liu Jian, please, please."

"Ok, I know."

Holding the hand extended by Lao Zhang, Liu Jian remained expressionless: "I will try my best."

"Big brother."

Taking advantage of the gap between Lao Zhang and Liu Jian talking, the little boy took his sister and walked to Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying: "Big brother, can I become as strong as you when I grow up?"

"Become stronger?"

Li Feng smiled and bent down and asked, "Why do you want to become stronger?"

"I want to defeat the desolate god!"

The little boy raised his clenched fist and replied with a firm gaze: "I want to protect my sister and mom and dad!"

"Very good."

Li Feng smiled and touched the little boy's head: "When you grow up to be the same age as your brother, you can come to the test. If you pass the test, you will become a god-eater."

"Bite of God...."

The little boy touched Li Feng's bracelet with his hand and asked, "If I become a God Eater, can I defeat the Desolate God?"


Li Feng nodded, with a gentle expression on his face: "Only when you become a God Eater and have a magic machine can you defeat the Desolate God. So ah, in the future, you should not use things to attack the Desolate God! Very much! dangerous!"


Zhongyuan Sakura also took the opportunity to teach the little boy: "When I meet the gods in the future, I will run with my sister and parents, you know?"

"Oh, I see!"

The little boy nodded happily, with a look of expectation on his face: "I must grow up soon, so that I can become a god eater!"

"this is for you."

When Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were talking to the little boy, Liu Jian gave a compass and a map to Lao Zhang: "At that time, you will divide the divisions according to the map."

"I know."

Lao Zhang took the map and the compass, and carefully put them in his pocket: "I will."

After giving the things to Lao Zhang, Liu Jian called to the two of them: "Hey, it's time to go."

Hearing Liu Jian's call, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly bid farewell to the two children, came to Liu Jian and left with him.

"By the way, my name is Zhang Xuerou."

Seeing the three people leaving behind, the girl suddenly shouted: "My brother's name is Zhang Zhenyang, you should come to see us when you have time!"


Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying waved back to them and replied, "We will!"

Originally this was a good ending.

However, a familiar voice suddenly came out of the woods and the atmosphere that was good at first fell to freezing point: "Oh, that's it? Isn't it a pity that I prepared a good scene for you?"


Hearing the sound, the three immediately clenched the magic machine and assumed a fighting gesture: "Why is she here?"

"I am here for granted."

As soon as the three of them were ready, Erica walked out from behind the tree in front of him without delay: "In order to get rid of Li Bo, I specially left this place. But I didn’t expect Li Bo to catch it. But caught the three of you."

"what did you say?"

Hearing Erica's words, Liu Jian stared at her angrily: "Is this what you left?"


Erica smiled coldly and raised her right hand: "Although what I caught is not the prey I want, it is a good thing to be able to get rid of you in the way here."

As Erica's right hand was raised, there were bursts of roars from all directions.

"Come on, let me enjoy it."

With a few ghost-faced giant tails coming around, Erica stepped back with a wicked smile and said, “The scene of Liu Jian and the two highly anticipated newcomers dying here is exciting to think about!”

Second reply: Purgatory is in front of you, where are Liu Jian, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying going?What are the ultimate tricks for the traps that Erica took several years to build?

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