I actually became a god eater

Chapter 73: Unexpected

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!As the book continues, Li Feng cut Hannibal's calf with a "severe moon blow"...


Feeling the severe pain in his calf, Hannibal roared twice and immediately twisted his body and waved his paw at Li Feng.

It's a pity that Li Feng had long expected it to have this hand.

After slashing Hannibal, Li Feng immediately put away the axe blade, returned to the form of the moon and ran away.


After driving away Li Feng, Hannibal quickly withdrew from the two by turning around and began to heal the wound.

Hannibal's idea is very good, but it also depends on who the opponent is and whether he will give it this opportunity.

It’s just that it’s not very lucky this time. Its opponents are Liu Jian and Li Feng, two masters who have never been merciful.

Taking advantage of the fact that Hannibal's legs could not be fully moved, and his mobility declined, the two unreservedly attacked the hapless wild god with a fierce storm like a storm.

Hannibal, who was hard to beat with both fists and four hands, was injured at this meeting, and the situation was immediately extremely passive.

When it was not too much, Hannibal's right wrist brace, the heating organs on his back and his head were stained with blood.


The scarred Hannibal used the flames in his mouth to force them back and quickly jumped to the top of the building that was half moving, staring helplessly and angrily at the two people standing below.

"Hey, this bastard."

Standing under the building, although Li Feng turned the magic machine into a bomber mode, Hannibal was still out of range: "It runs so high that it can't reach it!"

"Be patient."

Standing next to Li Feng, Liu Jian raised his head and stared at Hannibal, "This guy can't absorb the oracle cells from the atmosphere like Zhu Rong did. It consumes too much oracle cells, and it shouldn't produce any moth ."

"Brother Jian, don't let your guard down."

Li Feng took a deep breath and said, "It has not been violent so far, which proves that it has more power."

"This is its own choice."

Looking at Hannibal’s blood dripping from various wounds on the building, Liu Jian said coldly: “It’s wounded like this. If you want to stop the bleeding, you won’t have enough oracle cells to be violent, and you can’t be violent. Heal yourself!"

After standing up like this for about dozens of seconds, Hannibal suddenly raised his head and threw out several fireballs downward.

"Hey, shame."

It is no difficulty for Liu Jian to avoid the fireball at this speed. He easily jumped back and avoided the fireball and complained: "This idiot has a leisurely mind if he doesn't come down... Fuck?"

Before Liu Jian could finish speaking, Hannibal's hideous face appeared in front of him.

It turned out that Hannibal jumped off the building while spitting fireballs and rushed towards Liu Jian at a very fast speed.

With its own characteristics of not being afraid of fire, it directly passed through the explosion of the fireball it spit out and threw in front of Liu Jian and raised its right arm to punch Liu Jian.

However, Hannibal moves fast, Liu Jian's reaction is faster than it!

At the moment when he saw Hannibal, Liu Jian knew he couldn't escape, so he hurriedly opened his shield to block him.

Hannibal slammed Liu Jian's shield with this heavy fist, and there was a loud noise.

Because his body was not supported in the air, Liu Jian, who had suffered Hannibal's punch, was immediately beaten out.

As Liu Jian flew, Hannibal let out a heavy gasp and followed him with a bow of his legs.

It's Hannibal after all, speed is not covered!

Before Liu Jian flew far, Hannibal caught up with him and raised his right hand to a palm from top to bottom.

This is a bitter Liu Jian who can't dodge!

Although he blocked Hannibal's claws with a shield, the huge impact still slammed him to the ground and smashed a big hole three meters in diameter!


After being beaten on the ground, Liu Jian immediately felt that his throat became hot, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth and nose.

After knocking Liu Jian to the ground, Hannibal's attack continued.

It moved its body quickly to reach Liu Jian's landing spot, raised its right hand and smashed it down again to shine Liu Jian, who had not been able to move for a while.

All this happened in a very short period of time. In order to dodge the fireball, Li Feng had no way to provide assistance at this time.

Seeing Hannibal preparing to give Liu Jian a fatal blow, and when he was outside the bomber's range, Li Feng stomped in anxious heart.

Just as Hannibal was about to slam his fist, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of its eyes.


After being disturbed by strong light and noise, Hannibal stopped attacking and quickly backed away, covering his head with his hands.

"Hey, the action is really fast!"

As soon as Hannibal stepped back, Liu Jian jumped out of the pit just now: "Fortunately, I made preparations, otherwise you will be killed!"

It turned out that at the moment when Hannibal was hit by Hannibal in the air, Liu Jian had already expected that its attack was not so simple.

Therefore, before its next attack was launched, Liu Jian freed up one hand and took out the coma grenade placed on his waist.

Although the severe pain after being hit on the ground almost let his coma grenade get out of his hand, thanks to the impact, he only used one hand to remove the safety plug of the coma grenade.

When Hannibal raised his hand to prepare for a fatal blow, Liu Jian resisted the severe pain in his body and threw the unconscious grenade in front of him.


Seeing everything that happened in just a few seconds, Li Feng couldn't help but start to sigh: "After all, he is a God Eater who has experienced many battles. He even has a back hand for himself!"

"Don't froze, rookie!"

Liu Jian wiped off the blood stains in his mouth and nose, and threw a recovery ingot into his mouth and shouted: "While this bastard is not violent, we will end the fight as soon as possible!"


Hearing Liu Jian calling himself, Li Feng reacted from shock and moved closer to Liu Jian with the magic machine: "Sorry, sorry!"

As soon as the effect of the coma grenade passed, Hannibal, who had just opened his eyes, was immediately controlled by the paralysis trap.

Under the effect of successive coma grenades and paralyzing traps, Hannibal was defeated by Liu Jian and Li Feng hand in hand after failing to enter a violent state.

"damn it."

Liu Jian vomited the remaining blood in his mouth, and stomped Hannibal, who fell on the ground, severely on his feet: "I didn't expect to have a recovery tablet to deal with a fool like you! What a shame!"

"Brother Jian, don't be too careless."

Although Hannibal's core has been removed, Li Feng is very clear about the characteristics of this guy: "Be careful it stands up again."

"If you have the ability, just stand and see?"

Liu Jian kept tearing at Hannibal's head with the magical predator, his eyes full of anger: "Damn stuff!"

Seeing Liu Jian's resentment, Li Feng was very clear.

When he actually heard that his opponent was of Hannibal, he was looking forward to meeting Lin Ting.

But he didn't expect that his opponent was just ordinary Hannibal, and he felt somewhat resentful.

But in the battle, he did appear to be too distracted or unable to grasp the timing because his opponent was Hannibal.


Seeing Liu Jian gradually calm down, Li Feng sighed in his heart and shook his head: "It seems that if the opponent is Hannibal, Brother Jian will always think of Sister Lin Ting involuntarily."

It didn't take long before Liu Jian, who had been gnawing on Hannibal with black smoke, finally stopped.

"Let's go."

Liu Jian walked to Li Feng and said with an ugly expression: "The mission is over, we should withdraw it."


Seeing Liu Jian's face, Li Feng also knew that he had better not talk too much: "Then you call...Huh?"

Before Li Feng finished speaking, he saw a strange figure standing in the distance ahead.

"That, Brother Jian!"

After noticing the figure, Li Feng quickly patted Liu Jian on the shoulder and pointed at the figure and asked, "Is that... a human?" Love Wenxue www.lovewenxue.com


Hearing what Li Feng said, Liu Jian stopped his movements and turned to look in the direction Li Feng was pointing: "How can there be anyone here..."

But when Liu Jian saw the figure, his hand holding the satellite phone shook slightly.

"This figure..."

Although the figure stood in the shadow of the house and covered her face with her hair, Liu Jian recognized it at a glance: "This blonde...this figure...Tingting!"

As Liu Jian called out Lin Ting's nickname, he at the same time put the satellite phone back into his shirt pocket and followed up with the magic machine.

"Tingting! Is that you?"

While running towards the direction of the figure, Liu Jian shouted anxiously: "Tingting! It was you who answered me!"

But no matter how he shouted, the figure still stood there motionless.

Seeing Liu Jian running towards the other side, Li Feng hurriedly chased him.

Just when Liu Jian was less than ten meters away from the opponent, the opponent suddenly turned and ran towards the depths of the ruins.

"Tingting! Wait!"

The other party turned and left, but Liu Jian still didn't give up and quickened his pace: "It's me! Wait for me!"

Although Liu Jian shouted loudly, let alone the other party, even Li Feng, who was still some distance away from Liu Jian, could hear it very clearly.

But the other party still turned and left as if he hadn't heard him, and didn't care about Liu Jian's yelling.

"I won't let you run away!"

Seeing the other person running away, Liu Jian gritted his teeth and thought: "No matter what, I won't let you leave again!"

Thinking of this, Liu Jian's pace of chasing the figure gradually accelerated.

"Wait...wait for me..."

Although Liu Jian tracked the figure to walk vigorously, there was no sign of the fierce battle just now.

But for Li Feng, that may not be the case.

"I...I'm going..."

Until Liu Jian's figure disappeared in the ruins, Li Feng stopped and panted with his hands on his knees: "Brother Jian, what kind of shit physical strength and speed is this? It took me a while to dump me. opened."

Although still panting, Li Feng put his hand on the headset and shouted, "Brother Jian, Brother Jian! Answer me when you hear it! Don't chase! This may be a trap!"

However, no matter how Li Feng called, Liu Jian never responded from the headset.

In fact, it was not because the ruins blocked their communication, nor was it because Liu Jian did not hear Li Feng's warning.

It's just that Lin Ting only had Lin Ting in his heart at this time. He wanted to catch Lin Ting, so this series of warnings was left behind by him.

Liu Jian didn't pay any attention until there was no more Li Feng's voice in the headphones.

I don't know how long he chased this figure that looked like Lin Ting, or how far he ran, and the speed of that figure's escape gradually slowed down.

After running for a while, the figure stopped.

Seeing the other party stop, Liu Jian also gradually slowed down his pace.

After the pace slowed down, Liu Jian had time to observe his surroundings carefully.

It turned out that when he was chasing this figure, he actually went through the ruins with the other party into an endless wasteland.

"Tingting, is it you?"

After confirming that there was nothing around him to ambush his terrain and bunkers, Liu Jian approached the opponent while trying to communicate with him: "It's me, I'm the sword!"

Although the figure was facing Liu Jian, Liu Jian could see that when he said his name, the figure trembled obviously.


Liu Jian cautiously approached the figure, still saying: "Don't be afraid, it's me! I'm the sword."

Perhaps it was Liu Jian's soft tone and his name that played a role. The figure did not flee again, but instead stood still and let Liu Jian approach him.

It was not until Liu Jian came less than three meters away from her that the figure slowly turned around.

But after this turn around, Liu Jian was scared and took a step back.

Although the figure covered her face with her hair so that Liu Jian couldn't see her appearance, the red eyes were full of fierceness, and even Liu Jian, who was usually fierce, looked a little scared.

But this time looking at each other, Liu Jian was sure that the one standing in front of him was Lin Ting, who he was thinking about!

"Tingting, don't run away anymore."

Liu Jian slowly put the magic machine in his hands on the ground, spread his hands and slowly walked towards Lin Ting: "Come on, go back with me, back to the Southern Region branch."

"Southern.... Branch..."

Hearing the Southern Territory Branch, the fierce light in Lin Ting's eyes gradually weakened and regained a gleam: "Sword... Southern Territory... Branch..."

"Yes, Southern Division."

Liu Jian was very careful with every step, for fear that he would make a bigger move and scare Lin Ting away: "Come back with me. We can cure the problem of desolation. With Sister Long, she will definitely cure you! "


Lin Ting doesn't seem to have any clear consciousness. She just repeats Liu Jian's words mechanically: "Sister Long...Cure...Go back..."

"Well, go back."

Liu Jian was less than one meter away from Lin Ting at this time, but he could not bear the urge to rush to hug her and continue to softly dissuade him: "Li Bo, Su Qingyun, Lin Dong, and you Dad is waiting for you to go back."

"Li Bo... Lin Dong..."

Hearing these names, the red light in Lin Ting's eyes became weaker and weaker, and her eyes began to burst into tears instead: "Qingyun...Dad...Branch...God Eater... ."


Although he could grab Lin Ting's hands, Liu Jian still didn't dare to act rashly, but continued to approach: "Everyone is waiting for you, don't run away, okay?"

"I... why... want to escape?"

Just as Liu Jian was about to hold Lin Ting's hands, Lin Ting's tearful eyes suddenly became red again, and the corners of her mouth rose: "I didn't plan to run away again!"


Before Liu Jian could react, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen: "Tingting...why..."

"Why? Isn't it because you are too in the way?"

Pulling out the hand that pierced Liu Jian's abdomen from Liu Jian's abdomen, Lin Ting's mouth turned out to be Erica's voice: "Whether it is you, Li Bo or Su Qingyun. Come to me. Say, you guys are so annoying."

"how come...."

Liu Jian knelt down on Lin Ting. No, it should be said that it was in front of Lin Ting's body. He covered the wound on his abdomen with both hands, his eyes were full of complicated expressions: "You can actually...manipulate..."

"Are you satisfied?"

"Lin Ting" smiled evilly and kicked Liu Jian to the ground. Her tone was full of mockery: "I am really kind enough to let you die in the hands of your beloved one!"

After being kicked to the ground, Liu Jian vomited again with a big mouthful of blood.

But he still resisted the already blurred consciousness and stretched out his right hand to Lin Ting: "What did you...do Tingting..."

"It's nothing, it's just taking control of her body."

"Lin Ting" hugged her right hand in front of her chest, and pulled her left hand out of the hair covering her face: "Of course, she has a clear consciousness now. She must be sad to see herself killing the person she loves with her own eyes. Right?"

While speaking, "Lin Ting" stepped on Liu Jian's right hand.

"I won't give you a chance to eat recovery tablets."

"Lin Ting" stepped on Liu Jian's hand, squatted down and searched on him and said, "Of course, I also want to take these things."

While speaking, "Lin Ting" searched out all the supplies in Liu Jian's body and held them in her hand.

"That's it."

"Lin Ting" turned to leave and said, "The little oracle cells left in your body are not enough for you to heal yourself. Just lie here and enjoy the last time of your life."

As "Lin Ting" went further and further, although Liu Jian's eyes turned black for a while, he still tried to reach out his right hand towards "her".

There was another dizziness, and Liu Jian's hand fell weakly to the ground...

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