You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Not to mention that Liu Jian was in danger and returned to Li Feng.

After losing Liu Jian's trail, Li Feng stood on the ruins and looked around anxiously.

"X's, why am I so useless!"

Li Feng hammered his legs in annoyance, and tears began to flow in his eyes: "Porge specifically told me before he left!"

We adjusted the time back to before Li Feng and Liu Jian set off.

God machine vault.

After preparing for the attack, when Li Feng carried the magic machine behind his back and was about to leave with Liu Jian, Li Bo, who had been leaning against the entrance, suddenly said, "Hey, Li Cainiao."

"what happened?"

Li Feng stopped and looked back at Li Bo: "Boge, what's the matter?"

"Ah, sword, go to the helicopter first."

Seeing Liu Jian also stopped, Li Bo waved his hand at him: "I have something to explain to this rookie. You take a step first."


Although it felt strange, Liu Jian still carried the magic machine and walked towards the attack door without saying anything: "Then I will go first."

After Liu Jian left, Li Bo confirmed that there was no one else nearby before walking to Li's cover.

"I'm telling you, rookie."

After reconfirming the surrounding situation, Li Bo lowered his voice and said, "You must follow the sword, you know?


Hearing this request, Li Feng felt a little strange: "Why?"

"Be careful to drive the Wannian Ship."

After taking a glance at the goal, Li Bo sighed: "If Erica is going to be against us, this kid sword is the first breakthrough. You must follow him closely and don't get separated with him!"

"Brother Jian?"

Li Feng also glanced at the attack gate, with an unbelievable look on his face: "Except for Brother Jian's impulsive behavior before, he is very calm in everything, shouldn't anything go wrong?"

"You don't know, don't I know yet?"

Li Bo shook his head, his tone full of helplessness: "This kid is actually very easy to be impulsive. Since that incident and Lin Ting's incident, he is more likely to be stimulated to act impulsively. So, I hope you can take a closer look. Some of him."

"that matter?"

When Li Feng heard this sentence, he felt more and more strange: "What's the matter?"

"I will tell you later when I have time."

Li Bo patted Li Feng's shoulder heavily and said earnestly: "In short, you have to partner with him during this period of time. Anyway, you must not let him act impulsively and act alone, you know? "

"I...try my best."

Because he was not sure, Li Feng did not dare to rashly agree: "I will try to ensure that Brother Jian is always in my line of sight and will not let him do the impulsive behavior before."

"Then please."

Li Bo patted Li Feng's shoulder again, then turned and left: "In short, you must remember what I said."

After walking a few steps, Li Bo went on to say: "In fact, that guy is more impulsive than you think. Don't be deceived by his cold appearance. His heart is much more passionate than you."

After dropping this sentence, Li Bo waved his hand and left the vault without looking back.

"damn it!"

Recalling all this before departure, Li Feng angrily stomped the ruins under his feet: "If something happens to Brother Jian, how can I explain to Boge and the lieutenant colonel!"

While complaining about himself, Li Feng also began to complain about his behavior in his leisure time.

"I'm so stupid."

Although knowing that it is useless to complain, Li Feng searched for Liu Jian's traces while muttering, "If I usually increase the amount of training for myself, I will not be thrown away!"

Just when Li Feng was in a hurry, Verdandi's voice suddenly rang in his mind: "Hey, can you hear it?"

"Female nerve?"

Hearing the sound, Li Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky: "Why did you run out?"

"I didn't run out! Also! Don't call me female nerves! I am a goddess!"

Hearing Li Feng calling her "female nerve", Weier Dandi immediately went violently: "You fellow, can't you respect me as a goddess? I am also a god anyway!"

"Shao Te mother nonsense!"

Li Feng raised her voice roughly to interrupt the chattering complaint of Verdandy: "I'm busy now, I have no time to talk nonsense with you!"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

Weierdandi's voice came into Li Feng's mind again: "I want to tell you that your partner is in a wasteland 12 kilometers to the northeast at this time. He is in a dangerous state. You have to rush over immediately!"

"I think so!"

Hearing that Liu Jian was in danger, Li Feng was anxious to grow wings and fly over: "I have to rely on my legs, OK! Can you help me?"

"I can only show you the way like this."

Verdant's tone seemed helpless: "I have violated the rules by doing this now, so the only thing I can do is to show you the way to find him faster!"

"So hurry up?"

After confirming the direction, Li Feng immediately took a step and ran: "How to go? Say it!"

"Go straight!"

Weierdandi also knew that the situation brooks no delay. Her instructions were quite brief: "Just go straight where you are now!"

After running for a while following the instructions of Verdandy, what Li Feng saw was a group of small wild gods.

"What the hell is this Nima?"

Seeing the Desolate God, Li Feng hurriedly hid in the shadow of the ruins: "Fuck, female nerve! You guide me to the Desolate God Group for Mao?"

"This is the closest and most time-saving way!"

Verdandi's tone also showed her anxiety: "Small wild gods, you only need to break through, other routes will have large or medium wild gods, that's even more difficult!"

"Damn it! In that case..."

Li Feng stood out from the shadows and turned the moon wheel into an axe-blade form and rushed towards the Desolate God Group: "Just kill a bloody path directly!"

Li Feng, who rushed towards the Desolate Group with an axe in his hand, seemed to be possessed by a killing god.

The huge axe blade kept tossing up and down, and the small gods fell to the ground like cutting melons and vegetables.

In a short while, Li Feng killed these wild gods and continued to run to Liu Jian's location according to Weierdandi's instructions.

Although Li Feng has worked very hard, the distance of 12 kilometers is not short.

At this time, Liu Jian fell in the wasteland. The loess beneath him had long been soaked with hot blood, and the huge wound had stopped healing.

"I... am going to die?"

Although he has fainted once, Liu Jian still relied on his strong perseverance to open his eyes slightly: "The wound...seems to be bleeding... the heart... can't feel it anymore."

Although his consciousness was extremely vague, Liu Jian still felt that his body seemed to be getting colder.

"This season... Is it so cold?"

Moving his eyes laboriously to look at the sun still hanging in the sky, Liu Jian smiled bitterly in his heart: "It seems...the sun is gone...the temperature is."

As a breeze blew, the little remaining temperature on Liu Jian's body was also taken away.

"Ah... I can't move..."

After trying to move his body, Liu Jian found that except for the slight movement of his eyeballs, his whole body didn't listen to him: "It's so cold... I can't move my body... Ah... it seems I am really. It's over..."

Thinking of this, Liu Jian not only had no fear, but infinite regret: "Tingting...I'm sorry...I couldn't save you from that stinky bitch."

"And that guy."

Another vague face appeared in Liu Jian's mind at this time: "Guan Jun, you stinky boy...I really don't want to see you so early...I haven't become...More Strong..."

"Those guys...are you laughing at me?" Jiuzhou Chinese

While thinking of Guan Jun, Liu Jian's already blurred eyes seemed to see the figures of several other people: " doesn't matter. Anyway...I'm going to accompany you soon. ..."

Seeing those figures, Liu Jian's slightly opened eyes became moist.

Immediately afterwards, several bean-sized crystal teardrops fell from the corner of Liu Jian's eyes.

At this moment, Liu Jian's heart was full of chagrin and hatred.

He was upset that he shouldn't lose his mind when meeting Lin Ting.

I hate why I am not strong enough to defeat Erica.

But no matter what he thinks, his life is still slowly passing by.

"No more..."

After the tears slipped, Liu Jian didn't even have the strength to keep his eyes open: "This time...I really can't hold it..."

The consciousness became blurred again, and Liu Jian's thinking gradually stagnated.

At this moment, Liu Jian heard a dim roar in his ear.

It turned out that at this time, several Vazheluo followed the smell of blood and came nearby.

Seeing Liu Jian lying in the wasteland, the Valzheluo roared with excitement.

After the roar, Fazheluo group swarmed towards Liu Jian.

But when he was about to arrive in front of Liu Jian, a black girl suddenly fell between Fazheluoqun and Liu Jian out of thin air.


Seeing the black girl's figure, the Vazheluos stopped one after another and screamed in a threatening posture.

Faced with Vazheluo's threat, the girl's figure did not show a trace of fear. Instead, she opened the pair of bone wings behind her and released several tentacles behind her and waved at Vazheluo.

Seeing the bone wings and tentacles, Valzheluo did not show much, but gathered ball lightning in front of them to prepare to attack.

Seeing the appearance of the ball-shaped lightning, the eyes of the girl's figure suddenly met with the sight of Valzheluo.

With this burst of red light, Vazheluo seemed to have seen something terrifying and put away the stored ball lightning and began to slowly retreat.

But without taking a few steps back, the desire for food still defeated the fear of the girl's figure.

Under the leadership of one of the Vazheluos, the Vazheluo group stopped and moved forward again.


Seeing the Vazheluo group approaching, the girl's figure suddenly opened her mouth and shouted at the Vazheluo.

Although this shout did not sound very loud, it seemed to have a strong deterrent effect on the Fazheluo group.

With the cry, Fazheluo group once again began to show fear and slowly backed away.


Seeing Fazheluo group retreating, the girl's figure pressed forward and shouted again.

Although there was still fear in their eyes, the Vazheluos were not willing to Liu Jian's food.

In the hesitation of retreating or not retreating, Fazheluo group finally defeated fear by desire and chose to confront the young girl.

Feeling that even though the Vazheluo people were very scared, they still wanted to eat Liu Jian. The girl's eyes no longer only glowed with red light, but a fierce look appeared.


Before Vazheluo group had any reaction, the tentacles behind the girl's figure pierced the heads of two Vazheluo standing nearby at an extremely fast speed.

After killing the two Vazelos, the girl figure did nothing but stared at the remaining Vazelos.

Seeing the figure of the young girl killed two Vazhela in an instant, the remaining Vazhela continued to retreat as if frightened.

After retreating for a few steps, fear finally defeated desire, and Fazheluo finally chose to retreat.

After driving away from the Vazheluo group, the bone wings and tentacles behind the girl's figure turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared into the wind.

Dispelling the tentacles and bone wings, the girl's figure turned back and came to Liu Jian's side.

She stood and watched for a while, and found that Liu Jian's life signs were disappearing.

Without any hesitation, the young girl squatted down and put her hand on the wound on Liu Jian's abdomen.


As the girl's figure's hand touched Liu Jian's wound, a golden light and strange noise came from the wound.

But at the same time as the golden light and sound, Liu Jian's huge wound actually began to heal quickly.

Before long, the wound was completely restored to its original state with the help of the girl's figure.

Although the wound was healed, the girl figure also noticed Liu Jian's pale face.

Slightly frowned, the golden light in the girl's figure became more dazzling.

At this moment, a miracle happened!

Liu Jian's face, which had been pale due to excessive blood loss, slowly returned to ruddy, and the original weak breathing also began to gradually recover.

At the same time, Liu Jian's ethereal consciousness gradually recovered under the influence of golden light and he felt his heart beating again strongly.


As his body recovered, Liu Jian let out a soft moan.

Hearing the movement, the young girl hurriedly put away the golden light in her hand and jumped aside.

Although he made a sound, Liu Jian was still so weak that he could only open a gap in his eyes.

After noticing Liu Jian's tiny eyelid movements, the girl's figure hurriedly lowered her body to the ground and released the bone wings and tentacles on her back again.

After waiting for a long time, after not seeing Liu Jian making any other movements, the young girl straightened up again and cautiously came to Liu Jian's side.

Perhaps because of curiosity, after the girl's figure came to Liu Jian's side, she did not make any aggressive behavior, but lightly touched Liu Jian's body with her tentacle.


Although I could see something dimly, Liu Jian could only make a sound like a mosquito.

After touching Liu Jian several times in a row, the girl's figure squatted down again and carefully looked at Liu Jian, whose eyes were slightly open but unable to move.

Just as the girl's figure carefully observed Liu Jian, Li Feng, who had been instructing the route by Verdandi, arrived.

Hearing Li Feng's rapid footsteps, the image of the girl was taken aback and quickly jumped away from Liu Jian and stood not far from him and assumed a fighting posture.

"Brother Jian!"

Seeing Liu Jian lying on the ground, and a girl with bone wings and tentacles standing not far away, Li Feng hurriedly clenched the magic machine and stared at her closely: "Is it your injured Brother Jian?"

The girl's figure did not answer, but her tentacles standing behind her trembling slightly, as if ready to attack at any time.

"This figure and tentacles..."

Carefully look at the figure in front of you, a scene that happened not long ago immediately appeared in front of Li Feng: "Could it be that you were the one who ran away..."

The figure of the young girl still did not answer, but she kept the posture of preparing to fight and stared at Li Feng with red eyes.

Although Li Feng was worried about seeing the blood stains under Liu Jian, Li Feng didn't dare to step forward easily when faced with the figure of a girl who didn't know whether it was a friend or an enemy.

Just as Li Feng was thinking about what to do, the girl's figure suddenly moved, and she turned and fled into the depths of the wasteland.

"Don't run!"

Seeing the girl running away, Li Feng instinctively wanted to catch up: "Stop!"

But without chasing a few steps, the girl's figure disappeared into the wasteland very quickly and quickly.

"whispering sound!"

Looking at the endless wasteland, Li Feng gritted his teeth and cursed: "Flee for her! Damn it!"

Although Li Feng still wanted to catch up to see who she was, in the end he chose to look back at Liu Jian's injury.

After finding that Liu Jian was no longer in serious trouble, Li Feng took out the satellite phone from him and contacted the branch to request withdrawal.

While waiting for the helicopter to arrive, Li Feng looked suspiciously in the direction where the girl's figure was fleeing.

Although she can't see her appearance clearly, her bone wings, tentacles, and the long blond hair are deeply imprinted in Li Feng's mind...

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