You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After finally getting rid of the earth mother Polytivi, before Li Feng and the others had time to catch their breath, there was another high and low huangshen roar in the distance.

"What am I...not over?"

Hearing the roar, Li Feng reluctantly propped up his body with a magical machine, his face was very ugly and said: "This Nima is still wavy attack? It seems that Erica is going to kill us!"

"I can't hold it..."

Although Nakahara Sakura stood up, she held her own magic machine with her hands as a support, and her feet were still shaking: "I can't stand still anymore..."

"I'm not much better."

At this time, Lu Erxi was also relying on the divine machine as a support to reluctantly stand up, his hands and feet kept shaking: "I guess it is difficult to walk a few steps now."


Seeing that his partners were in a state of extreme fatigue like himself, Li Feng's face was filled with wry smiles: "This is the end of ecstasy? The lesson is too serious."

"If you know the lesson, you must learn it!"

Just when Li Feng and the others saw the desolate gods appearing on the snow line, they were preparing to fight for the last bit of strength, Li Bo's voice came from the earphones: "Don't eat a ditch without gaining a wisdom!"


Hearing Li Bo's voice, Li Feng and the others quickly raised their heads: "Are you here?"

"Of course it is!"

With a loud noise, the ghost face and giant tail that rushed to the front of the wild gods group was immediately smashed by Li Bo, who fell from the sky: "Do you think that as the most handsome captain, I will be the kind of guy who is long overdue? ?"

At the talking stall, Li Bo also waved the impact hammer in his hand and smashed the wild supernatural powers close to him into meatloaf.

Of course, as his posture turns, there is also the light of the cigarette he has kept from his mouth for thousands of years.


Just when Li Feng and the others were happy to see Li Bo coming, there was an explosion behind them.


Hearing the explosion, the three hurriedly turned their heads and looked behind.

It turned out that when they were only looking at Li Bo, several wild gods had approached from behind them and intended to attack.

However, Su Qingyun's sniper rifle was faster than Huangshen.

A gunshot sounded, and the wild gods who wanted to sneak attack Li Feng and them fell to the ground.

Immediately after the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the red and blue supply box smashed to a position less than two meters away from Li Feng and the others, and a lot of snow was raised.

"Quickly supply it, there is everything here."

After the snowflakes dissipated, Su Qingyun jumped down from the supply box and killed the desolate gods who rushed up and said: "Just take a rest, and these little trash fish will be handed over to me and Bobo."

When she said these words, Su Qingyun turned the magic machine into the form of a charged spear, then blinked playfully at the three of them and rushed to the wild god group.


Seeing Li Bo and Su Qingyun rushing towards the two ends to fight against the wild god, Zhongyuan Ying's tears flowed down: "Finally, I didn't feed the wild god."

"Stop talking about it."

At this time, Li Feng had gritted his teeth and came to the side of the supply box. He opened the supply box and said: "We also have to hurry up to supply the supplies, or else Boge and Qingyun will consume their energy quickly!"

"Here, Sakura."

While talking, Li Feng had already opened the supply box and took out a can of stamina drink and threw it to Zhongyuan Sakura: "Drink it now! The ghost knows what's next for trouble!"


Nakahara Sakura responded and caught the drink and opened it to take a sip: "Don't forget yourself."


After Li Feng threw a can of drink to Lu Erxi, he also took a can: "In short, time is running out, we must return to the front as soon as possible!"

When Li Bo and Su Qingyun rushed to reinforce Li Feng and the three of them, in the Southern Territory Branch...


Liu Jian, who had been lying in the treatment room in a lethargic state, suddenly opened his eyes: "Here is..."

"you're awake?"

Maria, who had been guarding Liu Jian, heard Liu Jian talking, and she ran to Liu Jian with joy: "Second Lieutenant, how do you feel?"

"Step aside!"

Liu Jian did not answer Maria, but roughly pulled out the infusion tubes from his body and pushed Maria away with one hand: "The branch is in danger!"

After dropping this sentence, he didn't care about Maria, who looked surprised, and ran out of the treatment room in a hospital gown.

"The control of the Southern Region Branch is really loose."

At the same time, in the outer residential area of ​​the Southern Division, a sexy and beautiful figure is slowly walking through: "As long as there is a pass, no matter who the other party is, just let it go."

Thinking of this, she kept playing with the electronic pass in her hand.

Although she couldn't read any expression on her face, she was extremely proud in her heart.

"I seem to be a bit high-profile."

After noticing the strange gaze around her, she looked down at the clothes she was wearing: "This kind of clothes is indeed too conspicuous among such poor people. I'd better hurry to the central residential area."

Thinking of this, she speeded up the pace under her feet, and the sound of the crisp and consistent high heels hitting the ground kept undulating.

Passing through the outer residential area, she passed the test with little effort and entered the inner residential area.

"This is the inner residential area?"

Looking at the slightly mottled walls around, the sparse pedestrians, and the shops that were barely open, she couldn't believe it: "These guys are useless to this point? The supplies are so scarce? Huh, it's worthy of being eliminated. Old creature!"

While making a mocking sound in her heart, a disdain expression appeared on her face.

After passing through the sparsely populated inner residential area, she came to the command building.

"Sorry, no entry is allowed here."

As soon as she reached the entrance of the gate, two soldiers with live ammunition came up and stopped her: "Please turn your head immediately."

"Look at this!"

She shook the pass in her hand, and then placed it in front of a soldier: "I have a pass, first-level pass!"


Looking at the beautiful and sexy woman in front of him, the two soldiers looked at each other a little: "We seem to have never heard of..."

"Then you can check it out."

She took a voluptuous pose and handed the pass to one of the soldiers: "The fake is not true. You will know who I am after you check it." Romance Novel Network

The soldier who received the pass showed a suspicious look and tapped his partner, and then walked back to the guard box with the pass alone.

"I don't seem to have seen you before."

After the companion walked away, the soldier who was behind suddenly struck up with her with a hippy smile: "Are you from our branch?"

"It's not from our branch, how can I get the pass?"

She gently took a step forward with her left leg, and her beautiful slender legs suddenly appeared from the side seams of the skirt: "What? Are you doubting me?"

"Haha, of course not."

The soldier's gaze was first attracted by the seductive legs, but he immediately pretended to be calm: "I'm just curious, how can I not be impressed with a sexy beauty like you."

"Oh, people usually go in early and leave late."

She saw the unnatural expression on the soldier’s face and knew that her color had an effect, so she deliberately said, “I’ve been doing research for Sister Long in the laboratory, but they didn’t leave much when you were on duty. Pass here."

"I'll just say it."

When the soldier noticed her talking, his left hand pretended to inadvertently unbuttoned his collar: "How can I not have the impression of a beauty like you."

"If needed..."

After unbuttoning the collar, she approached the soldier again with a catwalk, her voice lowered a little: "Well, why don't we have an in-depth exchange when we look back?"


From her gaze, the soldier could see what she meant: "I happen to be interested in divine machines and oracle cells, so I can have in-depth exchanges with you."

When the two were talking, the soldier holding the pass stood in the guard box with a look of surprise.

After a moment of silence, the soldier raised his head and looked at her, not knowing what he was talking to over the phone.

After a while, he showed a relieved expression and took her pass, put down the phone and walked out of the guard box.

"Your identity has been confirmed."

The soldier who came out handed her the pass: "It is indeed the pass issued by our branch."

"Then, can people go in?"

She ended the flirting with the soldier before, and then began to seduce the soldier: "Or, do you need to get to know others before you decide?"

"go in."

The soldier opened the blocking gate blankly, and then made a "please" gesture: "You can already pass."

"Then you are welcome."

She tucked her pass in front of her chest naturally, and deliberately shook her willow waist and buttocks, making a coquettish gesture: "Two little brothers, I will go to work first. If I have a chance, Remember to communicate deeply together!"

When she said this, she didn't forget to look back and cast a wink at the two of them.

But as soon as she turned around, she showed a look of disgust: "Disgusting and full of desire old humans! Dominated by all kinds of desires, it is no wonder that the god of rage wants to destroy this useless race!

Passing through the guard post, she easily entered the gate of the building.

After registering at the gate according to the information on the pass, she again tempted the soldiers standing guard at the gate and asked the location of the laboratory.

"Blood with disgusting lust!"

Walking on the way to the Vault of Gods, she once again showed an expression of disgust: "This bunch of useless trash is actually interested in my stinky skin! I won't need it until the day the god of violent arrives. Let's move around with this stinky skin!"

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and looked at her body with the same gaze.

"Bah, it's disgusting."

Walking in the slightly dimly lit corridor, smelling the scent wafting from the Shenji vault, she only felt that her stomach was turned upside down: "How did this bunch of garbage live in such a damn environment? nausea?"

Thinking of this, she stopped and gently stroked the corridor walls with her white and slender fingers: "Oh, it's a metal defensive board for defense against the gods, and it is also coated with a partial eclipse factor to prevent the gods from eating."

"Hmph, it's not bad to prevent the invasion of the gods at this level."

Putting down her hand, her face showed disdain again: "When I see the second node, you useless things will all disappear under the final predation!"

Thinking of this, she once again stepped into the Shenji vault.

Passing through the Shenji vault, she came to the corridor leading to Longxue Lab.

She was about to walk in, but she didn't want the defensive facilities in the corridor to suddenly activate, and a heavy isolation door immediately blocked her.

"Do you really think that no one can see through your clumsy acting skills?"

As the isolation door closed, Li Lan's voice also sounded in the loudspeaker in the Shenji vault: "Although I don't know where you got your pass, you seem to have forgotten an important thing. "

"Oh, is it so?"

Although the isolation door was activated and blocked her path, she clasped her hands on her chest, showing a dismissive attitude: "I'm really interested to know what it is."

"The pass is time-limited."

Liu Jian's icy voice came from behind her: "The pass you took was held by someone from the Eastern European branch. It has already passed the time limit!"

"so what?"

She turned around and looked at Liu Jian, who was standing at the entrance, staring at her fiercely with cold eyes and expressions: "Even if you see through, I am here. After all, even if you shut me down, What can I do with this?"

When she was talking, her eyes glanced at the god frame with the god machine.

Confirming that Liu Jian's magic machine is not in the vault, she opened her arms with a provocative expression: "Will you be able to drive me away or kill me? You know, you don't even use the magic machine now!"

"Ah, it is true."

Liu Jian slowly walked towards the god frame, with a strange smile on his face: "Yes, I don't have a god machine, and my ability is not as strong as you. In theory, I can't deal with you. of."

When Liu Jian was speaking, the entrance of the Shenji vault was also sealed by an isolation door, and the Shenji vault suddenly became a closed space.

"But you don't seem to find out one thing clearly."

Liu Jian walked to a terminal and put his right hand with the bracelet into the position for the verification bracelet: "I am a child of God, and the magic machine I usually use is not my own original magic machine."

"God... Son of God?!"

Hearing this term, her expression with ease became distorted: "You... are the offspring born of the union of two god-eaters?"

"Ah, yes."

After verifying the bracelet, Liu Jian watched a god frame stand up and quickly opened it to reveal the god machine inside: "I am not only a child of god, but also a legendary universal adaptor. You have never followed Ai. Did you hear from Rika?"


Hearing Liu Jian's words, her expression became more and more ferocious: "How can you be a child of God? And there is no such thing as almighty fit!"

"If there is no existence, just use your eyes to confirm."

Liu Jian took his hand away from the terminal, walked to the god frame and picked up a shield and a one-handed sword: "This is the magic machine I used a year and a half ago: the shield sword!"

Appreciating the surprised expression on her face, Liu Jian's mouth was raised, and his eyes were full of triumphant expressions: "Well, this is the end of our conversation! If you have anything to say, just wait for me to take your hands and feet. Let's talk about it later! Lelena!"

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