You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Seeing Liu Jian put on a state of war, Leilina immediately held her mind and smiled proudly again and pointed her fingers around: "Are you really going to fight me here? This is the God Machine vault!"

"It's okay!"

Liu Jian's eyes stared at Lelena's every move, and the expression on his face became more and more cold and serious: "Anyway, this is the only magic machine I use, and there are no other magic machines here!"

"Don't you care about the loss?"

Lelena pointed to the god rack with a winning expression: "These things are not easy to repair, right? If they break..."

Before Lelena had finished speaking, Liu Jian rushed to her in a violent figure and slashed her neck.

"Oh, oh~"

Although Liu Jian's raid was very quick, she didn't want Lelena to escape easily: "What a handsome and grumpy little brother!"

After being flashed by Lelena, Liu Jian immediately stepped forward and continued to force her to launch a storm-like attack on Lelena.

However, no matter how Liu Jian attacked, Lelena still dodged easily with a handy gesture.

"Little brother, don't waste your effort."

While avoiding the attack, Lelena had a mocking smile on her face: "You attack of this level, let alone hurt me, you can't even touch my clothes~"

"Don't talk too full!"

Although his own attacks were not effective at all, Liu Jian did not see the slightest impatience on his face: "I didn't use real skills!"

"is it?"

When Liu Jian said that she hadn’t used real kung fu, Lelena sneered: "Although you are powerful, but at your speed, I am not afraid at all! If you don’t know, I can tell you, as long as you can’t fight. It's not a threat!"

"Hey, there is so much shit!"

Facing Lelena's ridicule, Liu Jian showed a trace of unhappiness, and the speed in his hand also increased slightly: "Don't you know that the villain always dies from talking too much?"

"Of course I know."

Liu Jian's offensive became faster, and Lelena's speed began to increase: "But I'm not a villain! I'm a decent fighting for the future of the earth!"

"Just keep farting!"

With a look of disdain, Liu Jian first shook Lelena's eyes with a shield, and then pierced her throat with a sword at the moment of her distraction: "It's done!"

Liu Jian didn't know if Lelena was really distracted this time, or for some other reason, she didn't turn away.

But when the sharp dagger touched Lelena's white neck, it stopped.

"What if you succeed?"

Although the dagger was in the throat, Lelena's expression was still relaxed: "Can you pierce my neck?"


Liu Jian's eyes stared like copper bells at this time. He was surprised and said, "Your neck... how come?"

"How come?"

Lelena gently held the magic machine in Liu Jian's hand, and then deliberately rubbed the blade a few times: "Do you think the blunt sword you use can really hurt a true god's messenger? "

After rubbing the blade, Lelena deliberately opened her undamaged palm to Liu Jian.

"This kind of touch... can't be wrong!"

Seeing Leilina's palm and carefully feeling the feeling from her right wrist, Liu Jian felt a familiar feeling in her heart: "It was the same as when Zhu Rong was at war with Zhu Rong! Its heel was cut up. It's the same feeling!"

Thinking of this, Liu Jian immediately jumped to get away from Leyla and shook the magic machine in his hand, then opened the shield to block him.

"Now, what should you do?"

Lelena stood motionless, with a mocking expression on her face: "Only a divine machine can hurt or even kill the god of waste. However, your divine machine can't hurt me!"

"Since she is Zhu Rong's skin combination method..."

Liu Jian, who hid most of his face behind the shield, looked at the triumphant Lelena, thinking quickly in his heart: "Could it be that she is also afraid of penetration attributes?"

Thinking of this, Liu Jian plans to give it a try!

After a moment of confrontation, Liu Jian moved again to attack Lelena.

This time, Liu Jian changed his previous dagger skills such as cutting and cutting, and instead used thorns to attack more.

"It's useless!"

Lelena sneered and slowed her movements, deliberately letting Liu Jian keep stabbing the short sword on herself: "No matter how you stabbed, the blunt knife in your hand cannot hurt me!"

Lelena was right.

No matter what method Liu Jian uses, the magic machine in his hand can't hurt her even a little bit.

But despite this, Liu Jian continued to launch a senseless attack like this.

"You are almost a bit!"

Perhaps Liu Jian's attack was unable to cause harm, but it did annoy Lelena. Her expression suddenly changed: "I'll give you one more chance! Open the door and give me the second node!"

"There are no doors!"

After Liu Jian moved a distance away, he once again blocked the shield in front of him: "Even if you kill me, you never want to catch Ellie!"

"Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you!"

After hearing the reply, Lelena no longer had that nasty smile on her face, but began to become hideous: "It's not just you! The people in your entire branch must die!"

At the same time as threatening, Lelena leaped back and opened her arms.

"It's too late to regret now!"

Lelena, who opened her arms, began to emit black oracle cells, and her expression became more ferocious in this situation: "Go to hell to repent of your recklessness and inconsiderate!"

As Lelena's words fell, her eyes suddenly became red, obviously she was going to do something.

However, in the next second, Lelena looked around blankly: "What's the matter?"

It turned out that after releasing the oracle cells, Lelena originally planned to grow her proud flesh pillar behind her as a means of attack.

But I don't know why, nothing happened behind her, and the released oracle cells did not gather together as she imagined.


Lelena looked at the oracle cells that were rapidly dissipating on her body with a surprised expression: "Why can't I gather the oracle cells?"

"Because here, any oracle cell will be attracted away."

Admiring Lelena's expression, Liu Jian's face showed the same expression as she just now: "Maybe you don't know? The real reason why Zhu Rong was defeated by us."

"the real reason?"

Hearing this statement, Lelena frowned, and she steadied her oracle cell and asked, "Didn't you directly attack it?"

"That's right."

Liu Jian smiled coldly and said, "It's just that we have moved a little bit of it!"

After the last word was uttered, Liu Jian attacked Lelena again.

Because of the release of a large number of oracle cells, Lelena looked very clumsy this time in the face of Liu Jian's fierce offensive.

Not only was the movement and reaction slower than before, there was also a slight panic in her eyes.

"She feels it?"

While attacking, Liu Jian looked at the black mist that began to drift away from Lelena: "Here we have arranged the oracle cell attraction device in advance. As long as she releases the oracle cell, she will be attracted by the device." 16 Novel Network


Lelena didn't know if she lost too many oracle cells or failed to recover from the shock for a while, she tried to dodge Liu Jian's attack while exclaiming: "Why is this? Why can't I absorb oracle cells?"

Listening to Lelena's exclamation, Liu Jian couldn't help laughing.

But with a smile, Lelena is still in the magic vault, and maybe she still has something to do.

If you continue to drag on like this, it is very dangerous not only for yourself, but even for the entire branch.

"She must find her weakness quickly and end the fight."

Liu Jian was a little anxious, and his actions became more and more rapid: "If you drag on, she might discover the secret of this room!"

Thinking of this, Liu Jian hesitated again when he attacked.

"Don't worry about the loss."

After seeing Liu Jian's reservations from the monitor, Li Lan spoke through communication: "The things inside are worthless and easy to repair. The walls of the Shenji vault are also very strong! You just let it go! "

"May I?"

Hearing Li Lan's voice, Liu Jian asked in a low voice as he retreated: "If I really do, the loss here is not small."

"I said, don't worry about loss."

Li Lan's voice was firm and steady: "Let go and do it, this is what the Minister Branch meant!"

"Then I'll go!"

After hearing what Minister Zhi meant, Liu Jian stopped what he was doing and stood in place: "Now, it's time to divide the victory!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red flame suddenly rose up from Liu Jian's body, covering him completely.

"The art of blood?"

Seeing the changes in Liu Jian's body, Leilina was obviously shocked: "Wait! Isn't Li Bo and Su Qingyun the only two masters in the Southern Division? Why..."

"Because my moves are too dangerous."

As the flame became more intense, Liu Jian's eyes became fierce and began to flush: "When it is launched, we are not the enemy!"

"The enemy.... Regardless of..."

Facing the red light released from Liu Jian's eyes, Lei Lena's forehead dripped with thin beads of sweat: "Could it be that the power you have is..."

Before she could finish her words, Liu Jian, who had completely released her own blood skills, left an afterimage and disappeared in front of her.


In the next second, Lelena, who did not respond, felt a heavy blow on her back, and she suddenly vomited blood and flew into the air.

"What happened?"

Flying in the air, Lelena was full of disbelief: "His speed...good...huh!"

Before she could finish her words, she immediately felt another heavy blow in her stomach and immediately smashed her to the ground.

The moment it hit the ground, the huge impact immediately smashed the solid ground out of a big hole.


At the same time as she hit the ground, Lelena's mouth and nose gushed out again.

Before she could react, she felt as if someone had been kicked in her ribs, and her body suddenly rose into the air again.

Rising into the sky this time, Lelena finally saw Liu Jian's appearance.

At this time, Liu Jian's blushing eyes had long lost his usual look. Instead, he was full of fierce gazes.

In addition, the red oracle cells emanating from his body have turned into a raging fire to completely surround him.

Not only that, Lelena was even more surprised to find that the magic machine in Liu Jian's hand had a line of conspicuous oracle cells entwined outside.


At this time, Liu Jian had obviously lost his reason. He gasped heavily in his throat, and then he let out a beast-like roar: "Roar!"

With the roar, Liu Jian's right hand was holding the magic machine and swiping in place towards Lelena who was flying in the air.

Although Liu Jian stayed in place when he stroked the magic machine.

But with his movements, the sword light composed of the oracle cells kept flying towards Lelena, who was unable to fight back.


Seeing the sharp blade-like oracle cells rushing towards her, Lelena resisted the pain of her body and twisted her body in the air and made a welcoming gesture: "This kind of incompetent attack is impossible... ...."

But what happened immediately afterwards caused Lelena to regret why she did it.

It turned out that as the sword light slashed through her body, her body would suddenly have bone wounds.

Not only that, even the blade light composed of the oracle cells that didn't hit her cut open everything in the way, and then left deep scratches on the hard barren god defensive wall.


Because of the impact of the oracle cells that Liu Jian swayed, Lelena's body slammed heavily against the defensive wall of the gods inside the god machine vault.

"This is impossible!"

Lelena, who slipped to the ground, looked at the scars on her body and felt her body bleed continuously. She let out a desperate voice: "Why? My body is clearly immune...Um!"

Before she finished speaking again, Liu Jian's foot slammed on her face.


After stepping Lelena's head on the corner of the wall, Liu Jian's madness in Liu Jian who smelled the blood seemed to be completely aroused. He kept slashing with the short sword in his hand at Lelena who could not fight back.


As Lelena's screaming scream kept returning in the Shenji vault, even Li Lan, who had been watching all this through the monitor, closed their eyes and turned their heads aside.

After an inhumane hacking, Liu Jian, who was completely dehumanized, stopped when Lelena stopped screaming.


Seeing Lelena, who was dying in a pool of blood, Liu Jian still made a heavy gasp, and his eyes were still full of fierce light.


After roaring to the sky again, Liu Jian raised the magic machine in his hand again.


The sound of blood spurting sounded, and a round object rolled out from the corner of the wall.


After killing Lelena, Liu Jian, who had lost his target, turned to look at the god frame and terminal in the god machine vault.

After staring at the dead objects for a while, he waved his hands at them again.

"How long is there?"

After seeing all this, Li Lan shook his head painfully and asked Liu Shiqian beside him: "He has completely lost his reason and humanity now."

"About ten minutes."

Liu Shiqian didn't dare to watch the bloody picture on the monitor. She stared at the small alarm clock she put aside: "Liu Jian's physical fitness should have only been so long."


Li Lan sighed and shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for this ability to be too terrifying, Liu Jian wouldn't need to carry that matter until now..."

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