You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Although Caligula showed fear when facing Li Feng, his instinct to survive when he saw the axe blade drop it overcame the fear.

At the moment when Li Feng's ax blade fell, Caligula retreated instinctively, and then raised his right front paw.


With a loud noise, the blade on the outside of Caligula's right front paw suddenly spattered.


The blade was chopped, and Caligula let out a loud roar in pain.

However, Li Feng's attack did not end here!

After smashing Caligula's arm blade, Li Feng's ax blade plunged straight into the snow.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, and without knowing where his strength came from, Li Feng easily pulled the axe blade out of the ground.

"Sakura, be careful not to hurt you!"

After raising the axe blade again, although Li Feng could not see exactly where Zhongyuan Sakura was, he still spoke to stop him: "I'm going to use Heavy Moon Storm!"

"You use yours!"

Nakahara Sakura, who turned into light, quickly cut Caligula and replied: "I can't be between it and you!"

After getting Zhongyuan Ying's answer, Li Feng sank his feet and waved the heavy axe in his hand madly at Caligula.

I don't know if it was Zhongyuan Sakura entangled it or some other reason, Caligula did not evade the attack, but shrank into a ball with his hands holding his head and letting Li Feng's axe blade keep slashing on its arms.

"I.... How can the speed be so fast?"

At this time, the naked Sakura Sakura moved around at a very fast speed and kept cutting open Caligula's body with Naginata: "Both feet and whole body are very light! It feels... Both the body and the magic machine have no weight!"

At the same time, Zhongyuan Ying noticed that Li Feng's body seemed to be surrounded by flames.

"Why is the closing action so slow?"

Seeing the flames on Li Feng's body, in her eyes, Li Feng's movements were as slow as slow motion: "Did something happen to him? No, it seems...I was too fast?"

Thinking of this, Sakura Sakura cut Kaligula again and stopped her actions.

As she stopped, Li Feng's attack speed gradually began to increase. When Zhongyuan Sakura stopped completely, Li Feng's movements quickly dazzled Zhongyuan Sakura.

"So fast!"

Seeing Li Feng wielding a giant axe, but couldn't see his arms at all, Zhongyuan Ying reacted: "Is it because I moved quickly? No, I want to try again!"

Thinking of this in her heart, Zhongyuan Ying started running again with her legs.

As she ran again, Li Feng's speed gradually slowed down in her eyes.

"Damn, what speed is this?"

First, I saw the figure of Zhongyuan Sakura suddenly appearing aside, and then she turned into a red light again, and Li Feng, who was beheading Caligula, was also confused: "She suddenly appeared in a moment and disappeared again. What the hell?"

Although neither of them could figure out what happened, they knew that they were actually fighting Caligula.

Just when the two of Caligula dared not move, Li Bo, who was in a coma just now, let out a few coughs and then opened his eyes.

"Damn, can't you die?"

Li Bo slowly propped up his body and sat on the ground, raising his hand to rub his forehead: "What the hell is this..."

While rubbing his forehead, Li Bo noticed the traces of the recovery pillars and recovery balls falling beside him.

"Two stinky brats, I really can think of it!"

Li Bo smiled slightly, then turned to look at Lu Erxi and Su Qingyun lying beside him: "Did this method temporarily save our lives? Really smart."

As soon as he finished sighing, Li Bo noticed Caligula's wailing sound from a distance.

"This... This is..."

Hearing the wailing, Li Bo moved his gaze to the direction where the sound was coming from, and this glance made him quite surprised: "Why is there only one rookie? How about Miss?"

It turned out that at this moment, in Li Bo’s eyes, he only saw Li Feng standing there alone. His arms were a little unclear because he was waving too fast. He could only see that he was moving by the light of the magic wave. Attack Caligula with a magic machine.

As for Zhongyuan Ying, Li Bo just couldn't see where she was.

"The art of blood?"

After seeing a little clearer eyes, Li Bo's mouth curled up: "Oh, I didn't expect this guy to wake up? But where is the lady?"


While Li Bo was sitting on the ground looking for Zhongyuan Sakura, Su Qingyun also groaned and sat up: "Oh, what happened?"

"You just awake."

Seeing Su Qingyun sitting up, although Li Bo wanted to go and help her, but his hands and feet couldn't use any strength: "I said Qingyun, your eyes are better than me, help me see where the crying lady is gone. "

"What's wrong with Miss?"

Su Qingyun obviously did not fully wake up from the coma just now. She raised her hand and rubbed her temples while asking, "Could it be that what happened to the two of them?"

As soon as the words fell silent, Su Qingyun's ears were immediately filled with Caligula's wailing.

"What the hell?"

This high and low wailing completely awakened Su Qingyun. She looked at the fighting position: "Why is that thing alive again?"

"It's not its problem, it's the rookie's problem!"

Li Bo bitterly and raised his finger to Li Feng: "I said Qingyun, can you see the bullshit's movements clearly?"


Although Su Qingyun tried very hard to see Li Feng's movements clearly, no matter how hard she tried, she could only see the afterimages of the axe and blade: "Is this rookie's speed so outrageous?"

"Not only speed, but also Caligula's attitude."

Li Bo pointed his hand at Caligula, who had been wailing: "Look at it. Both arms are scarred. It didn't hide at all. Instead, it continued to shrink into a ball and silently endure the rookie's attack."

"The light on that guy."

Although Caligula's abnormal behavior surprised Su Qingyun, her attention was completely attracted by the flame on Li Feng's body at this time: "Hey, Bobo. The light on the rookie is not the light of the art of blood. ?"

"Yes. He seems to have awakened the art of blood."

Li Bo stretched out his hands helplessly: "But what I noticed is that the eldest lady is not nearby, haven't you seen it?"

"That, it's probably Central Plains."

After observing roughly for a while, Su Qingyun pointed to the red light that kept dashing around Caligula: "If I guess right, that light was formed by Central Plains!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Hearing that Zhongyuan Sakura can turn into a light, Li Bo showed a dumbfounded expression: "You mean humans can turn into light? Why don't you say that she can fly?"

"She didn't really become light."

Su Qingyun shook her head, with a helpless look on her face: "I'm afraid our eyes can't grasp the speed of the Central Plains at all, so she looks like a light."

"The speed that the eyes can't grasp...?"

When Li Bo heard this explanation, he showed Xiaoyou's expression with interest: "There is also the ability to make Huang Shen not move but can only be beaten. It seems that the blood skills of these two rookies are quite domineering!"

While Li Bo and Su Qingyun were watching, Leilina was also watching all this from a distance.

"Damn, awaken them again!" Zhongyuan Book Bar

Seeing her Caligula being rubbed on the ground by the two of them, Lelena was itching with hatred: "I can't go on like this! If they are given this power proficiently, it will be a threat to me and even the god of violent violence! "

Thinking of the god of rage, Lelena bit her lip.

After hesitating again and again, Lelena walked towards the two people who were squeezing Caligula with full of resentment.

On the other side, after feeling it was almost done, Li Feng stopped the axe blade in his hand that was so flying and raised it above his head again.

"You die to me!"

With the sound of the axe blade tearing the air through the air, Li Feng also let out an angry shout: "Heavy Moon Slam!"


The moment Li Feng's axe blade fell, a large amount of dirty blood spattered out.

"Don't think about resurrecting you!"

After slashing Caligula's head with an axe, Li Feng immediately turned the magic machine into a predator form and bit its core: "This is mine!"

While Li Feng removed the core of Caligula, Zhongyuan Sakura suddenly appeared not far away and turned the magic machine into a predator mode, taking a bite of Caligula's body.


After recovering the core of Caligula, Li Feng sat down on the snow with exhaustion. He took out a physical drink and said, "I'm so exhausted!"

"My feet are soft!"

After confirming that Caligula would never get up again, Zhongyuan Ying also sat beside Li Feng and opened the drink: "I went, it was really cool just now!"

"Hey, you have become light!"

Li Feng drank the drink, pointed at Zhongyuan Ying with a smile and said, "Do you know? Just now in my eyes, you were a red light wandering around Caligula!"

"You are slow motion!"

Zhongyuan Sakura drank a drink and pointed at Li Feng: "In my eyes just now, every movement of yours is slow, it's like a slow motion in a movie!"


"Hee hee hee....."

After the two of them talked about their feelings, they suddenly laughed heartily when they looked at each other.

"Papa Papa..."

When the two of them were smiling, there was a round of applause from the other side.

"Good job!"

Along with the applause, there was an angry voice: "I didn't expect you to awaken the art of blood and kill my Caligula, it's great!"


Hearing the sound, Li Feng hurriedly clenched the magic machine and stood up: "You haven't left yet?"

"Of course I didn't leave."

Lelena walked to Caligula's body and put her right hand on one of its legs: "Not only did I not go, but I also watched you die with my own eyes! It's just that Caligula can't do it. ."

When Lelena's hand touched Caligula, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were surprised to find that the dissipating oracle cells suddenly stopped dissipating.

What's more frightening is that Caligula's corpse also became a bit illusory after Lelena let go.

"Now, I have to do it myself!"

As Lelena said these words from her sexy mouth, Caligula's body instantly turned into an oracle cell state and quickly gathered towards Lelena.


Lelena screamed while absorbing Caligula's oracle cell: "You are about to see the miracle of the god of violent! No one has ever seen this before!"

When Lelena completely absorbed the oracle cells released by Caligula, her posture also changed dramatically.

At this time, standing in front of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura is no longer the sexy and glamorous woman in an OL outfit, but a black monster with eight legs and several tentacles waving constantly behind him!

"Damn! What kind of monster is this?"

Looking at the two-story building in front of him, apart from Lelena’s upper body, it was completely a spider-like monster. Li Feng’s chin was almost falling to the ground: "Is this Nima a spider spirit? Big one?"

"Whether she is a spider spirit or something!"

Although Zhongyuan Ying was also very surprised, she still clenched her biting double-blade with both hands: "I said Feng, don't you feel excited?"

"of course!"

Li Feng's body was trembling, but his face did not show any fear, but an expression of excitement: "I'm so excited that I'm shaking all over!"

"Have you finished saying goodbye?"

After completing her transformation, Lelena used her thick yellow legs to knock on the snow, and the tentacles behind her were constantly waving in the air: "The rest, you leave to Huangquan Road and talk!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lelena's arm pointed, and her disgusting tentacles made strange noises to attack the two.

"Good job!"

While avoiding the attack, Zhongyuan Sakura smiled triumphantly: "I happened to use you to try my blood skills!"

After saying these words, Zhongyuan Ying's body once again lit up that flame, and then she disappeared in front of Lelena.

"Don't run!"

Although Lelena noticed the changes in Sakura Chuhara and quickly drove her tentacles to attack her, she still took a step slowly, and Sakura Chuhara disappeared directly in front of her eyes like this: "Damn little bitch!"

"Hey, who are you old pervert scolding little bitch?"

Hearing Lelena's rude words to Zhongyuan Sakura, Li Feng's anger immediately rose. He once again released the skills of blood and asked Lelena with a stern voice: "Why do you scold my Sakura? Old pervert!"

As Li Feng released his blood skills, in Leilena's eyes, Li Feng's figure also changed.

Although he hasn't grown bigger, and hasn't grown anything, in Lelena's eyes, he actually released a strong sense of oppression that made him almost unable to move at this time!


Just when Lelena was in a daze at Li Feng and became frightened, there was a tingling pain in one of her legs: "You damn little bug!"

It turned out that while Lelena was in a daze, Zhongyuan Sakura came to Lelena's last two legs at an extremely fast speed and slashed her legs several times!

"Do you really think you are a god?"

Li Feng approached Lelena with the magic machine in hand, and the oppressive feeling exuded from him made Lelena feel more and more boring in his chest: "Do you know what we are called?"

"Damn God Eater!"

Although a little breathless and inexplicably fearful of Li Feng in her heart, Lelena still gritted her teeth and attacked Li Feng with her tentacles: "I am a god! I am the choice chosen by the god of violence. Son! How could I lose to you!"

"It seems you are not!"

While avoiding Lelena’s tentacles sideways, Li Feng waved the heavy rounds in his hand, and the tentacles were all disconnected and spewed blood: "Since you know what we are called, you should know one thing!"

Having said that, Li Feng stopped and once again turned the magic machine into the axe blade form.

"Why are we called God Eaters?"

After turning the magic machine into the shape of the axe blade, Li Feng's eyes also released a fierce light that frightened Lelena.


As Li Feng raised his axe blade, he shouted loudly: "We can swallow even gods!"

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