I actually became a god eater

Chapter 88 Spider Spirit?

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Facing the giant axe that Li Feng swung to her leg, Lelena gritted her teeth and suppressed the fear in her heart, lifted the targeted leg and stepped back to barely escape the attack.

Although avoiding an axe, Li Feng immediately turned the divine machine back into the moon wheel to bully her leg again.

"Hey! Damn bug!"

While trying to suppress the fear in her heart to avoid Li Feng's attack, while being constantly harassed by the completely invisible Nakahara Sakura, Lelena became more anxious in her heart: "Why? Why does this damn bug have this ability? Obviously it is. Race to be eliminated!"

"How can your perverted psychology understand our strength?"

Hearing Lelena's high voice and despising everything in the world, Li Feng couldn't help but choked with her while attacking her: "You guy is always self-righteous. You really think you can surpass humans and become the god in your mouth. ?"

"Shut up! You tiny bug!"

Although the murderous and depressed feeling exuded from Li Feng's body became stronger and stronger, Lelena still persisted in dodge: "What do you know? You will always only look at things from the sad human perspective! You don't know. How great is what I am going to do!"

"I don't bother to care about you!"

After his own attacks were evaded by Lelena again and again, Li Feng couldn't help speeding up the attack: "I don't care what you guys want to do. In short, you or anyone I want to protect are not allowed. damage!"

"Inferior, inferior!"

Using her tentacles to incest, Nakahara Sakura, who had been surrounding her, was forced to retreat. Lelena immediately leaped back and gathered a rolling oracle cell in her hands: "No matter how hard you work, the demise of mankind, The rebirth of the earth has become a foregone conclusion!"


After being forced to retreat by Lelena, Nakahara Sakura finally stopped and took a deep breath to slow down a little: "The demise of mankind depends on mankind, not by you or the violent god in your mouth!

"Stupid! Extremely stupid!"

Seeing Nakahara Sakura appearing, Lelena hurriedly threw the condensed oracle cell ball at her: "Only predation at the end is the way to the planet's rebirth, and the way to redeem all mankind and even all living things! "

Although the oracle cell ball thrown by Lelena was very fast, Sakura Nakahara easily flashed past and approached her again to attack.

"You are arrogant!"

As soon as Nakahara Sakura re-entered the battle, Li Feng took a breath and approached Lelena again: "Everything that humans have caused by their own hands should be made up by their own hands! No matter how big a mistake it is, it should not be handed over to the final predation. carry out!"

"It's blunt, have humans done it?"

Seeing Li Feng approaching again, Lelena commanded the tentacles behind her to attack Li Feng and asked loudly: "What if humanity has awakened for so many years? Isn't it still destroying the planet? What does humanity make up for? "

"That's just because you can't see it!"

With a dexterous figure avoiding the tentacles that Lelena stabbed him, Li Feng came under Lelena’s huge body and clenched the heavy rounds of the moon: "You think the environmental protection organizations and the wildlife protection organizations are eating Do you eat it?"

With an angry shout, Lun Yue in Li Feng's hand severely cut a hole in Lelena's thick leg.

"Ah! Damn it!"

After her leg was injured, Lelena once again used the power of her tentacles to open the distance with Li Feng.

As soon as her body stabilized, Lelena once again shook her tentacles around her to drive away Sakura, and then began to attract the oracle cells in the air.

"What if they are working hard?"

When attracting the oracle cells, Lelena did not forget to keep moving fast and talk to Li Feng: "The earth is still destroyed, and the oracle cells are still released. Isn't the gods still appearing on the earth?"

"Can you deny the awakening and efforts of mankind?"

Nakahara Sakura used her own speed to catch up with Lelena and scratched her legs: "The future or human beings are full of possibilities! Especially after this incident, human beings know how to cherish the existence of the earth. Isn't it?"

"so what?"

Although she was scratched on her leg, the damage Nakahara Sakura caused was not enough to make Lelena lose her mobility. She jumped and raised her arms again: "Humans will eventually go to the place where they continue to destroy this planet. One step! Humans are always repeating their mistakes!"

"so what?"

Li Feng watched Lelena's action, and he opened his shield: "As long as we are well educated from generation to generation, sooner or later human beings will stop making the same mistakes!"

"Idiot talk about dreams!"

As Lelena's arms turned towards Li Feng, a powerful oracle cell was released from her body and rushed towards Li Feng: "The earth simply cannot withstand the arrogant toss of human beings! Rather than wait, it is better to end!"

When the oracle cells hit the shield, although Li Feng used his entire body to resist, he could not stop his legs from making two deep marks on the ground.

"Stop making futile efforts!"

Seeing that Li Feng was unable to fight back, Lelena increased her strength and wanted to defeat Li Feng in one fell swoop: "Give up! Let the Terminator prey on everything! Let the earth reborn!"

"Do not make jokes!"

Although it was difficult to resist, Li Feng still did not give up: "I said it! Humans make up for their mistakes! Eventually predation or something is just wishful thinking trouble! Oh oh oh oh Oh!"

Feeling that the power coming from the shield was getting stronger and stronger, Li Feng screamed and drove the power of his whole body towards Lelena's direction.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing Li Fengding approaching her with her attack step by step, Lelena's eyes widened: "Why are you still able to move? My power..."

"Because I am full of hope!"

Although Li Feng's muscles were stinging from resisting Lelena's attack, he continued to move on: "I will always believe in the possibilities of humans! I believe that humans can eventually live in harmony with the gods and nature one day! "


When Li Feng said this, Zhongyuan Ying also spoke: "As long as there is a possibility, we God Eater will never give up protecting existing humans!"

"Protect existing humans?"

Lelena sneered as she drove her tentacles to drive away Zhongyuan Sakura: "Possibility? Don't make me laugh! What is the use of protecting these maggots? Can you maggots change the world?"

"You can't do it anyway! Nor can your gods!"

Nakahara Sakura easily escaped the lightning-fast tentacle attack and took the opportunity to cut a few times in the tentacle: "Only man can decide his life, not the so-called god or you!"

"up to you?"

Although the tentacles were cut, Lelena didn’t seem to feel that the tentacles formed a dense protective net in front of her: “Do you want to say that the fate of mankind and the fate of this planet is completely handed over to mankind instead of violent God of it?"

"Otherwise? Everyone's fate should be left to him to decide!"

Taking advantage of Lelena's full defense against Zhongyuan Sakura, Li Feng once again came to the space under Lelena's eight legs, changed the magic machine into the axe shape and raised it: "Even gods are not qualified to decide others. Destiny!" The Fifth Novel www.d5xs.net

As these words were uttered, Li Feng also swung a roaring huge axe blade towards Lelena's leg.


Because her attention was completely attracted by Zhongyuan Sakura, Lelena didn't have time to lift her leg, and was cut straight by Li Feng's axe.

Under the roaring axe blade cutting, Lelena's leg was immediately sawed off by Li Feng.

"Damn maggot!"

After Lelena, who had broken one leg, cursed, the remaining seven legs jumped out tens of meters away: "You dare to cut off my leg? I want you to pay the price for this despising god! "

Despite Lelena's yelling, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying rushed towards her carelessly.

"Get out of here! You maggots!"

At the moment when the two approached Lelena, Lelena suddenly released a powerful shock wave from herself: "Don't come near me!"

Although I had thought that Leilina would do some kind of behavior, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying didn't expect this move.

Although the two responded in time and opened their shields, the powerful impact still shook them more than ten meters away.

"Now, let you see what the real God is!"

While shaking the two apart, Lelena opened her arms again and began to absorb a large number of oracle cells floating in the air: "Shake! You are about to see the scene when the true god descends!"

While speaking, Lelena also contacted Erica through her unique communication method: "These two guys are too difficult to deal with, you provide me with more oracle cells!"

"Got it."

Although Erica is weak and unable to travel far, she can still control the wild gods near the battle area: "I will send those wild gods over!"

After feeling Lelena's behavior, Zhongyuan Sakura suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart: "I said Feng, as if this bastard wants to do something."

"I feel it too."

Li Feng turned off the shield and looked at Lelena: "She seems to want to absorb more oracle cells to do! We can't give her this opportunity!"

"I know!"

Hearing what Li Feng said, Zhongyuan Ying stretched her arms twice: "I'll find a way to stop... Damn!"

Zhongyuan Ying hadn't moved yet, and suddenly a frost flame flew out of her side to directly block her path.

"This...this is..."

Although not being sprayed, Sakura Zhongyuan and Li Feng noticed the other wild gods of ice attributes who suddenly began to gather around here: "What's the matter?"

"Look at it carefully!"

As soon as the wild gods appeared, they began to quickly drift into black oracle cells with the wind and whirled closer to Lelena: "I will show you the true god's posture!"

"Think beautiful!"

Seeing the oracle cells surrounding Lelena in a whirlwind, Chu Yuan Sakura's figure moved and disappeared again in front of Li Feng's eyes: "I'll stop you... Fuck!"

As soon as Nakahara Sakura arrived about ten meters away from Lelena, she was blocked by a wall of oracle cells surrounding Lelena.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhongyuan Sakura waved the magic machine in her hand and slashed towards the oracle cell wall: "How can this thing be so strong?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

At this moment, Lelena laughed: "I will let you maggots interfere with my transformation? Don't even think about it! Just wait for your death in silence!"

Although they wanted to stop Lelena, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were unsuccessful after all under the barrier of the Oracle Cell Wall.

After a while, as the oracle cell wall dissipated, the clusters of black oracle cells that had surrounded Lelena were also dispersed by an invisible force.

As the black smoke formed by the oracle cells was dispelled, Lelena also showed a more disgusting posture than before.

At this time, Lelena not only grew out of her severed leg, but also completely healed her wound.

In addition, her eight legs became thicker, and the end that touched the ground also exuded bursts of yellow light.

Looking up, where the eight legs converge, there is a huge black body full of soft tentacles, and the body is full of patterns composed of incomprehensible yellow patterns.

As for Lelena, only the upper body was standing in the middle of the black body's head, looking down at the two of them.

"This is really a spider spirit!"

Although Lelena is huge at this time and looks difficult to deal with, Li Feng still gave a smirk: "I didn't expect the so-called true god to be an ugly spider spirit?"

"That's right. Is this god?"

Nakahara Sakura also followed Li Feng to mock Leilina's current appearance: "I said old lady, your original human form is much more beautiful than this, okay?"

"shut up!"

I don't know if it was stimulated by the words of the two, Lelena pointed her right hand at them: "You are not qualified to judge me as a god!"

As Lelena pointed her finger at the two, the countless tentacles on the spider-like body launched a fierce attack on the two.

"The weakness is her body."

Despite the violent tentacles, Li Feng calmly jumped away from Zhongyuan Sakura and said: "Sakura, can you find a chance to attack her body?"

"Don't think about it!"

Nakahara Sakura escaped the rainy tentacles and came to Lelena's leg and slashed her leg: "This death is too high! I guess it will take Venus or Amaterasu to deal with her. !"

"Venus or Amaterasu?"

The next second after blocking the tentacles with the shield, Li Feng put away the shield and waved the wheel to cut off the tentacles that had not had time to recover: "Although cutting the legs is not a problem, these tentacles are quite annoying. Can you handle it ?"

"Yes, but you have to be a bait!"

Zhongyuan Sakura turned around at an extremely fast speed and cut off all the tentacles that had just pierced her: "One lead, one cut, the most efficient!"


Li Feng raised the corner of his mouth, put away his blood skills and slowed down: "Then let's kill this ugly big spider together!"

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