I actually became a god eater

Chapter 89: Impossible!

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!When Li Feng put away her blood skills, Leilina felt that the pressure that had kept her breathless just disappeared instantly.

"Boy, your blood skills!"

After the oppression disappeared, in Lelena's eyes, Li Feng's figure seemed to have returned to its original condition: "What is your blood skill?"

"How would I know?"

Li Feng felt more or less the ability of his blood skills from the behavior of Caligula and Lelena just now, and he sneered coldly: "However, it is effective for you or the gods!"

"Damn boy!"

Hearing Li Feng's tone, Lelena suddenly became an unnamed fire. With a wave of her right hand, a large number of tentacles attacked Li Feng like a thunderstorm: "I make you never use this trick again!"

Seeing those tentacles that seemed to be stained with slime came towards him, Li Feng calmly opened his shield to block a part of it first.

Using the impact of the tentacles, Li Feng easily jumped a few meters away.

"Old thirty-eight, are you so capable?"

After putting away the shield, Li Feng fully opened the taunt mode: "What else do you have besides tentacle? Could it be that you are a spider tentacle monster?"

"shut up!"

Perhaps it was because Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying always referred to her as "Spider Spirit". When Lelena heard the word again, her face flushed: "You maggot who only talks I want you to never speak!"

While yelling, Lelena stretched out her left arm again to greet her tentacle to attack Li Feng.

"Ouch~ Are you angry?"

Seeing those disgusting tentacles attacking him again, Li Feng first avoided a part of the tentacles sideways, and then chopped off those tentacles before they were retracted: "I said you, back and forth is just... fuck! "

When Li Fenggang was about to taunt Lelena again, he suddenly saw more tentacles, which had already blocked all his evasion routes and attacked quickly.

Although Li Feng noticed that he quickly withdrew the magic machine to defend, but in the end it was still a little slower.

Before the shield could be opened, those tentacles had already been killed in front of him.


Seeing that Li Feng had no time to open her shield and had no chance to dodge, Lelena triumphantly laughed: "You have to pay for your arrogance!"

Facing the sharp tentacles that could not dodge or block, Li Feng's mouth unexpectedly showed a strange smile.


At the moment when the tentacles were about to poke in front of Li Feng, the entire tentacles in front of him became limp and fell to the ground. Lelena also let out a sharp scream.

"Have you forgotten my existence?"

Although he could only hear the sound but did not see him, Chu Yuan Sakura's voice was accurately passed into Lelena's ears: "What do you think Feng is selling to you for deliberately?"

"You are stupid, do you really believe it?"

Li Feng stepped on the tentacles that were still wriggling on the ground, and then added a little strength to crush the tentacles and sneered, "Are you paying too much attention to me and neglecting the existence of Sakura? Old woman spider spirit."

"Damn maggot!"

After suffering a loss, Lelena moved her large but not clumsy body to stretch the distance from Li Feng, and then crossed her hands in front of her chest and made a strange gesture: "I was fooled by you! What a shame!"

Seeing Leilina's strange movement, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying suddenly felt bad.

Without waiting for Lelena to change movements, the two had already split into two groups and planned to attack both sides of Lelena at the same time.


However, just a few meters away from Lelena, the two slammed into the defensive wall composed of oracle cells again.

"Damn it!"

Li Feng slammed a fist against the vague defensive wall and cursed: "Old dead spider lady, have the ability to fight us! What is it to always do this kind of thing?"

"That's it, are you persuaded?"

Seeing Li Feng's provocation against Leilina, Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly helped out: "I'm afraid we will get out of here! Why are you still holding on and dare not fight?"

Regarding the two provocations, Lelena did not speak up, but continued to maintain that posture.

Although some suspected that she was accumulating energy, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying did not see clearly distinguishable oracle cells flying towards her.

"Stay back and attack her with a gun!"

Just when the two raised the magic machine to break the oracle cell defensive wall, Li Bo's voice came from the headset: "This guy must be deceived by performing such a ghost action! Don't forget that you can also attack remotely! "


Hearing Li Bo's voice, the two turned their heads to look at Li Bo, who was sitting paralyzed on the snow in the ice wall: "Are you awake with Qingyun?"

"There is no time to talk nonsense now!"

Li Bo did not answer the questions of the two of them, but shouted in a stern tone: "Don't be distracted by other things during the battle! Keep your distance and attack with a gun!"


Under Li Bo's reminder, the two finally recovered.

While pulling away, they switched the magic machine into a long-range form and aimed at Lelena, who was hiding behind the defense wall.

"Zizzi" "Boom Boom Boom"

Following the roar of the magic machine in the hands of the two, a continuous radiation and a series of bombardment shells kept hitting the defensive wall created by Lelena.

Although their attacks were very fierce, they seemed to have no effect other than making the defense wall clearly visible.

At the same time, the two of them were surprised to find that the tentacles that Lelena had been chopped off grew again, even the thick legs began to grow with the same tentacles.

"Damn it!"

Seeing more and more tentacles appearing on Lelena's monster-like body, Li Feng couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed: "This bastard has such tricks and there are so many tentacles, it's not easy!"

"Shake, you bugs!"

While growing more tentacles on her body, Lelena smiled sternly: "Now, I am invulnerable!"

With Lelena's roar, the defensive wall formed by her oracle cells suddenly shined brightly.

Seeing this ominous light, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying subconsciously stopped firing and opened their shields.


As soon as the two opened their shields, the defensive wall exploded, and a strong shock wave mingled with snowflakes on the ground hit them instantly.

"Damn! It really is!"

Although hiding behind the shield was not hit by the shock wave, the powerful impact still made Li Feng's arms numb: "I guessed what this shit thing was going to explode!"

The shock wave hadn't completely passed away, and the vibration from the ground made Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying's hearts tense.

As the vibration became more and more intense, the two of them looked at each other and quickly stepped aside.

As soon as she stepped away, Lelena's huge body was mixed with the mud and snow that she lifted and rushed past the place where the two of them had just stood.

Before Li Feng adjusted his posture, there was a burst of sound from behind him.

"Damn it!"

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Li Feng didn't need to look back to know what was approaching from behind: "It looks like this guy is really crazy!"

Although he was talking, Li Feng's feet and hands did not stop.

While stepping forward to avoid the tentacles pierced from behind, he used the magic machine to aim at Lelena's approximate direction and fired a shot.


It's a pity that Li Feng's shells didn't hit Lelena and was blocked by her dense tentacles.

Although Li Feng's shells were blocked with tentacles, the force of the explosion still blasted Lelena's tentacles.

Despite this, Lelena turned her body quickly with an indifferent attitude and approached Li Feng again and used her tentacles to continuously attack Li Feng.

On the other hand, although Lelena couldn't see Sakura's movements clearly, she knew that Sakura Sakura would definitely launch an attack from a blind spot in her line of sight.

While attacking Li Feng, Lelena kept waving her useless tentacles.

Under the defense of the wildly waving tentacles, although the speed was extremely fast, Chu Yuan Sakura did not find a chance to start for a while, so she could only stop her fast movement and attack Lelena with a ray gun.Worry-free Book Online www.51asw.com

But when she stopped like this, her figure was caught by Lelena's eyes on the insect's body again.

Before the blasting gun was fully loaded, Lelena drove the tentacles close to Sakura Nakahara to launch a fierce attack on her.

"Can't go on like this!"

No matter how Li Feng fights back, Lelena's tentacles have not diminished, but more and more: "I just used blood skills too much, and I can't keep up with my physical strength!"

When thinking this in his heart, Li Feng looked at Zhongyuan Ying.

However, Zhongyuan Sakura is not much better here!

She overuses the blood skills that she hasn't fully mastered. At this time, her steps to dodge Lelena's attack become a little vacant, and her attack is far less fierce than before.

"Well, Sakura consumes too much!"

Seeing this scene, Li Feng hurriedly took advantage of the cut off Lelena's tentacles, vacated his left hand and took out a coma grenade: "Blind her first!"

Thinking of this, Li Feng quickly avoided Lelena's attack and bit off the safety plug on the coma grenade with his teeth.


As Li Feng threw the coma grenades, the dazzling white light immediately pierced Lelena's eyes.

"Do you think I only have these eyes?"

Although the eyes of the human body and the insect body were closed, Lelena proudly shouted: "It's useless! You maggots!"

While Lelena called, several tentacles stretched out from behind her.

And the ends of these tentacles are moving eyeballs.

"What the hell?"

Hearing Lelena's yelling, Li Feng's heart tightened: "How many eyes does this bastard have? I'll flash again!"

Thinking of this, Li Feng threw a coma grenade at the eyeball of the tentacle on Lelena's back.

"It's useless to say it!"

After the eyes of the tentacles on the back were flashed, Lelena opened the eyes on the worm body: "You can never use this low-end toy to make me lose my sight!"

"Since Lelena's eyes cannot be blinded, what about the trap?"

After this thought came to mind, Zhongyuan Sakura hurriedly threw out the paralysis trap she was carrying: "Try this!"

However, when the trap touched Lelena and released a strong golden arc, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura collapsed somewhat.

It turned out that the arc released by the trap had no effect except walking around Lelena.

"It's useless, useless!"

Lelena closed her eyes and folded her arms to her chest proudly: "I said, I am a god! The toys made by you maggots have no effect on me!"

"Damn it, isn't there any weakness?"

While avoiding Lelena's attack in vain, Li Feng's mind quickly thought: "Impossible! She must have weaknesses! Where is the problem?"

"Could it be there?"

After evading several more attacks, Li Feng suddenly noticed a problem: "Her worm's abdomen did not produce tentacles, and it does not seem to have eyes!"

After noticing this key point, Li Feng used the communication to ask while evading by rolling, "Sakura, do you still have the strength?"

"what happened?"

Nakahara Sakura dodged sideways and cut off Lelena's tentacles and asked: "Something else, what are you going to do?"

"Under her belly!"

Li Feng stepped on the tentacles that stretched out towards him and cut off the tentacles with Lun Yue: "There are no eyes there. Although it is dangerous, I think her life gate is probably there! After all, it is the softest part of the creature.

"I know."

Zhongyuan Sakura stepped back, and then took a deep breath: "Let me try!"

After saying this, Sakura Nakahara used her blood skills again and disappeared into Lelena's sight.

"It's useless!"

Seeing Nakahara Sakura disappearing, Lelena made a mocking voice: "Even if you run out of energy, you can't hurt me!"

While speaking, Lelena repeated her old tricks and kept shaking her tentacles around her body.

"No, it can't be approached like this!"

Although in the eyes of Nakahara Sakura, these tentacles seem to be slow-moving movies, but she can't find the gap between these tentacles: "If you just live in this way, she will find it!"

It seems that after noticing this, Li Feng immediately blocked Lelena's tentacle attack with a shield and jumped into the air with his strength, turning the magic machine into a bomber form.

"Try this! Old lady!"

Li Feng switched the shells of the bomber to the previously used "mopping bombs", and a number "2" was immediately displayed on the magazine: "mopping bombs!"


After Li Feng pulled the trigger, the mopping bomb designed by Zhongyuan Sakura strenuously struck Lelena's defensive shield composed of tentacles.

"Boom boom boom"

A series of explosions sounded, and Lelena was immediately enveloped by the continuous explosions caused by the mopping bomb.

"It's useless, useless, useless!"

Despite being surrounded by the explosion, Lelena laughed at Li Feng in a harsh voice: "I told you it's useless!"

As the explosion sounded one after another, Lelena's tentacles in front of her were disconnected by the explosion.

For a moment, the bloody and broken tentacles completely filled the gap between Lelena and Li Feng.

"It's up to you, Sakura."

After stabilizing the falling body, Li Feng smiled and said, "This is the only opportunity I can create!"

"I know."

Nakahara Sakura, who has been moving at high speed, uses her blood skills to break through the blood mist while saying: "I work hard!"

Under the cover of the blood mist and explosion, Sakura Chuhara finally broke through the defense of Lelena's tentacle and came under her worm's abdomen.

"Use this!"

Zhongyuan Sakura pressed the button to switch ammunition, and then pointed the radiation gun at the movable joint of the insect body: "This is what I can do!"


Nakahara Sakura's gunshots were completely buried by the explosion, and Lelena didn't even notice this small sound from under her body.

After shooting the bullet, Sakura Nakahara gritted her teeth and escaped from under Lelena's body with the last bit of strength.

"Tiny maggot!"

When the explosion was over, Lelena sneered again while watching Li Feng and Nakahara Sakura, who was kneeling on the ground and panting, while regenerating her tentacles.


Before Lelena could finish her words, a strong ray appeared at the joint of her worms, which directly penetrated her body and caused a violent explosion in her body.

The power of the explosion was so great that it directly exploded Lelena's huge body into two pieces.

"how is this possible?"

The body of the worm was blown off, Lelena's eyes widened and accompanied the upper part of the body to fall down: "What...when..."

"No matter how small a human being, as long as he doesn't give up, he can defeat a powerful enemy."

Seeing Lelena weakly following the worm's body falling on the snow, Li Feng aimed the bombardment cannon at her body: "You know? You are not the so-called god, but the sad god of desolation! Defeating the god of desolation to protect mankind, yes The duty of our God Eater!"

While saying this, Li Feng pulled the trigger of Shenji.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

With the fire from the bombardment artillery in Li Feng's hand, Lelena let out her heartbreaking wailing: "I am a god! I am the true god led by the god of raging! You can't defeat me!"

When the flames of the explosion lit up, Lelena's hoarse cry completely disappeared in the silent snowy night...

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