You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!At the moment Zhu Zhenyu and the people behind him were about to pull the trigger, Li Feng suddenly closed his eyes and sneered: "As soldiers, you seem to have forgotten a big taboo."


As soon as the man behind heard what he was about to say, he immediately felt the hand against Li Feng's head loosen.

Before he could make any response, Li Feng bowed his head and flashed past the muzzle at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately after Li Feng turned back beautifully, he used his right hand to pull away his gun hand and grabbed his arm with a twist of his wrist.

Then Li Feng turned to the side and pulled forward with his right arm, and the man behind him immediately lost his balance and fell forward.

While the man was leaning forward, Li Feng hit his face with a fist with his left hand, and then twisted his arm back and cut it behind him.

When the man fell to the ground, Li Feng had already taken the gun he was holding, grabbed his right wrist with his right hand, and slammed his left foot on his back and pointed the gun at him.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and the man standing behind Li Feng was restrained before he even had time to hum.

On the other side, while Li Feng made a move, Zhongyuan Ying was not idle either.

Almost at the same second as Li Feng lowered her head, Zhongyuan Ying quickly raised her right hand to open Zhu Zhenyu's hand, and then flew a foot directly on Zhu Zhenyu's groin.

Suffering from this sudden kick, Zhu Zhenyu immediately felt that his legs were weak.

At this time, Zhongyuan Ying quickly turned and came behind him and kicked both feet behind his knee joints. Zhu Zhenyu immediately knelt to the ground.

Before Zhu Zhenyu could do anything, behind him came the sound of the magic machine turning into a predator form.

"Don't move."

The double blade of Zhongyuan Ying's right hand has now become a predator, and she is opening her mouth wide and ready to bite Zhu Zhenyu down at any time: "You just move it, and I will immediately let the magic machine eat you!"

"Sure enough."

Threatened by Zhongyuan Sakura, Zhu Zhenyu didn't expect a hint of panic, but showed a satisfied look: "Hey, it's true, right?"

"Ah, for sure."

The man stepped on by Li Feng smiled with his unique hoarse voice and said: "This lightning speed and this action must be the colonel's right."

"What are you talking about?"

Li Feng was confused by what the two of them suddenly said. He twisted the man's arm hard: "Hey, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Colonel, can you let me go first?"

The man stepped on by Li Feng turned his head from the snow to look at Li Feng hard: "Also, there is no bullet in the gun. We have no plans to do anything to you and your wife."

"What? Me and my wife?"

Hearing this call, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying looked at each other and their faces blushed: "What nonsense? We are not..."

"Not only now."

Although the man was stepped on, his sight just happened to see Zhongyuan Ying's red face: "Alright, Colonel, can you let me go first? If you don't believe me, you can exit the magazine and take a look.

Although the boss didn't believe it in his heart, Li Feng returned the magazine from the pistol with one hand.

As the magazine fell on the man, Li Feng saw that there were indeed no bullets in the magazine.

"Mine is also empty."

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhu Zhenyu slowly picked up his pistol and pulled out the magazine: "Colonel, Mrs. Colonel, please see."

After exiting the magazine, Zhu Zhenyu generously threw the magazine that had just been withdrawn from the pistol onto the snow in front of Li's cover, and at the same time threw the pistol over.

After confirming that the magazine was indeed empty, Li Feng released his hand, then stepped back to let the man get up.

While making the man stand up, Li Feng also gestured with his eyes to Zhongyuan Ying to put away the predator.

"Ouch, it hurts."

After he got up, the man kept rubbing his chin and shoulders: "Colonel, even though I was testing you so badly, but you don't really need to start so hard, right? My old bone is not the young man back then."

"Go ahead, who are you."

After letting go of the man, Li Feng immediately picked up his magic machine, his eyes still fixed on him: "I don't seem to know you? Also, what do you mean by colonel?"

"How could you not recognize me?"

When the man turned his head, Li Feng was shocked: "Colonel, you trained me personally back then."

Although the man was blind in one eye and a long scar on his face, Li Feng recognized him at a glance.

"Huang... Jianxiang?"

Li Feng's eyes widened and his hands trembled: " could it be you?"

"Captain, don't you recognize me?"

After coming to Huang Jianxiang to support him, Zhu Zhenyu smiled bitterly and asked: "Although you were discharged soon after I joined, I think your memory is not that bad, right?"

"I just said how could I be so familiar."

Under Zhu Zhenyu's reminder, the vague impression in Li Feng's mind suddenly became clear: "Little devil Zhenyu! You are the little devil Zhu Zhenyu who pesters me every day to teach you to use a sniper rifle!"

Hearing Li Feng call out his familiar name, Zhu Zhenyu couldn't help it anymore. Two lines of tears immediately burst into his eyes.

"Colonel, how did you become like this?"

With only one eye left, Huang Jianxiang stretched out his hand to Li Feng: "How come you have become younger? Is it possible..."

"Ah, this is a long story."

Li Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, with a helpless smile on his face: "In short, you don't believe it, even I don't believe it."

"But Mrs. Colonel..."

Huang Jianxiang looked at Zhongyuan Ying again: "She has also returned to the same age as you... Could it be some miracle?"

"Um... this is really hard to explain."

Nakahara Sakura also kept scratching her head with a bitter face: "Anyway....In short, that's it. Also, what is Mrs. Colonel?"


Hearing this question, Zhu Zhenyu was stunned for the first time: "Wait, aren't you Colonel Li Feng and Mrs. Carloli?"

"I am Li Feng, but not a colonel."

Li Feng frowned, with a puzzled look on his face: "I remember that when I was discharged from the army, I was only a captain. Why did I rise to the third rank all at once?"

"I'm Carolly, but I usually use the Japanese name my mother gave me."

The same expression on Nakahara Sakura's face: "I and Feng... are not married yet."

"Huh? No way?"

Hearing what these two people said, Huang Jianxiang and Zhu Zhenyu were both stunned: "But... everything about you is exactly the same as the colonel and the colonel's wife. What's the matter?"

"Alright alright."

Seeing that there was really no way to take it all, Li Feng had to sigh: "What I am going to say next may be difficult for you to understand, but this is a fact. If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

Huang Jianxiang and Zhu Zhenyu looked at each other for a while before they seemed to have made up their minds and said in unison: "Come on, Colonel, let us believe as much as possible."

"Well, then I said it."

After taking a deep breath, Li Feng opened his mouth: "In fact, this is how things are..."


After hearing what Li Feng said, Huang Jianxiang's whole body was petrified in an instant.


Zhu Zhenyu was also petrified with him.

After a long time, Zhu Zhenyu shook his head, and then slapped his face a few times.


Zhu Zhenyu swallowed a mouthful of saliva before speaking, "That...the phase world or the past world crossing...this is too unscientific, right?"


Huang Jianxiang finally recovered from the series of crazy shocks just now: "I...I said... Zhenyu, are we dreaming?" Jingaishu Novels

"You pinch each other to see if it hurts, don't you know?"

Knowing that everything he said just now is too unbelievable, Li Feng said dumbfounded: "Strive harder, don't save face for the other party."

"Well, even if it is really good."

Zhu Zhenyu shook his head fiercely again: "Anyway... these are not things. do you put it? Since the emergence of the gods, there have been more and more messy things, and there is nothing wrong with it. It might be."


Huang Jianxiang bit his lip before spitting out: "Then... Since you are both the colonel and the colonel's wife, but not the colonel, how should we call you?"

"Just call my name."

Li Fengdao answered very easily: "Anyway, I am younger than you, and I am no longer your superior. Just call me by name."

"Call me Zhongyuan Sakura."

Nakahara Sakura pouted, and then smiled: "Compared with the name Carloli that makes me hate, I like the Nakahara Sakura that my mother gave me."

"Okay... OK."

The two finally stabilized their shocked emotions before saying: "Then what should we do next?"

"Leave everyone here first."

Li Feng looked in the direction of defeating Yanzhi just now and said: "A Desolate God has already died here, and more Desolate Gods will appear near here soon. We must leave here quickly."

"Well, they should have almost packed it up, too."

Zhu Zhenyu turned to look at the village: "Otherwise I...ah, they are here."

As soon as Zhu Zhenyu wanted to go back and reminded him, he found that the villagers were coming here one after another with their families and bags.

"Have you contacted the lieutenant colonel?"

Li Feng took out the satellite phone from his arms and looked at Zhu Zhenyu and asked: "If you haven't contacted..."

"I contacted."

Zhu Zhenyu looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "The lieutenant colonel said that the escort team will arrive in about forty minutes and will only stay for 15 minutes."

"Can you make it?"

Li Feng asked with some concern: "It took a lot of time for us to walk in, will it be too late to go out?"

"Do not worry."

Zhu Zhenyu smiled confidently and said: "It only takes 30 minutes to reach that tunnel. But the premise is that nothing happens."

"Sakura, you are behind the hall."

After roughly counting the number of villagers, Li Feng turned his head and said to Zhongyuan Ying: "I will lead, and we will escort them away."

After all the villagers arrived, under Zhu Zhenyu's leadership, everyone began to walk towards the tunnel that had been dug before.

After passing through the small flat area where Yanzhi was fighting just now, Zhu Zhenyu led everyone to a fairly secret location.

"Li Feng, come and help me."

Walking to a large rock, Zhu Zhenyu stood on the side of the rock and waved to Li Feng: "The tunnel is behind this, help me push this large rock away."

Hearing Zhu Zhenyu's words, Li Feng hurriedly put down the magic machine and came next to him to help him push away the big rock.

After pushing away the big stone, a relatively wide tunnel appeared in front of Li's cover.

According to the previous instructions, Li Feng was the first to change the divine machine into the axe blade shape and then got into the tunnel.

After Li Feng entered, Zhu Zhenyu also greeted others to enter the tunnel.

After passing through the tunnel, Li Feng and the others came to a low-lying land.

After everyone came out, Huang Jianxiang took out a high-explosive grenade and planned to collapse the tunnel.

"Hold on."

Before Huang Jianxiang pulled out the fuse, Li Feng stopped him: "Don't rush the tunnel."

"what happened?"

Huang Jianxiang looked at Li Feng a little puzzled: "Why don't you deal with it? In case..."

"I'm just in case."

Li Feng took the high-explosive grenade from Huang Jianxiang and hung it on his waist: "We arrived earlier than the scheduled time. If you blow up the tunnel, where will you escape if the explosion provokes the gods?"

While speaking, Li Feng also pointed to the surrounding snowfields: "Do you think you can get rid of the chase of the gods in this environment?"

Hearing what Li Feng said, Huang Jianxiang patted his forehead: "Yes, why did I forget about this?"

"You, this problem that always doesn't think carefully is still in your fifties and you can't get rid of it."

Li Feng patted Huang Jianxiang's head lightly: "Look at you, your hair is gray and gray. Why do you still keep the old problems when you were young?"

"Hee hee, sorry."

Although the Li Feng in front of me is not the Li Feng he knows well, the familiar feeling still reminds Huang Jianxiang of all the things he had when he was instructed by Li Feng: "You really have been telling me to think more about everything."

"Stop making noise."

Li Feng originally wanted to reprimand Huang Jianxiang a few more words, but Zhongyuan Ying pointed to the distance and said: "The team is here."

Before long, a few trucks drove to this low-lying land.

"Let's go."

Seeing the arrival of the convoy, Li Feng patted Huang Jianxiang on the shoulder again: "You leave here quickly, and we have to finish it up for you."

"Aren't you leaving?"

Listening to Li Feng's words, it seems that he and Zhongyuan Ying are not going to leave. Huang Jianxiang looked at the two curiously: "Aren't you going with us?"


Li Feng pointed to the truck and said, "These trucks have a camouflage system, and the gods will not attack. And, did I say it? We have to give you a finishing touch!"

When he said this, Li Feng took out the high-explosive grenade that he had just taken from Huang Jianxiang from his waist.

"OK then."

Huang Jianxiang stood up straight to Li Feng and saluted a standard military salute: "Colonel, Mrs. Colonel. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you all go well!"

"let's go."

Looking at a serious Huang Jianxiang, Li Fengtao waved at him a little embarrassedly: "You take care not to cause us trouble, it has already made me Amitabha."

After all the villagers got on the car, Zhu Zhenyu suddenly remembered something. He first said a few words to the soldier who was driving and then jumped out of the truck.

Just when Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying wondered what he was going to do, Zhu Zhenyu came to them.

"Colonel, Mrs. Colonel, I almost forgot to tell you something."

Because Zhu Zhenyu ran all the way, he gasped and said, "Maybe you don't know that there is a military base in the northwest. Although it was attacked by the gods, there should still be a lot of usable supplies."

"Available supplies?"

Li Feng frowned upon hearing the news: "What do you mean?"

"Weapons, ammunition, food and some supplies should be available."

While talking, Zhu Zhenyu took out a peculiar ID from the pocket of his pants: "This is the key to the basement storage room. If Arakawa hadn't attacked that location, there should still be a lot of supplies there."

"Then why don't you get it?"

Li Feng tilted his head and asked, "If there are any, you should be able to get them and use them."

"Because we can't get in."

Zhu Zhenyu shook his head with a bitter face and said: "That base is now the gathering place of the gods. If you are going to recover materials, remember to bring more manpower."

After saying this, Zhu Zhenyu also saluted the two of them before returning to the truck.

After the truck drove away, Zhongyuan Ying waited for Li Feng to blow up the tunnel before asking, "Feng, are you interested? That military base."

"Do you still need to ask?"

Li Feng took out the satellite phone and dialed in and said, "It's just that we two are definitely not enough. Let me see if I can ask Boge to help."

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