I actually became a god eater

Chapter 99 Military Base

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After getting in touch with the headquarters, Li Feng gave a general overview of the situation.

"A military base?"

Hearing that there may be supplies, Li Lan seemed a little hesitant: "Although guns and ammunition are not very useful to us, with a little modification, it should be possible to arm ordinary soldiers so that they can come in handy when they fight against the gods."

"The point I think should be the grain reserves."

After hearing Li Lan's hesitation, Li Feng continued to convince her: "Generally, military bases will have reserves of grain and other materials for about half a year for the number of people stationed in the base. If they are available, they should slightly improve the grain structure of the branch for a while."

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that."

Li Lan, who had been hesitating at first, heard this, and immediately relaxed: "Although that is the case, you have not confirmed whether it exists. I definitely can't send a transport team to help you. So, how about you go and investigate first?"

"That's what I planned."

Li Feng looked to the northwest and said, "However, according to Huang Jianxiang's intelligence, there seems to be a wild god entrenched there. I am worried that Ying and I cannot enter the base."

"Check first."

After being silent for a while, Li Lan said: "You go to the military base for investigation first, report it according to the actual situation, and I will deploy personnel."

"Roger that!"

Li Fengchao Zhongyuan Ying made a gesture and said: "Then we will investigate the situation."

After hanging up the communication, Li Feng spread his hands helplessly: "It seems we have to go to the base to investigate the situation first."

"The question is where is the base?"

Zhongyuan Sakura looked at the surrounding white snowy field with a little trouble: "After so long has passed, the base may have been buried by something, right? Just know the direction to look for several days."

"There are coordinates here."

Li Feng took the ID card and showed the handwritten series of numbers on the back to Sakura Zhongyuan: "This is a small habit I taught them. If you find an object anywhere and want to take it away, write the coordinates on the object. , Or mark it with a note."

"Yes! They were stationed at that base before."

After seeing the series of numbers, Zhongyuan Ying immediately began to urge Li Feng: "Take out the map and see where the coordinates are!"

"I'm doing it."

Li Feng took out the electronic map from his arms and entered the coordinates on the back of the ID card while saying: "Although I haven't been to that base, I can probably guess where it is."

After entering the coordinates, the electronic map immediately displayed the location on the map.

"Oh, it's pretty close."

After seeing the location, Li Feng held the map and laughed: "I didn't expect it to be that place. That place is really a base."

"Do you know this?"

Looking at the map with her head close, Sakura Zhongyuan asked curiously: "It sounds as if you already knew it?"

"of course I know."

Li Feng smiled and put away the map and said: "I have been there before, but it was a long time ago. Okay, let's go and take a look."

Walking on the quiet snowy field, apart from the Arakawa who appeared in sight for a long time, the two had never noticed any signs of living things.

"The world where humans do not exist is really quiet."

Seeing the little snowflakes falling from the sky, Zhongyuan Sakura couldn't help but exclaimed: "If it was before, there should be people moving here, right?"

"Hard to say."

Li Feng pointed to a ruin in the distance and said, "Look, there is still a ruin there. Someone should have lived here before."

"Thinking about it, it's really bleak."

Looking at the snow-covered ruins, Zhongyuan Sakura was a little sad: "The human beings who once dominated the earth for a while were directly beaten back to the primitive age by the gods."

"It's like a dinosaur."

Li Feng walked slowly on the snowy field with Zhongyuan Sakura, and two series of footprints slowly extended from their feet: "The prosperity must decline. This is an inevitable stage in nature. Our human beings are so strong, which has affected the balance of nature, and so is decline certain."

"It would be nice if people realized it sooner."

Zhongyuan Ying speeded up and walked to Li Feng's side and walked side by side with him: "If people can protect nature more, the earth will not release oracle cells to destroy mankind."

"Like I said before."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's sad expression, Li Feng smiled helplessly and said: "Even if someone wakes up? Idiots still exist. If all human beings are not awakened, it would just delay the appearance of the gods.

"By the way, I am quite curious about your previous experience."

As if he noticed that this topic was too heavy, Zhongyuan Ying changed his words: "What kind of unit was your previous unit? I asked you several times, but you refused to tell me."

"I won't tell you now."

Li Feng grinned and replied: "Although the country no longer exists, what should be kept secret must be kept secret. But I can tell you that my troops only exist to protect the people, and they fight only to protect the people."

"Hey, saying it means not saying it."

Hearing Li Feng's nearly perfunctory answer, Zhongyuan Ying pouted with an angry expression: "Can't you just talk about some dry goods? Just talk about these mysterious and mysterious things."

"For example, when did you become my wife?"

Seeing the lovely appearance of Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng couldn't help but make it bad: "I said, when will you become my wife?"

"Don't make trouble!"

Although Li Feng was playing tricks, Zhongyuan Ying still blushed: "I don't want to marry you! At least...not marrying now."


Seeing her cute face blushing, Li Feng continued to mess with her: "You seem to be lying!"


Nakahara Sakura turned her face to one side and stomped fiercely: "Why don't you guys have a good line?"

Just teasing each other like this, the two of them traversed the entire snow before reaching the coordinates.

After climbing a hill full of knee-deep snow, a piece of building complex that had been arbitrarily destroyed by the gods and then covered with snow appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is it."

Li Feng pointed to the ruins of the building complex below and said, "This is the military base."

"It doesn't look like it."

After a little observation, Zhongyuan Ying tilted her head in confusion and asked, "How does this complex look like a community? If it's a military base, shouldn't there be a playground where soldiers can train?"

"It's all underground."

Li Feng carefully observed the ruins of the building complex: "The surface facilities of this military base are all confusing. The real military facilities are all laid underground."

"Huh? It seems that a lot of brains were used when setting up this base back then!"

After listening to Li Feng's explanation, Zhongyuan Ying nodded sharply: "But in such a place, it was a deep mountain and old forest at the time? Why did you spend so much time in disguising?"

"I'm afraid it's a cover-up." 8090 Novel Network www.8090xs.com

Li Feng shrugged helplessly: "You know, too? In our era, there were fierce battles between big powers. This base may be a backup base for reinforcement operations to prevent people from invading this area."

"It turned out to be so."

Nakahara Sakura still seems to understand, "But it doesn't matter anymore, shall we go down to investigate?"

"Don't worry."

Li Feng stopped Ying Zhongyuan, put the magic machine beside him and took out the binoculars from his pocket: "Observe from a distance first, so if you rush in directly, it will be troublesome if something happens."

Observing carefully from the mountain for a while, Zhongyuan Ying became a little impatient: "I said Feng, I haven't found any signs of the gods' activities for so long. I think they have been withdrawn. Let's go down and find supplies?"

"Who said no?"

Li Feng handed the telescope to Zhongyuan Ying and pointed at the building complex and said: "Look for yourself, the snow is full of footprints of the gods."

After receiving the telescope, Zhongyuan Ying immediately observed the location pointed by Li Feng.

Sure enough, after seeing it more clearly with a telescope, Zhongyuan Ying found a lot of footprints of the gods on the streets of the building complex.

"The traces of the ghost face giant tail."

After carefully distinguishing the traces on the snowy ground, Sakura Chuhara began to judge the type of the gods: "There are also traces of the Spear of Fear and the Girl of the Earth Cocoon."

"These are not things."

Li Feng tapped Zhongyuan Ying on the shoulder and pointed to another position: "What I care about is the traces left on the snow over there."

Following Li Feng's fingers, Zhongyuan Sakura, who used the binoculars to check the situation, saw a situation that surprised her.

It turned out that the snow at the location Li Feng was referring to was messed up, not to mention, there was still a lot of dazzling dark red on the pure white snow.

"Those marks... are they blood?"

After adjusting the magnification of the binoculars to see as clearly as possible, Zhongyuan Ying put down the binoculars in surprise and looked at Li Feng and asked: "There are still traces of the mess on the snow, are they war marks?"

"It should be, and it's a bit strange."

Li Feng pointed to Zhongyuan Ying and said, "There, and there, the edge of the trace seems a bit wrong."

Under Li Feng's instructions, Zhongyuan Ying carefully observed that piece of snow.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. After a closer look, Zhongyuan Sakura was also confused.

Although there is still light snow in the sky, from the telescope Zhongyuan Sakura can clearly see that there is a suspected cone of ice reflecting the sunlight in the snow.

Not only are there strange things, but the battle marks left on the snow are also a little strange.

"Notice how deep the snow is in some places?"

Seeing Chuyuan Sakura’s eyebrows changed due to the change in expression, Li Fengcai said: “There are several locations where the depth is completely different from the surrounding depth. The snow there is about 20 to 30 centimeters thick, and those few The location can almost see the ground."

"that is true!"

With Li Feng's explanation, Zhongyuan Ying noticed this detail: "Those positions are clearly visible, and obviously some heavy object has been pressed."

"And the diameter is not quite right."

Li Feng continued to explain: "Although there are other chaotic snow advancing, but you take a closer look at the diameter of those traces."

"This must be at least two meters, right?"

After observing carefully for a while, Zhongyuan Ying used the scale in the telescope to roughly calculate the width of the trace: "Is there such a big thing nearby?"

"Four traces of snow pressure with a diameter of two meters."

Li Feng motioned to Nakahara Sakura to put down the telescope and drew a picture with her finger towards that position: "There is also a huge oval mark with a not very smooth edge. There is a long drag mark at the end of the oval mark. ?"

"Oval shape...Yes there..."

Under Li Feng's guidance, Zhongyuan Ying also noticed these two traces: "Wait, this trace... how does it seem to be seen somewhere?"

"Have you never seen the traces of what you and I have kept?"

Li Feng put his hands on his chest, and said with a helpless smile: "Think about it, I promise you will know what it is right away."

"Wait! You and I are both raised?"

Upon hearing this prompt, Zhongyuan Sakura immediately reacted: "You mean... the tortoise?"

"Well, it's the trace of the tortoise."

Li Feng pointed to other locations in the ruins of the building complex and said, "Look, there are the same traces everywhere, and that thing must be directly entrenched here."

"Yes, it really is."

After Zhongyuan Ying carefully inspected the entire building complex ruins, she did find similar traces in almost every place: "It is true that this trace is basically in every location."

"Wild God: Xuanwu."

Li Feng's face sank, and he slowly said his thoughts: "The only thing I have seen that looks like a tortoise and can leave such traces, is the only thing left."

"Maybe it's gone?"

Zhongyuan Ying put down her binoculars and looked at Li Feng: "Although this is its lair, it will always go outside to hunt for something, right?"

"Have you forgotten that it can directly call Huangshen? The same ability as Yanzhi."

Li Feng shook his head, then looked solemnly at the periphery of the building complex ruins: "If you look closely, there are no traces left on the periphery. I'm afraid it went in before the snow accumulated, and it hasn't come out until now Ever."

"Wait, are there two basalts?"

Hearing Li Feng's inference, Zhongyuan Ying reacted: "Isn't there a team tracking a Xuanwu? Why is there another one here?"

"It is not strange to have two."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly and took out the satellite phone: "The point is not to let the two basalts converge! Otherwise, if they attack together or swallow each other, the danger is too high!"

After dialing the satellite phone, Li Feng told Li Lan his inference.

"Well.... Do you also have a Xuanwu?"

After listening to Li Feng's report, Li Lan fell into deep thought: "Although I haven't seen it, you are sure it is the traces of a similar large species, right?"


Li Feng concealed his body from a point of view invisible from the ruins of the building complex and said: "Even if it is not basalt, it is likely to be traces of related species. And no trace of leaving was found."

"I see, I will contact Li Bo now."

After careful consideration, Li Lan gave instructions: "You first find a place to hide temporarily and avoid the wind and snow. I will find a way to let Li Bo and the others rush over."

After cutting off the communication, Li Lan immediately reported Li Feng's situation to the branch minister.

"Is there a second basalt?"

After listening to the report, the Minister Branch muttered for a moment before speaking: "Lieutenant Colonel, let you take full responsibility. Anyway, even if it is not a basalt, it is a large species of the same kind that is a huge threat to us!"

"I see, Director Branch. Then, I will contact Li Bo first."

After getting the permission of the branch minister, Li Lan immediately asked Liu Shiqian to contact Li Bo: "Shiqian, call Li Bo and the others."

While Liu Shiqian called Li Bo and the others, Li Lan looked down at the Xuanwu materials that she had called out on the podium: "This kind of thing... anyway, it must be resolved before they attack us!"

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