Chapter 141 Nearly Headless Nick

After October came, a damp and cold air filled the castle and penetrated into the common room.

A cold suddenly broke out among the staff and students, leaving Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse, scrambling. Her pick-me-up potion has an immediate effect, but those who drink it will have smoke coming out of their ears for several hours.

Hermione had been feeling ill lately, and after she forced herself to drink some pick-me-up, steam came out from under her fluffy, furry hair.

Ivis looked at her jokingly, causing Hermione to roll her eyes.

The two of them were looking up information in the library. Lockhart’s hair never grew back, so he stayed at St. Mungo’s for treatment. After Snape took over as a substitute, the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons he taught them became more and more in-depth.

In order to complete the seven-inch paper he assigned, Elvis and Hermione had to come to the library to check some information.

This is their first time in the library this semester. Usually they choose to read in the Room of Requirement.

Outside the window, raindrops as big as bullets hit the outer wall of the castle, making a sound.

It has been raining for the past few days, and the water level of the Black Lake has risen. There is a mudflow in the flower bed. After absorbing water, the pumpkins planted by Hagrid have swelled to the size of a flower shed.

Elvis’s seat had a direct view of the Quidditch pitch, and he could see the Gryffindor team members still training.

They shuttled through the wind and rain and worked hard to train tactics under the command of captain Wood.

Slytherin’s seven Nimbus 2001 put great pressure on Wood. Because Harry also had a Nimbus 2001, they intuitively realized how powerful the Nimbus 2001 was.

The disparity in equipment made Wood a little desperate.

In addition, Professor McGonagall gave him a death order this year – he must not be at the bottom.

The RQA trophy Lockhart gave her was placed on her desk to remind her that Gryffindor had not won the championship for seven years.

If the team’s performance this year is still at the bottom, Professor McGonagall will probably let Wood commit suicide.

Under multiple pressures, Wood had to keep asking his players to practice more and crazily squeezing their potential. Even the wind and rain these past few days could not dampen his enthusiasm.

Every time Elvis and Hermione went to the Great Hall for dinner, they would see Harry and the Weasley twins coming back soaked and covered in mud.

Fortunately, Roger didn’t ask them to practice more, Ives said thankfully in his heart.

After copying the last line from the reference book he found, Avis put down his pen and stretched out.

“Have you finished writing?”He looked at Hermione aside

“”Yeah,” Hermione nodded.

“Then let’s go.”

After that, the two picked up their textbooks and walked out of the library. As they went downstairs from the library tower and walked through the courtyard to the auditorium, they saw a worried figure. The ghost of Gryffindor Tower, almost headless Nick was looking at the courtyard sadly, muttering in a low voice:”……If you don’t meet their conditions…just half an inch, if that……”

He was looking out the window melancholy, muttering in a low voice:”……If you don’t meet their conditions…just half an inch, if that……”

“Hello Nick.”Ives said hello.

Nick is a famous ghost in the castle. He likes to show them how he”almost lost his head” when the little wizards are eating.”

“Hello, you are good.”The almost headless Nick was startled and looked around.

He wore a very fashionable hat with feathers on his long mane, and wore a knee-length tunic with a The ruffled collar in the sh

ape of a wheel hid the fact that his neck was almost completely severed.

He was as invisible as a wisp of smoke, and Elvis and Hermione could see the darkness outside through his body. sky and heavy rain.

Ives saw him hurriedly folding a transparent letter and hiding it in his tight jacket.

After saying hello, Ives took Hermione and left. The two of them were not very similar to Nick. She was familiar with him, and she only greeted him out of politeness.

Nick’s face was full of tangles, and he looked like he wanted to talk to others about what had been bothering him for a long time.

“Sorry, can you listen to me?”He finally made up his mind and wanted to express all the depression in his heart in one breath.

Before Ivis and Hermione could agree, he began to speak on his own:”……I thought I could apply, but it seems I’m not eligible.’”

Nick’s tone was nonchalant, but his face showed deep pain.

“You should tell me,” he suddenly burst out, pulling out the letter he had just hidden from his pocket again.

“Does a man who received forty-four blows to his neck with a blunt ax qualify for the Headless Hunters?”

“——Oh – yes——”

Elvis and Hermione were a little at a loss by his question, and they answered hesitantly.

“I mean, more than anyone else, I want things to be done neatly and my head completely broken off, which would save me a lot of pain and ridicule. But……”Nick, who was almost headless, shook the letter open and read angrily:

We can only accept hunters whose heads and bodies are separated. You will be fully aware that if this were not the case, it would not be possible for members to participate in Hunter Team activities such as horseback riding and head-balling. Therefore, I regret to inform you that you do not meet our criteria. Best regards, Mr. Patrick Debordmo.

Nearly headless Nick angrily stuffed the letter into his clothes

“There is only a little bit of skin and tendons connected to my neck! Most people would agree that this is actually the same as losing your head. But no, in the eyes of Mr. Debord, who has completely lost his head, this is not enough.”

Nearly headless Nick took a few deep breaths, and then thanked him in a much calmer tone:”Thank you for being willing to listen to a ghost’s soliloquy.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Ives shook his head vigorously. He didn’t waste much time anyway. Only then did Nick recognize the boy in front of him. He recalled the newspapers he had read before.

“Are you the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, Ives Evans?”he asked

“Yes, it’s me. Nick thought for a while and asked with expectant eyes:”Actually, this year’s Halloween is my 500th anniversary party. Are you willing to come to it?””

If a Merlin Medal winner is willing to attend his death anniversary party, it may be able to change the mind of the Headless Hunters. Nick thought with joy.

Before Ives could speak, Hermione, who was acting as a backdrop, suddenly said:”Death anniversary party? Hermione said in high spirits,”

Can I attend this party?””

“Of course, of course!”Nearly headless Nick became happy,”I am honored to invite so many living people to my death anniversary party.”

Seeing Hermione agree, Nick almost acquiesced that Elvis would definitely come.

The sadness in his eyes completely dissipated, and he floated in the air happily,”Oh, my dear child! Elvis Evans is going to be at my death anniversary party, so cool! He looked at Ives again,”Excuse me, could you please tell Mr. Patrick that you think I’m particularly scary and impressive, okay?””

“Of course,” Ives reluctantly agreed.

After saying goodbye to Nick,

Ives reminded the excited girl next to him:”Hermione, you won’t like the ghost party.”

Hermione disagreed.


(End of this chapter)

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