Chapter 231

Berlin, Germany.

“Im here.”

The driver opened the door. I got off the black premium sedan and fixed my tie like a habit.

It was my first visit to Germany, but I didn’t have time to look around.

Green Care executives and employees were waiting in line to meet them.

“Welcome! Representative Kim Yoo-shin!”

A man with bald hair, who looked like an executive, approached. I said shaking hands with him.

“Thank you for the welcome.”

“Hahaha! I thought I passed out when I heard the CEO’s call! I canceled my flight to Korea and hurriedly returned to work!”

In an instant, the accident stopped.

Uh, wait. What is this sound? Why are you suddenly pretending to know? is someone i know

After desperately shaking my head for a short time, I recalled a certain memory.

‘Maybe this person… … !’

no doubt I said it looked familiar, but I was one of the people who came from a Swiss hotel to ask for a contract with me!

Things go on like this again. Since Green Care is a pharmaceutical company, it is worth salivating over Alchemia’s distribution rights for potions.

I said with a round business smile.

“It’s only natural that Alchemia is interested in Germany’s top pharmaceutical company.”

At those words, not only the executives but also the employees behind them opened their mouths.

Green Care, the second-largest company for many years. Being the best in Germany would be their favorite compliment in the world.

“I would be grateful if you could kindly forgive what happened in Switzerland. There were a lot of flies like this and that, so I acted harshly on purpose.

“Haha! Hahahaha! That’s right! Come on, come on this way.”

This man, who introduced himself as ‘Max’, was a tycoon in the rank of managing director.

He seemed very happy that I had visited GreenCare on my own.

It’s a natural reaction because it’s an opportunity to win new drug investment and even distribution rights to potions at once. I was greeted warmly and entered the building.

After a while, an investment briefing session for me was held in the auditorium.

‘… Sleepy.’

It was interesting at first, but it got boring as time went on. The future value, the investment environment, the nurturing policy, these were just stories that had nothing to do with me.

So I talked.

“Before Alchemia, I came here to invest in new drug development. I would like to tour the research facility in person, is it okay?”

“I’m sorry, but the research facility is top secret…”

“Director. I only believe in what I can see.”

I just cut it off.

“It’s a future-proof, high-tech buy with an edge, so it doesn’t touch my skin. I need a vivid reality, not a story that catches clouds on the PPT screen. I want to do it.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Please wait for a moment. It’s a part that requires the president’s permission.”

Max went out and made a phone call.

The call was taking longer than expected.

‘Now, how are you going to get out?’

I sip the Luwak coffee that was served and waited.

If there is a connection between the person who is the president and mine, he will unconditionally reject it under the pretext of top secret. Well, if you refuse, move on to the next step as soon as you refuse… … .

“The president’s permission has been lost!”

uh, really?

I was a little embarrassed because I didn’t know that I would be accepted so easily.

Isn’t this an organization that has nothing to do with the real Mine? Is it just a coincidence that there are six people connected?

No, it is not too late to go and check with my own eyes and draw a conclusion.

We went to the research facility by car without any fuss.

The facility was located on the outskirts of the capital Berlin, and it was a building with a basement floor.

I had to wear a white dust-proof suit over my clothes and even a mask.

“From now on, I will guide you.”

A female receptionist in a dust-proof suit bowed her head and greeted her.

I caught Max glanced at her.

She looked around the facility, listening to her explanation. The whole building was so white and clean that there was no dust.

“The product is washed in this process. Our Green Care also removes 0.0001% of impurities…”

However, it really just feels like a ‘field tour’.

Unfortunately, he could not enter the drug development part, and Green Care actively expressed his refusal.

At this rate, they just skimmed through the facility and passed by.

I was able to secure a limited field of view beyond the wall by targeting the Daeva, but there was also a limit to visual information alone.

– Top owner.

Then I heard Ea’s voice.

‘Huh. What is it?’

-Successful in disabling GreenCare’s firewall. As a result of researching the relevant materials, we found a shocking content.

After hearing Ea’s story, I immediately gave the following instructions.

‘Except for Sol and Bora, who protect the seeds of the bonma, all prepare to come to battle.’


I raised my head and looked at the guide who was explaining for a while.

“Stop, the explanation is now complete.”


“I’ll be honest. Actually, I’m not here as a representative of Alchemia, but as a certified Hunter.”

Looking at the two men with visibly bewildered faces, I continued.

“Have you ever heard of a drug that transforms humans into monsters discovered in Iceland? We got a report that the drug was being studied by this company.”

Max’s face hardened, and the guide’s expression distorted terribly.

Marx stuttered his words.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, but where did you get that information…”

“I cannot reveal the identity of the informant.”

“Well, that must be a carrier! To put us in a crisis in a competing company…! No, you must have brought the investigative authority before that? No matter how a certified second-level hunter is, it is a serious act of excess for a foreign Hunter!

That’s right.

Now, I have two options.

The first is to obtain certain information, obtain permission from the Federation and the German government, and attack. And the second.

“How are you?”

just going out

“Do you think I’m going to do this without solid proof?”

I continued to observe the guide.

She was trying to keep a poker face all the time, but she was obviously nervous.

And this is the room where her heart beat the fastest.

“The situation is urgent, so there is nothing we can do. If there is no evidence, it will be up to you whether to sue or argue with the Federation.”

I put the gauntlet on my fist and slammed the lock with the password.

bang! The lock shattered with a sound, leaving a large hole in the door.

I grabbed the door and opened it.



You feel the gun hitting the back of your head. Max slapped her ass while screaming, and I looked back at her with a grin.

“Did you shoot?”


She really pulled the trigger.

The fired bullet was blocked by a blue membrane just in front of the muzzle and rotated in place.

I went inside her, ignoring whether she fired her gun or not.

“Huh, huh!”

“who are you?”

“A gunshot just…?”

Researchers in dust-proof suits got up from their seats, hesitating.

“I am certified 2nd grade Kim Yoo-shin. Please cooperate with the investigation.”

“Huh, Hunter?”

I fumbled through the vials they were studying. Among them, there is one that catches the eye. A turbid, viscous liquid similar to that seen in Antarctica. I lifted the bottle.

“Wow, where did you see this?”

I stopped talking and bowed my head.

A flash of light flashed, and the window in front of me cracked with a clean cross section.

The arm of the guide who shot me had changed like a blade.

It’s not just the arm. Her clothes were all torn and her eyes had turned into an insect monster with hundreds of eyes.


“Monster! A monster has appeared!”

The terrified researchers rushed out of the lab.

[Kigi geek!]

The mantis-shaped demon spread her wings and rushed in, waving her sharp arms.

I shrugged her shoulders to the side, tilted her head, and simply avoided her.

“Now you have revealed your true nature, Main.”

I moved my finger to avoid the diagonally swung attack. Three 6-step magic circles are spread over the mantis’ body.


The magic circle explodes and the monster cries out in pain.

In the meantime, I took off the cumbersome dust-proof clothes and put the precious evidence in the small space pocket.


As her skin was scorched black and she bled profusely, Mine persisted.

Boo Woong!

At the moment when her swung her right arm slammed into the floor, I transferred the Specter onto his arm.

Then I lowered my legs and stepped on the Specter.


Mine’s arm was neatly split in half.


“Tell me. How many mines are there in this facility other than you?”(Read more @

[Kyauk! Kei!]

“Yeah, okay. Goodbye.”

The ice spears that surrounded him pierced through the demon’s body.

I wiped the green liquid off my cheek and took all the research materials here.


Among the fleeing researchers, the demons who turned into monsters rush in.

Seeing that there are pieces of white dust jackets all over the demons’ bodies, it seems that they were infiltrating as a researcher. I clapped my hands.

“Everyone! It’s time to work.”

Samia’s warp gate opened behind me, and a flashing spear of lightning pierced Main’s body.

“Fourth floor team! Arrived!”

The 4th floor team, led by Na Dae-yong, appeared from the warp and faced the demons. Water magic, light magic, and poison magic exploded all over the laboratory.

Woo woo woo!

In particular, So Shim-hee, who turned into Andras, was strong.

She pushed the demons away with a charge like a sniper car to free up a large space, and then she grabbed them with both arms and ripped them in half to kill them.

[It was you! Kim Yoo-shin!]

I turned my head and looked at the Orcmine running towards me.

A large ax wielded by a demon is a chin in his hand! and caught

“The Weakness of Gray Orcs…”

Jeong Seo-jin said while pulling his opposite fist.

“Well, there’s no need to attack.”

blah blah! A large scratch appeared on Majin’s face and flew away. Jeong Jeong-jin said as he watched the 4th floor team remove demons like fish in water.

“Everyone, it’s good to fight, but please do not damage the facilities as much as possible.”


He gave instructions to the 4th floor team and looked back at me.

“Top Lord. Have you secured any evidence?”

“Of course. I put it in my space pocket.”

I slowly approached Max, who was still peeing.

“Executive Max. Are you a magician too?”

Max shook his head madly.

“Ugh, I can’t believe it because there aren’t only one or two demons here.”

I cast a 3-step wind pot.

The air was wrapped around the pistol that had fallen on the floor, and it fell right into my hand.

“If I make a few holes in my body, wouldn’t it turn into a monster?”

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