Chapter 232

At my intimidation, Managing Director Max nodded with a terrified look on his face.

“My, my, please, save me! I’m not at fault! I just did what I was told!”

I snorted and asked.

“On whose direction?”

“I, it was all the orders of the vice president! I brought the infectious drug just to make an antidote under the secret government order…! I didn’t know the demons were really involved! It really is!”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

I smiled and made him take off Max’s dust jacket and top.

Then, put both hands behind the head and turn around.

“Stay still.”

I drew a magic circle with my fingers on his back.

Every time I touched him, I could feel him trembling in fear.

“When I questioned the demons, the demons first revealed their identity and attacked me, right?”

“No, no, no, that’s right.”

“I ask you to behave wisely in future investigations.”

“of course!”

“What else do you know other than the vice president? Who’s behind it?”

“I don’t know! It really is! I’ve told you everything I really know!”

I lifted my hand and nodded.

“It’s okay if I just go.”

After that, Max ran up the stairs as if running away. Jeong-Jin smiled bitterly.

“Isn’t that a little harsh?”

“That’s just a magic circle with no effect.”

I lightly clapped my hands and picked up my smartphone.

“Yes, it’s the Federation Headquarters, right?

– This is the Federation Communications Department. what happened? Mr. Kim Yoo-shin Hunter.

I raised an eyebrow and answered.

“I think I caught a big fish.”

* * *

Me and the members took control of Green Care’s research facility.

The number of demons that came out of this place alone exceeded 100. We fought until the white floor was dyed red, and after a while the police and the German association’s Huntertum were dispatched, and the situation ended.

As soon as the battle was over, I was brought under investigation by the German police.

The fact that a foreigner attacked a local company was a matter that could lead to diplomatic friction, but he was released without charges due to the urgency of the Mine incident and the command of the second-class public official.

Max was also actively defending me in order to live.

Green Care’s vice president and related executives were all arrested and handed over to the police.

While being transported in a police car, the vice president turned into a demon and tried to escape, but was shot and killed on the spot.

I just knew this was going to turn out well. However.

too late.

Green Care had already spread drugs that transform humans into monsters in its products and spread them all over the world.

The federation immediately informed the governments of this fact, and the government stopped selling green care products.

But in the meantime, too many green care products have been sold. How many people have been harmed?

Me and the members returned to the tower again.

“There are more green care products than I thought.”

Me, Samia, and the team on the 4th floor were talking around Jeong Jeong-jin’s laptop.

“Oh my, this lip balm! I use it often!”

“There are a lot of beauty care products. This brand is made in Germany, so it’s expensive, so I didn’t use it… but it’s very famous.”

There were only three brands operated independently by Green Care. The victims seemed to be considerable.

“Then what kind of products did the mines contain drugs?”

Jeong Jeong-jin answered my question.

“Infectious drugs are known to be effective through ingestion. We will exclude bands, adhesives, and beauty care products. Looking at the pharmaceutical side… In fact, Green Care has been falling behind the leading companies, and its market share has been gradually declining both domestically and overseas. .”

“It’s fortunate out of misfortune.”

“But there is one product that has been firmly #1 worldwide for decades.”

“what is that?”

Jeong Seo-jin looked at me with a stiff face.

“It’s a cold medicine.”

The moment he heard those words, the hairs all over his body stood up.

“Look! Jinbora where are you now?”

I hurriedly ran into the bedroom on the first floor where Jinminra was.

Woodang Tang!

I almost fell because I was going so fast. He barely lifted himself up by grabbing the handle of a nearby chair.

“Um, sir?”

Wearing a mask, she was lying in bed with a smartphone in one hand.

She blinked her eyes in amazement as not only me, but also the serious-looking members rushed in.

“What? What’s wrong?”

I strode towards her desk. You can see an empty cup with some water left and a cold medicine with the wrapping paper torn.

I checked the name of the pharmaceutical company under the packaging.

“…Damn it.”

teeth were sharply cracked

* * *

Governments around the world ordered the immediate cessation of sales of green care products and the recall of all green care products, but did not clearly state the reason.

He was concerned about the ramifications of the situation.

Not to mention, if you suddenly announce to the public, ‘If you have a little you will become monsters, so prepare your hearts’, it is not to mention that there will be great chaos.

First, a serious toxic substance was found in the company’s drug. I just informed that.

But the rumors were fast. Rumors that Green Care’s cold medicine contains a monster drug has already spread horribly around the world.

In fact, it remains only for the World Federation and governments to admit the rumors to be true.

However, there was a group that hit the players one step ahead of the announcement of the federation.

[We GOT.]

Men dressed in clothes with only two snow pits perforated, claiming to be behind the incident, uploaded a video to YouTube.

[We are the ones who put monster drugs into green care drugs. It is currently in the latent stage, but soon the blood vessels will become black and stand out all over the body. After that, it gradually turns into a monster.][But rest assured. We have an antidote. This is only a means, we do not want innocent people to lose their lives. If the international community follows our instructions, we will be happy to provide an antidote and disclose the ingredients so that there are no more victims.]

GOT’s claim was absurd.

The abolition of the ‘World Hunter Federation’.

The world federation that protects the earth is in fact a source of evil, GOT asserted that the reality is a scarecrow that protects only the superpowers that pay a lot of money.

In addition, there were several other requirements.

Abolition of nuclear weapons around the world, removal of tax exemptions for large corporations, extreme punishment for racial discrimination, removal of hijab, legalization of homosexuality, and more.

By including sensitive issues such as race, religion, sexism, and the gap between the rich and the poor, it delayed and rationalized issues such as the abolition of the World Hunter Federation.

[We want freedom. We want peace.]

This is the cause of GOT.

They were justifying their claims by putting the established powers of this world to the fore as enemies. With that said, the video ended.

‘It’s ridiculous.’

That’s why I don’t like mine It is truly disgusting to see hundreds of millions of people hostage and talk of freedom and peace.

When I went online, the general opinion was similar to mine. Everyone is blaming GOT.

Said Samia, who was looking at the laptop screen from behind.

“The public is not stupid either. I don’t think there will ever be a situation where public opinion is divided.”

“I do not know.”

I was skeptical of that opinion.

Now, it is right that an immediate rejection reaction comes out of the embarrassing thing that GOT has done.

But what if, over time, people’s anxiety becomes extremely high as the black veins they speak of begin to pop out?

And what if I, my family, or my friends got caught up in such a terrible thing?

It was obvious that the resentment focused on the GOT would gradually shift to the world and the federation that did not negotiate with the GOT.

And the issues that GOT placed as a condition. It is not for nothing that the human race, which has survived for more than several decades, has not yet resolved the controversy.

The more divided the human race, the more advantageous it is to the demons. That’s why the demons came to the fore as a strange organization called ‘GOT’ without revealing their identities.

also clever

“For now, we’ll have to wait until the antidote comes out.”

“That’s right.”

It’s nothing else, but it’s a cold medicine.

Green Care’s cold medicine has the largest market share and is distributed all over the world.

While previous cold medicines contained a little bit of vitamins in painkillers, Green Care’s cold medicines have become the best-selling products in the world in that they treat cold symptoms directly.

And now that it is winter, the abnormal climate caused by the disaster is polar. How many people have taken Green Care’s cold medicine?

I turned my head and looked at Bora. She, the only victim among us, was playing with Eunsol and smiling brightly.

“Wait! I’m here!”

“Sister, it’s amazing! How did you do it?”

He doesn’t care… … . It’s quite a steel mentality.

It was then that her and her eyes met.

“I’m fine. Senior. Don’t worry too much.”

She smiled as she gripped her full bracelet on her wrist.


Suddenly, her fists tighten.

I feel like I have to do something.

Me and Samia went up to the ninth floor again.

“Ah.”(Read more @

“Yes, Top Master.”

She appeared from the air and answered her call.

“Didn’t Green Care have any antidote?”

“No. Greencare was only in charge of developing infectious drugs and mixing them into cold medicines.”


The presence of the antidote was confirmed before this happened.

When they robbed the Arctic Lab of the Minions in the past, EA tried to hack the main computer.

The EMP device exploded in the middle of the hack and was cut off, but some important data was memorized directly by EA. The existence of an antidote was one of them.

Of course, even if the demons had developed an antidote, they would not have provided it to people meekly. Like GOT now, it must have been the intention to shake up mankind in return for this.

Humanity will not be destroyed by killing hundreds of millions of people. However, the presence of antidote helps the demons to use various strategies.

You give someone an antidote, and let someone die without giving it to you.

What if it could sever the bonds of humanity by intensifying conflicts between humans, instigating wars and causing controversies?

Yes-. The real purpose of the demons would be this.

Anyway, back to the point, the three mine labs we destroyed.

Two of them disappeared without a trace, and the last one, a laboratory discovered in Iceland, succeeded in recovering the Celestial Lord without damage.

The data of the antidote I want will also remain there.

“Ah. What happened to the Icelandic lab data?”

Perhaps it was something she already knew, EA answered with a quick answer.

“The ownership of the material was with the French government, which took control of the site. I understand that the Federation then copied the materials with the permission of the French government. The original will remain in the laboratory.”

Will you trust and wait until the Alliance makes an antidote like everyone else?

if not.

“Let’s move.”

I got up and said

“It’s a drug made from the ingredients of an infected monster. If it’s the magic tower’s preparation technology, we might be able to make our own antidote here too.”

“It’s worth a try.”

Jeong Jeong-jin said while fixing her glasses.

“We will start investigating the relevant data right now. Alchemia will also establish a task force and start research on antidote.”

“Yes, please. Samia. Do you still have some balance in Warpgate?”

“Really, you’re going to break the fifth floor.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I’ve been using Warp too recklessly these days.”

Samia laughed, saying it was a joke.

“It’s still better than sitting still. Where do you plan to go next?”

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