Chapter 233

Iceland. Bestman Islands.

It’s not like we’re shooting a global movie, we’ve filmed in Korea, Switzerland, Malta, Germany, and finally came to Iceland.

I headed straight to the mine lab site.

‘I think the cost of protecting the island is too low.’

It is the site where a drug that turns humans into monsters was discovered.

With such a low cost, was it possible to stop the demons from coming in?

I walked to the scene with such doubts.


Confederate soldiers guarding the site aimed their guns.

At their request to reveal their identity, I presented a public certificate.

“I’m Kim Yoo-shin, a certified second-class hunter.”

“Si, I’m sorry!”

The soldiers with their guns saluted all at once.

Recently, while traveling around the world, he has been feeling the power of a public figure 2.

Normally, I would have asked my nationality right away and inquired about whether it was a dispatch that had been talked about with the federation and the party concerned, but if you reveal your second-class status, most places are just free passes.

I entered the research facility with the guidance of the soldiers.

‘… … groan.’

Somehow I thought the cost was too low, but the research facility was empty. The materials had already been moved elsewhere.

“I’ve seen everything I’ve seen. I want to talk to the manager.”


After a while, a man in the Federation Army, commanded by the rank of lieutenant colonel, rushed forward in front of me.

I shook his hand and asked straight-forward.

“Where have you moved all the original materials here?”

“Recovered from the Federation.”

No way. Of course, I contacted the federation first.

A copy is in the Federation, and the original sounds like someone else has moved it.

“It wasn’t the Federation Headquarters. Where exactly did you move it?”

“Location was not reported.”

I looked at the officers who had followed the lieutenant colonel and asked.

“Do you know anyone?”


silent answer I sighed as I put my hands in my pockets.

“Have any of your acquaintances taken cold medicine here?”


“It is a matter of the lives of hundreds of millions of people. If you remember the location even if it is late, please contact Alchemia.”


As I was about to turn my back, a young officer called me.

“After completing all the investigations in the Federation, the French lord of Heaven went to collect the materials himself.”

“… the Heavenly Lord?”

I nodded my head, stroking my chin in thought.

“Okay. Thank you for your cooperation.”

said the officer, biting his lips.

“My fiancée… took medicine. Please…”

“Yes, I will do my best. If you give me your contact information, I will send you a bottle of antidote as soon as I get it.”

“Thank you thank you!”

I got the officer’s contact information and left the scene.

Something strange is going on.

“Ah. How long will it take if I schedule a visit to Heavenly Castle?”

– I heard that you are not easily seen. There is no way to schedule it.

“It takes too long to clear the scoundrel’s catastrophe and hold the world guild meeting again.”

I patted my forehead with my index finger and fell into trouble.

“Then can we know where the sky is now?”

– What are you going to do?


I answered with a smile.

“You have to go in.”

* * *

I took the warp gate and arrived at a new place. It was quite high in the sky.

‘Ugh, how high is that?’

You can see the clouds below your feet, and the blue sea below them.

Shortly after activating the wing golem and flying, a whitish castle is visible through the clouds.

‘It’s a castle floating in the sky above the sea. You’re lucky.’

It was a large and majestic castle that was not worth the name Cheongongseong.

While flying, I looked around and saw two guards. I wasn’t an invited guest, but, well, I decided to break through.

I applied magic power to the wings and charged at maximum speed.

Whoo woo woo woo!

It came down in front of the main gate of the heavenly castle with a fierce wind. The two guards were startled and raised their swords.



uh, um.

there is no dialogue If your name is a security guard, you should ask questions like ‘Who are you!’ and ‘What are you doing!’

You won’t ask all the way to the end, so I’ll have to clarify first.

“I am……”

In an instant, a new type of guard approached like a beam of light. I quickly shifted the Specter to the front and grabbed it with both hands.


Sparks flew out between the swords that collided. My body was pushed back.

“No, wait a minute! I’m Ma Thapju Kim…”

“You don’t seem to know the rules of the sky.”

The guard fixed his sword and said,

“Whoever comes close will be treated as an enemy and eliminated.”

A pair of heterogeneous wings spread out behind his back.


The second guard also spread his wings and dig into the side to wield the hunting device.

He leaned to avoid it, but a few strands of his cut hair were blown away by the wind.

‘… … Wow, are these really trying to kill you?’

The two people who came down to the floor hold their swords in an upright position and take one step at a time.

That’s considerable of the thrust of that wing. He keeps his feet on the ground, but the charge is instantaneous like a Devasta.


I scratched the side of my head.

“Because it’s someone else’s formation, I tried to be formal, but if you keep doing this…”

He clenched his fists and set them aside.

Go away! Blood spouts with a sound, and a guard rushing from the side sprays nosebleeds and falls out.

“I feel bad about this, too.”


The man who saw his colleague who lost consciousness in an instant and was lying on the floor had a tense expression on his face.

“I want to meet Heavenly King. I don’t feel like dealing with killifish like you.”

“Such cheeky!”

The guard pats his feet wide and jumps in. As his sword was about to swing, I stretched out my feet.

Turn up!

He took the sword with his toes, lifted his body, and stretched out his left foot. He barely guards and is pushed back, but at the same time, a rapid arrow fires at him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The guard wrapped his body with his wings. The rushing golden arrows fell to the ground without piercing the wings.

‘That’s Icarus, the ability of the Sky Guild members.’

Simply put, it is the ability to create wings.

There were many stories that the benefits were inferior compared to the Holy Knights and Grave Machines, which acquire magical powers, but the usefulness of the Icarus ability has already been verified through numerous battles.

Best speed, best weapon, best shield.

In addition, many hunters are hoping to enter the Sky Castle since the case that became ‘Certified Level 1’ only with that ability is playing active duty.

No other world guild has yet produced a certified first-class.

‘Let’s see how fast it is.’

The ice spears of the second process were taken out one after another and fired. The guard immediately spread its wings and flew up to dodge maneuvers.

Even with Ea’s elaborate manipulations, not a single shot was hit.

It’s definitely fast.

I don’t know if that person is average or above average within the castle, but I have a foreboding that it would be quite difficult to turn the castle into an enemy.

‘Then a little bit of variation.’

I moved my finger to draw an ice javelin magic circle in the air. Put it in front of it, and in front of it, five “accelerated magic circles” were spread out in a row.

As if pulling a bowstring and aiming at a target, I moved these magic circles at once, aimed and fired.


The wind blows. The moment the ice javelin fired from my hand passes through the five acceleration camps, it is already locked in the guard’s chest.


His body banged loudly against the wall behind him. Soon he lost his strength and fell to the floor.

“It bothers me.”

I disarmed all the magic circles and walked to the front door. The front door was still firmly shut.

I took a deep breath and cried out loudly.

“Cheongseongseongju! This is Kim Yoo-shin! Let’s talk for a moment!”


As if responding to my words, the main gate of the castle opened and left.

Are you finally going to listen to me?

However, contrary to my expectations, inside the open gates, hunters with white wings were bustling with their weapons.

“It’s an intruder!”

“Everyone out!”

I quickly stepped aside. Thousands of hunters with wings came out of the main gate like a flock of birds and surrounded me while circling in the air.



They all aimed the hunting device at once. I raised my arms.

“I didn’t come here with the intention of going to war with the heavenly castle.”


A round shield surrounds my body, and around it, 25 accelerations of Jin aim at the hunters in the air like a turret.

Ice javelins that would become shells appeared from the magic circle as they prepared to fire.

“If you want to fight, there’s nothing you can do.”(Read more @

“Ready to attack everyone!”

A middle-aged hunter who looked like a commander shouted. The wings of all the heavenly guild members flashed with blue light gathered to the limit.

I also raised the corners of my mouth and opened up all my magic.


Everyone’s movements stopped at the sound of a voice resounding like an echo in the air.

[Let me in.]

It was the voice of heavenlyism. Commander Hunter clenched his teeth and bowed his head.

“Okay. Everyone, put down your weapons.”

You can see the sky castle guild members putting their weapons in with angry faces. At that time, I also smiled and harvested the magic power and lifted the shield.

“You should come out like that.”

* * *

I went inside under the guidance of the Heavenly Castle guild member. The inside was the structure of an ordinary castle with nothing special.

“This is it.”

Whenever I attacked violently, the guild members here treated me with a respectful attitude.

Some of their murmurs are audible.

“Is that person Ma Thapju? He’s much younger than I thought.”

“It’s a new World Guild candidate.”

With several sounds coming out of one ear, I entered the room.


I saw a handsome handsome man sitting cross-legged in an old-fashioned room.

A white suit, scarf, and brown hair reminiscent of autumn leaves gave off an atmosphere that is difficult to describe.

A kind of charisma that is completely opposite to the intimidation of Hong-yul, the president of the association.

“Sit down.”

“Thank you.”

I finally got a chance to sit face to face with this person.

A guild member came out with a cart and poured tea into Albert’s cup.

“I entrusted you with the catastrophe of Malta.”

He continued with a sip of tea.

“Have you already given up?”

“Isn’t it possible. That way, things are going well. The evaluation target is not me, but the ability of the tower to perform its duties.”


I was contemplating how to say it, but Albert asked a question first.

“What’s your business?”

“I heard that the materials recovered from the mine lab in Iceland were transferred to this castle.”

He drank tea, neither affirmed nor denied. I threw the score right away.

“Can I read those materials by any chance?”

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