Chapter 314

“Top doesn’t lie.”

I bit my lip to contain my anger, and Anton continued his words.

“Let’s even talk about it. When disaster strikes, the planet’s will for its own survival, pouring all of its power into creating a single player with overwhelming strength. That’s the Guardian.”

Another guardian?

It’s a word I hear a lot these days.

[The catastrophe has already begun, Guardian. The world will fall into your hands.]

Alessandro, a level 1 danger, said.

[Don’t look forward to it. tutelar.]

The President was also mentioned.

“Isn’t there at least one story of the chosen hero in your world?”

“It’s a lot.”

“Think of the modern-day version of that champion as the Guardian. Instead of shouldering the fate of saving the world, you can push your limits and become constantly strong enough to fight Nemesir.”

“…wasn’t it just strengthening your ability to learn?”

“That’s just a Guardian’s most basic power.”

Looking back, it didn’t even make sense for Hong Yeon to acquire Hong Yul’s red light.

By injecting a red light into your body and adapting it, you will be able to use your power better than your original ability. No matter how much I thought about it, it was something that could not be explained in terms of learning ability.

“No, that makes more sense then! Why does Hong Yeon, the Guardian, destroy the world?”


That was then. A straight red sword strike passed through Anton’s neck.


Anton’s body was scattered in the air and disappeared.

“…a ghost? Well, it doesn’t matter.”

In the darkness, Hong Yeon with a sword was coming closer and closer.

His body had a white aura that was different from the red-light tiles.


“Nemesis. Killing you and it’s all over.”

Her golden eyes full of vigilance stared at me.

Do you think you know me as Nemesis?

“Be careful.”

“No, wait! My words!”

Something red suddenly slammed into me.


And the sight came up.

I later realized that my neck and body had fallen off. She was in her pose, wielding her sword.

I’m dead.

on her sword.

Tick. Tick.

Time began to flow backwards as if the radio tape was turned upside down.

My neck was attached to my body again and Anton was alive.

Soon, my body was sucked into the dark space again.

“You’re not ready yet.”

Anton’s voice was heard in the darkness. I rubbed my neck with a blank face. stuck properly.

“The Guardians who deal with Nemesis are sincere. They are in a state of Awakened. Even the slightest hesitation will kill you again and again.”


I raised my voice.

“Teach me! Why Hong-yeon, no, the Guardian destroys the world?”

After that, Anton appeared next to me. He let out an unknown smile.

“Nemesis can only be killed by guardians. That’s why the planet’s defense system concentrates its power on just one person. In fact, guardians are meant to destroy nemesis.”

“Then why is that…”

“The calamity was only one step ahead of the planet. Killing Nemesis is not the end.”

Anton put his hand on my shoulder. His memories came into my mind.

“Aren’t you curious why Erendel was destroyed?”

A figure of a woman was drawn in my memory.

A woman with wavy blonde hair, a young but beautiful face.

She was a completely different person, but somehow I thought she resembled Hong Yeon.

“My granddaughter Cynthia. I tried to raise her as a wizard, but this damn planet made her a guardian.”

Cynthia’s parents lost their lives in a battle with the demons. Cynthia became her orphan, and Anton took her in and raised her as her adopted daughter. The two lived together for a long time and developed a deep bond.

17-year-old Cynthia has accepted her own destiny to hunt down her minions to avenge her parents. By the time she was 19, she was already the strongest, so powerful that no one could stop her, and her people called her ‘Saint Erendel’.

And she said, when Cynthia was twenty, she appeared Nemesis.

The Erendelites, who possessed a large number of super-powerful wizards, poured all their power to stop Nemesis. At the last moment, Cynthia stabbed Nemesis with her sword and destroyed it.

But it was the beginning, not the end.

Nemesis’ soul entered Cynthia, who had killed him, and Nemesis was completely Awakened.

The fallen Cynthia destroyed the world alone. In just three months, two empires and 17 kingdoms fell.

Humanity has lost even the ability to defend itself from monsters, and the world has become a monster paradise.

So Erendel disappeared.

“Now do you understand?”

The memory cleared and Anton lifted his hand from my shoulder.

“If you don’t kill Nemesis, the world will be destroyed by monsters that multiply endlessly. If you kill Nemesis, the Guardian, the only being who can hurt Nemesis, will fall and destroy the world.”

“…is there really no other way?”

“It’s up to you, the owner of the tower, to find it.”

Anton looked at me.

“After convincing the Guardian to kill Nemesis, there’s a way to get rid of the Guardian and Nemesis at once.”

Are you telling me to kill Hong-yeon now?

Before I could argue, my body began to break free from the magic of the ordeal.

“Come back when you’ve cleared your mind.”

* * *

Two days have passed since the ordeal.

I think I spent those two days in a state of disrepair.

You might say what you are doing in the busy period ahead of Nemesis, but what happened in the ordeal was quite a shock to me.

“Brother! Brother!”

Eunsol came up on my lap today as well and was fighting.

She was witty as she was explaining her events at school, and suddenly she looked at me with a sullen expression.

“Brother. Are you listening to me?”

“…uh, huh? What did you say?”

“Brother, you idiot!”


She wrapped her arms around my neck and hung them. My upper body was bent down as it was.

“The last few days, oppa, it seems a bit strange!”

I shrugged my chin and continued.

“For now, we have to survive.”


“This is not the time to hide technology to earn a few more bucks. The world may be destroyed in six months right now, but all mankind must work together.”

“It sounds like you’re going to take a loss for the public good.”

I nodded.

“Of course you have to. I’ll give you all of the 7th floor data as well as all the tech-related technologies. It’s up to you to make whatever you want with those materials later. Instead, create a result within six months.

“Ugh.”(Read more @

Derek pressed the bridge of his nose.

“The minimum unit for a large-scale project like this to be completed is three years. Six months is too tight…”

“Oh, you keep saying subtraction. Are you not confident?”

This time, Derek’s expression hardened.

I continued.

“It’s okay to take away the technology. It’s okay to go back to your country. They give you money, materials, everything you want? Isn’t that what you guys say every day, ‘I don’t know what to make with limited government resources’. So I’ll support you all. Yo. So time is a problem this time? Just make excuses for the rest of your life, then.”


He jumped up as he tapped the table with his lap.

“I will. 7th floor project general manager.”

“It’s a good read, but just because Mr. Derek wants it doesn’t mean he can just do it.”

As soon as I could finish my words, five men and women in plain clothes from the magic circle elevator rushed into the master’s room.

“Derek! Why are you here…!”

“I see that trash face here again.”

“Do you think I still forgot about the Nobel Prize?”

Everyone seemed to know each other. Some even expressed outright hostility.

I said with my arms wide open.

“Yes, you are all candidates.”

Power entered the eyes of scientists.

Geniuses among geniuses who each have great authority, they must know my intentions to compete with them.

You might think that it’s arrogant because you’re too young.

So I’m going to sprinkle carrots here. EA put the papers down on the table.

“This is a copy of the materials found on the 7th floor of the tower. Let’s take a look.”

The eyes of the scientists who looked at the documents with indifferent expressions widened sharply.

“DNA non-adhesive process? Does such a technology exist…?”

“Mana control technology is at least 30 years ahead of modern times.”

Magic engineering is a technology that did not exist on Earth. Once you’ve tasted the technology of another dimension, you can’t get away with it as a scientist.

While the scientists couldn’t take their eyes off the papers, I intercepted.

Now I have taken the lead. Even if you know my intentions, you will have no choice but to obey my words.

“I’ll give you 30 minutes from now.”

They shook their heads.

“I want you to gather the data and tell me what kind of results you can achieve in six months when you become the project manager, and what the rationale is. After hearing all of that, we will select a general manager.”

I applauded.

“It starts now. I can’t wait to see who will be the best among you.”

Sparks flashed in the scientists’ eyes.

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