Chapter 315

8th floor ordeal.

I changed into a blue suit and looked ahead.

Hong Yeon was walking in the dark. Seeing the white aura flowing, Anton said the Guardian’s ‘Awakened’ state.

It is said that Awakened is not a big deal, but it is the state of the moment when you concentrate your body and mind to cut the nemesis at the decisive moment.

In other words, the woman who is dealing with me now has such a determined mindset that she risked all mankind and came all the way to Nemesis alone.


On the other hand, I am trembling like crazy mentally.

Now, my over-immersion ability, which has evolved into the ‘integration’ characteristic, shakes my whole head.

No matter what anyone says, this is my practice of killing Hong Yeon to save the world.

“Nemesis. Killing you and it’s all over.”

She straightens her sword with her determined face.

With that expression, with that determination, she tries to fight me.

‘Calm down.’

She took her heart and blew her feathers away. Feathers flying in the wind spread countless shields in the air.

On the front, I even hit the 7th Ancient Barrier with the strongest defense technology I have. It’s perfect defense.

‘A reckless approach is suicidal.’

I stepped on a feather that had fallen to the floor.

To her left and right, the ground approached like a wave. In response, Hong Yeon expressed the red light that was wrapped around her body in a tornado state and gently crushed it.


Her feathers, which flew to her left and right, of her red wing, turned into a giant thundercloud accompanied by her thunderbolt and approached her.

She did nothing as she held her sword.

Just by increasing the amount of madness her enemy had, the size of her tornado surrounding her increased tenfold.

My supershell was swallowed lightly.

‘… … It’s hard.’

Already the symptoms of depletion are coming.

All the mana in this world is flowing and sucking in her.

As if the world was trying to protect her existence. A phenomenon that can be said to be the natural enemy of a wizard just by its existence.

The supply of external horsepower cannot be expected either. In fact, it was best to keep my magic circles from being taken away by Hong Yeon.

‘I can’t use the 6th process.’

As soon as you place a magic circle on her body, mana will betray me and be sucked into her body.

I knew it when I met him.

How much she cared and cared about me when she fought with me.

The more I think about it, the more my concentration shakes. It’s hard to get even half of the original condition.

‘Ah, is Armageddon possible?’

– Yes, Top Master. I will increase the processing weight of my formula even more.

In my current state, it is enough to become a burden to EA. I had to somehow get out of this unstable mental state.

‘Attract attention first.’


As the flames swirled in the sky, Hong-yeon swung her bare hands that did not hold the sword indifferently.

The sky splits into five pieces of gold, and the fire cannons explode.

‘This is the real thing!’

The exact center of the floor she was sitting on was spread out to the left and right. Her body, which has lost her footing, goes down.

To her falling into her narrow pit, I sent her feathers and spread her twenty layers of buff magic.

Now if you pour Armageddon into this pit… … !

– Top lord! A sword strike is coming from below!


The red light, a crystal of pure power, ripped through the ground to the extent that it seemed funny to me that I cut the floor with crevasses.

I stepped back, but it was too late. A red sword strike cut my right arm and passed.


A shock that seems to lose my mind as it is.

Her concentration was shaken and the pistols prepared for Armageddon disappeared, and Hong Yeon came directly from the basement and charged with a red light on her body.

I set up the Specter with only one arm left.


The tip of Hong Yeon’s sword collided with the Specter. My body flew several kilometers.

‘Again Armageddon… … !’

That’s my last thought.

Taking advantage of the moment when my concentration was shaken, a red line pierced through my chest without any technique.

My heart just went out.

Creepy accuracy.

I fell to the floor, vomiting blood.

Tick! Tick!

time goes back again

The scar on her chest disappears, and Hong-yeon’s body goes underground. The crevasses open and Hong Yeon rises between them and takes a pose holding her sword.

And she backs away and I fall back into darkness.

‘Oh, damn it.’

Yeah, it’s better to turn back time than to die.

But do I have to turn back time after making me feel the pain of death?

“You’re not ready yet.”

With Anton’s voice I had heard before, I was thrown back to the top of the 7th floor.


As soon as I got out, I stretched out on the floor. As I was staring blankly at the ceiling, all sorts of delusions cluttered my head.

“Aaaah! It’s crazy, really!”

“Topju! Are you okay?”

Ea appeared with a flash of light in the air.

“I’m having a hard time eh.”

“Take a break.”

Ea knelt in front of me and gently rubbed her forehead with her slender fingers.

She was childlike, but her touch was so soft and warm that it felt good.

“I’m by your side. Don’t try to carry everything alone. I will carry it with you.”

“…… Thanks.”

I lay like that for a while and felt the warmth of her Ea.

It was so hard, I just wanted to do it like I was being silly.

EA just stayed by my side without saying a word.


“Yes, Top Master.”

“Out of the thoughts that popped into my head right now… which one is the best?”

she closed her eyes

“Do I have to pick the best of these?”

“What does that mean?”

“No matter which of these options you choose, the master will become unhappy. I am a homunculus. I cannot recommend the option of making the master unhappy.”


“Clean your head, relax your mind. It’s just something I haven’t thought of yet. I’m sure there must be a better way.”

As if to appease a crying child, the sound of her soft voice made me feel drowsy at the same time.

Now it’s really the last.

Many things have happened, and now only Nemesis, the final disaster, remains.

What kind of ending will I choose?

Thinking like that, I closed my heavy eyelids.

* * *

“Hey, senpai, wake up!”

I woke up to a hand shaking my body.

I said without opening my eyes.

“Ugh, five minutes…”

“Our top lord, it’s a start again.”

Jinbora’s hand disappears, and a rustling sound is heard nearby for a moment.

I didn’t even want to open my eyes and I was about to fall asleep again.

It smells like grass stinging your nose. this is green juice

“Ah- open your mouth!”

When I opened my mouth, a green juice pack with the tip cut with scissors came in. The hole was small so that it did not flow, so it was possible to suck on the side.

“Eat well. My baby.”

What else is this aunt saying?

Anyway, the refreshing taste of green juice miraculously made me fall asleep. Finally, I opened my eyes and got up.

“You woke me up, did you see what happened?”

“Correct! There is an important announcement from the World Federation. Everyone is waiting in the Golden Lobby!”

“A major announcement?”

Anyway, it was a call to come down.

After washing my face and putting on my coat, I went down to the first floor following Jinbora.

“Lord of the Tower!”

“Are you here!”

It was late, so most of the employees were after work.

Managers, senior-level wizards, and wizards who were scheduled to work overtime came down to dinner together.

Of course, it’s not a big deal to call it dinner, but it was just about enjoying a beer party by stacking up delivery food such as chicken and pizza.

“Come on, come on, you’re the senior!”

I sat in the middle of the sofa in the golden lobby. As soon as I sat down, Eunsol sprinted and took her lap, while Jeong Jeong-jin came up behind me like a shadow and reported on the progress of the project one after another.

I wake up and I can’t hear what you’re talking about. I just pretended to nod my head.

“Brother! You did a great job!”

“Thank you Sol-ah. But it’s too close…”

“Do you want to eat pizza too?”

Eunsol used the remote control ability to lift a pizza.

In the middle of the flight, Parmesan cheese powder and hot sauce are sprinkled like a factory line, and the slightly burnt parts are carefully torn off and thrown into the trash.

Finally, Eunsol with a clean pizza in her hand smiled broadly.

“Brother! Oh?”

When she opened her mouth and bit a pizza, Eunsol let out a scream.

“Ugh, I love it! Sol-i is full just looking at her brother eating!”(Read more @

That’s something I used to do often in the old days.

“Oh, hello! Mister.”

This time, Ha Ye-rin approached and greeted her shyly. Her Eunsol glared at her fiercely.

“Yerin-ah! It’s been a while. Is it worth living in the tower?”

“Yes! Everyone is very helpful! The mages teach me magic themselves…”

Ha Ye-rin’s magic is taught by Kim Sa-rang, Cho Yong-hee, and Cha Do-yeon in turn. Cha Do-yeon is a member of the Association, so he doesn’t have to, but he wants to add his strength too.

Anyway, Hayerin seems to be adjusting well. Although she is full of mistakes, she has a bubbly personality and has a sense of humor in her own way, so she believes she will soon settle down.

“Wow, look at the managers taking over all of them as soon as they come down.”

“Please play with us too!”

After drinking beer, some wizards came to play pranks.

Since Matop is basically a young organization, the rules of the top and bottom are not strict (except Jeong Jeong’s 2nd floor). It was a more relaxed atmosphere now, after work.

“How dare you! If you twist it, why don’t you eat more Jjambap!”

Eunsol was the only one on my lap, growling and groaning.

The managers all got along well with the employees. I also wanted such a friendly atmosphere.

It’s a pity that it’s been a while since I’ve been able to enjoy it with everyone like this.

“Ah! Come out now!”

Everyone turned to the big screen TV at Jinbora’s cry.

World Federation Secretary-General Phil appeared at the press conference. Camera flashes are pouring out.

[This is Phil, the general secretary of the Federation. Thank you for gathering like this.]

Well, I’m a little anxious.

What major announcement are you making all of a sudden?

After a quick greeting, Phil went to the main topic.

[Our World Federation trusts the prophetic Oracle’s prophecy, and is doing everything we can to prevent the 11th rank catastrophe, Nemesis, which will happen in 6 months.]

It was of great significance that the Federation ‘authorized’ the Oracle, which had not been revealed to the public and only rumors were spread.

The same goes for Nemesis. For modern people who have suffered from insecurity through numerous disasters, the Federation emphasized again the Awakened of Nemesis.

[Therefore, the Federation intends to form a Nemesis raid. We will destroy Nemesis directly with an army of mankind made up of top hunters from around the world.]

Reporters raised their hands and asked questions.

[You are saying that you have hired a Hunter again. The opposition does not seem to be strong. How will you be responsible for the defense of the borrowing country?][Of course, the defense of each country is also important. But unless Nemesis is destroyed, this catastrophe will last forever. The Federation believes that attacking Nemesis is the fastest way to reduce damage to each country.]

It seems that Phil is very determined. He also adopted my opinion of attack versus composition.

After answering a few questions, he quieted his surroundings and opened his mouth.

[Then, from now on, we will announce the commander-in-chief who will lead the Nemesis raid.]

More camera flashes than ever before.

Phil opened the papers and said.

[The commander-in-chief of the Nemesis Attack Squad is a certified first-class Kim Yoo-shin Hunter in Korea!]

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