I Am a Big Player

Chapter 290: There are only sun, moon and stars in the world and faith that will last

Yang Xi pursed her mouth and walked on the way back, recalling what Liu Erbao had said, that Ren He went to Nepal to climb Mount Everest... She usually can't even think about this kind of thing!

Is Ren He here yet? Is Nepal cold? Is it cold on the mountain? Is it dangerous in the end? Yang Xi didn't know anything about it. WwΩW. LieWen. Cc

So now it seems that this is what Ren He concealed from himself before, and it must have been a long time to prepare. Yang Xi remembers that Ren He started using his mobile phone frequently half a month ago.

At this time, she felt that her girlfriend was too incompetent, not because she didn’t show each other’s plans in advance. After all, the way Yang Xi and Ren He got along was to trust each other, so she didn’t ask Ren He If the other person thinks they can tell her, she will know sooner or later.

What Yang Xi felt that she was incompetent was that Ren He didn't dare to tell her this time, worried that she didn't understand him enough? This is what makes Yang Xi ashamed.

Ren He trusted her enough and knew her enough, so all her thoughts could be told to Ren He without reservation, but when it was Ren He's turn, the other party flinched.

What Yang Xi wanted to tell Ren He most was that no matter where the other party went, as long as it was for her own ideals, she would not stop her.

Both of them are destined to have extraordinary lives. Yang Xi knows that Ren He is willing to give everything and even her life for herself, and she is the same.

She wanted to say a lot to Ren He, but she couldn't contact Ren He at all.

Suddenly Yang Xi stood there, as if she had made some decision, she stopped a taxi and went straight to her and her father Yang En's residence!

After entering the house, he opened his dressing table and took out his passport, pulled out his bed pull-down box, and put all his jackets, jackets, hiking bags, and hiking boots in it!

She thought for a while and left a note for Yang En: "Dad, I have something very important. Don't tell my mother. Help me find a reason."

After that, he pulled the trolley case and went out.

Yang Xi thought that doing so by herself might shock the world, and Yang Xi also knew how much anger would be caused if Su Ruqing knew the truth of this kind of thing. She didn’t want to worry about what other people thought anymore, whatever the students in the school thought. , Maybe in their eyes, I might be crazy today.

At this moment, almost all the classmates in the school were caught in crazy speculation. What happened to Yang Xi?

At this time, some people began to associate Yang Xi's gaffe with Ren He's request for leave. After all, the two things were too coincidental.

Some people speculated that Ren He had a terminal illness that disappeared in the crowd, and then Yang Xi went crazy? As written in the novel...Of course, they also think all this is too bloody.

Someone tried Yang Lan and asked Ren He where he went. Yang Lan recalled his previous conversation with Ren He... and then said casually: "It's okay, he probably just wanted to skip class..."

It was Yang Lan’s words that made everyone’s speculation shattered, Ao, asked for leave to go out to play... I’m so envious! But at least, everyone didn't link Ren He and Yang Xi disappearing at the same time.

Yang Xi didn't know what happened at school, but she didn't care about these things either. She just wanted to go to Ren He like a moth to a fire without hesitation.

Because Ren He did the same to her too!

When Yang En went home at night, he was stunned when he saw the note. What happened, he didn't say how many days he was going to go, and he didn't say what to do, his baby girl just disappeared like this?

Suddenly, he always felt that this matter was likely to be related to Ren He, but when he called Yang Xi again, it was already turned off.

When Yang Xi was abroad, he would travel alone. He was not too worried about what would happen, he was just worried about what would happen to Ren He and Yang Xi. Yang En is a professionally trained person, and he is very proactive in finding clues. He walked slowly to look at Yang Xi's dressing table, and his passport was gone.

He called his friend at the immigration office to help check if there are records named Yang Xi and Ren He in today's entry and exit records. As a result, his friend quickly found it. At 7:53 in the morning, Ren Hefei, Bangkok, Thailand , At 6:11 in the evening, Yang Xi flew to Bangkok, Thailand!

Sure enough, the two of them went to Thailand to play. Yang En sighed and he didn't expect that the two sides would still be in contact, but he still has things he didn't understand. Why did the two sides have different timings?


In the morning, Ren He and An Si boarded a flight to Bangkok, Thailand. There was no direct flight from Kyoto to Nepal. They needed to fly from Kyoto to Bangkok first, and then transfer to Kamandu, Nepal.

Kathmandu, or Kadu for short, is divided into two parts: the new city and the old city. Kathmandu is an ancient city with a history of over 100 years. It was founded in 723. With its exquisite architectural art and wood and stone carvings, it has become a symbol of ancient Nepalese culture. The dynasties of Nepal built numerous palaces, temples, pagodas, halls and monasteries here. There are more than 25o pagodas and temples, and there are more than 27oo large and small temples in the city. It can be described as "five steps and one temple, ten steps and one nunnery". Therefore, some people call this city "the city of temples" and "open-air museum".

Because Kathmandu is located on the southern **** of the Himalayas, this natural barrier shields the city from the cold wind from the north. The southern part of the city faces the warm current of the Indian Ocean. The unique geographical environment makes it an average annual temperature of about 2 oc. The climate is pleasant and the sun shines throughout the year. With lush green trees and blooming flowers, it has the reputation of "paradise in the mountains" and is a world-famous tourist attraction.

They just want to meet with the guide company there, and then go to the camp.

On the plane to Kathmandu, Ren He and An Si deliberately chose a position by the window. Suddenly, the clouds below the plane began to thin out, and everyone could see the towering black and white Himalayas below through the windows.

The black is the cone-shaped mountain, while the white is the white snow that covers the Himalayas all year round.

An Si said next to him: "Kangchenjunga Peak, 8586 meters above sea level..."

They passed Kangchenjunga on the plane, the fifth highest altitude in the world, and finally Mount Everest, the number one in the world.

This is the most worthwhile scenery on the journey from Bangkok to Kamandedu. They stand in the sky and penetrate straight into the stratosphere from the troposphere!

Ren He lie on the small window and greedily watch everything under the plane~www.readwn.com~ This is the destination of his trip, and that is the place he wants to challenge!

There is a warm electric current in his heart stimulating his heart. In this life, all of this is what he most expects and needs to persist in.

The most exciting and magnificent thing between life and death is his faith.

There are two things in the world that have never changed. One is the sun, moon and stars hanging above our heads, and the other is the noble faith that is deep in everyone's heart.

Is Ren He's faith noble? Noble, anyone's faith is noble.

An Si quietly looked at the expression on Ren He's face. In fact, he knew the gap between him and Ren He a long time ago, but now he has a deeper understanding.

He willingly came over to be an assistant to Ren He, and for this reason, he wanted to get the strength he lacked from Ren He.

That kind of power can start a prairie fire!

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