I Am a Big Player

Chapter 291: Angry Youth An Si

After 2 hours and 40 minutes, I finally landed at the airport in Kamandedu. As soon as I left the airport, I saw a strong white man holding a white wooden sign with the word "Renhe" written in bad Chinese, and An Si waved to him. Ω" hunting "WwΩW. ΩLieWen. Cc

Then An Si whispered: "This is the leader of this guide company, Smail, American. I will translate to you what he says."

"No," Ren He smiled. He stepped forward and said in fluent English: "Hello, when shall we go out to camp?"

"Oh, not right now," Smail looked at Ren He in surprise. He didn't expect that the other party's English was quite fluent and had a standard West Coast accent. He continued: "There are two other Japanese in 30 minutes. Upon arrival, the other 5 teammates have arrived at the camp. We need to wait until the two Japanese teammates go out to the camp together, but...Is the next one also going to participate in the summit of Mount Everest? If you add people, you need to add money. "

What Smail was talking about was An Si, and he thought that An Si was also going to the summit of Mount Everest. He doesn't mind adding another person, just add money. This is the principle of the business guide company, and money is the standard by which everything is measured. And Smail knows that Ren He is a local tyrant, so he especially hopes to be able to scrape some oil from Ren He.

Ren He said calmly: "If he doesn't go, he will stay at the last stop of the camp and wait for me."

Smail shrugged slightly disappointed and said, "Well, then we will wait until the two Japanese teammates are out."

In fact, when Ren He heard that there were 5 teammates in the camp, he was already a little unhappy, because the best team to climb Mount Everest is the 7-man team, and sometimes it can reach 8 people, but this is the most The standard team.

Now do the math, there will be 9 people in the team?

You must know that one more person will waste more time, because many places on Mount Everest are ropes that only one person can pass. That is the road that everyone has opened up. A rope is used to build a rope between the two rocks. On temporary roads, climbers pass through there in turns.

Even in certain upward climbing places, the rope is only for one or two people, and one more person will waste a little more time.

Mount Everest has a well-known principle: Go down the mountain before 2 pm, because if it is later, life can only be handed over to fate. No one can predict the weather at that time, so everyone is racing against time.

So Ren He can see from the number of people how profitable this guide company is. Thinking of this, Ren He asked: "Add you ten thousand dollars and arrange for me to go to the top. I want to be the first to reach the top. Down the mountain."

There is no shortage of money, Ren He, he only cares not to be dragged to death by others.

Smail was happy when he heard Ren He say this: "No problem, absolutely no problem!"

Sometimes, due to physical problems in a team, it is possible that there is a difference of 2 hours before and after the summit time, and no one can say if there will be a storm in these 2 hours. Perhaps Ren He is doing this to replace the fate of others with money, but does he have other options? Sacrifice yourself to perfect others? He is not that noble.

In fact, if it were not for such a profit-seeking guide company, no other company would be willing to take a 16-year-old boy with no mountain experience to the top. Anyone who has a little conscience would not charge him with conscience, but persuade him. Retraining training.

However, since Ren He is rich, and other guide teams will not accept him, he deserves no shame in his actions.

Smail is a bit disapproving. He really doesn't understand the rich world. He can pay an extra $10,000 for the first summit. What is the picture? But it is always good to have money.

This time the team was basically all players who paid $50,000 for the guide fee. Only Ren He paid $10,000. This is a big fat sheep. Since he has the money to take it, Smail must of course meet the requirements of the sponsor.

Waited for nearly 50 minutes to wait for the last two Japanese teammates. Ren He did not have any hatred for the Japanese people. After all, there are good and bad people everywhere. The so-called national hatred during the war will be no equal to the common people, because everyone does not have any hatred. Time to distinguish whether you are a good person or a bad person, but it is different in peacetime. Holding hatred is not good for yourself.

Ren He's aunt had studied in Japan and told him about Japan. There were still many people who knew the truth about history and opposed the right wing.

So when Ren He heard Smail say that there were two Japanese teammates, there was no special reaction, but at this time, seeing each other was not so friendly.

At this time, the weather in Kamande was relatively warm and sunny. Two Japanese walked out of the airport wearing short-sleeved shorts. Ren He saw the Nazi symbol on their right arm at a glance! Ren He's eyes narrowed. This is the hallmark of many Japanese right-wing fascists. Normal Japanese would not get this thing tattooed on their body.

Ordinary people are ordinary people, and the right wing is the right wing. Ren He is still clear about this.

When the two Japanese saw An Si and Ren He, they frowned and asked, "Korea? China? Can your physical fitness reach the summit of Mount Everest?"

Ren He immediately became angry. The person who dared to provoke me last time was the young and ignorant bear boy... You are very kind. In fact, the thinking of Japanese right-wingers is more extreme. They hate China because China restricts Japanese exhibitions. The word China is insulting, and Ren He really annoys these right-wingers.

But he didn't say anything, just smiled at Smail: "Come out."

Ren He found that An Si was still a little excited, so he pulled the other party: "Let's go, **** freely accept it."

An Si still feels a little upset: "This is so small Japan is too arrogant, can you kick them off Mount Everest when you go up the mountain? My Japanese is bad, but I can tell that they must be scolding us. Dirty words." He used to have a Japanese teammate on the team and was very unfriendly, so An Si can get an idea.

"Haha, let's pull it down," Ren He smiled. Unexpectedly, An Si is still an angry young man, but his own approach will not be so extreme. After all, he is just an ordinary person, and he can't do things like murder, but this It’s not going to end here~www.readwn.com~ The two Japanese were cursing and speaking Japanese behind them, and Ren He almost impulsively used the last perfect reward to learn Japanese and talk to them. , But if he thinks about it, forget it. If there is anything he can't say well, can't he just sit down and chop him because he has too many cursing people?

Smail asked Ren He and the others to see if they need to live in Kamandedu tonight and take a look at the customs of Nepal. Ren He smiled and refused, and went straight to 6ooo meters above sea level. Campsite!

In fact, it takes a long journey from Kamandedu to the campsite at an altitude of 6ooo meters. For a few days, I even have to rest in a village in the valley. Ren He doesn't bother to waste time.

The road from Lukla to the Himalayas needs to go north through the Dudkosi Gorge.

It is from here that they will slowly step into the field of ice, snow and glaciers, and they will need to hike across 4 rivers on the first day alone.

However, just after crossing the third day and the river, Ren He turned around and looked at the two Japanese behind him and laughed. The two right-wingers didn’t know what they had given birth. They only felt that Ren He was smiling. of……

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