I Am a Big Player

Chapter 341: Mother-in-law returned home!

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"No, the boss has gone to be a professor?" Jiang Haoyang was a little suspicious of life when he heard Liu Jiamin say this. If he said that he would go to school, why did he become a professor?

Yes, they admit that Ren He is very enchanting, but there is a limit to your enchanting, okay, don't do all the weird things, okay?

Before, they wondered whether Ren He wanted to go abroad because he was tired of domestic extreme sports. After all, it seemed that extreme sports were better in foreign countries.

But Ren He doesn't think so. Extreme sports are the same everywhere. It's just that there are more companions to play abroad, but Ren He doesn't need a companion in extreme sports, he is lonely.

No one can catch up with him.

Now Jiang Haoyang and Liu Bing looked at them, **** it, why did they become professors? ! Professor of 16? Is it so unusual for a normal person to listen to it? !

Everyone didn’t think they were watching the video. After all, they hadn’t seen the clothes that Ren He was wearing now, and they weren’t as close as blood relations. You could recognize people by looking at the back, if it weren’t for Liu Jiamin to mention this. Everyone will not pay attention to whether the other party is Ren He or not.

But when I look closely now, the protagonist in the video is really 7-pointed to Ren He. It's no doubt that the president has gone abroad to become a professor.


The old principal was sitting in his office watching the news and didn’t know what expression he should use to look at the matter. He knew very well that the young professor at Juilliard School was not Ren He. He had read the offer letter at the beginning. Over.

But even if he was playing around, he didn't expect Ren He to achieve such an achievement so quickly.

The old principal searched the internet for the video and wanted to hear what the song written by Ren He was like. As soon as he heard it, he liked it. He picked up his teacup and drank his mouth and said to himself: "Hey, that's not bad. "

Most of the teachers in Fourth Middle School will say to students: "Please don't make Fourth Middle School the proudest thing in your life."

Now there is such a student who has done it at the age of 16. The old principal laughed. The Fourth Middle School is proud of you.

Xia Yuting was reading the script while sitting in her courtyard house. The thin assistant beside her looked at the phone and suddenly exclaimed: "Yu Ting, there is such a musical genius in China. She became a genius at the age of 16. Professor at the Juilliard School of Music."

The assistant clicked on the video, and the beautiful melody of the third chapter of sadness flowed out of the phone. Xia Yuting glanced at the assistant's phone and was stunned. The figure is so familiar, isn't it just to let her own soul now? Are you dreaming?

Last night, I just dreamed of Ren He's leap of faith in the latest video of the Cavaliers. This summer morning, when Xia Yuting got up, she only felt that her whole body was wet.

Jiang Haoyang didn't recognize Ren He's back, but Xia Yuting recognized it, and she was sitting in the courtyard, suddenly lost.

After a while, Xia Yuting smiled and said, "I know who he is. I have been neighbors with him twice."

"Really?" The thin female assistant's eyes were bright: "Is he handsome? He looks like a handsome guy from the back."

"Well...it's pretty handsome, but his appearance is second, his talent and soul are the most precious. If you see him in the future, you will understand," Xia Yuting smiled and then lowered his head to continue reading the script. But Xin Si had no idea where it flew.

Yes, she didn't know when she was infatuated with each other's soul. They had been neighbors twice, but the relationship between them was like a tease of fate.

Xia Yuting suddenly sighed in her heart. You are a thousand piles of snow, and I am a long street. When the sunrise arrives, each other disintegrates.

How much I think this sunrise will never happen, how much I think this snow will not melt.

She raised her head suddenly: "If there is a scene filmed in the United States, please pick it up for me."

"Huh?" The thin female assistant helped her black-rimmed glasses: "Ah, okay, I get it."


At this time, Ren He was still chatting with Yang Xi about the piano on the rooftop. Su Ruqing and Yang En hadn't left yet, so the two of them could only lie on the balcony and chat quietly, but the two felt that this was also very exciting and fun.

Ren He insisted on raising Yang Xi into Loli Tong's bride-in-law, and then the two of them were still playing an affair in this corner...

However, Ren He and Yang Xi have something to say. In fact, after hearing everyone play the etude today, Ren He discovered that although Yang Xi was really talented, his foundation was the worst.

Think about it, Yang Xi’s high-intensity piano practice is only one year long. Compared with other geniuses, this practice cycle is too short. Others have been practicing hard for ten years, and every day is two or three hours. Of practice.

Regardless of the fact that Yang Xi has practiced more intensely this year, he also has a basic guitar foundation. In terms of music theory, it is not a zero foundation, but the problem is that even if you compete with others for two days a day, your talent is better than others, but still There is a gap.

Ren He even doubted that Yang Xi was able to enter the Juilliard Conservatory or relying on Yang En's relationship and her aura as a young queen in China. Joseph was someone who dared to make an exception in order to increase the influence of the Juilliard Conservatory, so Ren He guessed it might still be the truth.

But having a gap does not mean that this gap must be maintained forever, so Ren He just wants Yang Xi to buy a piano so that he can practice it every day when he returns home.

Yang Xi deeply agrees with this. She is not a person without self-knowledge. Unlike other girls, she can't hear others say that she is wrong. She knows where her weaknesses are, so the two of them can hit it off.

Buy a piano and wait for Su Ruqing and the others to leave, and Ren He will have a legitimate reason to stay with Yang Xi afterwards. Even though the girl Yang Xi has taken the initiative to kiss her first kiss, she is still a bit shy at other times so far. Ren He feels that as the successor of socialism, as a responsible man, she must be more proactive...

This matter seems to have nothing to do with the successor?

Yang Xi went back and talked to Su Ruqing. She was very supportive about the study of the baby girl, so she bought an upright piano and placed it in Yang En's house that day. They will return to China the day after tomorrow. Yang En will return to China to accept the appointment of the Organization Department as the new Chinese diplomatic ambassador to Washington and come to the United States again.

Although it would be unnecessary to return to the country before leaving the country, this step cannot be omitted~www.readwn.com~ When Su Ruqing and Yang En returned to China, Ren He also leaned in to send off the plane. Ren He smiled when they entered the security checkpoint. Said: "Uncles and aunts, don't worry, I will take care of Yang Xi."

Who wants you to take care of? Did I let you take care of my daughter? Su Ruqing was all right at first, but when he saw Ren He's smiling face, he always thought he was very proud...

To be honest, Su Ruqing felt that she was the most aggrieved mother-in-law in history, and she was forced by her son-in-law to compromise and admit their relationship. There was really no one!

When thinking of Ren He's so many identities, she is really temperless. As a mother, she doesn't want to see Yang Xi caught in embarrassment, just like Ren He doesn't want Yang Xi to violate Su Ruqing for herself. This is the most consideration. Yang Xi's personal feelings.

When the mother-in-law and the old father-in-law left, Ren He suddenly felt like he had unzipped a shackle inexplicably...Beier relaxed...


Ten thousand rewards plus more. I'm so sleepy that it explodes, thank you for your relationship, but I have done what I said, and I have finished writing, hahaha, go to sleep, good night everyone

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