I Am a Big Player

Chapter 342: New theory again

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As soon as the mother-in-law left, the two of them were completely unconstrained in the United States. That night, Ren He nestled in Yang Xi's apartment while watching TV while listening to her practicing the piano for another three hours before returning to her own place.

Three hours is not too much. In the previous life, when a master performed a complete sonata, it took 2 hours. To say that the performance of the piano masters can be regarded as a personal effort...

Of course, this is also a minority.

And the time to practice piano should not exceed 6 hours, because more than 6 hours people will be exhausted and there is no way to stay focused.

When he was in class the next day, Ren He walked into the piano room and suddenly found a strange phenomenon: there were many people in the piano room that he didn't even know!

"Are you...?" Ren He asked in surprise.

"We are from the composition department, come here to listen," someone said.

Someone also said: "Little professor, we are from the violin department, come over and listen."

Because everyone’s classes are not very fixed, it is even better for the professor to set a time for the students to come, so half of these idle students come to observe how this little professor teaches. .

Anyway, the school is already vivid: the little professor teaches everyone how to use music to compose poems!

In fact, it makes sense for them to come over to listen, because what Ren He teaches is not just piano skills, what he is teaching is how to deal with strong and weak sounds, as long as this thing is an instrument, you need to consider this aspect. He was the first teacher to teach this subject systematically, so everyone came over to listen.

In the past, Ren He had heard that it was better for a teacher to give a lecture, and every class he gave was attended by people, and the lecture hall could be full. He thought at the time, this teacher is really awesome, he must be very interesting. This phenomenon will appear.

As a result, I didn't expect this to happen the first time I taught.

However, Ren He thought about it and emphasized it: “It’s okay for everyone to listen in, but don’t interrupt my teaching rhythm, and no one is allowed to shoot videos during the lecture. Can it be done?”

"Yes, you can," everyone agreed. As long as you can attend the class, you can control so much.

After the class started, everyone also saw the legendary two grand pianos teaching demonstration, but I don’t know why everyone thinks this kind of teaching is really great, at least the efficiency is very high, and students can hear the standard demonstration anytime and anywhere.

At this time, someone also discovered a characteristic of Ren He: Don’t care that Ren He just picked out an etude from a stack of scores, he only needs to look at it and he doesn’t need to look at the score at all...

It's as if he has all these songs in his mind, and he can interrupt at any time, and he can pop up a certain paragraph in the middle when he is instructing students.

Although everyone is memorizing music, Ren He's ability to memorize music is still a bit exploded in their opinion!

The reason why everyone is envious is because of modern concerts. In 99.99% of the cases, piano solo must be memorized, and memorizing is the most basic criterion. Even amateur exams require memorizing.

New music can be watched, because the notes are too complicated and there are almost no traditional rules.

Most people who practice the keys rely on the muscle memory of the fingers. The fingers are automatically played down, just like walking without going through the brain. The brain knight doesn’t know what each note is, but because of playing it many times, you still The bomb is correct, but it is dangerous.

In this case, how do you deal with the notes with your emotions?

Generally speaking, ensemble and four-handed combination, double piano performance, and accompaniment must be read afterwards. This is also to prevent the other party from making a mistake in the performance if you cooperate with the coordinator.

Moreover, performers often only learn about their ensemble and repertoire a few days before the performance, and there is no time to memorize.

It is precisely because of this that Ren He's powerful memorizing ability is admirable, and the spectrum is in his mind, and there is no difference between the spectrum and the lack of spectrum.

Moreover, Ren He's demeanor was such an understatement, as if the other party himself didn't think this was such a strange thing...

Because Ren He is now used to his super memory...

In this process, in fact, everyone also discovered an obvious thing: the piano students heard the difference in their ears before and after dealing with the strong and weak sounds and the pedals.

If you haven't listened to the processed sound, you may be satisfied with the melody, but after listening to it, you feel that your previous playing is like leftover rice, which is difficult to swallow.

This is also the idea that most ordinary players have after listening to the masters. After listening to the piano masters, the geniuses who are very professional in piano feel that they are playing like a shit...

The little girl may feel so handsome watching some geniuses flying their fingers on the keyboard, but their famous master coffin boards are almost unable to hold them.

When the class was over, the audience applauded. After listening to such a class, it seemed that I understood some of what the previous teacher said: this section is not strong enough! This period is too light! The right pedal cooperates to increase resonance!

In the past, they were even ignorant and non-understandable and didn't know why. They just thought that they should be required to do so. Now they clearly understand: It turns out that they want to make the song more vivid!

It was as if Ren He personally pierced a layer of window paper for them.

However, when Ren He was about to leave the classroom, someone suddenly stopped him weakly: "Little Professor, you haven't recorded a new song today!"

Ren He was taken aback, he saw everyone looking at him with bright eyes, as if this was what they were looking forward to most...

What he said yesterday was to record four poems, but he did not say that he wanted to record them every day, and he was even worried by these students...

But since everyone wanted to listen, he didn't need to hide, and it was meaningless to be twitchy.

Ren He sat back in front of the piano again, and today he chose to Alice.

All the students present thought it would be a fast-paced genre like yesterday's Sadness Chapter 3, but when I heard it, it turned out to be such a soothing song!

Before, there were people who speculated whether it was going to play the second chapter of Sadness today or something, after all, if there is a third, there will be a second first...Who would have thought that Ren He wrote the third chapter directly...

Ren He was sitting on the chair in front of the piano, and the melody to Alice was like a warm river enveloping everyone's thoughts, so tactful.

It’s good to hear everyone’s expectations. No wonder the Juilliard School of Music will hire him as a professor in the composition department at first!

It was still recording from the back. When Ren He finished playing, a student from the composition department suddenly asked: "Little professor, why don't you come and take part in our class? We really strongly request you to teach!"

"Yes, we strongly request you to teach, little professor!"

Now is not the time for Ren He to travel far to the ocean to crush the doubts of others~www.readwn.com~ On the contrary, he does not want to teach, others will ask him to teach.

This kind of reversal made Ren He find very interesting, he said: "The teaching of composition is really too complicated. Some teachers will teach you how to consider the technique of note cohesion, but I think composition is not that simple, just like I said that playing the piano is like writing poetry. Does composition have anything to do with literature? In fact, there are some. For example, if we want to study a composer, we must study the environment of his time, as well as the thoughts and literary works at that time. And more than that, so that you can know what kind of emotions he received in that era and how to express it. So do you think it is related? The thing of composition is too complicated, not only depends on talent, but also It depends on the background, and the background is not just literature."

All the composition students were stunned: Damn, what does composition have to do with literature? Masters of research still want to see the literary works of that era? It seems to make sense. Everyone understands a truth: the text you have read will eventually become your temperament.

When Ren He emphasized the importance of literature, he also admitted that it is only a part of the factor, but this is indeed the first time everyone has come into contact with such a theory!

The little professor has put forward a new theory again!

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