I Am a Big Player

Chapter 357: English Album

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This was the first elopement in Ren He's life, and also the first elopement in Yang Xi's life. Neither of them had any experience. Ren He was carrying a large bag of luggage, and Yang Xi was pulling a small trolley suitcase. Everyone was at a loss, Yang Xi hesitated and asked: "How should we elope? Where are we going?"

Puff, Ren He found out that he had the same question as Yang Xi, yeah, how did he elope?

"Wait a moment, I'll check..." Ren He said and took Yang Xi back to the room. Anyway, the two of them don't need to be in a hurry. Su Ruqing will arrive tomorrow.

This is probably the most immature elopement in history. I don’t know how to come back to check the guide when I go out, but there are no elopement strategies on the Internet! Two people searched on foreign forums for a long time but couldn't find them, and then they couldn't find them when they went back over the wall.

Instead, Ren He overcame the wall and saw a piece of news. It turned out that during the time when the love affair between Knight and Yang Xi was exposed, some people began to take the rhythm. Hei Yang Xi: What is there to toast about a singer who has passed away, and whether he can have it in the future? I'm not sure about a good song.

This rhythm suddenly brought Ren He a little surprised, and there was a familiar taste...

Suddenly, this kind of rhythm with so many strange ids in one direction, it seems...

Ren He directly went to the communication software and clicked on Li Muxi’s portrait. Now Li Muxi’s communication software has been changed, and it is called Red Scarf Network Public Relations...

Ren He typed the words and said, "Who was in Hei Yangxi recently?"

In fact, since the last time Ren He met Li Muxi in the Internet cafe and brought each other to the Shuijun Road, Ren He has been in contact with Li Muxi at a certain frequency. After all, his girlfriend is still in the entertainment circle, always at any time. Can use Sheung Shui Army.

Moreover, Red Scarf is now regarded as the leading navy in China. Li Muxi has always been more grateful. He has always said that if Ren He is downcast one day, he will go to the Red Scarf Company as a vice president, even if he does not go to work. Li Muxi paid him a salary to support him, and gave him shares.

Ren He couldn't laugh or cry. If he was so down in his life that he needed Li Muxi to support him, he would have no face to live on.

Li Muxi was busy when he saw Ren He's face light up and quickly put down his work and replied, "I'm in the dark."

Ren He's face turned black at that time, Nima, he continued to ask: "Who paid for the money?"

"Haha, do you still care about this matter? It's a first-line star named Zhao Tianxiang. This month when he released his album to grab the list, he met Yang Xi and the Cavaliers before staying on the list for two days. This matter, he can only stay after the 18th place now. You said he was out of anger? Haha, so he paid for me and hoped to use Hei Yangxi’s way to dissipate her singing. It’s now the first stage. With rhythm," Li Muxi said triumphantly.

Ao... It turns out that someone from a natural disaster is angry but wants to use this method to maintain his album sales. Ren He knows that this kind of thing is normal in the entertainment industry. If two big names in the previous life released albums at the same time, they can guarantee that both sides Black materials are flying all over the sky, all exploding each other.

But you can black anyone, but Hei Yangxi can't. The name Zhao Tianxiang doesn't sound like a first-line celebrity, okay, can you take a refreshing stage name?

Ren He asked: "How much did he pay?"

"300,000!" Li Muxi replied.

"I'll give you 600,000, stop what I'm doing now, and black out this Zhao Tianxiang," Ren He said.

Li Muxi was stunned. He just remembered now, oops, wasn't it that Ren He helped Yang Xi attack those old composers when he first came into contact with the concept of navy in the Internet cafe last time?

"Brother, are you a fan of Yang Xi?" Li Muxi's thinking is still from the perspective of ordinary people. How can he be friends with so many celebrities when he wants to come to their circle, so that is the fan? No...Ren He might be a friend of Yang Xi's, but he still didn't associate Ren He with a knight. After all, a knight is like a **** to ordinary people...

"Don't worry about so many, can you pick it up?" Ren He asked calmly.

"Don’t tell me, I don’t want the money. I also withdrew his money. I immediately returned to attack. In the future, he will definitely not take Hei Yang Xi’s work and let him go. Which navy soldier Hei Yang Xi just can’t live with the red scarf. There are many now. The navy all went out from the red scarves. Our words are absolutely useful, and whoever doesn't listen will do it!" Li Muxi promised, patting his chest.

"If you send me the account, you still have to give the money," Ren He's tone eased.

"It's really not necessary. What did you want to pay me? Li Muxi is the kind of villain who sees money? Absolutely not! Haha, take a good look, we have Zhao Tianxiang's black material in our hands!" Li Muxi Mu Xi smiled and said, indeed, if he doesn't charge money, then he is loyal to his affairs, and it sounds good if he says it out. Although they don't sign a contract for this kind of work, they also gain a reputation. When the time comes, the red scarf will go back and forth. What is it? It's better not to collect the money and tell the meaning of the red scarf, it sounds good!

Zhao Tianxiang suddenly received a remittance reminder on his mobile phone, and he received 300,000! Under what circumstances, why did 300,000 suddenly come in at this time?

Then he received a call from Li Muxi. Li Muxi said, "Brother Zhao, we can't do your business. We will return the money to you intact, and you can check it."

Zhao Tianxiang just watched the content of Hei Yangxi on the Internet and felt that the efficiency of the red scarf is really high. As a result, Li Muxi came to refund. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com he wondered and asked, "Why? No? Was it okay just now?"

"One of our major shareholders likes Yang Xi," Li Muxi hung up after speaking. Although Ren He did not take any money from him, Li Muxi always regarded Ren He as a shareholder-level figure. I was able to gather the first batch of naval forces, and it was entirely because the first money Ren He spent in the Internet cafe gave the group of people a taste of the sweetness. Otherwise, where would I find so many people, how much money would I have to spend?

Now the Red Scarf can be regarded as pulling the team up, and the rhythm of testing the water once or twice doesn't need to say about paying for it, just as a team activity in the name of increasing influence.

Zhao Tianxiang put down the phone and watched in the forum that the direction of the wind instantly turned and started to black out his rhythm. At that time, his face was all green. Why did the shareholders like Yang Xi? ! Can you be more reliable?

They all said that Yang Xi didn't touch the backstage. Zhao Tianxiang thought that this was all in the circle, and he didn't see Yang Xi's backstage. Why did he even have Yang Xi in the navy? Is there another king? !

Ren He looked at the black Zhao Tianxiang who started to fall on the Internet, and he was happy. Yang Xi rolled her eyes next to him: "It turns out that the red scarf is also related to you, but didn't you come to find a strategy for elopement? Why did you digress?"

"Ahem," Ren He coughed awkwardly, "Isn't I not seeing others hacking you? Besides, I don't need to look at the strategy, I am witty!"

Yang Xi froze for a moment, why suddenly he became confident?

Ren He smiled. It's just because Yang Xi hasn't released an album for too long, so Yang Xi is going to be exhausted, and there is something to say about Jiang Lang's talents. The word Jiang Lang's talents does not exist here at all!

He smiled and asked Yang Xi: "Do you want to release an English song album?!"

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