I Am a Big Player

Chapter 358: faded!

English album? This is something Yang Xi never thought about. In fact, in the Chinese music world, whether it is in the past or in this life, most of the English songs written in English are scumbag...

Therefore, many listeners have formed an inertia: English songs written by domestic Chinese are scumbags.

Ren He gave Yang Xi ten songs to make a Chinese album. In fact, there are more than ten songs, such as Sunny Day and Little Lucky, but the new album has not been completed before suddenly appearing to withdraw from the music scene to study in the United States. thing.

In Yang Xi's subconscious mind, he never thought that Ren He would write an English song, because Ren He had never written an English song before, and because of his inertial thinking, being able to write Chinese songs well may not necessarily be able to write English songs well.

And although there are always people in the discourse music world who are proud of being on the international awards ceremony, and proud of being the most influential in the United States, even going to the international red carpet has become a face-saving thing, and you have to pay Operate to buy an opportunity to walk on the red carpet.

Yang Xi disagrees with this, what she wants to do is just singing, she has no interest in any foreign awards, and she has never received it in China.

Now Ren He suddenly asked her if she would like to release an English album. Looking at Ren He's self-confidence, she suddenly felt that the other party seemed to have a clear idea... Does Ren He really want to write ten English songs for herself this time? !

In this small apartment, Yang Xi looked at the teenager opposite and smiled confidently. Yeah, Yang Xi also laughed. He does have the qualifications to be confident. Who would have thought that he just wrote four piano songs. It has shocked the entire music world, as well as the poetic-like theory.

Ren He took Yang Xi’s hand and walked out of the apartment. This elopement had no destination. Neither of them knew where they would go. Suddenly, Yang Xi felt that at this moment it was as if Ren He did not hesitate to pull. She went all the way north, smashed a **** road among thousands of people, and then arrived at Houhai Kicking Hall!

Excited as always.

Love as always.

Yang Xi once heard that people will change, so she thought greedily if Ren He could always be the same as when he first met, but in fact, no matter how long time passed, Ren He or Ren He, her Ren He .

When two people walked into the night of New York like two lonely travellers who could rely on each other, Ren He looked back and smiled and asked Yang Xi in the brightly lit city: "Are you ready?"

Yang Xi was stunned: "What are you going to prepare?"

"Follow me to wander around."

"Ready," Yang Xi said solemnly.


When Su Ruqing arrived at Yang Xi's apartment in New York, all she could see was the empty room and a piece of letter paper spread out on the coffee table.

She picked up the letter:

Mom, we eloped.

In fact, when I recklessly chased after Nepal from China, I made all the preparations I do now, but during the period it was still a little difficult to face you.

In a big fire, you burned 40% of your back in order to save me. I know how much you love me, and it is precisely because you love me that you gave up some time ago. This is the first time I have seen you give up.

I understand that you are worried that Ren He's dream is too dangerous. I was worried that his death would hurt me.

But as a lover, I should respect his dreams, right?

Dad has been in the war zone for so many years. What is he doing for? At that time, I could hear gunshots outside the window every night, and even at the end I could tell which gunshot was the blast of ak47.

But I understand him, and I believe you also understand him. He was there because of his dream of serving the motherland, so I never blamed him, and even thought that his personality was noble. When others praise those heroes who have selflessly dedicated to the motherland, I will think that my father is also a hero.

Dad can't be with you, but Ren He will follow me no matter where I go, even if it is getting the quota to enter Beijing and entering the Juilliard School of Music as a professor, things that are as difficult as the sky in the eyes of ordinary people.

He paid too much for me, it is time for me to pay for him once, and we will not abandon each other on the way until the end of death.

Su Ruqing slowly sat on the sofa. This powerful woman in the business world sat there silently not knowing what she was trying to write. She called Yang Xi and it was turned off.

What happened with Yang En back then was so similar to what it is now. At that time, Yang En stayed in the war zone all day. It was rare for the two of them to see each other. It was a classmate gathering that finally confirmed the relationship.

At that time, Su Ruqing felt that she would definitely love Yang En to the end, but the fact that the fire destroyed her poor last little sense of security.

If he could go to the war zone to accompany him so recklessly, what would the end be? Maybe there will be a different story.

But there is no if in this world, Su Ruqing stood up and walked outside and returned to the country.

Since you have even done things like elopement, bear all the consequences yourself.

But at this time, Su Ruqing suddenly wondered why she was a little envious of the love between these two people.

It's nice to be young, she sighed ~www.readwn.com~ and set off for the airport without looking back.


Just five days later, a song called "aded" was uploaded to the music platform. At first, everyone didn't care, but in fact, everyone who heard the song was shocked instantly. This is not based on that song. Is it adapted from ade?

How popular ade was at the time, it’s so popular that almost all young people in the United States have heard it. Now many extreme sports videos want to use ade as background music but they cannot get authorization from the author. Some time ago, everyone just learned that this song is Knight himself did it to add background music to his video.

But the problem now is that this adaptation is really amazing. Although it is not as exciting as the original pure electronic sound, Shan has a different taste. The piano at the beginning is so low but full of power, and the singing inside is so ethereal.

Someone left a message after thinking about it for a long time and said: With music, there will be no end.

Someone suddenly heard this song while sitting on the train. Seeing the train passing by the mountains and water, there are mountains in the distance, and suddenly felt that the world is really big. Suddenly the lyrics of aded that he listened to had all the meaning.

This song is so charming, it is a kind of shocking heart.

Because everyone knows the reason why ade is a knight's work, some people immediately began to think of something, and then went back and listened carefully to the singing in aded...

The domestic audience heard it on the spot: "Fuck, it's Yang Xi's singing, Yang Xi's first English song!"

"Let's not talk about the previous ones. I can hardly imagine any other couple now that can compare with the two of the Cavaliers and Yang Xi... This combination is too perfect, one composing, one singing!

"I just want to sigh, the Cavaliers went to America..."


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