I Am a Big Player

Chapter 394: Forcibly stranded at the security checkpoint

Ren He had thought about many possibilities to accomplish this task before, but none of them were really suitable.

He thought about standing at the security checkpoint and suddenly took out his violin and played for ten minutes, impressing others with music, but this is the reality, not making a movie. How can the security check personnel be so easily impressed. His violin level is good, but a master. It's not magical enough to pull it out to make people lose their minds.

He thought about just standing there and not moving, anyway, no matter what you say, I will stand still at the security checkpoint. But if there is no reason to stay in this way, it is very likely that you will find the uncle police officer at the airport and take him away.

This time of 10 minutes is very embarrassing, it just happens to be neither long nor short.

So he can only use the sword to walk Qifeng from another angle to delay time

When he passed the security gate calmly, the security gate rang twice. The security inspector staring at the test computer next to him said a word in a low voice. The handsome white American guy inside the security checkpoint was stunned when he heard the voice and said to Ren He: "Do you have a liquid container on your body?"

Ren He pretended to be thoughtful for 20 seconds, then suddenly realized that he took a lighter from his pocket and handed it to him.

The handsome white man said politely: "Please go back and walk through the security gate again."

Ren He slowly walked back to the security gate with a smile on his face, and then walked in again. The speed was really slow. People who didn’t know thought he had a disability.

As a result, when I walked into the security gate, the security gate rang again!

The handsome white guy turned his head and asked him a few words while staring at the test computer. He probably asked what was going on, and then said politely to Ren He, "Are there any other liquid containers on your body?"

Ren He pretended to think thoughtfully for 20 seconds, then suddenly realized that he usually took out a lighter from his pocket and handed it to him.

The handsome white guys were all fascinated at the time, are you kidding me? ! Don't you just dig out just two lighters at once? Do we still need to go through a complicated process of contemplation and sudden realization? !

The handsome white guy turned black at the time and was so angry, but he still had to smile and said, "Do you still have a lighter on your body?"

"Nothing," Ren He said with certainty. He has been thinking about this issue too. He is obviously here to delay time, but he can't make the other party obviously feel that he is here to delay time, so the lighter thing is played twice. I can't play anymore, and I guess it won't work anymore. I just need to check it directly.

"Then please go to the security gate again and I will scan through the instrument at the same time, and then I will check your whole body," the handsome white man smiled politely.

"Okay," Ren He happily and slowly walked aside the security gate again. This time the security gate did not ring again, and the handsome white man let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it is not the peak time for boarding. So many security checkpoints will not affect the security check procedures of other passengers. In fact, Ren He is also very helpless. What can he do! ?

I have to insist on 10 minutes, right, but the ink has only passed 5 minutes now, even if the subsequent manual inspection and luggage check are dead, it will be almost over in 1 minute. What about the remaining four minutes? boil? ! This is a big problem!

There was no problem during Ren He's whole body inspection. He didn't even have a piece of metal on his body now, and he had all the keys in his suitcase. At this time, the handsome white security guard finally felt relieved. This is not a deliberate finding of fault.

However, when Ren He’s luggage passed the luggage passageway, a big problem occurred during the inspection. The inspector staring at the computer was a bit suspicious, as if he had found something extraordinary.

He greeted the handsome white guy, then pulled Ren He's luggage to the table next to the security checkpoint and opened it. While opening it, he said to Ren He, "Do you have a lot of liquid containers in your suitcase?"

Then the moment they opened, they were stupid!

Because there is only a large bucket of mineral water in the suitcase except for bits and pieces of keys and the like!

It's really a big bucket! A very big bucket!

The two security inspectors carefully checked. Well, the seal of the mineral water is intact, but it doesn't mean that it is okay, and it cannot be taken on the plane regardless of whether it has any problems.

The eyes of the two people looking at Ren He were strange. Everyone brought special products. You brought a big bucket of mineral water? ! Can't understand this behavior at all? To drink on the plane? There are drinks on the plane, and you are not taking a bus!

The handsome white man calmly said to Ren He: "Hello sir, you cannot take your bucket of mineral water on the plane."

Ren He smiled shyly: "It's okay, I can finish drinking here."

The two staff at the security checkpoint are completely out of shape. Yes, if the drinks are not passable at the security checkpoint, in principle, passengers can drink it here, but they didn’t even think about suggesting this to Ren He. Finish drinking here.

Because it is too much, I rub it, how can I finish drinking it! Are you sick? You bought a ticket and ran here to drink mineral water!

In fact, the bucket of mineral water that Ren He bought was only found after searching in the supermarket for a long time. It is quite a bit bigger than the largest bucket of Nongfu Spring in China.

What he wants to take advantage of is this rule that passengers can drink at the security checkpoint to delay time. Ren He cannot make trouble at the airport, nor can he cause trouble. He will really be taken away by the police uncle, especially at the airport or on the plane. It is very easy to be included in the visa blacklist ~www.readwn.com~ so all the methods he can use must be restricted within the rules. He still used his super memory to find this method in one of Wang Baoqiang’s filmmakers on the embarrassing journey. At that time, Wang Baoqiang just didn’t want to waste it, but Ren He’s eyes were bright. This is a good way to delay time.

The handsome white man handed the bucket of mineral water to Ren He numbly. Ren He took it and unscrewed the lid and started drinking.

Hiss, the two security inspectors took a breath of air-conditioning, looking at the posture, they were really going to finish the drink! You are a bucket!

Ren He was drinking while watching the electronic time in the airport lobby. Actually, he didn't have to finish drinking it. He only needed to take it to ten minutes.

The handsome white guy stared at Ren He who had already drunk half a barrel, and suddenly said, "Don't drink it, drinking like this is not good for your body."

Ten minutes is up! Ren He immediately put down the bucket after hearing what the handsome white guy said: "Okay, listen to you, stop drinking."

The handsome white guy's face is green. Is it so useful for me to speak?

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