I Am a Big Player

Chapter 395: Qinghe Annual Meeting!

Ren He finally got on the plane. Regardless of the episodes he brought to the lives of the two security staff, blame the penalty system.

As soon as he sat in his seat, the Heaven Punishment System had already issued a reward: "The host has completed the task, the task evaluation level is perfect, and the reward can be selected by direction!"

Perfect level, yes, yes, it's impossible to justify it if you don't give it to perfection, okay? !

Now Ren He has four perfect rewards in his hand, and you can try your luck on these four rewards anytime you have any difficulties.

He ordered Yang Xi and himself to be first class. The two were not together when changing boarding passes, but it didn’t matter. At this time, it’s too conspicuous to find someone to change seats. There are already a lot of them on the plane. People recognized Yang Xi.

This is the life of a star. Ren He looked at Yang Xi who still needed to sign the stewardess and was thankful that he hadn't revealed his identity, otherwise he would have to sign others with Yang Xi now.

The flight journey was 13 hours and 55 minutes. When he went abroad, Ren He was expecting himself and Yang Xi to squander their youth in a land where no one knew them. When he returned to China, he was looking forward to his comfortable courtyard house and the family home in Los Angeles. parents.

The most important thing is this annual meeting of Qinghe.

During this time, he thought about a lot of things, including what to say to everyone at this annual meeting.

In the end, he still wants to talk about his imagination for the future of the Internet, which is the Internet environment that has naturally developed during the transition of the times he has experienced in his previous life. That huge era is so full of opportunities and setbacks.

Ren He's inner expectation for the Qinghe faction is not only how important it can be on the Internet, but also that it can bring changes to people's lives.

Change lives and change the world, this is the real big player.

As a knight, Ren He is personally changing the living habits of some people, motivating them to exercise, and motivating them to regain hope.

This is not something that Ren He has to do, but something he finds very interesting. He is an ordinary person with no ridiculous sense of mission, but only how he plays his own life in this era.

Another life that runs counter to the life that I did nothing in my previous life and dare not pursue the hope in my heart.

The plane landed at Kyoto International Airport. Ren He knew that Su Ruqing was back to pick up the plane, so he simply waited for Yang Xi to go out first and then went out by himself.

Now Su Ruqing acquiesced in their affairs but did not support it. If she sees it well, she accepts it. There is no need to add obstacles to her mother-in-law, right?

Ren He’s luggage is very light. After drinking the big bucket of water, he has no weight.

He thought for a while, without even leaving the airport, he directly booked a ticket to Los Angeles and went back to Los Angeles. He told Ren Ma that he was returning to Los Angeles tomorrow, so he planned to return to Los Angeles today. He's annual meeting was held.

Everyone has waited too long for this day!

The biggest change of the Qinghe faction is tonight!

Ren He turned back to Los Angeles. By the time he arrived at the North Suburb Airport in Los Angeles, Qinghe's commercial vehicle was already waiting at the door, and Cheng Shanshui was the one who came to pick him up.

Many people wanted to come to pick up the airport, and in the end Cheng Shanshui grabbed the job, because he was different from others. He has set up his own door, relying on the current user group of Qinghe Games to become a member in just 2 months. It is the communication software platform with the third largest number of users in China, and its growth rate is far greater than that of any other communication company. The functions introduced in the software are also the best user experience.

Seeing that Qinghe Communication is about to become the biggest dark horse in the communication field that will come out inexplicably, it has completely changed the current situation in the communication field.

At present, the 21 big bosses in Qinghe will actually only need him to stand alone in the strict sense, but in fact, what he knows best is that Qinghe Games is still the largest shareholder of Qinghe Communication, and Cheng Shanshui owns shares. The percentage is only 12.

The articles of association are clearly written and more than two-thirds of the shares held by shareholders can vote to raise funds and increase shares. Therefore, in a strict sense, Chengshanshui has no right to speak in the higher levels of company management, and Qinghe still has the right to speak The game boss is here.

So he wants to show his loyalty. Although he is self-reliant, his heart is still green.

The other big bosses are not stupid, so they just let Cheng Shanshui come and stand. They don't envy Cheng Shanshui. Anyway, the big boss has already spoken and treated him equally.

It depends on what will be the result tonight, everyone is watching, wait and see!

Now the outside world is speculating that Qinghe game will split and decline soon, and the news media are afraid that the gimmick will not be attractive enough, and they can't wait for Kunlun to stop serving tomorrow and Qinghe game will collapse the day after tomorrow.

The outside world also knows that Qinghe Games is about to hold its annual meeting today. The big bosses from other places have rushed to the nearest plane to fly back to Los Angeles. How could this effect be achieved if something major happened?

Those big guys now come out to give lectures, and the training institutes give them as much as 100,000 yuan to moisturize their voices. This is the good meaning of the platform.

In his previous life, Ren He encountered Alibaba leaders responsible for organizational development when he was attending training courses. Other companies came to attend the lectures. Alibaba people sat there and the lecturer invited him to give lectures.

This is what the platform is good for! So why do the big names of Qinghe Games have such a sense of honor and social status? Because they are the fastest leader in the industry.

Cheng Shanshui kept reporting his work over the past two months to Ren He on the road. Ren He could see that the other party was very happy. Happiness is a good thing. One of the reasons he was determined to let the Qinghe faction spread out was hope. These Qinghe veterans can also find the true meaning of their lives.

At 6:40 in the evening, Ren He and Chengshan arrived at the Qinghe Building downstairs. Yes, now the entire office building is a Qinghe game industry, and the name has also changed to Qinghe Building.

When entering, Ren He let Cheng Shanshui walk in front, and there might be reporters squatting outside to take pictures. Ren He didn't want to be found out so obvious.

The address of the annual meeting is the renovated all-hands meeting venue on the top floor of Qinghe Building. Everyone who enters the venue today must hand in their mobile phones to prevent anyone from taking photos.

It is not only to prevent Ren He's identity information from leaking out, but also to ensure that the content of the meeting tonight will not be leaked out.

Because what Ren He is going to talk about tonight is likely to be something that will change the Internet landscape in the next 20 years. Although the Qinghe faction is a leader in the game industry, there is no shortage of competitors in other fields. They have to race against time. Even if an employee leaked it out, it was just a few words, and there would be no complete content.

Everyone is already in place~www.readwn.com~ Ren He slowly walked onto the stage with the microphone. There was no host, no show, and the whole stage belonged to Ren He alone tonight.

In the huge Qinghe Empire, he is the king!

Thousands of people in the audience fell silent after seeing Ren He stepping onto the stage. Most of them were new employees, and they had heard that promises were not the biggest bss, so in other words, this one who had never met in front of them. The boy is the big boss in the legend of Qinghe Game?

Ren He calmly looked at each member of the Qinghe Game in the audience. He calmly said: "Thank you for coming to the Qinghe Annual Meeting. Many people may know that Qinghe will have a major move tonight. It should be held within the scope of senior management, but I think everyone should be treated equally, and from me, we can most directly understand what our Qinghe Games will do in the future, and let everyone experience it with me."

He took a sigh of relief, and then said in a loud voice: "The road to reform of the Qinghe faction began at this annual meeting. I used to talk about how to become a qualified leader in the game field, but now the time is ripe. What I want to tell you tonight is how to lead the entire Internet."

Million rewards plus more

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