I Am a Big Player

Chapter 444: Death is coming

In the first second, Yang En and the others had a renewed conflict with the combat team. However, the sound of a pistol sounded on the rooftop of the high-rise building behind him in the next second. Everyone didn’t know what happened on the rooftop, it just seemed to be out. Changed.

But all this happened in a moment, and the monkey wondered: "Aren't we all here anymore, where are the gunshots?"

Lin Hao rolled his eyes and said, "What the **** do I know, maybe they have nothing to do with pistols? Jun Yi, give me one of your magazines."

The tough-faced Zhao Junyi next to Lin Hao threw a magazine to Lin Hao. They were now running out of ammunition and food, and they were about to run out of bullets.

Everyone was planning to rush out and fight to death next time, but suddenly we ushered in such a change!

"No matter what happened to him, everyone knows in their hearts that in the United States, we have no reinforcements," Lin Hao smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

"Haha, ready!" Old Wang also laughed.

Lin Hao finally put away his smiling expression, and said seriously: "It's great to get to know you all. If you have a chance in the next life, I will drink together in 18 years."

"it is good!"

Outside the bunker, the commander of the combat team suddenly looked back when he heard the gunshots on the high platform. He just happened to see Ren He standing on the edge of the roof under the faint moonlight and pointing his gun in one go. In the blur, he could not see Ren He's face. But you can be sure that the opponent is definitely not your own sniper. First of all, the costume is different!

The commander suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he felt a completely different aura from the opponent from a distance, straight into the black sky like a dragon.

Ren He watched as the commander was about to make evasive actions subconsciously while aiming, and the corners of his mouth curled up quietly.


Death is coming!

I saw that the commander exploded a handful of blood mist all over his body and flew back. It was a shot that hit him first. The sniper rifle hit him, and there was absolutely no reason to survive.

The huge and long bullet revolved and exploded into his body and tore everything that could be torn apart!

The monkey and Lin Hao were suddenly startled behind the bunker. After the sound of the pistol, there was the sound of sniper guns. What happened?

The monkey raised his head and took a look. He saw that the commander of the opposing team had been shot and fell to the ground. A huge blood hole in his chest was dripping with blood, and he was dead!

He cried out strangely: "The snipers killed each other and killed their commander!"

"Impossible, definitely not fighting each other, someone must have helped us **** the sniper spot!" Lin Hao quickly judged.

The opponent is the elite of the military contractors. How could it happen in cannibalism? If it is a manslaughter, it is even more impossible, unless the sniper knocks the medicine before the action tonight!

But how is this possible!

"Our people are here, where will there be reinforcements, I think this is too exaggerated," the monkey said in surprise.

Reinforcement... Where did the reinforcement come from? They know very well that the lurking personnel in New York City are here at this time. How could there be reinforcements? It's okay to deceive others, so let's deceive yourself!

But how do you explain this gunshot?

boom! boom! boom!

This dull sound of sniper guns tore through the sky again and again in the quiet night, each shot was a combat team combatant fell to the ground and died, the steady rhythm is like death knocking on the door!

Fast, too fast!

The average sniper must change the target in the scope after completing a sniper kill. Although this sniper rifle is fired continuously, the problem is that the opponent seems to fire the next shot without thinking after each shot. I've never heard such a rhythm, it's too fast!

The remaining 21 combatants quickly evacuated toward the west, retreating to where they originally appeared, where they could avoid the sight of snipers.

But this gun was so fast that 8 of them died before halfway through the distance!

The surviving members of the combat team were ecstatic. They all knew that this sniper rifle only had 10 rounds. Two rounds were fired before, but 8 rounds were fired now. That is the time. The death **** upstairs must change his magazines at this time. Up!

The time to change the magazine is not long, not short, but it is enough for everyone to run tens of meters, you must know that everyone is not slow in running!

Now, how can the group survive more than half of it!

But just after a moment, bang! boom! boom!

The gunfire sounded again, everyone was desperate, what's the matter, the speed of changing the magazine is too fast! This is a sniper rifle!

The young man standing on the roof with his gun was like a **** of death, taking away all the living lives one by one, and Ren He had no compassion, no violence, only peace in his eyes at the moment.

The reason why he wants to shoot is because he wants to live well, the simple survival principle.

So he must shoot.

The situation was completely reversed. This crazy little chess piece used the most explosive means to rewrite everything today. The original complete combat team collapsed and retreated, even they didn't even know if they could survive to the next second.

Because this marksmanship is too accurate.

More than four hundred meters away, that vague figure would take a life away with every shot, without exception.

You know, everyone is not standing still, but doing evasive actions while moving at high speed!

Even the most elite snipers in the military come here and dare not say that he can shoot without missing a shot. How could it be possible?

However, the authority of their lives has been in the hands of others.


It is indeed a general.

There is no more power to fight back. This is a master sniper who did not know where he came from. How did such a person enter the country? !

Lin Hao behind the bunker watched these people fall one by one and then evacuated~www.readwn.com~ During the evacuation process, they left one corpse after another, when the opponent withdrew from the sniper’s field of vision. , There were only 3 of the original twenty-odd people left, and they evacuated into the darkness without daring to look back.

Almost annihilated!

Lin Hao and the others raised their heads to look at the fuzzy figure on the top of the building. At this moment, they turned their guns and turned away. The figure disappeared in the **** night like a night owl, and had no intention of meeting them...

"Who is this man?" Old Wang asked in amazement: "The eagle's marksmanship was not so awesome in those days!"

"The gun has no false shots, it's terrible. This person's sniper ability can be called the pinnacle, but I don't know what the super long distance is, but I'm sure, within 800 meters, he ranks in the top rank," Zhao Junyi calmly analyzed .

"Aren't we without reinforcements, do we have brothers out there?"

"No, and even if there is, there is no such way of marksmanship."

Lin Hao, who had been silent all the time, suddenly remembered a certain teenager who told him to take care...I don't know why, there was a guide in his heart to point the truth there, and the other party could always surprise others.

He suddenly said in a deep voice: "No, there is one other person not here!"

Everyone was stunned: "Who? Don't you say that it is Lao Lu lying on the ground. We will take his body into the car before leaving. We can't let him just lie here.

"It's not Lao Lu, you forgot someone," Lin Hao sighed. Instead of calling the other person by name, he used a name that everyone could easily understand: "Knight!"


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