I Am a Big Player

Chapter 445: The clue is broken

It was a violent night, and the entire New York City suburbs gradually boiled after the gunfire.

So many things happened tonight, what was expected, unexpected, what should happen, what should not happen, all happened.

Residents here made countless phone calls to the police station in the middle of the night, but no police arrived. At the moment when the operation started, the police station had already received a call from the National Security Bureau and notified the operation. Other people should not interfere.

At that time, they seemed to have a winning ticket.

The US National Security Agency has always been very interested in Yang En. The other side has worked in the war zone for many years. Even recently, the other side has also conducted exchange visits to 16 countries as medical experts.

What was exchanged? Many people want to know.

However, it was such an inevitable task that caused them to miss, and almost a whole combat team was lost.

When the superiors got the combat report this time, their face was gloomy, and the first half of the report was still normal. Until the mysterious sniper appeared, the chessboard was suddenly messed up.

They wanted to find out the identity or appearance of this person from the road monitoring, but the other party seemed to have deliberately avoided most of the monitoring, and this is a suburban area. During this time period in 2007, the monitoring would have been less.

A small number of intersection surveillance caught him, but it seemed that the opponent was moving too fast, and he couldn't see his appearance at all. How fast was it to run?

The personnel of the National Security Bureau blocked the entire scene. A large number of personnel entered this area to collect traces of battles, restore the traces of battles such as ballistics, and try to restore the fighting situation at that time.

Among them, a team led by white men is particularly conspicuous. They have been comparing the distance from the ground battlefield to the tall building in the battlefield, and then immediately went to the 10-story tall building that was used as a sniper point.

They have always been curious about how the opposing person broke through the sniper point in an instant. You must know that this combat team is full of elites. How could it be possible that the opponent ended the high platform in just a few seconds, as stated in the combat report. On the battle?

The white man watched carefully around the tall buildings. He already had a preliminary judgment in his mind, but he was still a little unbelievable. He wanted to find conclusive evidence for himself.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw the place on the side wall of the tall building where the front wall was supposed to be dusty, but there were bright traces. Someone climbed to the top of the building from here!

As he imagined, with someone squatting at the entrance of the roof, it is impossible to break through the fire suppression and force the roof, even three or five people may not be able to break through from the top down in such a narrow place. Fire suppression, then the opponent is likely to go up from the side, making the combatants on the rooftop unexpected!

The tenth floor, the tenth floor is also possible for the members of the combat team, but they still have such good physical fitness to fight, and according to the combat report... the opponent turned out to shoot with a sniper. !

What is this concept? He prides himself on being one of the elite fighters, but even when he is most energetic, he can't shoot more than 20 rounds with a sniper rifle.

The recoil is simply not something that ordinary people can bear, even when the energy is intact.

However, the opponent climbed up to the 10th floor with his bare hands, and after a battle, there was still room to attack more than 20 people with guns.

Is that human being? !

Many people have experienced such a situation: After moving heavy objects in daily life, the force of the arm will make the arm tremble when working later.

And the opponent's hand is steady, otherwise it won't be able to accurately kill so many people!

Stable as Mount Tai!

This is a terrifying opponent. When the opponent picked up the sniper rifle on the high platform, it seemed to have grasped the authority of everyone's life, and life no longer belonged to them.

The white man came to the rooftop and continued to look for traces. In their cognition, this was the first battlefield where the opponent appeared. Maybe they could find something?

He watched carefully from the top of the building, the position of the cartridge case and the posture of the corpse falling to the ground, the white man tried to recover the scene of the battle.

The opponent jumped up from the side, took a step to the side along the rubbing footprints on the ground, and shot at the same time!

The white man put on his white gloves and picked up the pistol of the combatant who was crouching at the door. He opened the magazine and only used one bullet...

In other words, the combat personnel on his side only had time to fire a shot and died.

The sniper was even more miserable, failing to fire a single shot.

The white man seemed to be able to imagine how straightforward the opponent was after jumping on the platform, and only two pistol shells of the opponent were scattered on the ground at the edge of the platform: a total of two shots were fired and the guns headed.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent began to sniper and began a merciless massacre.

The white man took a breath. A figure of this level is like an untimely bomb in the United States, cruel and extremely capable of combat.

One's power certainly cannot fight the state apparatus, but what happens when you can't find the goal at all? The other party is like a dangerous shadow hiding in the dark ~www.readwn.com~ may cause a fatal blow to oneself at any time.

The white man ordered his men to take the bodies of the two combatants away: "Send it to test and analyze the trajectory and compare the rifling marks to see if this pistol has appeared elsewhere."

In fact, when a bullet is shot out of the barrel, the bullet will inevitably rub against the rifling, and then leave a unique pattern on the bullet wall. This friction trace can usually be compared. A bullet with the same pattern must come from the same barrel.

This thing is like a human fingerprint, unique.

In the database, only the found bullets will be rifled records, describing when the bullet was obtained, what happened at that time, who the gun belongs to, and so on.

The white man was thinking about a question, could this be a known dangerous person? Perhaps one or two can be glimpsed through the traces of rifling.

But he thought about it for a while, it seemed that no one had ever been stronger than this in his own impression!

Now there is no way to get more information. I can only look forward to the results of the laboratory comparison. This mysterious sniper suddenly appeared and then disappeared. After searching countless monitors, there was no way to find the person's trace.

This thing stuck in the throat of the National Security Agency like a thorn!

The result of the comparison came out very quickly, and the subordinates hesitated to report: "This gun... is our own, but he is dead. We don't even know how he died..."

The clue was broken, and the sniper disappeared from everyone's field of vision.


Today is really tired, I will sleep for a while and then wake up slowly. Forgive me.

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