I Am a Big Player

Chapter 454: Let's scatter with thunder

Before coming tonight, Ren He had made enough preparations, but he could not get the bullets from the sniper rifle.

This kind of large-caliber bullet is a very dangerous thing at this time, whether it is bought on the black market or bribed the shooting club to buy it, because Ren He doesn’t know whether there will be problems in which link, such as someone calling the police, such as those on the black market. Who is the informant of the National Security Agency.

Ren He didn't dare to take this risk, so his sniper rifle only had 17 rounds. This was his final card tonight.

The roar of countless engines could be heard all around, and the whole world became noisy, but Ren He's inner world was extremely calm.

It's useless to be anxious, Ren He has already decided to kill the fish and break the net.

It was very interesting. Ren He smiled. He didn't expect that he would not be able to live well into his old age when he was re-lived. He used to think about sitting with Yang Xi under the walnut tree in his courtyard every day when he was old. .

At that time, Uncle Wang and Aunt Fang might not be there anymore, so she made burritos for Yang Xi herself.

As a result, I may not be able to wait for that time.

One kilometer ahead is the sea, which is very close.

Yang Xi may be only a few kilometers away from him at this time. Two people are in the same city looking at the same starry sky, but they are close to the end of the world.

Ren He suddenly remembered a poem by Tagore: The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know that I love you.

Now think about Lao Tai is really nonsense, the farthest distance in the world is obviously life and death...

Haha, by this time, I still think so much.

After tonight, there are no more poem-like little professors, no knights, no more big bosses behind the Qinghe faction in this world.

When you come in a hurry, let's go with dignity.

With flames burning in Ren He's eyes, he rushed towards the tallest building around him. There was his sniper spot and his final battlefield!

At this moment, two black suits holding pistols suddenly rushed out from the side. The other party saw Ren He raised his hand and shot. The National Security Agency originally planned to capture Ren He alive, but now they understand that this is almost impossible. The speed of nerve reaction and superb marksmanship are simply threatening everyone's lives.

This is the most fierce thug!

However, before the two combatants in black suits had lifted their hands, Ren He's gunfire had already sounded.

Facts have been proven countless times, people can't be faster than bullets, but people can be faster than hands, and Ren He is the fastest one!

When life and death are no longer a concern, the National Security Agency may find that the sniper at this time is more terrifying than ever.

With two shots headshot, Ren He ran towards the tall building without stopping at all. When he came to the front of the tall building, he started climbing upwards with his hands and feet. He clearly remembered that the two combatants who had just died were seeing him. The surprise flashed in his eyes for a moment, it seemed astonished that he would see Ren He here. They all thought that Ren He would continue to run forward, but they didn't expect that Ren He would choose a sniper spot here.

Isn't choosing a sniper spot to kill you? Although the tall building is tall, it is nothing more than an isolated island.

When the life and death crisis came, Ren He moved faster. He quickly came to the top of the platform, and started a sniper without even having to breathe!

At this time, someone in charge of setting up observation posts on the street in the distance suddenly exclaimed: "There are people on the tall buildings!"

At this moment, a haze flashed in the hearts of all the arresters, and they all knew who they were arresting!

They know exactly what happened that night!

"Find cover!" Someone yelled. Not all vehicles on the scene were bulletproof cars. One bulletproof car costs millions. The Security Bureau can't spend all the money on this, and the other party has a 12.7 caliber. To be honest, it is not difficult for a sniper armor-piercing projectile to penetrate bulletproof glass.

Bulletproof glass is not resistant to all bullets!

However, at the next moment, a thunderous explosion sounded from the originally noisy night sky: "Bang!"

That was the sound of a sniper rifle, the man shot!

I don’t know why. Maybe it’s what everyone knew about the sniper during the meeting before the arrest, or maybe the killing ability displayed by the other party during the arrest process today, which made them feel the same as the sniper gun sounded. Feeling desperate.

Then when they discover that it is not themselves who died, they will have a kind of rejoicing!

At this moment, a black off-road vehicle galloping on the road ahead of everyone exploded! The opponent hit the fuel tank of the off-road vehicle with a shot while the vehicle was driving at high speed!

Ren He smiled calmly on the rooftop, his own bullets are limited, and the mailboxes of each car are like bombs tailored for him. I'm afraid this group of opponents sitting in the iron shell never thought that they would take the gas tank this time.

The loud explosion and the burning flames dyed the night sky red.

boom! Another car turned into a fireball and burned!

boom! The third one!

Ren He uses his strong physical fitness to strike flat. This is something that any sniper can't imagine. Flat raises are fine, but the accuracy of the head drops too much, and he can’t bear it. Recoil so many times!

Ren He was at peace, no more confusion, no violence, no more thinking about life and death, and no longer thinking about the future.

Maybe he didn't have any future, the continuous gunshots were like beams of thunder exploding in the night sky.

Then scatter with thunder.

On the street, all the off-road vehicles that Ren He could see were exploding into a ball of flames, like a life shouting in the night sky, and also like a carnival by Ren He.

I am afraid that the National Security Agency of the United States never thought that a national machine like its own would be forced to this point by a single person. There was a crazy roar from the commander on the intercom: "Get out of the car and surround that tall building!"

Ren He's sight saw the people in the cars jumping off the car one by one in evasive actions, no matter where the unmanned vehicles while driving at high speed would crash into.

Abandoned the car... Ren He pouted his lips. The people he used his own power to force these people did not even dare to do the car, should they be named in the history?

The declassification time of military archives is generally fifty years. The previous life in 2017 seems to be the declassification time of the murder of President Kennedy. As a result, Ren He came here before he waited.

So when people know what happened tonight in 50 years, will they be shocked?

Also, the code is in progress. In addition, I have built a book list called Elbow Granary. Those who are interested can pay attention to it. Well, they are basically books that I have read before and think are very good.

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