I Am a Big Player

Chapter 455: The target is gone!

There were not many bullets in Ren He's hand. He smiled when dozens of people from the other party broke into pieces and surrounded him, and the remaining sniper bullets were shot out without any rush. There is still no exception to a life.

However, this sniper can no longer be let go tonight. If this allows the opponent to escape, I am afraid that the director of the National Security Agency will take the blame and resign.

The matter tonight is too big. 8 cars suddenly exploded. At this moment, they were paralyzed by the road like torches. The commander frowned because he knew that this matter was too big. I'm afraid it won't be long. The news media will swarm like locusts.

This is probably one of the toughest thugs the National Security Agency has encountered in the United States.

But the commander's eyes suddenly lit up: the gunfire stopped!

Out of bullets? give up? Regardless of the possibility, it is good news!

The sniper rifle is the killer weapon in the opponent's hands. If the opponent is really out of bullets, it means that the casualties on your side will definitely be reduced a lot.

Ren He watched the National Security Agency's fighters approaching in all directions. This was the net of heaven and earth laid by the National Security Agency for him. However, it was also at this time that a ray of light flashed in Ren He's mind...

If these people have abandoned their cars, does that mean that they actually have a glimmer of hope? After all, it was originally because I couldn't run a car, so I chose to fight to the death and break the net.

And he used the gas tank to increase the lethality, but he didn't expect everyone to abandon the car and surround him? !

Before he had time to think too much, Ren He watched almost a hundred people downstairs rushing towards this tall building. The fastest people had already entered the interior of the tall building. He saw that Ren He had already pierced his wings and could not escape.

Now that I think about it, I may not be able to rush out, but what happens after I rush out? At this moment, there was a huge sound of the helicopter propeller rubbing against the air from the horizon, and a beam of white light was hitting down from the helicopter, and it would soon reach the top of the building where Ren He was located from a distance.

With a helicopter in the sky, even if you can rush out, what can you do?

At this time, Ren He calmly asked in his mind: "How about two perfect rewards, how about changing the way to escape to heaven?"

And at this moment, a huge amount of information was suddenly instilled into Ren He's mind. The Heavenly Punishment System gave him this information without any discussion with Ren He at all, and what disappeared after that was that he was only left with this information. Two perfect rewards!

Ren He was stunned for a full 2 ​​seconds, because the information that the Heavenly Punishment System instilled in him was the drainage system map of the entire New York City, that is, the sewers!

The total length of the New York City sewer pipes is 1.06oo kilometers, the magnificent underground brick tunnels, and the complete drainage facilities are unmatched by any other city in the United States. Because of its spaciousness and brightness, the New York sewer was a frequent visitor in the "oo7" series and "Mission Impossible" series of movies in the past life.

Moreover, the original dirty sewer was once terminated due to the smell of the United Nations conference. New York even spent a lot of money to renovate 16 sewage treatment plants and the ventilation structure in the sewer!

This is a huge underground labyrinth that no other city in the United States can compare with, and only New York has such a drainage system in the United States!

If there is no road map, workers will get lost if they walk there for a long time, but at this time, the road map is in Ren He's mind.

Ren He suddenly wanted to laugh. He had master-level fighting skills and firearms skills, but he didn't have the fighting thinking to match it. If he had, he probably thought of the sewers a long time ago...not to mention always appearing in previous lives. The star sewer in the movie!

He suddenly felt a sense of life from desperation, as if in the endless darkness of the sky, light suddenly rose on the edge, and that light, like a fire, was burning in Ren He's heart.

The people outside who were coming back to him, as well as the helicopter on board that day, I am afraid that this little **** on the chessboard has been unable to advance or retreat.

However, Ren He's hole cards have not yet been turned over!

Ren He seemed to have seen their grinning, and the blood that was tumbling.

He has killed too many people, and the National Security Agency may wish to shoot him now, but no one thought that this little **** would suddenly jump out of the chessboard!

When the people on the rooftop were knocked away behind Ren He, the commander in the distance was watching everything on the rooftop with a telescope, but his position was too low to see what was on the rooftop.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the rooftop, like a huge flying bird!

This tall building is 1o high and is the highest floor in the feature area, but it does not mean that there are no other buildings around.

There is a 7-storey building on each side of it, and the distance between them is just over 8 meters. According to ordinary people’s imagination, even professionals would not dare to cross such a height and distance, so everyone has never thought about Ren He. Will jump off the building to escape.

But Ren He dare! And he has already jumped out of the rooftop, as if he had jumped through the teaching building for the first time~www.readwn.com~ The heart was first uneasy and then quiet, but unfortunately there is no more Yang Xi here.

Just when everyone rushed into the tall building where Ren He was located, Ren He flew to the tall building more than eight meters apart with such an amazing feat!

It's only eight meters, and it's not that there is no skipping, the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the landing force!

At this height, Ren He himself might not be able to stand it a bit, but this is the only chance for life.

The commander held the telescope with his mouth wide open. He never expected that Ren He would take such an extreme method and leap over a distance of more than eight meters. This is already close to the human limit, right?

What kind of physical fitness is this? !

He watched as Ren He landed upstairs next to him, and the commander screamed frantically in the intercom headset: "Air group A, tell me the situation!"

The commander can only hope that the helicopter's vision can continue to track the opponent's trail, but he has a hope in his heart that if the opponent breaks his leg in this jump, he may still be able to capture the opponent alive!

However, the voice from the intercom shattered his hopes: "The target character ran off the roof of the building!"

Can still run...? After this jump, didn't it happen? !

"Keep watching him in the air!" After the commander gave the order to the helicopter, he rushed to the target location himself, and the situation in the sky was constantly being fed back.

"The target has gone downstairs, the target has gone downstairs!"

"The target flees to the southeast!"

"The target is about to turn into Ford Road, the target has turned into Ford Road, I am about to arrive at Ford Road empty!"

"The target... is missing!"

The little **** on this chessboard really jumped out!


Ten thousand rewards plus more.

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