Chapter 1017

‘Ding! ’

‘Special mission: all greatness begins at the beginning! ’

‘Task content: Please obtain the [TWINSCANNXT:1980Di] lithography machine mortgaged by the Hongxin project! ’

‘Task Status: Completed! ’

‘Task reward: Graphene battery vehicle technology plan and chip production plan. ’

‘Special note: The rewards for this mission will be obtained through [Kryaren] [Cui Zhenghao], the target mission is in Tyrande Guman, and the specific address will be sent to the host’s mailbox through the Onion Network. ’

Graphene battery vehicle technical solution?

What is the chip production plan for the graphene battery vehicle technology plan?

These two technologies are merged together, don’t they just take off right there~?

Take Tesla as an example. Tesla’s most powerful thing is not an ‘assisted driving system’ known as ‘autopilot’, nor is it a good-looking design, nor is it a strong brand heritage and excellent workmanship.

In fact, are there fewer cases of accidents involving Tesla’s ‘assisted driving system’?

As for the design?

That’s just a bonus item!

The brand heritage and excellent workmanship are even more funny.

Does Tesla have a brand heritage?

In terms of workmanship, all kinds of complaints have been made.

Tesla’s truly powerful core trump card is battery management technology.

This set of battery management technology integrates and manages more than 8,000 18650 cylindrical lithium batteries, thus condensing approximately 85 kilowatt-hours of electricity, and accurately controls voltage and current, and energy recovery when the vehicle is driving.

This is Tesla’s most powerful technology!

Tesla’s battery management technology guarantees the most fundamental core of new energy electric vehicles: providing longer-distance battery life.

The core issue of new energy electric vehicles is battery life.

Tesla’s battery life is the best among all new energy electric vehicles, and it is almost as much as the number of publicity is, unlike some new energy electric vehicles that advertise 400 kilometers, the actual kilometers,

Once you buy it, it becomes real, okay?

Now the Life Winner system gives the graphene battery vehicle-mounted technology solution and the chip production program of the graphene battery vehicle-mounted technology solution, which is equivalent to having the key to enter the field of new energy electric vehicles.

According to the powerful characteristics of graphene batteries, how does Tesla win?

Even Tesla does not have the power to resist. How do other new energy electric vehicles resist?

This means that as long as the Dream of Future Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd. enters the field of new energy electric vehicles, it will be the overlord of the world!

But why does this reward make him a kidnapper again?(Read more @

Forget it!

Anyway, it’s just the pit of the National Security Investigation Bureau!

Anliang and Li Cunyuan ended the call, and he first said to Li Xiyan, “Baby, I want to take care of work first.” He said, shaking his phone.

“Yeah!” Li Xiyan agreed.

Anliang clicked on the confidential communication software of the National Security Investigation Bureau and contacted Huang Guoxiang in the confidential communication software.

‘Anliang: Summon Lao Huang! ’

“Huang Guoxiang:…”

Huang Guoxiang feels that Anliang’s summoning method makes him look like a reachable duck?

‘Anliang: Old Huang, I need your help. ’

‘Huang Guoxiang:? ’

‘Anliang: I am going to get someone from Tyrande and deal with it in Wu Chunsheng’s way. ’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Who did you kidnap again? ’

‘Anliang:? ? ? ’

‘Anliang: Am I a kidnapper in your eyes? ’

‘Anliang: Lao Huang, your thoughts make me sad! ’

‘Anliang: Do you remember what I said before, developing the new energy electric vehicle industry through graphene battery technology? ’

‘Anliang: You go through the relevant procedures and bring in the technical information related to the electric vehicle. We will value you 5 billion and let you repay the debt. ’

‘Anliang: Look at Tesla. Once we develop the electric vehicle industry, it will be a trillion-level industry that will directly double the valuation of the dream company in the future. ’

· ··Seeking flowers·· ·

‘Anliang: If it’s just a doubling of valuation, it’s just wealth on paper, but what huge profits can we make by selling new energy electric vehicles? ’

‘Anliang: Ordinary people don’t know the strategic development direction of another country. Can you still not know? ’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Stop talking, who are you talking about, I’ll tie it back for you! ’

? ? ?

Is it so real?

I just said that Anliang is a kidnapper, now he joins in himself?

It is really touching!

As long as the interests are in place, Huang Guoxiang said that he is an associate of Anliang!

‘Anliang: I’m in Tyrande’s Guman, and you don’t need to do it yet. We have already done the work here. In the same situation as Wu Chunsheng, we will send people over. You can arrange it. I have other uses. ’

.. ……… …….

‘Huang Guoxiang: No problem! ’

‘Huang Guoxiang: If you want to make graphene new energy electric vehicles, this project is placed in the Dream Future Company, right? ’

‘Anliang: Don’t worry, I won’t open another pit and pit you again. Am I like that kind of person? ’

‘Huang Guoxiang: A sigh of relief! ’

‘Anliang: By the way, Lao Huang, we are going to develop a graphene new energy electric vehicle project. You can discuss with Shishan Yamen and see if you can give another 2,000 mu of free land? ’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are so greedy! ’

‘Anliang: Am I the one who dreams of the future company? ’

“Huang Guoxiang:…”

‘Huang Guoxiang: No problem, I will definitely get the Shishan Yamen. ’

‘Anliang: This is called hello, my hello, everyone. ’

‘Anliang: You will retire in the future, and you can still enter your dream future as a security consultant, understand? ’

“Huang Guoxiang:…”

Huang Guoxiang felt that Anliang was harming him, and he also seized the evidence!


Update time: 06:46:38, September 12, 2020, old rules, ten consecutive updates! Yes.

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