Chapter 1018

After the exchange between Anliang and Huang Guoxiang was over, he contacted Tang Jinsheng, No. 1 of Renyi Security Company, and sent the e-mail message sent by the Life Winner System through Onion Network.

Renyi Security Company also has confidential communication software. Anliang will provide supplementary explanation after sending the information.

‘Zero: The old rules, find the target, send the target to the border to the allies. ’

‘Number One: No problem. ’

Anliang sends a reminder message.

‘Zero: Be safe! ’

‘Zero: The Security Investigation Bureau of Correa, the Commercial Investigation Department of Sansang, and the Investigation Bureau of Baodao Province are all tracking this person. ’

‘Zero: Get him away without knowing it! ’

‘One: I understand! ’

If it is in other places, such as Neon or Xia Country, the power controlled by Anliang is definitely impossible to remove a person without knowing it.

But in Tyrande’s Guman, there must be no problem!

Because Renyi Security Company and Ren’an Investment Company have almost 100% control of Guman’s shadow world power.

Get Cui Zhenghao from Guman to Xia Guo, there really is no problem.

As long as Huang Guoxiang’s operations are handled properly, Cui Zhenghao can evaporate from the world and become a native of Xia.

After Anliang sent the message, he put down the phone, Li Xiyan held a piece of hairy belly and fed him, Anliang did not open his mouth politely.

“Has the work been handled?” Li Xiyan asked.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “Well! It was just processed just now, it’s just a small matter.”

But is it really a small matter?

That is actually a big thing that has changed the pattern of new energy electric vehicles in the world!

It’s just that Anliang didn’t mean to preach.

Anliang is a behind-the-scenes boss, he likes to stand behind the scenes and control everything, rather than standing under the sun.

Nearly an hour later, Anliang and Li Xiyan finished the mala Tang. Naturally, this malatang meal cost more than six yuan, and it is impossible for a newcomer of the canyon game to qualify for 13 consecutive rounds.

The two ate one hundred and six yuan, this price is really very affordable in the devil!

“Madam Tao, let’s go first!” Li Xiyan greeted Tao Dayu.

Tao Dayu waved his hand, “I want it.”

Anliang led Li Xiyan out of the Mala Tang shop, he asked casually, “Baby, what time will class start tomorrow?”

It takes a while to come from Aman Yangyun. If Li Xiyan goes to class too early, Anliang is considering whether to change to a hotel?(Read more @

Li Xiyan seemed to have guessed what Anliang meant, and her face blushed in response, “There will be two journalism law classes tomorrow morning, mainly for rote memorization of legal knowledge. I have basically memorized them, so these two classes are not. It’s okay to go.”

Anliang got it!

“That’s great!” Anliang said with a smirk, “Go and go, baby, let’s go back first, and I will teach you to play games.”

Li Xiyan’s face became more ruddy.

The two returned to the open-air parking lot of Fudan University. Master Yang opened the door of the rear seat for the two. After the two got in the car, Anliang still held Li Xiyan to take care of Li Xiyan’s mentality.

“By the way, baby, you should have a holiday on Saturday and weekend?” Anliang asked, “If we have a holiday on Saturday and weekend, we go to Gusu or take a boat out to sea, what do you think?”

Li Xiyan shook her head, “No way.”

“Huh?” Anliang was puzzled.

Li Xiyan responded, “On Saturday, I participated in the school’s volunteer activities and wanted to go to the nursing home to be a volunteer.”


This silly girl is not bad!

“Can I follow along?” Anliang asked.

Li Xiyan denied, “It should not be possible. Although it is a volunteer activity, the school organizes a strict registration and screening process, and is led by a teacher.”

“What about the weekend?” Anliang asked again.

“I’m not sure on weekends.” Li Xiyan responded, “Our teacher made an appointment for us with a senior fellow who is a famous financial reporter. If the other party has time, we will hold a financial reporter job sharing meeting…”

“…” Anliang was speechless.

Is this the world of Xueba?

As a scumbag, doesn’t Anliang feel that Saturday and weekend are just for relaxation?


The scumbag felt offended.

“What is the name of your senior?” Anliang asked casually.

Since Li Xiyan can’t be persuaded, then this senior fellow of the “famous financial journalist” will be disabled with his chair!

“Um… wait a minute, I forgot, I will ask Yuqing.” Li Xiyan responded.

Li Xiyan sends a message to Guo Yuqing on her mobile phone.

‘Li Xiyan: Yuqing, which senior came back to hold a job sharing meeting for financial reporters on Sunday? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: It seems to be Senior Brother Niu Guoshuai from the Financial Channel of Modu TV. ’

‘Guo Yuqing: What’s wrong? ’

‘Li Xiyan: Anliang is asking. ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Why is he asking this? ’

‘Li Xiyan: He wants to take me to play, but I don’t have time, so he asked, should it be Cha Gang? ’

‘Guo Yuqing:…’

‘Guo Yuqing: Cha Gang? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: It’s over. The Sunday sharing session is gone. Let’s go and play with your boyfriend! ’

“Li Xiyan: Huh? ’

‘Li Xiyan: The Sunday sharing session is gone? ’

‘Li Xiyan: Did the school send a notice? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: You… alas! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Your boyfriend asks so clearly, then it must be done. ’

‘Guo Yuqing: He is playing with you in the magic city. If you don’t have time yet, then he will definitely deal with all the reasons that caused you to have no time. ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Don’t worry, your boyfriend has such strength! ’

‘Li Xiyan: Really? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: We will wait and see. ’.

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