Chapter 1025

Magic City, the Bund.

Anliang drove the Rolls-Royce Phantom into the parking garage of Yifeng Building, and then took the elevator to the third floor.

“Empty cicada?” Yao Qi asked when she walked out of the elevator.

“Hmm!” Anliang responded.

At the entrance of Kongchan Neon Restaurant, a waiter asked politely, “Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?”

“Without an appointment, do you still have any boxes?” Anliang asked.

“Yes, sir, may I ask you four?” The service staff asked again.

“Yes.” Anliang nodded.

“Please here.” The service staff led Anliang four people into the empty cicada.

There is no hall in the empty cicada, only four boxes of ‘spring, summer, autumn, and winter’. Because there is no reservation, only the ‘winter’ box.

There are only three packages for Kongchan, which are 1888, 2888, and 8 yuan respectively. Anliang naturally chose the 8 yuan level.

According to the service staff, the reason why it is so expensive is because almost all the ingredients are shipped from Hokkaido to the sky.

But whether it is true or false, then the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

Four boxes?

Even if every box is 8 yuan, what is the daily turnover?

Almost all the ingredients were airlifted from Hokkaido on the same day?

If there are forty boxes, Anliang will unconditionally believe it, even if there are 14 boxes, Anliang will choose to believe it, but there are only four boxes, then a question mark is required.

After all, what was previously known as neon cantaloupe, Anliang knew it was fake!

The set meal of empty cicada is fixed, it is not possible to order or add dishes.

After Anliang chose a package of 8 yuan, the service staff left politely.

Guo Yuqing sighed and said, “You deserve to be a local tyrant! A meal cost me one month’s living expenses. ˇ!”

Li Xiyan turned on the backstab skill on the side, “That’s not right! Yuqing, your monthly living expenses are 4,500 yuan, and only one person only costs 8 yuan for this meal.”

“…” Guo Yuqing looked at Li Xiyan speechlessly.

Could this person be a disciple of Zhao Jiaozhu?(Read more @

It’s almost indistinguishable!

“Hahaha!” Yao Qi laughed aside, “Xiyan, you deserve it!”

After a while, the hors d’oeuvres were served, and the side dishes of yellow chrysanthemum mixed with mushrooms initially opened up the taste buds.

Li Xiyan ate directly, while Guo Yuqing chose to take pictures first. Yao Qi waited for Guo Yuqing to take pictures with Guo Yuqing and ate with Guo Yuqing.

Anliang tasted the appetizers, and he suddenly felt like a car overturned!

Originally, he thought that the set meal of 8 yuan per person should be amazing, but the appetizers made him feel that the car was overturned.

The first round of appetizers came up, including a variety of dishes, grated radish and salmon roe, sliced ​​abalone with mayonnaise, monkfish liver, herring roe, and lily puree.

Anliang tasted them one by one. After the tasting, Anliang felt that he had overturned the car!

But Li Xiyan seemed to think it was okay, at least she didn’t express an unpleasant attitude.

The second dish is dried sea bream stewed with matsutake, without any seasoning, in the original state, this dish finally pulled back a little bit.

However, the next sashimi gave Anliang a kind of satisfactory…

Do not!

Not quite satisfactory!

It should not be worth it!

For a set meal of 8 yuan per person, the sashimi is actually a peony shrimp?

Although there is bluefin tuna in medium fat, it is matched with ordinary squid, which directly reduces the score.

If the fat is removed from the bluefin tuna, the feeling of this plate of sashimi is a yuan level…

Let’s drop it a little bit!

The 298 yuan grade has such a level!

The fourth round is all kinds of steamed food. The ingredients in this round are finally a bit level. From shark fin road king crab, from conger eel to left mouth fish, and scallops, these things can only be said to be better than the previous round of sashimi, but still Not reach the level of 8 yuan.

Next is the neon barbecue. The king crab legs are basic, and the caviar and foie gras are also basic. There are no surprises at all, and they are not even satisfactory.

None of the vinegar, tempura, and staple food at the back made Anliang feel amazing. The only thing that made Anliang shine was the last dessert.

A pumpkin cake, a cup of matcha drink.

If you follow the very evaluation and combine the price of 8 yuan, Anliang should only give it four points!

Is it a complete failure?

There is a comparison of Tong Sushi in the Imperial Capital, which is also neon cuisine. Tong Sushi is cheaper and the dishes are more amazing. Anliang can give it 8 points.

“.¨ Baby, are you full?” Anliang asked.

Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively, “Uh-huh! Not only I’m full (good), I feel a little bit too much.”

Guo Yuqing seconded, “It’s true that the weight is a bit too much.”

Yao Qi smiled and asked, “Could it be that you haven’t eaten enough?”

Anliang replied affirmatively, “I am indeed not full! Baby, do you still eat your cake?”

Li Xiyan only took a bite of the pumpkin cake, she directly pushed the pumpkin cake over, “I’ll give you a big one.”

Anliang ate unceremoniously.

After eating Li Xiyan’s cake, Anliang still felt that he was not full.

“This store is a bit average!” Anliang sighed and gave an evaluation.

In fact, this time the car should have overturned. Anliang didn’t even plan to use the food enjoyment cashback card, because he found that Yao Qi’s evaluation of Kongchan should be relatively low! .

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