Chapter 1026

Anliang also has a gourmet enjoyment cashback card.

According to Anliang’s plan, he took Li Xiyan and the three to taste a meal in Kongchan, and then used the food to enjoy the cashback card to earn a ‘pocket money’.

Turned over?

Even if the food enjoyment cashback card does not count Anliang’s pleasure, Anliang found that Yao Qi should not be satisfied with the empty cicada, so he was cautious not to waste the food enjoyment cashback card.

“You guys wait a moment.” Anliang got up to check out.

3888 yuan per person, four people is 15,552 yuan, plus an additional 15% service fee, the total is 17,884.80 yuan, using mobile phone payment, the exact payment is 0.8 yuan.

After the checkout, Anliang suggested, “Baby, shall we go for a walk on the Bund?”

Li Xiyan nodded again and again, “Well, it just happened to be a little puffy.”

Anliang naturally took Li Xiyan’s right hand. When the four of them came out, he casually said, “This shop is a little cryptic. I used to hear that the level of empty cicada is very high, but today I came to 627 to taste it. It’s a little disappointing.”

Guo Yuqing answered, “I think it’s pretty good!”

Li Xiyan seconded, “It’s really good!”

Yao Qi replied, “In general, it is not bad, but it is 3888 yuan per person, and there is a 15% service charge, so it seems a bit disappointing in combination.”

“If you blindly guess the price without knowing the price, I can only give about 1,000 yuan at most.” Yao Qi responded.

Anliang casually said, “Almost!”

As expected, Yao Qi is not very satisfied with Kongchan. It is correct that Anliang does not use food to enjoy the cashback card. If it is used, Yao Qi’s pleasure should be very low, right?

The four Anliang walked and digested on the Bund.

After walking for a while, Li Xiyan pointed to Tang Chen Yipin on the other side of the river and said to Guo Yuqing, “Yuqing, did you tell me Tang Chen Yipin is the best?”

Guo Yuqing nodded affirmatively, “Well, Tang Chen’s first product is indeed very good!”

Li Xiyan responded negatively, “Our family Anliang said that Tangchen’s No.1 product is not the best. For example, the No.1 Zhongliang Bay next to it is a better choice.”

Guo Yuqing’s is just an ordinary family in the capital of the magic city. She has never studied luxury houses. Tang Chen Yipin only knew about it because she was famous enough.

Yao Qi agreed, “The Zhongliang Bay No.1 next to Tangchen Yipin is indeed better! But the price is basically more than 200,000 yuan, and only the Tianyue Tower in Building No. Dong can only be said to be average.”

Huh?(Read more @

This Yao Qi is a bit level!

Did you even have research on Lou Wang Tianyue seat?

Anliang carefully observed Yao Qi. The other party’s dress is relatively simple, without accessories, the family conditions seem to be relatively ordinary?

So the other party has studied luxury houses?

This Yao Qi said before that she had been to Yangyun Aman before, so she remembered the concierge license plate.

At the same time, she knows Kongchan, and she is very honest when commenting on Kongchan.


Anliang answered, “It is true that only Tianyue Tower is the real super first-line river-view room at Zhongliang Bay One. It sits on the Huangpu River at 270 degrees and has an invincible view!”

“By the way, baby, I want to give you a gift.” Anliang added.

“Huh?” Li Xiyan was stunned, “What are you going to give me again?”

Before Anliang answered, Li Xiyan refused, “You only gave a watch yesterday. I don’t want a gift anymore. Don’t waste your money.”

This little fool!

Anliang rubbed Li Xiyan’s hair and asked, “Do you remember what I told you the day before yesterday?”

“Huh?” Li Xiyan exclaimed.

“I asked Brother Yuan to transfer your route to the magic city, and then checked the situation of Zhongli Bay No. 1 opposite, and finally found that Room 3901 in Tianyuezuo was in primary state, so I bought it for you. Anliang explained.

“What are you doing!” Li Xiyan groaned, “I said no, why did you really buy it?”

“It’s very expensive here, more than 200,000 square meters, and a suite worth tens of millions, which is not worthwhile!” Li Xiyan said distressedly.

Guo Yuqing is stupid on the side!

Anliang bought a house for Li Xiyan?

And it’s Lujiazui across the Bund?

Or is it a more advanced mansion than Tang Chen Yipin?


Is she dreaming?

Yao Qi was not too surprised. She answered, “If it’s Room 3901, it’s not tens of millions, it should be more than 150 million, right?”

“So expensive?” Li Xiyan asked Anliang.

Anliang did not conceal, “100 million, by the way, I gave two parking spaces with property rights. If these two parking spaces are also included, it should exceed 170 million.”

“…” Guo Yuqing split completely!

Was her roommate’s boyfriend so strong?

“Let’s go, I’ll take you over and have a look.” Anliang took Li Xiyan up, and he asked, “By the way, will you two go and have a look?”

Li Xiyan invited, “Yuqing, Qiqi, shall we go together?”

Yao Qi agreed directly, “Okay!”

Guo Yuqing also agreed, “Go together, I want to see what a mansion with more than 100 million yuan looks like!”


Update time: September 12, 2020 06:50:00, the end of the tenth update, the humble author asks for flowers, monthly tickets, and full subscription. .

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