Chapter 1030

In view of the fact that Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang were scumbags, Li Xiyan broke it up. Anliang couldn’t do this introduction job anymore. I can only say that there is no destiny?

Anliang four people got on the car in the underground garage of No.1 Middle Bay.

Anliang took the initiative to speak, “Baby, or we redecorate Room 3901?”

Li Xiyan refused, “No! I don’t like that suite! I think there is a problem with its design.”

“Okay!” Anliang replied, “The luxury house of the last era did have some problems, so put it there for the time being. If there is a better property later, I will buy you another one.”

“You want to buy it?” Li Xiyan refused, “If you don’t buy it, the real estate in Demon City is too expensive!”

“By the way, you can sell this suite, I don’t like it!” Li Xiyan motioned.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi in the back seat are numb!

Are stupid people really stupid?

Li Xiyan felt silly for some time, this schoolgirl girl might have joined the Swordsman Sect.

At least it seems to Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi that Li Xiyan sometimes lacks a bit of human affection and sophistication, and has a little problem in handling interpersonal relationships.

But is this Li Xiyan actually so doted by Anliang?

When he said he didn’t like the super luxury house worth 100 million yuan, Anliang actually responded that he wanted to buy another one?


Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi are both locals in the magic city, and they even have the illusion that their real estate in the magic capital is so cheap that they can buy a set if they want to buy it?

What is even more exaggerated is that Anliang has clearly registered the property rights of a super luxury mansion worth 100 million yuan in Li Xiyan’s name, but Li Xiyan asked Anliang to take it back?

What is this operation?

Can ordinary people do it?(Read more @

Anyway, Guo Yuqing said that she couldn’t do it!

Yao Qi is also not sure if she can do it, because it didn’t happen to her, and she doesn’t know if she can withstand the temptation.

After all, under hypothetical situations, most people are moral role models!

For example, the most classic hypothetical question: If you give you one million and let you break up with your girlfriend, would you like it?

For such a question, I am afraid that when interviewing a thousand boys, one thousand and one will choose not to do it, right?

Because all the interviewees knew that no one gave him one million, they naturally knew how to choose.

However, if you really put one million in front of you and signed a corresponding agreement, you can get one million as long as you break up. How many people can withstand this temptation?

Don’t look at some people who are full of benevolence and morality on the surface, but in fact their hearts are worse than anyone else!

So Anliang cherishes Li Xiyan’s innocence very much. Even if Li Xiyan is really a cultivator sometimes, Anliang also likes her very much.

“Why did you sell it?” Anliang hummed, “It’s yours for you. If you don’t like it, I can sell it for you.”

“Huh?” Li Xiyan was stunned for a moment. Anliang said to help her sell more than 100 million real estate?

“Anliang, I don’t want your money.” Li Xiyan refused.

“You little fool!” Anliang said jokingly, “Then keep it! This really scarce resource is also good as a reserve for property preservation.”

Li Xiyan asked stupidly again, “Aren’t you afraid that I won’t be with you in the future? Then you will lose a lot?”

“Hey!” Anliang snorted, “You stupid girl, besides me, who else dares to want you?”

“Huh!” Li Xiyan hummed.

Anliang added, “I am a stingy person. If anyone dares to think about you and see the muddy water of the Huangpu River, I feel that if you lose one or two people, I am afraid you can’t find it?”

“.々You know how to scare people!” Li Xiyan actually liked Anliang’s statement that he cared about her like this.

But what Li Xiyan didn’t know was that Anliang was not joking!

“Guo Nuxia, Yao classmate, are you going back to Fudan?” Anliang changed the subject.

It’s now over nine o’clock. Anliang is going to send back the two light bulbs. He and Li Xiyan are going back to play games. In today’s Canyon game, Anliang wondered whether he could still choose a two-person road?

Yao Qi responded, “Well, let’s go back to school.”

Guo Yuqing reminded, “Xiyan, there will be volunteer activities tomorrow, don’t forget.”

Li Xiyan replied affirmatively, “I know, what I told Anliang, there will be things this weekend.”

Anliang interjected (has Zhao) said, “In fact, Nv Xia Guo guessed it correctly. Your senior is very busy this Sunday. He definitely doesn’t have time to hold a job sharing meeting for financial reporters. Let’s talk about it next week!”

Guo Yuqing laughed, “Listen, listen, I know your boyfriend will handle this kind of thing.”

Li Xiyan gave Anliang a white glance, but she was more expectant in her heart. She actually wanted to play with Anliang.

Near ten o’clock, Anliang sent Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi back to Fudan University. He immediately took Li Xiyan to Yangyun Aman. It is getting late, go back and play games!

Now Li Xiyan has also transformed into a half-veteran player. It is not too much to arrange two canyon games today, right? .

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