Chapter 1031

Fudan University campus.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi walked to the girls’ dormitory together.

“I envy Xiyan!” Guo Yuqing said suddenly.

Guo Yuqing continued, “The two of them are worthy of being classmates of three years in high school, and their relationship foundation is really good.

Yao Qi jokingly responded, “You and Ma Yingjun are also three-year high school classmates, right?”

Before, Anliang pretended to be Ma Yingjun in the library. It was entirely a choice to make a fool of himself, because Yao Qi knew Ma Yingjun!

“Ma Yingjun is interesting to you, right?” Yao Qi continued.

Guo Yuqing sighed, “Yes, I know he is interesting to me, but he… alas, I’m probably a bad woman!”

“Ma Yingjun’s conditions are relatively average. Although his family is also in the magic capital, he is just an ordinary local in the magic capital, just like ours.” Guo Yuqing explained.

In the eyes of outsiders, the aboriginal people in big cities seem to be in a very good situation. After all, a house is a few million, so per capita is a millionaire?

But the real situation is that the aborigines of 730 big cities know it themselves!

Take the magic city as an example. If the urban aborigines living in the magic city, especially the younger generation, are not in relatively good conditions at home, they will be very miserable?

Guo Yuqing’s family is a standard aboriginal in the magic capital. Although they have a house, they only have one house, and they have not prepared their own house for Guo Yuqing.

As for Guo Yuqing to buy a house by herself?

According to the current housing prices of the Magic City, it is very unlikely that Guo Yuqing will be able to buy a house.

If you are a young man working hard in the magic city, you can choose to return to his hometown when he can’t develop. But the aboriginal home of the magic city is in the magic city, and all the interpersonal networks are also in the magic city. Where to return?

This situation applies to any big city!

Whether it is the imperial capital, the magic capital, or other big cities, this is all the case.

The urban aborigines are not as good as the masses of melon eaters imagined!

“If I and Ma Yingjun are together, we have to fight on our own. Just buying a house, I think I will collapse.” Guo Yuqing sighed.(Read more @

“If you choose a more remote location, you need at least 5 million?” Guo Yuqing explained, “Even if the down payment is 2 million, the remaining 3 million will be paid off within 20 years, and the monthly mortgage will be 25,000. , How much pressure is this?”

There are rumors that Modu’s salary is high, but the real situation is still false!

The high salary of Magic City is due to the high salary ceiling of Magic City. Some Fortune 500 companies have taken root in Magic City and provided some seemingly super-paying jobs.

But for ordinary people, in fact, the salary level of the magic city after removing the rent, transportation, catering, etc., is also a basic survival situation.

A mortgage of 25,000 yuan a month?

Even a monthly salary of 25,000 yuan a month can enter the top five percent sequence in Modu!

“I know that my thoughts are a little more realistic, but the reality is like this. I don’t want to open my eyes every day in the next 20 or even 30 years. The first thing I open my eyes every day is the pressure of the mortgage, and then I dare not eat or wear it. , Dare not drink, dare not even get sick, dare not ask for leave, dare not resign, dare nothing.” Guo Yuqing said.

“That kind of life is not the life I want!” Guo Yuqing said her own thoughts.

What’s wrong with her thinking like this?

She just wants to have a better life!

Guo Yuqing’s appearance score reached 82 points, which is one of the best in a thousand. Why does a beauty of her level have to endure hardship?

“Qiqi, how is your family’s situation?” Guo Yuqing asked with concern.

Yao Qi sighed, “Not so good!”

“Oh!” Guo Yuqing sighed, “Although my ability is limited, if you need help, I will try my best to help you!”

“Thank you!” Yao Qi responded gratefully.

“By the way, Qiqi, what do you think of this Anliang?” Guo Yuqing asked casually.

Yao Qi did not answer immediately. She had just observed Anliang carefully. For example, the Patek Philippe 6002G-010 watch worn by Anliang, maybe Guo Yuqing didn’t pay attention to this watch, or Guo Yuqing noticed but didn’t know its value.

Yao Qi knows its value!

Patek Philippe is the representative king, worth more than 17 million!

For watches of this level, if you choose to wear them on a daily basis, even other factors do not need to be considered. One factor that must be considered is that they must be particularly rich.

Otherwise, how can it be possible to buy 17 million watches for daily wear?

The situation later proved this theory, and Anliang gifted Li Xiyan a super mansion worth 100 million yuan, which is simply inhumane.

At least Yao Qi has never heard of such a thing.

Including classmate Xiao Wang, who is known as the national husband, he has so many girlfriends, but has it been revealed which girlfriend he gave to the super mansion?

In fact, many times, rich people will even consider the price-performance ratio!

The vast majority of rich people prefer to treat money and beauty as a deal!

It is precisely because most wealthy people prefer to treat beauty and money as a deal, situations like Anliang are particularly rare and more interesting…

If Anliang knows Yao Qi’s thoughts, he can only say don’t be interested!

Because once you are interested, that is the beginning of all kinds of things, and then…

In a word: Interest is over! .

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