Chapter 1147

It’s over nine o’clock on Friday night.

There is only Anliang in the 307 bedroom!

Shen Shizhong went out to tease his younger sister, and Ma Long still went to the library to be a dog licking. Lu Wenshan’s family was from Tianfu. He said that he would go home for dinner today and go back to the dormitory tomorrow.

While looking at macroeconomics, Anliang chatted with the girls, and by the way wrote another well-behaved record.

After all, on Friday, he was obediently studying in the dormitory. Isn’t he worthy of praise?

From Chen Siyu to the little vixen, all expressed their approval.

‘Anliang: @夏禾心: @夏如意: I will pick you up at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. ’

Anliang sends messages in his small group with the two sisters in the Xia family.

‘Xia Ruyi: I know, I know. ’

‘Xia Hexin: I have received it. ’

‘Xia Hexin: By the way, mom asks you if you are free on weekends. If you are free, go to our house for dinner. ’

‘Anliang: Of course I’m free! ’

‘Anliang: So tomorrow, we will play in the Happy Garden during the day and go to your house for dinner in the evening. ’

‘Xia Hexin: Okay. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: I think it’s OK! ’

‘Anliang: Well, I continue to study, you guys rest early. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: The boss is amazing! ’

‘Anliang: Learning makes progress! ’

‘Xia Ruyi: It makes sense, I am also studying. ’

‘Xia Hexin: [Picture]’

The picture sent by Xia Hexin is ‘behavioural psychology’, she studied in the language department and minored in behavioral psychology.

‘Xia Ruyi: [Picture]’

The book Xia Ruyi reads is “Educational Psychology”.

These two sisters are poisonous!

Are they all minoring in psychology?

No wonder they have no flaws in playing each other, and they have keen insight.

The next day.

Saturday, March 7th.(Read more @

Before Anliang left the dormitory, he took down the Patek Philippe 6002G-010 watch king and placed it in the dormitory.

Because I am going to play exciting projects in the Happy Garden today, mechanical watches are not suitable for participating in intense projects, including roller coasters, jumping machines, etc., which may easily cause mechanical watches to malfunction.

Nearing nine o’clock in the morning, Anliang drove a Lamborghini Urus to the downstairs of the third building of the female dormitory of Tianfu Normal University. He called Xia Hexin.

After waiting for the connection, Anliang said first, “He Xin, I’m downstairs, come down quickly!”

“Okay.” Xia Hexin responded gently.

In less than three minutes, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi came down hand in hand.

Today the two sisters of the Xia family are wearing Louis Vuitton red LV-Worlds printed sweaters, paired with Louis Vuitton jeans and Gucci sports white shoes.

They wore black pendants from the Van Cleef & Arpels Cosmos Flower series. The black pendants complemented the red sweaters.

But this time there was a small accident.

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi both sat in the back seat together. What does this mean?

In the past, the two sisters always sit in the front alone and the back alone, and there is a rotation mechanism inside them, and each person sits in the front once.

What’s going on now?

Although there were doubts in his mind, Anliang did not ask. He casually said, “You guys dressed up very nicely today.”

“Thank you for the praise.” Xia Ruyi responded.

“Hey, you exposed again, you are Xia Ruyi.” Anliang teased.

This time Xia Ruyi did not refute. After Xia Hexin’s reminder, she already knew Anliang’s routines and knew Anliang’s thoughts.

“Boss hurry up, let’s go to Happy Garden, I want to play a roller coaster!” Xia Ruyi cheered.

Xia Hexin also said excitedly, “I want to play a jumper!”

? ? ?


Xia He, who has a more quiet personality, wants to play a jumper?

Anliang said it was a bit difficult!

Half an hour later, Anliang took the two sisters of the Xia family to the Happy Garden. He bought tickets directly on the spot and gave up the discounts for online ticket purchases.

Is Brother Liang the one who wants a discount?

of course!

But now that there are amusement park exciting experience reward cards, the discount is fine, right?

Anliang directly purchased three tickets on the spot, each of which is 230 yuan. If you buy tickets online and use college students’ student ID discounts, you can get a 10 yuan discount on online channels, plus a 50 yuan discount for college students. The fare drops to 170 yuan…

The popularity of the Happy Garden is quite high. After entering the garden, Anliang naturally held the two sisters of the Xia family one by one, and said calmly, “Don’t run around, there are a lot of people!”

This operation is just like Chihiro Rock in Shengqing.

The two sisters of the Xia family first glanced at each other, and then let Anliang lead them.

Xia Ruyi took the lead half a step ahead, she pulled Anliang and said, “Let’s go to the roller coaster! Anliang, I want to play the roller coaster!”

The male tourists around looked at Anliang enviously. After all, Anliang is holding two big beauties who are one-in-a-mile or twin sisters. How can he not be envious?

But it is still the same as Qianxunyan in Shengqing, if you just take a look at it enviously, there is no problem at all.

If you want to take a photo, it will be stopped by the personnel of Renyi Security Company, so as to prevent Anliang from being exposed.

Anliang is a low-key person, he doesn’t like being exposed to the public.

Just as Anxin Investment Company is a low-key company, he will block relevant information of Anxin Investment Company before.

Xia Ruyi took Anliang and Xia Hexin to the queue of the roller coaster. She glanced at the long line and said with a bit of disappointment, “Are there so many people in line?”

Xia Ruyi saw the queuing sign again, and it took about an hour and a half to line up at the end of the line, and she became even more disappointed.

Xia Hexin was also a little disappointed, “Should we change another project?”

After all, waiting in line for an hour and a half is really too long!


Update time: September 25, 2020 06:54:22, the old rules, ten consecutive changes, humble rushing on the street, the author asks for flowers, flowers every day. .

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